21 resultados para Finite model searching
We obtain the exact asymptotic result for the disorder-averaged probability distribution function for a random walk in a biased Sinai model and show that it is characterized by a creeping behavior of the displacement moments with time,
We introduce a discrete-time fibre channel model that provides an accurate analytical description of signal-signal and signal-noise interference with memory defined by the interplay of nonlinearity and dispersion. Also the conditional pdf of signal distortion, which captures non-circular complex multivariate symbol interactions, is derived providing the necessary platform for the analysis of channel statistics and capacity estimations in fibre optic links.
The problem of regression under Gaussian assumptions is treated generally. The relationship between Bayesian prediction, regularization and smoothing is elucidated. The ideal regression is the posterior mean and its computation scales as O(n3), where n is the sample size. We show that the optimal m-dimensional linear model under a given prior is spanned by the first m eigenfunctions of a covariance operator, which is a trace-class operator. This is an infinite dimensional analogue of principal component analysis. The importance of Hilbert space methods to practical statistics is also discussed.
An exact solution to a family of parity check error-correcting codes is provided by mapping the problem onto a Husimi cactus. The solution obtained in the thermodynamic limit recovers the replica-symmetric theory results and provides a very good approximation to finite systems of moderate size. The probability propagation decoding algorithm emerges naturally from the analysis. A phase transition between decoding success and failure phases is found to coincide with an information-theoretic upper bound. The method is employed to compare Gallager and MN codes.
Multi-agent algorithms inspired by the division of labour in social insects are applied to a problem of distributed mail retrieval in which agents must visit mail producing cities and choose between mail types under certain constraints.The efficiency (i.e. the average amount of mail retrieved per time step), and the flexibility (i.e. the capability of the agents to react to changes in the environment) are investigated both in static and dynamic environments. New rules for mail selection and specialisation are introduced and are shown to exhibit improved efficiency and flexibility compared to existing ones. We employ a genetic algorithm which allows the various rules to evolve and compete. Apart from obtaining optimised parameters for the various rules for any environment, we also observe extinction and speciation. From a more theoretical point of view, in order to avoid finite size effects, most results are obtained for large population sizes. However, we do analyse the influence of population size on the performance. Furthermore, we critically analyse the causes of efficiency loss, derive the exact dynamics of the model in the large system limit under certain conditions, derive theoretical upper bounds for the efficiency, and compare these with the experimental results.
When applying multivariate analysis techniques in information systems and social science disciplines, such as management information systems (MIS) and marketing, the assumption that the empirical data originate from a single homogeneous population is often unrealistic. When applying a causal modeling approach, such as partial least squares (PLS) path modeling, segmentation is a key issue in coping with the problem of heterogeneity in estimated cause-and-effect relationships. This chapter presents a new PLS path modeling approach which classifies units on the basis of the heterogeneity of the estimates in the inner model. If unobserved heterogeneity significantly affects the estimated path model relationships on the aggregate data level, the methodology will allow homogenous groups of observations to be created that exhibit distinctive path model estimates. The approach will, thus, provide differentiated analytical outcomes that permit more precise interpretations of each segment formed. An application on a large data set in an example of the American customer satisfaction index (ACSI) substantiates the methodology’s effectiveness in evaluating PLS path modeling results.
The modelling of mechanical structures using finite element analysis has become an indispensable stage in the design of new components and products. Once the theoretical design has been optimised a prototype may be constructed and tested. What can the engineer do if the measured and theoretically predicted vibration characteristics of the structure are significantly different? This thesis considers the problems of changing the parameters of the finite element model to improve the correlation between a physical structure and its mathematical model. Two new methods are introduced to perform the systematic parameter updating. The first uses the measured modal model to derive the parameter values with the minimum variance. The user must provide estimates for the variance of the theoretical parameter values and the measured data. Previous authors using similar methods have assumed that the estimated parameters and measured modal properties are statistically independent. This will generally be the case during the first iteration but will not be the case subsequently. The second method updates the parameters directly from the frequency response functions. The order of the finite element model of the structure is reduced as a function of the unknown parameters. A method related to a weighted equation error algorithm is used to update the parameters. After each iteration the weighting changes so that on convergence the output error is minimised. The suggested methods are extensively tested using simulated data. An H frame is then used to demonstrate the algorithms on a physical structure.
We propose a simple model that captures the salient properties of distribution networks, and study the possible occurrence of blackouts, i.e., sudden failings of large portions of such networks. The model is defined on a random graph of finite connectivity. The nodes of the graph represent hubs of the network, while the edges of the graph represent the links of the distribution network. Both, the nodes and the edges carry dynamical two state variables representing the functioning or dysfunctional state of the node or link in question. We describe a dynamical process in which the breakdown of a link or node is triggered when the level of maintenance it receives falls below a given threshold. This form of dynamics can lead to situations of catastrophic breakdown, if levels of maintenance are themselves dependent on the functioning of the net, once maintenance levels locally fall below a critical threshold due to fluctuations. We formulate conditions under which such systems can be analyzed in terms of thermodynamic equilibrium techniques, and under these conditions derive a phase diagram characterizing the collective behavior of the system, given its model parameters. The phase diagram is confirmed qualitatively and quantitatively by simulations on explicit realizations of the graph, thus confirming the validity of our approach. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
This thesis describes an experimental and analytic study of the effects of magnetic non-linearity and finite length on the loss and field distribution in solid iron due to a travelling mmf wave. In the first half of the thesis, a two-dimensional solution is developed which accounts for the effects of both magnetic non-linearity and eddy-current reaction; this solution is extended, in the second half, to a three-dimensional model. In the two-dimensional solution, new equations for loss and flux/pole are given; these equations contain the primary excitation, the machine parameters and factors describing the shape of the normal B-H curve. The solution applies to machines of any air-gap length. The conditions for maximum loss are defined, and generalised torque/frequency curves are obtained. A relationship between the peripheral component of magnetic field on the surface of the iron and the primary excitation is given. The effects of magnetic non-linearity and finite length are combined analytically by introducing an equivalent constant permeability into a linear three-dimensional analysis. The equivalent constant permeability is defined from the non-linear solution for the two-dimensional magnetic field at the axial centre of the machine to avoid iterative solutions. In the linear three-dimensional analysis, the primary excitation in the passive end-regions of the machine is set equal to zero and the secondary end faces are developed onto the air-gap surface. The analyses, and the assumptions on which they are based, were verified on an experimental machine which consists of a three-phase rotor and alternative solid iron stators, one with copper end rings, and one without copper end rings j the main dimensions of the two stators are identical. Measurements of torque, flux /pole, surface current density and radial power flow were obtained for both stators over a range of frequencies and excitations. Comparison of the measurements on the two stators enabled the individual effects of finite length and saturation to be identified, and the definition of constant equivalent permeability to be verified. The penetration of the peripheral flux into the stator with copper end rings was measured and compared with theoretical penetration curves. Agreement between measured and theoretical results was generally good.
Finite element analysis is a useful tool in understanding how the accommodation system of the eye works. Further to simpler FEA models that have been used hitherto, this paper describes a sensitivity study which aims to understand which parameters of the crystalline lens are key to developing an accurate model of the accommodation system. A number of lens models were created, allowing the mechanical properties, internal structure and outer geometry to be varied. These models were then spun about their axes, and the deformations determined. The results showed the mechanical properties are the critical parameters, with the internal structure secondary. Further research is needed to fully understand how the internal structure and properties interact to affect lens deformation.
The transformational implementation of JSD process specifications via finite automata representation
Conventional structured methods of software engineering are often based on the use of functional decomposition coupled with the Waterfall development process model. This approach is argued to be inadequate for coping with the evolutionary nature of large software systems. Alternative development paradigms, including the operational paradigm and the transformational paradigm, have been proposed to address the inadequacies of this conventional view of software developement, and these are reviewed. JSD is presented as an example of an operational approach to software engineering, and is contrasted with other well documented examples. The thesis shows how aspects of JSD can be characterised with reference to formal language theory and automata theory. In particular, it is noted that Jackson structure diagrams are equivalent to regular expressions and can be thought of as specifying corresponding finite automata. The thesis discusses the automatic transformation of structure diagrams into finite automata using an algorithm adapted from compiler theory, and then extends the technique to deal with areas of JSD which are not strictly formalisable in terms of regular languages. In particular, an elegant and novel method for dealing with so called recognition (or parsing) difficulties is described,. Various applications of the extended technique are described. They include a new method of automatically implementing the dismemberment transformation; an efficient way of implementing inversion in languages lacking a goto-statement; and a new in-the-large implementation strategy.
The topic of my research is consumer brand equity (CBE). My thesis is that the success or otherwise of a brand is better viewed from the consumers’ perspective. I specifically focus on consumers as a unique group of stakeholders whose involvement with brands is crucial to the overall success of branding strategy. To this end, this research examines the constellation of ideas on brand equity that have hitherto been offered by various scholars. Through a systematic integration of the concepts and practices identified but these scholars (concepts and practices such as: competitiveness, consumer searching, consumer behaviour, brand image, brand relevance, consumer perceived value, etc.), this research identifies CBE as a construct that is shaped, directed and made valuable by the beliefs, attitudes and the subjective preferences of consumers. This is done by examining the criteria on the basis of which the consumers evaluate brands and make brand purchase decisions. Understanding the criteria by which consumers evaluate brands is crucial for several reasons. First, as the basis upon which consumers select brands changes with consumption norms and technology, understanding the consumer choice process will help in formulating branding strategy. Secondly, an understanding of these criteria will help in formulating a creative and innovative agenda for ‘new brand’ propositions. Thirdly, it will also influence firms’ ability to simulate and mould the plasticity of demand for existing brands. In examining these three issues, this thesis presents a comprehensive account of CBE. This is because the first issue raised in the preceding paragraph deals with the content of CBE. The second issue addresses the problem of how to develop a reliable and valid measuring instrument for CBE. The third issue examines the structural and statistical relationships between the factors of CBE and the consequences of CBE on consumer perceived value (CPV). Using LISREL-SIMPLIS 8.30, the study finds direct and significant influential links between consumer brand equity and consumer value perception.
Particle impacts are of fundamental importance in many areas and there has been a renewed interest in research on particle impact problems. A comprehensive investigation of the particle impact problems, using finite element (FE) methods, is presented in this thesis. The capability of FE procedures for modelling particle impacts is demonstrated by excellent agreements between FE analysis results and previous theoretical, experimental and numerical results. For normal impacts of elastic particles, it is found that the energy loss due to stress wave propagation is negligible if it can reflect more than three times during the impact, for which Hertz theory provides a good prediction of impact behaviour provided that the contact deformation is sufficiently small. For normal impact of plastic particles, the energy loss due to stress wave propagation is also generally negligible so that the energy loss is mainly due to plastic deformation. Finite-deformation plastic impact is addressed in this thesis so that plastic impacts can be categorised into elastic-plastic impact and finite-deformation plastic impact. Criteria for the onset of finite-deformation plastic impacts are proposed in terms of impact velocity and material properties. It is found that the coefficient of restitution depends mainly upon the ratio of impact velocity to yield Vni/Vy0 for elastic-plastic impacts, but it is proportional to [(Vni/Vy0)*(Y/E*)]-1/2, where Y /E* is the representative yield strain for finite-deformation plastic impacts. A theoretical model for elastic-plastic impacts is also developed and compares favourably with FEA and previous experimental results. The effect of work hardening is also investigated.
In this paper, we discuss how discriminative training can be applied to the hidden vector state (HVS) model in different task domains. The HVS model is a discrete hidden Markov model (HMM) in which each HMM state represents the state of a push-down automaton with a finite stack size. In previous applications, maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) is used to derive the parameters of the HVS model. However, MLE makes a number of assumptions and unfortunately some of these assumptions do not hold. Discriminative training, without making such assumptions, can improve the performance of the HVS model by discriminating the correct hypothesis from the competing hypotheses. Experiments have been conducted in two domains: the travel domain for the semantic parsing task using the DARPA Communicator data and the Air Travel Information Services (ATIS) data and the bioinformatics domain for the information extraction task using the GENIA corpus. The results demonstrate modest improvements of the performance of the HVS model using discriminative training. In the travel domain, discriminative training of the HVS model gives a relative error reduction rate of 31 percent in F-measure when compared with MLE on the DARPA Communicator data and 9 percent on the ATIS data. In the bioinformatics domain, a relative error reduction rate of 4 percent in F-measure is achieved on the GENIA corpus.
In this paper we investigate whether consideration of store-level heterogeneity in marketing mix effects improves the accuracy of the marketing mix elasticities, fit, and forecasting accuracy of the widely-applied SCAN*PRO model of store sales. Models with continuous and discrete representations of heterogeneity, estimated using hierarchical Bayes (HB) and finite mixture (FM) techniques, respectively, are empirically compared to the original model, which does not account for store-level heterogeneity in marketing mix effects, and is estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS). The empirical comparisons are conducted in two contexts: Dutch store-level scanner data for the shampoo product category, and an extensive simulation experiment. The simulation investigates how between- and within-segment variance in marketing mix effects, error variance, the number of weeks of data, and the number of stores impact the accuracy of marketing mix elasticities, model fit, and forecasting accuracy. Contrary to expectations, accommodating store-level heterogeneity does not improve the accuracy of marketing mix elasticities relative to the homogeneous SCAN*PRO model, suggesting that little may be lost by employing the original homogeneous SCAN*PRO model estimated using ordinary least squares. Improvements in fit and forecasting accuracy are also fairly modest. We pursue an explanation for this result since research in other contexts has shown clear advantages from assuming some type of heterogeneity in market response models. In an Afterthought section, we comment on the controversial nature of our result, distinguishing factors inherent to household-level data and associated models vs. general store-level data and associated models vs. the unique SCAN*PRO model specification.