30 resultados para Route of drug intake


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Multidimensional compound optimization is a new paradigm in the drug discovery process, yielding efficiencies during early stages and reducing attrition in the later stages of drug development. The success of this strategy relies heavily on understanding this multidimensional data and extracting useful information from it. This paper demonstrates how principled visualization algorithms can be used to understand and explore a large data set created in the early stages of drug discovery. The experiments presented are performed on a real-world data set comprising biological activity data and some whole-molecular physicochemical properties. Data visualization is a popular way of presenting complex data in a simpler form. We have applied powerful principled visualization methods, such as generative topographic mapping (GTM) and hierarchical GTM (HGTM), to help the domain experts (screening scientists, chemists, biologists, etc.) understand and draw meaningful decisions. We also benchmark these principled methods against relatively better known visualization approaches, principal component analysis (PCA), Sammon's mapping, and self-organizing maps (SOMs), to demonstrate their enhanced power to help the user visualize the large multidimensional data sets one has to deal with during the early stages of the drug discovery process. The results reported clearly show that the GTM and HGTM algorithms allow the user to cluster active compounds for different targets and understand them better than the benchmarks. An interactive software tool supporting these visualization algorithms was provided to the domain experts. The tool facilitates the domain experts by exploration of the projection obtained from the visualization algorithms providing facilities such as parallel coordinate plots, magnification factors, directional curvatures, and integration with industry standard software. © 2006 American Chemical Society.


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Formulation of solid dispersions is one of the effective methods to increase the rate of solubilization and dissolution of poorly soluble drugs. Solid dispersions of chloramphenicol (CP) and sulphamethoxazole (SX) as model drugs were prepared by melt fusion method using polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG 8000) as an inert carrier. The dissolution rate of CP and SX were rapid from solid dispersions with low drug and high polymer content. Characterization was performed using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). FTIR analysis for the solid dispersions of CP and SX showed that there was no interaction between PEG 8000 and the drugs. Hyper-DSC studies revealed that CP and SX were converted into an amorphous form when formulated as solid dispersion in PEG 8000. Mathematical analysis of the release kinetics demonstrated that drug release from the various formulations followed different mechanisms. Permeability studies demonstrated that both CP and SX when formulated as solid dispersions showed enhanced permeability across Caco-2 cells and CP can be classified as well-absorbed compound when formulated as solid dispersions. © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Using prescription analyses and questionnaires, the way drug information was used by general medical practitioners during the drug adoption process was studied. Three new drugs were considered; an innovation and two 'me-too' products. The innovation was accepted by general practitioners via a contagion process, information passing among doctors. The 'me-too' preparations were accepted more slowly and by a process which did not include the contagion effect. 'Industrial' information such as direct mail was used more at the 'awareness' stage of the adoption process while 'professional' sources of information such as articles in medical journals were used more to evaluate a new product. It was shown that 'industrial' information was preferred by older single practice doctors who did not specialise, had a first degree only and who did not dispense their own prescriptions. Doctors were divided into early and late-prescribers by using the date they first prescribed the innovatory drug. Their approach to drug information sources was further studied and it was shown that the early-prescriber issued slightly more prescriptions per month, had a larger list size, read fewer journals and generally rated industrial sources of information more highly than late-prescribers. The prescribing habits of three consultant rheumatologists were analysed and compared with those of the general practitioners in the community which they served. Very little association was noted and the influence of the consultant on the prescribing habits of general practitioners was concluded to be low. The consultants influence was suggested to be of two components, active and passive; the active component being the most influential. Journal advertising and advertisement placement were studied for one of the 'me-too' drugs. It was concluded that advertisement placement should be based on the reading patterns of general practitioners and not on ad-hoc data gathered by representatives as was the present practice. A model was proposed relating the 'time to prescribe' a new drug to the variables suggested throughout this work. Four of these variables were shown to be significant. These were, the list size, the medical age of the prescriber, the number of new preparations prescribed in a given time and the number of partners in the practice.


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The technique of growing human leukaemic cells in diffusion chambers was developed to enable chemicals to be assessed for their ability to induce terminal differentiation. HL-60 promyelocytic leukaemia cell growth, in a lucite chamber with a Millipore filter, was optimised by use of a lateral incision site. Chambers were constructed using 0.45um filters and contained 150ul of serum-free HL-60 cells at a density of 1x106 cells/ml. The chambers were implanted into CBA/Ca mice and spontaneous terminal differentiation of the cells to granulocytes was prevented by the use of serum-free medium. Under these conditions there was an initial growth lag of 72 hours and a logarithmic phase of growth for 96 hours; the cell number reached a plateau after 168 hours of culture in vivo. The amount of drug in the plasma of the animal and in chambers that had been implanted for 5 days, was determined after a single ip injection of equitoxic doses of N-methylformamide, N-ethylformamide, tetramethylurea, N-dibutylformamide, N-tetramethylbutylformamide and hexamethylenebisacetamide. Concentrations of both TMU and HMBA were obtained in the plasma and in the chamber which were pharmacologically effective for the induction of differentiation of HL-60 cells in vitro, that is 12mM TMU and 5mM HMBA. A 4 day regime of treatment of animals implanted with chambers demonstrated that TMU and HMBA induced terminal differentiation of 50% and 35%, respectively, of the implanted HL-60 cells to granulocyte-like cells, assessed by measurement of functional and biochemical markers of maturity. None of the other agents attained concentrations in the plasma that were pharmacologically effective for the induction of differentiation of the cells in vitro and were unable to induce the terminal differentiation of the cells in vivo.


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Disturbances in electrolyte homeostasis are a frequent adverse side-effect of the administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, and the antineoplastic agent cis-platinum. The aims of this work were to further elucidate the site(s) and mechanism(s) by which these drugs may produce disturbances in the renal reabsorption of calcium and magnesium. These investigations were undertaken using a range of in vivo and in vitro techniques and models. Initially, a series of in vivo studies was conducted to delineate aspects of the acute and chronic effects of both drugs on renal electrolyte handling and to select and evaluate an appropriate animal model: subsequent investigations were focused on gentamicin. In a study of the acute and chronic effects of cis-platinum administration, there were pronounced acute changes in a variety of indices of nephrotoxic injury, including electrolyte excretion. Most effects resolved but there were chronic increases in the urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium. The renal response of three strains of rat (Fischer 344, Sprague-Dawley (SD), and Wistar) to a ranges of doses of gentamicin was also investigated. Drug administration produced substantially different responses between strains, in particular marked differences in calcium and magnesium excretion. The results suggested that the SD rat was an appropriately sensitive strain for use in further investigations. Acute infusion of gentamicin in the anaesthetised SD rat produced rapid, substantial increases in the fractional excretion of calcium and magnesium, while sodium and potassium output were unaffected, confirming previous results of similar experiments using F344 rats. Studies using lithium clearance measurements in the anaesthetised SD rat were undertaken to investigate the effects of gentamicin on proximal tubular calcium reabsorption. Lithium clearance was unaffected by acute gentamicin infusion, suggesting that the site of acute gentamicin-induced hypercalciuria may not be located in the proximal tubule. Inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity was investigated as a potential mechanism by which calcium reabsorption could be affected after aminoglycoside administration. In vitro, both Ca2+ ATPase and Na+/K+ ATPase activity could be similarly inhibited by the presence of aminoglycosides, in a dose-related manner. Whilst inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase could be demonstrated biochemically after in vivo administration of gentamicin, there were no concurrent effects on Ca2+ ATPase activity, suggesting that inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity is unlikely to be a primary mechanism of aminoglycoside-induced reductions of calcium reabsorption. Histochemical studies could not discern inhibition of either Na+/K+ ATPase or Ca2+ ATPase activity after in vivo administration of gentamicin. Selection of renal cell lines for further investigative in vitro studies on the mechanisms of altered cation reabsorption was considered using MTT (3-(4,5,-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and Neutral Red cytotoxicity assays. The ability of LLC-PK1 and LLC-RK1 cell lines to correctly rank a series of nephrotoxic compounds with their known nephrotoxic potency in vivo was studied. Using these cell lines grown on semi-permeable inserts, alterations in the paracellular transport of 45Ca was investigated as a possible mechanism by which gentamicin could alter calcium reabsorption in vivo. Short term exposure (I h) of LLC-RK1 cells to gentamicin, via both cell surfaces, resulted in a reduction in paracellular permeability to both transepithelial 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. When LLC-RK1 cells were exposed via the apical surface only, similar dose-related reductions were seen to those observed when cells were exposed to the drug from both sides. Short-term basal exposure to gentamicin appeared to contribute less to the observed reductions in 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. Experiments investigating transepithelial movement of 45Ca and 3H-mannitol on LLC-PK1 cells after acute gentamicin exposure were inconclusive. Longer exposure (48 h) to gentamicin caused an increase in the permeability of the monolayer and a consequent increase in transepithelial 45Ca flux in the LLC-RK1 cell line; increases in permeability of LLC-PK1 cells to 45Ca and 3H-mannitol were not apparent under the same conditions. The site and mechanism at which gentamicin, in particular, alters calcium reabsorption cannot be definitively described from these studies. However, indirect evidence from lithium clearance studies suggests that the site of the lesion is unlikely to be located in the proximal tubule. The mechanism by which gentamicin exposure alters calcium reabsorption may be by reducing paracellular permeability to calcium rather than by altering active calcium transport processes.


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Liposomes due to their biphasic characteristic and diversity in design, composition and construction, offer a dynamic and adaptable technology for enhancing drug solubility. Starting with equimolar egg-phosphatidylcholine (PC)/cholesterol liposomes, the influence of the liposomal composition and surface charge on the incorporation and retention of a model poorly water soluble drug, ibuprofen was investigated. Both the incorporation and the release of ibuprofen were influenced by the lipid composition of the multi-lamellar vesicles (MLV) with inclusion of the long alkyl chain lipid (dilignoceroyl phosphatidylcholine (C 24PC)) resulting in enhanced ibuprofen incorporation efficiency and retention. The cholesterol content of the liposome bilayer was also shown to influence ibuprofen incorporation with maximum ibuprofen incorporation efficiency achieved when 4 μmol of cholesterol was present in the MLV formulation. Addition of anionic lipid dicetylphosphate (DCP) reduced ibuprofen drug loading presumably due to electrostatic repulsive forces between the carboxyl group of ibuprofen and the anionic head-group of DCP. In contrast, the addition of 2 μmol of the cationic lipid stearylamine (SA) to the liposome formulation (PC:Chol - 16 μmol:4 μmol) increased ibuprofen incorporation efficiency by approximately 8%. However further increases of the SA content to 4 μmol and above reduced incorporation by almost 50% compared to liposome formulations excluding the cationic lipid. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) was used to dynamically follow the changes in liposome morphology during dehydration to provide an alternative assay of liposome stability. ESEM analysis clearly demonstrated that ibuprofen incorporation improved the stability of PC:Chol liposomes as evidenced by an increased resistance to coalescence during dehydration. These finding suggest a positive interaction between amphiphilic ibuprofen molecules and the bilayer structure of the liposome. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microporous, poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrices were loaded with progesterone by precipitation casting using co-solutions of PCL and progesterone in acetone. Progesterone loadings up to 32% w/w were readily achieved by increasing the drug content of the starting PCL solution. The kinetics of steroid release in PBS at 37°C over 10 days could be described effectively by a diffusional release model although the Korsmeyer-Peppas model indicated the involvement of multiple release phenomena. The diffusion rate constant (D) increased from 8 to 24 μg/mg matrix/day0.5 as the drug loading increased from 3.6 to 12.4% w/w. A total cumulative release of 75%-95% indicates the high efficiency of steroid delivery. Increasing the matrix density from 0.22 to 0.39 g/cm3, by increasing the starting PCL solution concentration, was less effective in changing drug release kinetics. Retention of anti-proliferative activity of released steroid was confirmed using cultures of breast cancer epithelial (MCF-7) cells. Progesterone released from PCL matrices into PBS at 37°C over 14 days retarded the growth of MCF-7 cells by a factor of at least 3.5 compared with progesterone-free controls. These findings recommend further investigation of precipitation-cast PCL matrices for delivery of bioactive molecules such as anti-proliferative agents from implanted, inserted or topical devices.


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here is an increasing number of reports of propylene glycol (PG) toxicity in the literature, regardless of its inclusion on the Generally Recognized as Safe List (GRAS).1 PG is an excipient used in many medications as a solvent for water-insoluble drugs. Polypharmacy may increase PG exposure in vulnerable PICU patients who may accumulate PG due to compromised liver and renal function. The study aim was to quantify PG intake in PICU patients and attitudes of clinicians towards PG. Method A snapshot of 50 PICU patients oral or intravenous medication intake was collected. Other data collected included age, weight, diagnosis, lactate levels and renal function. Manufacturers were contacted for PG content and then converted to mg/kg. Excipients in formulations that compete with the PG metabolism pathway were recorded. The Intensivists' opinions on PG intake was sought via e-survey. Results The 50 patients were prescribed 62 drugs and 83 formulations, 43/83 (52%) were parenteral formulations. Median weight of the patients was 5.5 kg (range 2–50 kg), ages ranged from 1 day to 13 years of age. Eleven of the patients were classed as renally impaired (defined as 1.5 times the baseline creatinine). Sixteen formulations contained PG, 2/16 were parenteral, 6/16 unlicensed preparations. Thirty-eight patients received at least one prescription containing PG and 29/38 of these patients were receiving formulations that contained excipients that may have competed with the metabolic pathways of PG. PG intake ranged from 0.002 mg/kg/day to 250 mg/kg/day. Total intake was inconclusive for 2 patients due to a of lack of availability of information from the manufacturer; these formulations were licensed but used in for off-label indications. Five commonly used formulations contributed to higher intakes of PG, namely co-trimoxazole, dexamethasone, potassium chloride, dipyridamole and phenobarbitone. Lactate levels were difficult to interpret due to the underlying conditions of the patients. One of the sixteen intensivist was aware of PG content in drugs, 16/16 would actively change therapy if intake was above European Medicines Agency recommendations. Conclusions Certain formulations used on PICU can considerably increase PG exposure to patients. Due to a lack of awareness of PG content, these should be highlighted to the clinician to assist with making informed decisions regarding risks versus benefits in continuing that drug, route of administration or formulation.


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There is an increasing number of reports of propylene glycol (PG) toxicity in the literature, regardless of its inclusion on the Generally Recognized as Safe List (GRAS).1 PG is an excipient used in many medications as a solvent for water-insoluble drugs. Polypharmacy may increase PG exposure in vulnerable PICU patients who may accumulate PG due to compromised liver and renal function. The study aim was to quantify PG intake in PICU patients and attitudes of clinicians towards PG. Method A snapshot of 50 PICU patients oral or intravenous medication intake was collected. Other data collected included age, weight, diagnosis, lactate levels and renal function. Manufacturers were contacted for PG content and then converted to mg/kg. Excipients in formulations that compete with the PG metabolism pathway were recorded. The Intensivists' opinions on PG intake was sought via e-survey. Results The 50 patients were prescribed 62 drugs and 83 formulations, 43/83 (52%) were parenteral formulations. Median weight of the patients was 5.5 kg (range 2–50 kg), ages ranged from 1 day to 13 years of age. Eleven of the patients were classed as renally impaired (defined as 1.5 times the baseline creatinine). Sixteen formulations contained PG, 2/16 were parenteral, 6/16 unlicensed preparations. Thirty-eight patients received at least one prescription containing PG and 29/38 of these patients were receiving formulations that contained excipients that may have competed with the metabolic pathways of PG. PG intake ranged from 0.002 mg/kg/day to 250 mg/kg/day. Total intake was inconclusive for 2 patients due to a of lack of availability of information from the manufacturer; these formulations were licensed but used in for off-label indications. Five commonly used formulations contributed to higher intakes of PG, namely co-trimoxazole, dexamethasone, potassium chloride, dipyridamole and phenobarbitone. Lactate levels were difficult to interpret due to the underlying conditions of the patients. One of the sixteen intensivist was aware of PG content in drugs, 16/16 would actively change therapy if intake was above European Medicines Agency recommendations. Conclusions Certain formulations used on PICU can considerably increase PG exposure to patients. Due to a lack of awareness of PG content, these should be highlighted to the clinician to assist with making informed decisions regarding risks versus benefits in continuing that drug, route of administration or formulation.


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Conventional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques are commonly used to quantify the solubility of drugs within polymeric-controlled delivery systems. However, the nature of the DSC experiment, and in particular the relatively slow heating rates employed, limit its use to the measurement of drug solubility at the drug's melting temperature. Here, we describe the application of hyper-DSC (HDSC), a variant of DSC involving extremely rapid heating rates, to the calculation of the solubility of a model drug, metronidazole, in silicone elastomer, and demonstrate that the faster heating rates permit the solubility to be calculated under non-equilibrium conditions such that the solubility better approximates that at the temperature of use. At a heating rate of 400°C/min (HDSC), metronidazole solubility was calculated to be 2.16 mg/g compared with 6.16 mg/g at 20°C/min. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solid dispersions can be used to improve dissolution of poorly soluble drugs and PVP is a common polymeric carrier in such systems. The mechanisms controlling release of drug from solid dispersions are not fully understood and proposed theories are dependent on an understanding of the dissolution behaviour of both components of the dispersion. This study uses microviscometry to measure small changes in the viscosity of the dissolution medium as the polymer dissolves from ibuprofen-PVP solid dispersions. The microviscometer determines the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of liquids based on the rolling/falling ball principle. Using a standard USP dissolution apparatus, the dissolution of the polymer from the solid dispersion was easily measured alongside drug release. Drug release was found to closely follow polymer dissolution at the molecular weights and ratios used. The combination of sensitivity and ease of use make microviscometry a valuable technique for the elucidation of mechanisms governing drug release from polymeric delivery systems. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Powders for inhalation are traditionally prepared using a destructive micronization process such as jet milling to reduce the particle size of the drug to 2-5 μm. The resultant particles are typically highly cohesive and display poor aerosolization properties, necessitating the addition of a coarse carrier particle to the micronized drug to improve powder flowability. Spray-drying technology offers an alternative, constructive particle production technique to the traditional destructive approach, which may be particularly useful when processing biotechnology products that could be adversely affected by high-energy micronization processes. Advantages of spray drying include the ability to incorporate a wide range of excipients into the spray-drying feedstock, which could modify the aerosolization and stability characterizations of the resultant powders, as well as modify the drug release and absorption profiles following inhalation. This review discusses some of the reasons why pulmonary drug delivery is becoming an increasingly popular route of administration and describes the various investigations that have been undertaken in the preparation of spray-dried powders for pulmonary drug delivery. © 2007 by Begell House, Inc.


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Compared to naked DNA immunisation, entrapment of plasmid-based DNA vaccines into liposomes by the dehydration-rehydration method has shown to enhance both humoural and cell-mediated immune responses to encoded antigens administered by a variety of routes. In this paper, we have investigated the application of liposome-entrapped DNA and their cationic lipid composition on such potency after subcutaneous immunisation. Plasmid pI.18Sfi/NP containing the nucleoprotein (NP) gene of A/Sichuan/2/87 (H3N2) influenza virus in the pI.18 expression vector was incorporated by the dehydration-rehydration method into liposomes composed of 16 μmol egg phosphatidylcholine (PC), 8 μmoles dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) or cholesterol (Chol) and either the cationic lipid 1,2-diodeoyl-3-(trimethylammonium) propane (DOTAP) or cholesteryl 3-N-(dimethyl amino ethyl) carbamate (DC-Chol). This method, entailing mixing of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with DNA, followed by dehydration and rehydration, yielded incorporation values of 90-94% of the DNA used. Mixing or rehydration of preformed cationic liposomes with 100 μg plasmid DNA also led to similarly high complexation values (92-94%). In an attempt to establish differences in the nature of DNA association with these various liposome preparations their physico-chemical characteristics were investigated. Studies on vesicle size, zeta potential and gel electrophoresis in the presence of the anion sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) indicate that, under the conditions employed, formulation of liposomal DNA by the dehydration-rehydration generated submicron size liposomes incorporating most of the DNA in a manner that prevents DNA displacement through anion competition. The bilayer composition of these dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV(DNA)) can also further influence these physicochemical characteristics with the presence of DOPE within the liposome bilayer resulting in a reduced vesicle zeta potential. Subcutaneous liposome-mediated DNA immunisation employing two DRV(DNA) formulations as well as naked DNA revealed that humoural responses (immunoglobulin total IgG, and subclasses IgG1 and 1gG2a) engendered by the plasmid encoded NP were substantially higher after dosing twice, 28 days apart with 10 μg liposome-entrapped DNA compared to naked DNA. At all time points measured, mice immunised with naked DNA showed no greater immune response compared to the control, non-immunised group. In contrast, as early as day 49, responses were significantly higher in mice injected with DNA entrapped in DRV liposomes containing DOTAP compared to the control group and mice immunised with naked DNA. By day 56, all total IgG responses from mice immunised with both DRV formulations were significantly higher. Comparison between the DRV formulations revealed no significant difference in immune responses elicited except at day 114, where the humoural responses of the group injected with liposomal formulation containing DC-Chol dropped to significantly lower levels that those measured in mice which received the DOTAP formulation. Similar results were found when the IgG1 and IgG2a subclass responses were determined. These results suggest that, not only can DNA be effectively entrapped within liposomes using the DRV method but that such DRV liposomes containing DNA may be a useful system for subcutaneous delivery of DNA vaccines. © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd.