70 resultados para IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody


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Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is characterized by an early, progressive expansion and sclerosis of the glomerular mesangium leading to glomerulosclerosis. This is associated with parallel fibrosis of the renal interstitium. In experimental renal scarring, the protein cross-linking enzyme, tissue transglutaminase (tTg), is up-regulated and externalized causing an increase in its crosslink product, e-(γ-glutamyl)-lysine, in the extracellular space. This potentially contributes to the extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation central to tissue fibrosis by increasing deposition and inhibiting breakdown. We investigated if a similar mechanism may contribute to the ECM expansion characteristic of DN using the rat streptozotocin model over 120 days. Whole kidney e-(γ-glutamyl)-lysine (HPLC analysis) was significantly increased from Day 90 (+337%) and peaked at Day 120 (+650%) (p <0.05). Immunofluorescence showed this increase to be predominantly extracellular in the peritubular interstitial space, but also in individual glomeruli. Total kidney transglutaminase (Tg) was not elevated. However, using a Tg in situ activity assay, increased Tg was detected in both the extracellular interstitial space and glomeruli by Day 60, with a maximal 53% increase at Day 120 (p <0.05). Using a specific anti-tTg antibody, immunohistochemistry showed a similar increase in extracellular enzyme in the interstitium and glomeruli. To biochemically characterize glomerular changes, glomeruli were isolated by selective sieving. In line with whole kidney measurement, there was an increase in glomerular e-(γ-glutamyl) lysine (+ 361%); however, in the glomeruli this was associated with increases in Tg activity (+228%) and tTg antigen by Western blotting (+215%). Importantly, the ratio of glomerular e-(γ-glutamyl) lysine to hydroxyproline increased by 2.2-fold. In DN, changes in the kidney result in increased translocation of tTg to the extracellular environment where high Ca2+ and low GTP levels allow its activation. In the tubulointerstitium this is independent of increased tTg production, but dependent in the glomerulus. This leads to excessive ECM cross-linking, contributing to the renal fibrosis characteristic of progressive DN.


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Fibronectin (FN) deposition mediated by fibroblasts is an important process in matrix remodeling and wound healing. By monitoring the deposition of soluble biotinylated FN, we show that the stress-induced TG-FN matrix, a matrix complex of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) with its high affinity binding partner FN, can increase both exogenous and cellular FN deposition and also restore it when cell adhesion is interrupted via the presence of RGD-containing peptides. This mechanism does not require the transamidase activity of TG2 but is activated through an RGD-independent adhesion process requiring a heterocomplex of TG2 and FN and is mediated by a syndecan-4 and ß1 integrin co-signaling pathway. By using a5 null cells, ß1 integrin functional blocking antibody, and a a5ß1 integrin targeting peptide A5-1, we demonstrate that the a5 and ß1 integrins are essential for TG-FN to compensate RGD-induced loss of cell adhesion and FN deposition. The importance of syndecan-2 in this process was shown using targeting siRNAs, which abolished the compensation effect of TG-FN on the RGD-induced loss of cell adhesion, resulting in disruption of actin skeleton formation and FN deposition. Unlike syndecan-4, syndecan-2 does not interact directly with TG2 but acts as a downstream effector in regulating actin cytoskeleton organization through the ROCK pathway. We demonstrate that PKCa is likely to be the important link between syndecan-4 and syndecan-2 signaling and that TG2 is the functional component of the TG-FN heterocomplex in mediating cell adhesion via its direct interaction with heparan sulfate chains.


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Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) can induce post-translational modification of proteins, resulting in protein cross-linking or incorporation of polyamines into substrates, and can also function as a signal transducing G protein. The role of TG2 in the formation of insoluble cross-links has led to its implication in some neurodegenerative conditions. Exposure of pre-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells to the Parkinsonian neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) resulted in significant dose-dependent reductions in TG2 protein levels, measured by probing Western blots with a TG2-specific antibody. Transglutaminase (TG) transamidating activity, on the other hand, monitored by incorporation of a polyamine pseudo-substrate into cellular proteins, was increased. Inhibitors of TG (putrescine) and TG2 (R283) exacerbated MPP+ toxicity, suggesting that activation of TG2 may promote a survival response in this toxicity paradigm.


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Specific association of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) with matrix fibronectin (FN) results in the formation of an extracellular complex (tTG-FN) with distinct adhesive and pro-survival characteristics. tTG-FN supports RGD-independent cell adhesion of different cell types and the formation of distinctive RhoA-dependent focal adhesions following inhibition of integrin function by competitive RGD peptides and function blocking anti-integrin antibodies alpha5beta1. Association of tTG with its binding site on the 70-kDa amino-terminal FN fragment does not support this cell adhesion process, which seems to involve the entire FN molecule. RGD-independent cell adhesion to tTG-FN does not require transamidating activity, is mediated by the binding of tTG to cell-surface heparan sulfate chains, is dependent on the function of protein kinase Calpha, and leads to activation of the cell survival focal adhesion kinase. The tTG-FN complex can maintain cell viability of tTG-null mouse dermal fibroblasts when apoptosis is induced by inhibition of RGD-dependent adhesion (anoikis), suggesting an extracellular survival role for tTG. We propose a novel RGD-independent cell adhesion mechanism that promotes cell survival when the anti-apoptotic role mediated by RGD-dependent integrin function is reduced as in tissue injury, which is consistent with the externalization and binding of tTG to fibronectin following cell damage/stress.


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Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is a calcium-dependent and guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) binding enzyme, which catalyzes the post-translational modification of proteins by forming intermolecular ε(ϒ-glutamyl)lysine cross-links. In this study, human osteoblasts (HOBs) isolated from femoral head trabecular bone and two osteosarcoma cell lines (HOS and MG-63) were studied for their expression and localization of tTG. Quantitative evaluation of transglutaminase (TG) activity determined using the [1,414C]-putrescine incorporation assay showed that the enzyme was active in all cell types. However, there was a significantly higher activity in the cell homogenates of MG-63 cells as compared with HOB and HOS cells (p <0.001). There was no significant difference between the activity of the enzyme in HOB and HOS cells. All three cell types also have a small amount of active TG on their surface as determined by the incorporation of biotinylated cadaverine into fibronectin. Cell surface-related tTG was further shown by preincubation of cells with tTG antibody, which led to inhibition of cell attachment. Western blot analysis clearly indicated that the active TG was tTG and immunocytochemistry showed it be situated in the cytosol of the cells. In situ extracellular enzyme activity also was shown by the cell-mediated incorporation of fluorescein cadaverine into extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. These results clearly showed that MG-63 cells have high extracellular activity, which colocalized with the ECM protein fibronectin and could be inhibited by the competitive primary amine substrate putrescine. The contribution of tTG to cell surface/matrix interactions and to the stabilization of the ECM of osteoblast cells therefore could by an important factor in the cascade of events leading to bone differentiation and mineralization.


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Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is a Ca2+-dependent enzyme and probably the most ubiquitously expressed member of the mammalian transglutaminase family. TG2 plays a number of important roles in a variety of biological processes. Via its transamidating function, it is responsible for the cross-linking of proteins by forming isopeptide bonds between glutamine and lysine residues. Intracellularly, Ca2+ activation of the enzyme is normally tightly regulated by the binding of GTP. However, upregulated levels of TG2 are associated with many disease states like celiac sprue, certain types of cancer, fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Huntington's and Parkinson's disease. Selective inhibitors for TG2 both cell penetrating and non-cell penetrating would therefore serve as novel therapeutic tools for the treatment of these disease states. Moreover, they would provide useful tools to fully elucidate the cellular mechanisms TG2 is involved in and help comprehend how the enzyme is regulated at the cellular level. The current paper is intended to give an update on the recently discovered classes of TG2 inhibitors along with their structure-activity relationships. The biological properties of these derivatives, in terms of both activity and selectivity, will also be reported in order to translate their potential for future therapeutic developments. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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The multifunctional enzyme tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is reported to both mediate and inhibit tumour progression. To elucidate these different roles of TG2, we established a series of stable-transfected mouse colon carcinoma CT26 cells expressing a catalytically active (wild type) and a transamidating-inactive TG2 (Cys277Ser) mutant. Comparison of the TG2-transfected cells with the empty vector control indicated no differences in cell proliferation, apoptosis and susceptibility to doxorubicin, which correlated with no detectable changes in the activation of the transcription factor NF-?B. TG2-transfected cells showed increased expression of integrin ß3, and were more adherent and less migratory on fibronectin than control cells. Direct interaction of TG2 with ß3 integrins was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation, suggesting that TG2 acts as a coreceptor for fibronectin with ß3 integrins. All cells expressed the same level of TGFß receptors I and II, but only cells transfected with active TG2 had increased levels of TGFß1 and matrix-deposited fibronectin, which could be inhibited by TG2 site-directed inhibitors. Moreover, only cells transfected with active TG2 were capable of inhibiting tumour growth when compared to the empty vector controls. We conclude that in this colon carcinoma model increased levels of active TG2 are unfavourable to tumour growth due to their role in activation of TGFß1 and increased matrix deposition, which in turn favours increased cell adhesion and a lowered migratory and invasive behaviour.


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Basic biological processes in which tissue transglutaminase (TG2, tTG) is thought to be important including apoptosis, cell adhesion and migration, ECM homeostasis and angiogenesis are key stages in the multistage tumour progression cascade. Studies undertaken with primary tumours and experimental models suggest that TG2 expression and activity in the tumour body and surrounding matrix generally decreases with tumour progression, favouring matrix destabilisation, but supporting angiogenesis and tumour invasion. In contrast, in the secondary metastatic tumour TG2 is often highly expressed whereby its potential roles in cell survival both at the intra- and extracellular level become important. In the following review the underlying molecular basis for the selection of these different phenotypes in tumour types and the anomaly for the requirement of TG2 is discussed in relation to the complex events of tumour progression. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.


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The expression of the protein crosslinking enzyme tissue transglutaminase (TG2, tTG), the ubiquitous member of transglutaminase family, can be regulated by multiple factors. Although it has been suggested that TG2 can be involved in apoptotic cell death, high levels of enzyme have also been associated with cell survival in response to different stimuli. Furthermore, evidence indicates that increases in TG2 production cause enzyme translocation to cell membrane. Cell stress can also lead to TG2 accumulation on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix resulting in changes in cell-matrix interactions. Here, we discuss the underlying mechanisms of TG2 up-regulation induced by various stimuli including glutamate exposure, calcium influx, oxidative stress, UV, and inflammatory cytokines. These findings agree with a postulated role for transglutaminases in molecular mechanisms involved in several diseases suggesting that cross-linking reactions could be a relevant part of the biochemical changes observed in pathological conditions. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.


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Repair of tissue after injury depends on a series of concerted but overlapping events including, inflammation, re-epithelialization, neovascularization and synthesis and stabilization of a fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) that is remodeled to emulate normal tissue over time. Particular members of the transglutaminase (TG) family are upregulated during wound healing and act as a novel class of wound-healing mediators during the repair process. This group of enzymes which crosslink proteins via epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine bridges are involved in wound healing through their ability to stabilize proteins and also by regulating the behavior of a wide variety of cell types that are recruited to the damaged area in order to carry out tissue repair. In this article we discuss the function of the most widely expressed member of the TG family "tissue transglutaminase" (TG2) in wound repair. Using both early and recent evidence from the literature we demonstrate how the multifunctional TG2 affects the stability of the ECM, cell-ECM interactions and as a consequence cell behavior within the different phases of wound healing, and highlight how TG2 itself might be exploited for therapeutic use.


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Investigations were undertaken to study the role of the protein cross-linking enzyme tissue transglutaminase in changes associated with the extracellular matrix and in the cell death of human dermal fibroblasts following exposure to a solarium ultraviolet A source consisting of 98.8% ultraviolet A and 1.2% ultraviolet B. Exposure to nonlethal ultraviolet doses of 60 to 120 kJ per m2 resulted in increased tissue transglutaminase activity when measured either in cell homogenates, "in situ" by incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into the extracellular matrix or by changes in the epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine cross-link. This increase in enzyme activity did not require de novo protein synthesis. Incorporation of fluorescein-cadaverine into matrix proteins was accompanied by the cross-linking of fibronectin and tissue transglutaminase into nonreducible high molecular weight polymers. Addition of exogenous tissue transglutaminase to cultured cells mimicking extensive cell leakage of the enzyme resulted in increased extracellular matrix deposition and a decreased rate of matrix turnover. Exposure of cells to 180 kJ per m2 resulted in 40% to 50% cell death with dying cells showing extensive tissue transglutaminase cross-linking of intracellular proteins and increased cross-linking of the surrounding extracellular matrix, the latter probably occurring as a result of cell leakage of tissue transglutaminase. These cells demonstrated negligible caspase activation and DNA fragmentation but maintained their cell morphology. In contrast, exposure of cells to 240 kJ per m2 resulted in increased cell death with caspase activation and some DNA fragmentation. These cells could be partially rescued from death by addition of caspase inhibitors. These data suggest that changes in cross-linking both in the intracellular and extracellular compartments elicited by tissue transglutaminase following exposure to ultraviolet provides a rapid tissue stabilization process following damage, but as such may be a contributory factor to the scarring process that results.


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Increasing evidence suggests that tissue transglutaminase (tTGase; type II) is externalized from cells, where it may play a key role in cell attachment and spreading and in the stabilization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) through protein cross-linking. However, the relationship between these different functions and the enzyme's mechanism of secretion is not fully understood. We have investigated the role of tTGase in cell migration using two stably transfected fibroblast cell lines in which expression of tTGase in its active and inactive (C277S mutant) states is inducible through the tetracycline-regulated system. Cells overexpressing both forms of tTGase showed increased cell attachment and decreased cell migration on fibronectin. Both forms of the enzyme could be detected on the cell surface, but only the clone overexpressing catalytically active tTGase deposited the enzyme into the ECM and cell growth medium. Cells overexpressing the inactive form of tTGase did not deposit the enzyme into the ECM or secrete it into the cell culture medium. Similar results were obtained when cells were transfected with tTGase mutated at Tyr(274) (Y274A), the proposed site for the cis,trans peptide bond, suggesting that tTGase activity and/or its tertiary conformation dependent on this bond may be essential for its externalization mechanism. These results indicate that tTGase regulates cell motility as a novel cell-surface adhesion protein rather than as a matrix-cross-linking enzyme. They also provide further important insights into the mechanism of externalization of the enzyme into the extracellular matrix.


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Heterotropic association of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) with extracellular matrix-associated fibronectin (FN) can restore the adhesion of fibroblasts when the integrin-mediated direct binding to FN is impaired using RGD-containing peptide. We demonstrate that the compensatory effect of the TG-FN complex in the presence of RGD-containing peptides is mediated by TG2 binding to the heparan sulfate chains of the syndecan-4 cell surface receptor. This binding mediates activation of protein kinase Ca (PKCa) and its subsequent interaction with ß1 integrin since disruption of PKCa binding to ß1 integrins with a cell-permeant competitive peptide inhibits cell adhesion and the associated actin stress fiber formation. Cell signaling by this process leads to the activation of focal adhesion kinase and ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinases. Fibroblasts deficient in Raf-1 do not respond fully to the TG-FN complex unless either the full-length kinase competent Raf-1 or the kinase-inactive domain of Raf-1 is reintroduced, indicating the involvement of the Raf-1 protein in the signaling mechanism. We propose a model for a novel RGD-independent cell adhesion process that could be important during tissue injury and/or remodeling whereby TG-FN binding to syndecan-4 activates PKCa leading to its association with ß1 integrin, reinforcement of actin-stress fiber organization, and MAPK pathway activation.


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Dipeptide-based sulfonium peptidylmethylketones derived from 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) have been investigated as potential water-soluble inhibitors of extracellular transglutaminase. The lead compounds were prepared in four steps and exhibited potent activity against tissue transglutaminase.


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Data suggest that for TG2 to be secreted, an intact N-terminal FN binding site (for which TG2 has high affinity) is required, however interaction of TG2 with its high affinity binding partners presents both in the intracellular and extracellular space as well as with specific cell surface receptors may also be involved in this process. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, the effects of specific mutations of TG2 on its translocation to the cell surface and secretion into the ECM have been investigated. Mutations include those affecting FN binding (FN1), HSPGs binding (HS1, HS2) GTP/GDP binding site (GTP1, 2) as well as N-terminal and C-terminal domains (TG2 deletion mutants N, and C). By performing transglutaminase activity assays, cell surface protein biotinylation and verifying distribution of TG2 mutants in the ECM we demonstrated that one of the potential heparan sulfate binding site mutants (HS2 mutant) is secreted at the cell surface in a much reduced manner and is less deposited into the ECM than the HS1 mutant. The HS2 mutant showed a low affinity for binding to a heparin sepharose column demonstrating this mutation site may be a potential heparan binding site of TG2. Analogous peptides to this site were shown to have some efficiency in the inhibition of the binding of the FN-TG2 complex to cell surface heparan sulfates in a cell adhesion assay indicating the peptide to be representative of the novel heparin binding site within TG2. The GTP binding site mutants GTP1 and GTP2 exhibited low specific activity however, GTP2 showed more secretion to the cell surface in comparison to GTP1. The FN1 binding mutant did not greatly affect TG2 activity nor did it alter TG2 secretion at the cell surface and deposition into the ECM indicating that fibronectin binding at this site on the enzyme is not an important factor. Interestingly an intact N-terminus (?1-15) appeared to be essential for enzyme externalisation. Removal of the first 15 amino acids (N-terminal mutant) abolished TG2 secretion to the cell surface as well as deposition into the ECM. In addition it reduced the enzymes affinity for binding to heparin. In contrast, deletion of the C-terminal TG2 domain (?594-687) increased enzyme secretion to the cell surface. Consistent with the data presented in this thesis we speculate that TG2 must fulfill two requirements to be successfully secreted from cells. The findings indicate that the closed conformation of the enzyme as well as intact N-terminal tail and a novel HS binding site within the TG2 molecule are key elements for the enzyme’s localisation at the cell surface and its deposition into the extracellular matrix. The importance of understanding the interactions between TG2, heparan sulfates and other TG2 binding partners at the cell surface could have an impact on the design of novel strategies for enzyme inhibition which could be important in the control of extracellular TG2 related diseases.