21 resultados para Macrocytic erythrocytes
N-hydroxylation of dapsone leads to the formation of the toxic hydroxylamines responsible for the clinical methaemoglobinaemia associated with dapsone therapy. Dapsone has been associated with decreased lifespan of erythrocytes, with consequences such as anaemia and morbidity in patients treated with dapsone for malaria. Here, we investigated how dapsone and/or its hydroxylamine derivative (DDS-NHOH) induced erythrocyte membrane alterations that could lead to premature cell removal.
Hypochlorite generated in vivo under pathological conditions is a known oxidant and chlorinating agent, able to react with proteins and lipids, which affects the stability of biological membranes. Reaction with unsaturated fatty acyl chains in glycerophospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine results in the formation of chlorohydrins. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of chlorohydrins formed by the reaction of hypochlorite with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl-, and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonylphosphatidylcholine on biophysical properties of bilayers and their effects on human erythrocytes. Using electrospray mass spectrometry we observed complete conversion of the lipids into chlorohydrins, which resulted in a decrease in the rotational correlation time and an increase in the order parameter of liposomes. Unilamellar chlorohydrin liposomes had a lower permeation coefficient for calcein than liposomes made of parent lipids. Flow cytometry demonstrated fast incorporation of uni and multilamellar chlorohydrin liposomes labeled with NBD-phosphatidylethanolamine into erythrocytes. This effect was accompanied by changes in erythrocyte shape (echinocyte formation) and aggregation. Similar but less pronounced effects were noticed for parent lipids only after longer incubation. Chlorohydrins showed also a stronger hemolytic action, proportional to the lipid:erythrocyte ratio. These results are important for understanding the effects of HOCl on mammalian cells, such as might occur in inflammatory pathology.
An examination was made of the morphological transitions induced in human erythrocytes by the elevation of cytosolic calcium, and of the biochemical mechanisms responsible. The loss of the discocyte morphology and the sequential progression of cells through the echinocyte stages 1, 2, 3 and sphereo-echinocyte was found to occur in both a calcium concentration- and a time-dependent manner. SDS-PAGE analysis of cytoskeletal proteins prepared from intact cells loaded with 150uM or 1mM calcium revealed the partial proteolytic loss of proteins 2.1, 2.2 and 4.1. The rate of proteolysis was not paralleled by that of echinocytosis, making a causative relationship unlikely. Cytoskeletal integrity did appear to influence shape reversal from the echinocyte to the discocyte morphology after removal of the calcium and ionophore A23187. The loss of 80% protein 4.1, 40% 2.1 and 30% 2.2 was associated with, although not necessarily the sole cause, of irreversible sphereo-echinocytosis. Pre-treatment of cells with wheat germ agglutinin preserved the discocyte morphology despite continued cytoskeletal proteolysis during calcium-loading. All observations were made on cells incubated either in the presence or absence of glycolytic substrates, effectively altering cell metabolic status. This influenced the rate of progression of cells through the echinocyte stages, the rate of proteolysis of cytoskeletal proteins, and the extent and kinetics of shape reversal from cells transformed to the sphereo-echinocyte morphology. The stage 1 to discocyte transition was the rate limiting step of this shape recovery. In contrast the rate of loss of the discocyte morphology was independent of cell metabolic status during exposure to calcium, as was the extent of restoration of the discocyte morphology from cells transformed to stage 1 echinocytes. An hypothesis is presented that echinocytosis is a discontinuous process with discrete steps initiated by different biochemical mechanisms varying in their dependence on metabolic energy.
Human arythrocytes were used as a model system for an investigation of the mechanism of action of the antiproliferative drug Adriamycin. Erythrocytes were induced to undergo a change in morphology by elevation of intracellular calcium. It was revealed that the widely used media employed for the study of morphological change were unsuitable; a new incubation medium was developed so that cells were metabolically replete. In this medium echinocytosis took place both in a calcium concentration- and time-dependent manner. Pretreatment of erythrocytes with Adriamycin (10 M for 10 mins) protected the erythrocytes against calcium-induced echinocytosis at calcium concentrations < 150M. SDS-PAGE analysis of the cytoskeletal proteins prepared from erythrocytes revealed the calcium-induced proteolysis of two main cytoskeletal proteins: band 2:1 and band 4:1. Only the rate of the proteolysis of band 2.1 correlated with the onset of echinocytosis. Adriamycin inhibited the breakdown of band 2.1 even when the cells formed echinocytes; this raises doubts concerning the importance of band 2.1 in the maintenance of discocyte morphology. Adriamycin only marginally inhibited the purified calcium-activated thio protease (calpain). Calcium-loading of human erythrocytes increased the phosphorylation of several major cytoskeletal proteins including pp120, band 3, band 4.1 and band 4.9. The pattern of increase resembled that induced by 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. Pre-treatment with Adriamycin prior to calcium loading caused a general lowering of basal phosphorylation. Adriamycin had no effect on the activity of the calcium-activated phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). A hypothesis is put forward that the morphological transition of erythrocytes might be dependent upon the activity of a contractile system.
Dimethylsulfoxide oxidizes glutathione in vitro and in human erythrocytes:kinetic analysis by 1H NMR
The interaction of dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO) with glutathione was investigated under non-equilibrium conditions in solution using 1H NMR and in intact erythrocytes using 1H spin-echo NMR. In solution the reaction was observed to follow second-order kinetics (Rate = k1[glutathione][Me2SO]) at 300 K pH 7.4, ksol = 4.7 × 10-5 mol -1 L1 s-1. In intact erythrocytes the rate constant for the cellular environment, kcell, was found to be slightly larger at 8.1 × 10-5 mol-1 L1 s-1. Furthermore, the reaction of Me2SO with erythrocyte glutathione showed a biphasic dependence on the Me2SO concentration, with little oxidation of glutathione occurring until the Me2SO concentration exceeded 0.5 mol L-1. The results suggest that at lower concentrations, Me2SO can be effectively removed, most probably by reaction with glutathione, which is regenerated by glutathione reductase, although preferential reaction with other cellular components (e.g., membrane or cellular thiols) cannot be ruled out. Thus the concentrations of Me2SO that are commonly used in cryopreservation of mammalian cells (∼1.4 mol L-1) can cause oxidation of intracellular glutathione.
The respective methaemoglobin forming and GSH depleting capabilities of monoacetyl dapsone hydroxylamine (MADDS-NHOH) and dapsone hydroxylamine (DDS-NHOH) were compared in human diabetic and non-diabetic erythrocytes in vitro with a view to select the most potent agent for future oxidative stress and antioxidant evaluation studies. Administration of both metabolites to non-diabetic erythrocytes over the 20 min period of the study resulted in significantly more methaemoglobin formation at all four time points compared with the diabetic erythrocytes (P<0.0001). At all four time points, significantly more methaemoglobin was formed in response to MADDS-NHOH in non-diabetic cells compared with the effects of DDS-NHOH on diabetic erythrocytes (P<0.0001). At the 5 and 10 min time points, significantly more methaemglobin was formed in non-diabetic cells in the presence of MADDS-NHOH compared with DDS-NHOH (P<0.05). At the 5 min time point only, significantly more methaemoglobin was formed in the presence of MADDS-NHOH in diabetic cells compared with that of DDS-NHOH (P<0.01). However, compared with diabetic control GSH levels, the presence of DDS-NHOH caused a significant depletion in GSH at 5, 10 and 20 min time points in diabetic cells (P<0.001). In addition, the presence of DDS-NHOH caused a significant reduction in GSH levels in diabetic cells in comparison with those of non-diabetics at the 5, 10 and 20 min, (P<0.005). DDS-NHOH was also associated with a significant depletion of GSH levels in diabetic cells compared with those of non-diabetic control erythrocytes (P<0.0001). The presence of MADDS-NHOH in diabetic erythrocytes led to a significant reduction in GSH levels at the 20 min time point compared with those of non-diabetics (P<0.001), but there were no significant differences at the 5, 10 and 15 min points. Due to its greater GSH-depleting action, DDS-NHOH will be selected for future use in the oxidative stress assessment in diabetic erythrocytes. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
α-Lipoic acid, dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA), N-acetyl cysteine and ascorbate were compared with methylene blue for their ability to attenuate and/or reduce methaemoglobin formation induced by sodium nitrite, 4-aminophenol and dapsone hydroxylamine in human erythrocytes. Neither α-lipoic acid, DHLA, N-acetyl cysteine nor ascorbate had any significant effects on methaemoglobin formed by nitrite, either from pre-treatment, simultaneous addition or post 30 min addition of the agents up to the 60 min time point, although N-acetyl cysteine did reduce methaemoglobin formation at 120 min (P<0.05). In all three treatment groups at 30, 60 and 120 min, there were no significant effects mediated by DHLA or N-acetyl cysteine on 4-aminophenol (1 mM)-mediated haemoglobin oxidation. Ascorbate caused marked significant reductions in 4-aminophenol methaemoglobin in all treatment groups at 30-120 min except at 30 min in the simultaneous addition group (P<0.0001). Neither α-lipoic acid, nor N-acetyl cysteine showed any effects on hydroxylamine-mediated methaemoglobin formation at 30 and 60 in all treatment groups. In contrast, DHLA significantly reduced hydroxylamine-mediated methaemoglobin formation at all three time points after pre-incubation and simultaneous addition (P<0.001), while ascorbate was ineffective. Compared with methylene blue, which was effective in reducing methaemoglobin formation by all three toxins (P<0.01), ascorbate was only highly effective against 4-aminophenol mediated methaemoglobin, whilst the DHLA-mediated attenuation of dapsone hydroxylamine-mediated methaemoglobin formation indicates a possible clinical application in high-dose dapsone therapy. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Berries contain several bioactive compounds that can protect against oxidative stress. In this study we evaluated the protective effect of different sequential extracts (ethyl acetate, ethanol and water) of seven berry species: bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum), elderberry (Sambucus nigra), lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), rose hips (Rosa sp.), sea buckthorn (Hippohae rhamnoides) and strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). The protective effect was tested on human erythrocytes and the antioxidant capacity was also evaluated in vitro by the FRAP assay. In the erythrocyte assay all sea buckthorn extracts were superior in antioxidant effect to other berry extracts. The ethyl acetate extract of bilberries, and the ethanol and water extracts of blackcurrants, also protected the erythrocytes from oxidation. In contrast, water extracts of rose hips, bilberries and strawberries had a pro-oxidant effect on erythrocytes. The water extract of rose hips was superior to the other berry extracts in the FRAP assay. Thus, the results of the erythrocyte assay did not correlate with the results of the FRAP assay, but provided additional insights into the potential protective effects of berry extracts against oxidative stress. © 2012 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
In vitro toxicity tests which detect evidence of the formation of reactive metabolites have previously relied upon cell death as a toxicity end point. Therefore these tests determine cytotoxicity in terms of quantitative changes in specified cell functions. In the studies involving the CaC0-2 cell model, there was no significant change in the transport of [3H] L-proline by the cell after eo-incubation with either dapsone or cyclophosphamide (50µM) and rat liver microsomal metabolite generating system. The pre incubation of the cells with N-ethylmalemide to inhibit Phase II sulphotransferase activity, prior to the microsomal incubations, resulted in cytotoxcity in all incubation groups. Studies involving the L6 cell model showed that there was no significant effect in the cell signalling pathway producing the second messenger cAMP, after incubation with dapsone or cyclophosphamide (50µM) and the rat microsomal metabolite generating system. There was also no significant affect on the vasopressin stimulated production of the second messenger IP3, after incubation with the hydroxylamine metabolite of dapsone, although there were some morphological changes observed with the cells at the highest concentration of dapsone hydroxylamine (100µM). With the test involving the NG115-401 L-C3 cell model, there was no significant changes in DNA synthesis in terms of [3H] thymidine incorporation, after eo-incubation with either phenytoin or cyclophosphamide (50µM) and the rat microsomal metabolite generating system. In the one compartment erythrocyte studies, there were significant decreases in glutathione with cyclophosphamide (50µM) (0.44 ± 0.04 mM), sulphamethoxazole (50µM) (0.43 ± 0.08mM) and carbamazepine (50µM) (0.47 ± 0.034 mM), when eoincubated with the rat microsomal system, compared to the control (0.52 ± 0.07mM). There was no significant depletion in glutathione when the erythrocytes were eoincubated with phenytoin and the rat microsomal system. In the two compartment erythrocyte studies, there was a significant decrease in the erythrocyte glutathione with cyclophosphamide (50µM) (0.953 ± 0110mM) when co-incubated the rat microsomal system, compared to the control (1.124 ± 0.032mM). Differences were considered statistically significant for p<0.05, using the Student's two tailed 't' test with Bonferroni's correction. There was no significant depletion of glutathione with phenytoin, carbamazepine and sulphamethoxazole when co-incubated with the rat microsomalsystem, compared to the control.
The ability of Escherichia coli to express the K88 fimbrial adhesin was satisfactorily indicated by the combined techniques of ELISA, haemagglutination and latex agglutination. Detection of expression by electron microscopy and the ability to metabolize raffinose were unsuitable. Quantitative expression of the K88 adhesin was determined by ELISA. Expression was found to vary according to the E.coli strain examined, media type and form. In general it was found that the total amount was greater, while the amount/cfu was less on agar than in broth cultures. Expression of the K88 adhesin during unshaken batch culture was related to the growth rate and was maximal during late logarithmic to early stationary phase. A combination of heat extraction, ammonium sulphate and isoelectric precipitation was found suitable for both large and small scale preparation of purified K88ab adhesin. Extraction of the K88 adhesin was sensitive to pH and it was postulated that this may affect the site of colonisation of by ETEC in vivo. Results of haemagglutination experiments were consistent with the hypothesis that the K88 receptor present on erythrocytes is composed of two elements, one responsible for the binding of K88ab and K88ac and a second responsible for the binding of the K88ad adhesin. Comparison of the haemagglutinating properties of cell-free and cell-bound K88 adhesin revealed some differences probably indicating a minor conformational change in the K88 adhesin on its isolation. The K88ab adhesin was found to bind to erythrocytes over a wide pH range (PH 4-9) and was inhibited by αK88ab and αK88b antisera. Inhibition of haemagglutination was noted with crude heparin, mannan and porcine gastric mucin, chondrosine and several hexosamines, glucosamine in particular. The most potent inhibitor of haemagglutination was n-dodecyl-β-D-glucopyranoside, one of a series of glucosides found to have inhibitory properties. Correlation between hydrophobicity of glucosides tested and degree of inhibition observed suggested hydrophobic forces were important in the interaction of the K88 adhesin with its receptor. The results of Scatchard and Hill plots indicated that binding of the K88ab adhesin to porcine enterocytes in the majority of cases is a two-step, three component system. The first K88 receptor (or site) had a K2. of 1.59x1014M-1 and a minimum of 4.3x104 sites/enterocyte. The second receptor (or site) had a K2 of 4.2x1012M-1 with a calculated 1.75x105 sites/enterocyte. Attempts to inhibit binding of cell-free K88 adhesin to porcine enterocytes by lectins were unsuccessful. However, several carbohydrates including trehalose, lactulose, galactose 1→4 mannopyranoside, chondrosine, galactosamine, stachyose and mannan were inhibitory. The most potent inhibitor was found to be porcine gastric mucin. Inhibition observed with n-octyl-α-D-glucopyranose was difficult to interpret in isolation because of interference with the assay, however, it agreed with the results of haemagglutination inhibition experiments.
The incubation of murine leukaemic L1210 cells in vitro for 4 hours (hr) with 10uM nitrogen mustard (HN2), a bifunctional alkylating agent, inhibited the influx of the potassium congener, 88rubidium+ ( 86Rb+) by the selective inhibition of the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter. The aim of this project was to investigate the importance of this lesion in HN2-induced cytotoxicity. 86Rb+ uptake in human erythrocytes was inhibited by high concentrations of HN2 (2mM) and occurred in two phases.In the first hour both the Na+/K+ ATPase pump and the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter were equally inhibited but after 2 hrs exposure to 2mM HN2, the Na+ -K+ -CI- cotransporter was significantly more inhibited than the Na+/K+ ATPase pump. In contrast, both potassium transport systems were equally inhibited in L1210 cells incubated for 10 minutes with 1mM HN2. The selective inhibition of the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter, after a 3 hrs exposure to 10uM HN2, was not absolved by coincubation with 5ug/ml cycloheximide (CHX), an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Incubation of L1210 cells with concentrations of diuretics which completely inhibited Na+-K+-CI- cotransport did not enhance the cytotoxicity of either HN2 or its monofunctional analogue 2-chloroethyldimethylamine (Me-HN1). The incubation of L1210 cells with a twice strength Rosewell Park Memorial Institute 1640 media did not enhance the toxicity of HN2. An L1210 cell line (L1210FR) was prepared which was able to grow in toxic concentrations of furosemide and exhibited a similiar sensitivity to HN2 as parental L1210 cells. Treatment of L1210 cells with 10uM HN2 resulted in a decrease in cell volume which was concurrent with the inhibition of the Na+-K+-CI- cotransporter. This was not observed in L1210 cells treated with either 1 or O.SuM HN2. Thus, possible differences in the cell death, in terms of necrosis and apoptosis, induced by the different concentrations of HN2 was investigated. The cell cycle of L1210 cells appeared to be blocked non-specifically by 10uM HN2 and in S and G2/M by either 1 or 0.5uM HN2. There were no significant changes in the cytosolic calcium concentrations of L1210 cells for up to 48 hrs after exposure to the three concentrations of HN2. No protection against th_ toxic effects of HN2 was observed in L1210 cells incubated with 5ug/ml CHX for up to 6 hrs. Incubation for 12 or 18 hrs with a non-toxic concentration (5mM) of L-Azetidine-2- carboxylic acid (ACA) enhanced the toxicity of low concentrations (<0.5uM) of HN2.
An HPLC method has been developed and validated for the rapid determination of mercaptopurine and four of its metabolites; thioguanine, thiouric acid, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine in plasma and red blood cells. The method involves a simple treatment procedure based on deproteinisation by perchloric acid followed by acid hydrolysis and heating for 45min at 100 degrees C. The developed method was linear over the concentration range studied with a correlation coefficient >0.994 for all compounds in both plasma and erythrocytes. The lower limits of quantification were 13, 14, 3, 2, 95pmol/8 x 10(8) RBCs and 2, 5, 2, 3, 20ng/ml plasma for thioguanine, thiouric acid, mercaptopurine, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine, respectively. The method described is selective and sensitive enough to analyse the different metabolites in a single run under isocratic conditions. Furthermore, it has been shown to be applicable for monitoring these metabolites in paediatric patients due to the low volume requirement (200microl of plasma or erythrocytes) and has been successfully applied for investigating population pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and non-adherence to therapy in these patients.
The effects of lipoic acid and dihydrolipoic acid were explored on total thiol maintenance in diabetic and non-diabetic human erythrocytes in vitro over 22 hr in a 37°C incubation system with no added glucose. Over 18-22.5 hr after treatment in both non-diabetic and diabetic cells, lipoic acid (1 mM) was associated with greater loss of cellular thiols than dihydrolipoic acid (1 mM), compared to respective control values. At 0.1 mM, in non-diabetic cells, although lipoic acid-treated cells' thiol levels were significantly lower than control, there was no significant difference between dihydrolipoic acid-treated cells and control cells regarding thiol levels. In addition, at 0.1 mM, dihydrolipoic acid-treated diabetic cells showed a reduction in thiol levels compared to control. At 0.01 mM, lipoic acid-treated cells had significantly lower measured thiol levels compared with diabetic cells exposed to dihydrolipoic acid, whereas in non-diabetic cells, dihydrolipoic acid-treated erythrocytic thiol levels were significantly greater than those treated with lipoic acid, although there were no other significant differences between the groups. At 22.5 hr, control values of methaemoglobin rose to 6.4 ± 1.1% in diabetic cells and 3.6 ± 2.1% in non-diabetic cells. Lipoic acid (1 mM) showed greater methaemoglobin formation in diabetic rather than non-diabetic cells (13.6 ± 1.5% versus 11.6 ± 1.5%), whereas dihydrolipoic acid-treated diabetic and non-diabetic cells were less potent in methaemoglobin generation (8.5 ± 2.4% and 8.4 ± 1.4%, respectively). These studies suggest that in certain circumstances such as hypoglycaemia, lipoic acid administration may actually be detrimental to cellular oxidant protection status. © 2006 The Authors.
The effects of the antioxidant lipoic acid and its reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA), were studied on the process of the erythrocytic toxicity of 4-aminophenol in human erythrocytes in vitro. 4-Aminophenol alone caused a stepwise increase in methaemoglobin formation, along with a commensurate decrease in total thiols. At 10 min., in the presence of lipoic acid alone and the thiol depletor 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) alone, 4-aminophenol-mediated methaemoglobin formation was significantly increased, whilst thiol levels were significantly reduced compared with the 4-aminophenol alone. At 10 min., with DHLA and CDNB alone, 4-aminophenol was associated with significantly increased methaemoglobin formation. However, thiol levels were not significantly different in the presence of DHLA compared with 4-aminophenol alone, although thiol levels were different compared with control (4-aminophenol alone) in the incubations with CDNB alone. At 15 min., only CDNB/4-aminophenol methaemoglobin formation differed from control, whilst thiol levels were significantly lower in the presence of CDNB alone compared with 4-aminophenol alone. Lipoic acid enhanced the toxicity of 4-aminophenol in terms of increased methaemoglobin formation coupled with increased thiol depletion, whilst DHLA showed increased 4-aminophenol-mediated methaemoglobin formation without thiol depletion. Lipoic acid, and to a lesser extent its reduced derivative DHLA, acted as a prooxidant in the presence of 4-aminophenol, enhancing the oxidative stress effects of the amine in human erythrocytes. © Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2006.