22 resultados para Marks of origin
Masking is said to occur when a mask stimulus interferes with the visibility of a target (test) stimulus. One widely held view of this process supposes interactions between mask and test mechanisms (cross-channel masking), and explicit models (e.g., J. M. Foley, 1994) have proposed that the interactions are inhibitory. Unlike a within-channel model, where masking involves the combination of mask and test stimulus within a single mechanism, this cross-channel inhibitory model predicts that the mask should attenuate the perceived contrast of a test stimulus. Another possibility is that masking is due to an increase in noise, in which case, perception of contrast should be unaffected once the signal exceeds detection threshold. We use circular patches and annuli of sine-wave grating in contrast detection and contrast matching experiments to test these hypotheses and investigate interactions across spatial frequency, orientation, field position, and eye of origin. In both types of experiments we found substantial effects of masking that can occur over a factor of 3 in spatial frequency, 45° in orientation, across different field positions and between different eyes. We found the effects to be greatest at the lowest test spatial frequency we used (0.46 c/deg), and when the mask and test differed in all four dimensions simultaneously. This is surprising in light of previous work where it was concluded that suppression from the surround was strictly monocular (C. Chubb, G. Sperling, & J. A. Solomon, 1989). The results confirm that above detection threshold, cross-channel masking involves contrast suppression and not (purely) mask-induced noise. We conclude that cross-channel masking can be a powerful phenomenon, particularly at low test spatial frequencies and when mask and test are presented to different eyes. © 2004 ARVO.
The spatial pattern of cellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in the supra- and infragranular layers of various cortical regions in cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The objective was to test the hypothesis that NFT formation was associated with the cells of origin of specific cortico-cortical projections. The novel feature of the study was that pattern analysis enabled the dimension and spacing of NFT clusters along the cortical ribbon to be estimated. In the majority of brain regions studied, NFT occurred in clusters of neurons which were regularly spaced along the cortical strip. This pattern is consistent with the predicted distribution of the cells of origin of specific cortico-cortico projections. Mean NFT cluster size varied from 250 to > 12800 microns in different cortical tissues suggesting either variation in the size of the cell clusters or a dynamic process in the development of NFT in relation to these cell clusters. The formation of NFT in cell clusters which may give rise to the feed-forward and feed-back cortico-cortical projections suggests a possible route of spread of NFT pathology in AD between cortical regions and from the cortex to subcortical areas.
Background - Specific language impairment (SLI) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder, observed in 5–10 % of children. Family and twin studies suggest a strong genetic component, but relatively few candidate genes have been reported to date. A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) described the first statistically significant association specifically for a SLI cohort between a missense variant (rs4280164) in the NOP9 gene and language-related phenotypes under a parent-of-origin model. Replications of these findings are particularly challenging because the availability of parental DNA is required. Methods - We used two independent family-based cohorts characterised with reading- and language-related traits: a longitudinal cohort (n = 106 informative families) including children with language and reading difficulties and a nuclear family cohort (n = 264 families) selected for dyslexia. Results - We observed association with language-related measures when modelling for parent-of-origin effects at the NOP9 locus in both cohorts: minimum P = 0.001 for phonological awareness with a paternal effect in the first cohort and minimum P = 0.0004 for irregular word reading with a maternal effect in the second cohort. Allelic and parental trends were not consistent when compared to the original study. Conclusions - A parent-of-origin effect at this locus was detected in both cohorts, albeit with different trends. These findings contribute in interpreting the original GWAS report and support further investigations of the NOP9 locus and its role in language-related traits. A systematic evaluation of parent-of-origin effects in genetic association studies has the potential to reveal novel mechanisms underlying complex traits.
The spatial patterns of beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were studied in areas of the cerebral cortex in 16 patients with the late-onset, sporadic form of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Diffuse, primitive, and classic Abeta deposits and NFT were aggregated into clusters; the clusters being regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater in many areas. In a significant proportion of regions, the sizes of the regularly distributed clusters approximated to those of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical projections. The diffuse and primitive Abeta deposits exhibited a similar range of spatial patterns but the classic Abeta deposits occurred less frequently in large clusters >6400microm. In addition, the NFT often occurred in larger regularly distributed clusters than the Abeta deposits. The location, size, and distribution of the clusters of Abeta deposits and NFT supports the hypothesis that AD is a 'disconnection syndrome' in which degeneration of specific cortico-cortical and cortico-hippocampal pathways results in synaptic disconnection and the formation of clusters of NFT and Abeta deposits.
Impressions about product quality and reliability can depend as much on perceptions about brands and country of origin as on data regarding performance and failure. This has implications for companies in developing countries that need to compete with importers. For manufacturers in industrialised countries it has implications for the value of transferred technologies. This article considers the issue of quality and reliability when technology is transferred between countries with different levels of development. It is based on UK and Chinese company case studies and questionnaire surveys undertaken among three company groups: UK manufacturers; Chinese manufacturers; Chinese users. Results show that all three groups recognise quality and reliability as important and support the premise that foreign technology based machines made in China carry a price premium over Chinese machines based on local technology. Closer examination reveals a number of important differences concerning the perceptions and reality of quality and reliability between the groups.
In Alzheimer's disease (AD), neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) occur within neurons in both the upper and lower cortical laminae. Using a statistical method that estimates the size and spacing of NFT clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia mater, two hypotheses were tested: 1) that the cluster size and distribution of the NFT in gyri of the temporal lobe reflect degeneration of the feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) cortico-cortical pathways, and 2) that there is a spatial relationship between the clusters of NFT in the upper and lower laminae. In 16 temporal lobe gyri from 10 cases of sporadic AD, NFT were present in both the upper and lower laminae in 11/16 (69%) gyri and in either the upper or lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. Clustering of the NFT was observed in all gyri. A significant peak-to-peak distance was observed in the upper laminae in 13/15 (87%) gyri and in the lower laminae in 8/ 12 (67%) gyri, suggesting a regularly repeating pattern of NFT clusters along the cortex. The regularly distributed clusters of NFT were between 500 and 800 μm in size, the estimated size of the cells of origin of the FF and FB cortico-cortical projections, in the upper laminae of 6/13 (46%) gyri and in the lower laminae of 2/8 (25%) gyri. Clusters of NFT in the upper laminae were spatially correlated (in phase) with those in the lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. The clustering patterns of the NFT are consistent with their formation in relation to the FF and FB cortico-cortical pathways. In most gyri, NFT clusters appeared to develop independently in the upper and lower laminae.
Neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID) is characterized by α-internexin positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), swollen achromatic neurons (SN), neuronal loss, and gliosis. This study tested: 1) whether the spatial patterns of the lesions was topographically organized in areas of the frontal and temporal lobe and 2) whether a spatial relationship exists between the NCI and SN. The NCI were distributed in regular clusters and in a quarter of these areas, the clusters were 400-800 μm in diameter approximating to the size of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical pathways. Variations in the density of the NCI were positively correlated with the SN. Hence, cortical degeneration in NIFID appears to be topographically organized and may affect the cortico-cortical projections, the clusters of NCI and SN developing within the same vertical columns of cells. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.
Abnormal neuronal intermediate filament (IF) inclusions immunopositive for the type IV IF α-internexin have been identified as the pathological hallmark of neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID). We studied the topography of these inclusions in the frontal and temporal lobe in 68 areas from 10 cases of NIFID. In the cerebral cortex, CA sectors of the hippocampus, and dentate gyrus granule cell layer, the inclusions were distributed mainly in regularly distributed clusters, 50-800 μm in diameter. In seven cortical areas, there was a more complex pattern in which the clusters of inclusions were aggregated into larger superclusters. In 11 cortical areas, the size of the clusters approximated to those of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical pathways but in the majority of the remaining areas, cluster size was smaller than 400 μm. The topography of the lesions suggests that there is degeneration of the cortico-cortical projections in NIFID with the formation of α-internexin-positive aggregates within vertical columns of cells. Initially, only a subset of cells within a vertical column develops inclusions but as the disease progresses, the whole of the column becomes affected. The corticostriate projection appears to have little effect on the cortical topography of the inclusions. © 2006 EFNS.
Dementia with neurofilament inclusions (DNI) is a new disorder characterized clinically by early-onset dementia and histologically by the presence of intraneural inclusions immunopositive for neurofilament antigens but lacking tau and α-synuclein reactivity. We studied the clustering patterns of the neurofilament inclusions (NI) in regions of the temporal lobe in three cases of DNI to determine whether they have the same spatial patterns as inclusions in the tauopathies and α-synucleinopathies. The NI exhibited a clustered distribution (mean size of clusters 400 μm, range 50-800 μm, SD 687.8) in 24/28 of the areas studied. In 22 of these areas, the clusters exhibited a regular distribution along the tissue parallel to the pia mater or alveus. In 3 cortical areas, there was evidence of a more complex pattern in which the NI clusters were aggregated into larger superclusters. In 6 cortical areas, the size of the clusters approximated to those of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical pathways but in the remaining areas cluster size was smaller than 400 μm. Despite the unique molecular profile of the NI, their spatial patterns are similar to those shown by filamentous neuronal inclusions in the tauopathies and α-synucleinopathies.
Similar pathological processes may be involved in the deposition of extracellular proteins in the brains of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Hence, this study compared the spatial patterns of prion protein (PrP) deposits in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus in cases of sporadic CJD with those of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in sporadic AD. PrP and Aβ deposits were aggregated into clusters and, in 90% of brain areas in CJD and 57% in AD, the clusters were regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary. In a significant proportion of cortical analyses, the mean diameter of the clusters of PrP and Aβ deposits were similar to those of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical pathways. Aβ deposits in AD were distributed more frequently in larger-sized clusters than PrP deposits in CJD. In addition, in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus, clustering of Aβ deposits was observed in AD but PrP deposits were rare in these regions in CJD. The size, location and distribution of the extracellular protein deposits within the cortex of both disorders was consistent with the degeneration of the cortico-cortical pathways. Furthermore, spread of the pathology along these pathways may be a pathogenic feature common to CJD and AD. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
Since 1999, the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (EARSS) has monitored the rise in infection due to a number of organisms, including meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The EARSS reported that MRSA infections within intensive care units account for 25-50% of infections in many central and southern European countries, these included France, Spain, Great Britain, Malta, Greece and Italy. Each country has defined epidemic MRSA (EMRSA) strains; however, the method of spread of these strains from one country to another is unknown. In this current study, DNA profiles of 473 isolates of MRSA collected from the UK and Malta were determined by PFGE. Analysis of the data showed that two countries separated by a large geographical distance had a similar DNA profile pattern. Additionally it was demonstrated that strains of EMRSA normally found in the UK were also found in the Maltese cohort (EMRSA 15 and 16). A distinct DNA profile was found in the Maltese cohort, which may be a local EMRSA, and accounted for 14.4% of all Maltese isolates. The appearance of the same MRSA and EMRSA profiles in two separate countries suggests that MRSA can be transferred out of their country of origin and potentially establish in a new locality or country.
Clustering of Lewy bodies (LB) was studied in four regions of the medial temporal lobe in 12 cases of dementia with LB (DLB). LB exhibited clustering in 67/70 (96%) brain areas analysed. In 34/70 (49%) analyses, LB were present in a single large cluster ≤6400 μm in diameter, in 33/70 (47%) LB occurred in smaller clusters 200-3200 μm in diameter which exhibited a regular periodicity relative to the tissue boundary and in 3/70 (4%), LB were randomly distributed. A regular pattern of LB clusters was observed equally frequently in the cortex and hippocampus, in upper and lower cortical laminae and in 'pure' cases of DLB with negligible Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology compared with cases of AD with DLB. In cortical regions, there was no significant correlation between LB cluster size in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The regular periodicity of LB clusters suggests that LB develop in relation to the cells of origin of specific cortico-cortical and cortico-hippocampal projections.
Clustering of cellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus in cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using a regression method. The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that clustering of NFTs reflects the degeneration of the cortico-cortical pathways. In 25/38 (66%) of analyses of individual brain areas, a significant peak to trough and peak to peak distance was obtained suggesting that the clusters of NFTs were regularly distributed in bands parallel to the tissue boundary. In analyses of cortical tissues with regularly distributed clusters, peak to peak distance was between 1000 and 1600 microns in 13/24 (54%) of analyses, >1600 microns in 10/24 (42%) and <1000 microns in 1/24 (4%) of analyses. A regular distribution of NFT clusters was less evident in the CA sectors of the hippocampus than in the cortex. Hence, in a significant proportion of brain areas, the spacing of NFT clusters along the cerebral cortex was consistent with the predicted distribution of the cells of origin of specific cortico-cortical projections. However, in many brain regions, the sizes of the NFT clusters were larger than predicted which may be attributable to the spread of NFTs to adjacent groups of cells as the disease progresses.
This study aimed firstly to investigate current patterns of language use amongst young bilinguals in Birmingham and secondly to examine the relationship between this language use and educational achievement. The research then focussed on various practices, customs and attitudes which would favour the attrition or survival of minority languages in the British situation. The data necessary to address this question was provided by a sample of three hundred and seventy-four 16-19 year olds, studying in Birmingham schools and colleges during the period 1987-1990 and drawn from the main linguistic minority communities in Birmingham. The research methods chosen were both quantitative and qualitative. The study found evidence of ethnolinguistic vitality amongst many of the linguistic minority communities in Birmingham: a number of practices and a range of attitudes indicate that linguistic diversity may continue and that a stable diglossic situation may develop in some instances, particularly where demographical and religious factors lead to closeness of association. Where language attrition is occurring it is often because of the move from a less prestigious minority language or dialect to a more prestigious minority language in addition to pressures from English. The educational experience of the sample indicates that literacy and formal language study are of key importance if personal bilingualism is to be experienced as an asset; high levels of oral proficiency in the L1 and L2 do not, on their own, necessarily correlate with positive educational benefit. The intervening variable associated with educational achievement appears to be the formal language learning process and literacy. A number of attitudes and practices, including the very close associations maintained with some of the countries of origin of the families, were seen to aid or hinder first language maintenance and second language acquisition.
The use of antibiotics was investigated in twelve acute hospitals in England. Data was collected electronically and by questionnaire for the financial years 2001/2, 2002/3 and 2003/4. Hospitals were selected on the basis of their Medicines Management Self-Assessment Scores (MMAS) and included a cohort of three hospitals with integrated electronic prescribing systems. The total sample size was 6.65% of English NHS activity for 2001/2 based on Finished Consultant Episode (FCE) numbers. Data collected included all antibiotics dispensed (ATC category J01), hospital activity FCE's and beddays, Medicines Management Self-assessment scores, Antibiotic Medicines Management scores (AMS), Primary Care Trust (PCT) of origin of referral populations, PCT antibiotic prescribing rates, Index of Multiple Deprivation for each PCT. The DDD/FCE (Defined Daily Dose/FCE) was found to correlate with the DDD 100beddays (r = 0.74 p