83 resultados para Physiological optics
Background/aims: Network 1000 is a UK-based panel survey of a representative sample of adults with registered visual impairment, with the aim of gathering information about people’s opinions and circumstances. Method: Participants were interviewed (Survey 1, n = 1007: 2005; Survey 2, n = 922: 2006/07) on a range of topics including the nature of their eye condition, details of other health issues, use of low vision aids (LVAs) and their experiences in eye clinics. Results: Eleven percent of individuals did not know the name of their eye condition. Seventy percent of participants reported having long-term health problems or disabilities in addition to visual impairment and 43% reported having hearing difficulties. Seventy one percent reported using LVAs for reading tasks. Participants who had become registered as visually impaired in the previous 8 years (n = 395) were asked questions about non-medical information received in the eye clinic around that time. Reported information received included advice about ‘registration’ (48%), low vision aids (45%) and social care routes (43%); 17% reported receiving no information. While 70% of people were satisfied with the information received, this was lower for those of working age (56%) compared with retirement age (72%). Those who recalled receiving additional non-medical information and advice at the time of registration also recalled their experiences more positively. Conclusions: Whilst caution should be applied to the accuracy of recall of past events, the data provide a valuable insight into the types of information and support that visually impaired people feel they would benefit from in the eye clinic.
Purpose: To describe the methodology, sampling strategy and preliminary results for the Aston Eye Study (AES), a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of refractive error and its associated ocular biometry in a large multi-racial sample of school children from the metropolitan area of Birmingham, England. Methods: A target sample of 1700 children aged 6–7 years and 1200 aged 12–13 years is being selected from Birmingham schools selected randomly with stratification by area deprivation index (a measure of socio-economic status). Schools with pupils predominantly (>70%) from a single race are excluded. Sample size calculations account for the likely participation rate and the clustering of individuals within schools. Procedures involve standardised protocols to allow for comparison with international population-based data. Visual acuity, non-contact ocular biometry (axial length, corneal radius of curvature and anterior chamber depth) and cycloplegic autorefraction are measured in both eyes. Distance and near oculomotor balance, height and weight are also assessed. Questionnaires for parents and older children will allow the influence of environmental factors on refractive error to be examined. Results: Recruitment and data collection are ongoing (currently N = 655). Preliminary cross-sectional data on 213 South Asian, 44 black African Caribbean and 70 white European children aged 6–7 years and 114 South Asian, 40 black African Caribbean and 115 white European children aged 12–13 years found myopia prevalence of 9.4% and 29.4% for the two age groups respectively. A more negative mean spherical equivalent refraction (SER) was observed in older children (-0.21 D vs +0.87 D). Ethnic differences in myopia prevalence are emerging with South Asian children having higher levels than white European children 36.8% vs 18.6% (for the older children). Axial length, corneal radius of curvature and anterior chamber depth were normally distributed, while SER was leptokurtic (p < 0.001) with a slight negative skew. Conclusions: The AES will allow ethnic differences in the ocular characteristics of children from a large metropolitan area of the UK to be examined. The findings to date indicate the emergence of higher levels of myopia by early adolescence in second and third generation British South Asians, compared to white European children. The continuation of the AES will allow the early determinants of these ethnic differences to be studied.
Infection of the external structures of the eye is one of the commonest types of eye disease worldwide. In addition, although relatively impermeable to microorganisms, infection within the eye can result from trauma, surgery or systemic disease. This article reviews the general biology of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa and the major ocular infections that they cause. In addition, the effectiveness of the various antimicrobial agents in controlling ocular disease is discussed. Because of changes in the normal ocular flora, continuous monitoring of the microbiology of the eye will continue to be important in predicting future types of eye infection. Basic research is also needed into the interactions of microbes at the ocular surface. There is increasing microbial resistance to the antimicrobial agents used to treat ocular infections and hence, new antimicrobial agents will continue to be needed together with new methods of drug delivery to increase the effectiveness of existing antimicrobial agents.
This article is aimed primarily at eye care practitioners who are undertaking advanced clinical research, and who wish to apply analysis of variance (ANOVA) to their data. ANOVA is a data analysis method of great utility and flexibility. This article describes why and how ANOVA was developed, the basic logic which underlies the method and the assumptions that the method makes for it to be validly applied to data from clinical experiments in optometry. The application of the method to the analysis of a simple data set is then described. In addition, the methods available for making planned comparisons between treatment means and for making post hoc tests are evaluated. The problem of determining the number of replicates or patients required in a given experimental situation is also discussed. Copyright (C) 2000 The College of Optometrists.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are common in developing countries, but also occur in developed countries. We review micronutrient deficiencies for the major vitamins A, cobalamin (B-12), biotin (vitamin H), vitamins C and E, as well as the minerals iron, and zinc, in the developed world, in terms of their relationship to systemic health and any resulting ocular disease and/or visual dysfunction. A knowledge of these effects is important as individuals with consequent poor ocular health and reduced visual function may present for ophthalmic care.
Purpose: To assess repeatability and reproducibility, to determine normative data, and to investigate the effect of age-related macular disease, compared with normals, on photostress recovery time measured using the Eger Macular Stressometer (EMS). Method: The study population comprised 49 healthy eyes of 49 participants. Four EMS measurements were taken in two sessions separated by 1 h by two practitioners, with reversal of order in the second session. EMS readings were also taken from 17 age-related maculopathy (ARM), and 12 age-related macular degeneration (AMD), affected eyes. Results: EMS readings are repeatable to within ± 7 s. There is a statistically significant difference between controls and ARM affected eyes (t = 2.169, p = 0.045), and AMD affected eyes (t = 2.817, p = 0.016). The EMS is highly specific, and demonstrates sensitivity of 29% for ARM, and 50% for AMD. Conclusions: The EMS may be a useful screening test for ARM, however, direct illumination of the macula of greater intensity and longer duration may yield less variable results. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
Purpose: Many practitioners base the prescription of near vision additions on the assertion that only one half or two-thirds of an individual’s amplitude of accommodation is sustainable for a prolonged period. To better understand how much eye focus needs to be restored for presbyopic corrections to be adequate, this study investigated the robustness of the pre-presbyopic human accommodative system during a sustained and intensive near vision task. Methods: Twenty-one pre-presbyopic volunteers (aged 26.1 ± 4.7 years) participated in the study. Binocular subjective amplitude of accommodation was measured before and after a prolonged reading exercise, using the RAF rule. During the 30 min reading task, the subject’s closest comfortable eye-to-text distance and pupil size was monitored. Accommodative accuracy to 0.2, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 D stimuli was determined objectively using a validated binocular open-view autorefractor immediately before, and after the reading task. Results: Amplitude of accommodation (p = 0.09) and accommodative accuracy (p > 0.05) were statistically unchanged following the intensive near task. The mean proportion of accommodation exerted throughout the near exercise was 80.6% (range 45.3 ± 3.7 to 96.6 ± 4.3%), which increased as the task progressed (F = 2.24, p = 0.02). The mean percentage of accommodation utilised increased with subject age (r = 0.517, p = 0.016). Conclusion: The pre-presbyopic human accommodative system is robust to fatigue during intense and prolonged near work. A greater proportion of one’s amplitude of accommodation may be continuously exerted than previously suggested.
Many aspects of vision have been investigated in developmental dyslexia. Some research suggests deficits in vergence control (e.g. Buzzelli, 1991, Optom. Vision Sci. 68, 842±846), although ability to control vergence across saccades has not yet been investigated. We have explored this question indirectly using Enright's (1996 Vision Res. 36, 307±312.) sequential stereopsis task. The task requires observers to set two adjacent targets (whose textures cannot be resolved simultaneously if either is fixated) to appear equi-distant. Enright has argued that sequential stereopsis stereoacuity thresholds offer an indication of vergence control across saccades. We report two experiments using a total of 17 dyslexic and 18 control adults. Performance was measured on a sequential stereopsis task and an ordinary `simultaneous' stereopsis task. No significant differences between groups were found. However, whereas practice of the sequential task lowered control group thresholds on the simultaneous task, for the dyslexic group it significantly raised thresholds, suggesting that visual fatigue is especially important in investigations of visual functions in dyslexia. Although the small samples used limit conclusions at this stage, the main sequential stereopsis results suggest that, if Enright is correct, dyslexic adults can show normal vergence control across saccades.
To investigate the relationship between the occurrence of transient cardiac ischaemic episodes and variations in the ambulatory 24-h blood pressure and heart rate measurements in a group of unselected glaucoma patients.
Phakometric measurements of corneal and crystalline lens surface alignment are influenced by corneal asymmetry in which the corneal apex does not coincide with the limbal centre. The purpose of this study was to determine the horizontal separation (e) between these corneal landmarks. Measurements were made in 60 normal eyes (30 subjects) using the Orbscan Ilz corneal analysis workstation. Our results show that both corneal landmarks typically coincide, so that e = 0, but that inter-subject variations of about ±1 mm can be expected (so that the corneal apex may fall nasal or temporal to the visual axis). This suggests that no correction for corneal asymmetry is required when estimating average amounts of ocular alignment from samples of eyes but that the measurement of e is strongly recommended for measurements in individual eyes. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
Measurements (autokeratometry, A-scan ultrasonography and video ophthalmophakometry) of ocular surface radii, axial separations and alignment were made in the horizontal meridian of nine emmetropes (aged 20-38 years) with relaxed (cycloplegia) and active accommodation (mean ± 95% confidence interval: 3.7 ± 1.1 D). The anterior chamber depth (-1.5 ± 0.3 D) and both crystalline lens surfaces (front 3.1 ± 0.8 D; rear 2.1 ± 0.6 D) contributed to dioptric vergence changes that accompany accommodation. Accommodation did not alter ocular surface alignment. Ocular misalignment in relaxed eyes is mainly because of eye rotation (5.7 ± 1.6° temporally) with small amounts of lens tilt (0.2 ± 0.8° temporally) and decentration (0.1 ± 0.1 mm nasally) but these results must be viewed with caution as we did not account for corneal asymmetry. Comparison of calculated and empirically derived coefficients (upon which ocular surface alignment calculations depend) revealed that negligible inherent errors arose from neglect of ocular surface asphericity, lens gradient refractive index properties, surface astigmatism, effects of pupil size and centration, assumed eye rotation axis position and use of linear equations for analysing Purkinje image shifts. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
Purpose: To determine the feasibility of taking intra-ocular pressure (IOP) readings with Goldmann-type applanation tonometer probe covered with cling film to avoid transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Methods: Data were collected on two occasions from the right eyes of 30 healthy subjects using a Perkins applanation tonometer. On each occasion, a single tonometry measurement was made with and without cling film covering. Results: Cling film covering brought about a statistically significant IOP bias (-0.8 mmHg on first occasion and -1.17 mmHg on second occasion). The 95% limits of agreement, between readings made with and without cling film covering, were ±3.4 mmHg on first occasion; ±2.5 mmHg on second occasion. A statistically significant reduction of inter-sessional repeatability was observed for readings taken with cling film (±5.2 mmHg) compared to those made without (±3.9 mmHg). Conclusions: Even if the above findings are found to be acceptable, given the known intra-subject variations of this type of tonometry (±4 mmHg), ethical and legal considerations relating to the barrier properties of cling film are likely to prevent its routine use by optometrists. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
Purpose: To determine the validity of covering a corneal contact transducer probe with cling film as protection against the transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Methods: The anterior chamber depth, lens thickness and vitreous chamber depth of the right eyes of 10 subjects was recorded, under cycloplegia, with and without cling film covering over the transducer probe of a Storz Omega Compu-scan Biometric Ruler. Measurements were repeated on two occasions. Results: Cling film covering did not influence bias or repeatability. Although the 95% limits of agreement between measurements made with and without cling film covering tended to exceed the intrasessional repeatability, they did not exceed the intersessional repeatability of measurements taken without cling film. Conclusions: The results support the use of cling film as a disposable covering for corneal contact A-scan ultrasonography to avoid the risk of spreading CJD from one subject to another. © 2003 The College of Optometrists.