42 resultados para BROADBAND


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In spite of the increasing significance of broadband Internet, there are not many research papers explicitly addressing issues pertaining to its adoption and postadoption. Previous research on broadband has mainly focused on the supply side aspect at the national level, ignoring the importance of the demand side which may involve looking more deeply into the use, as well as factors impacting organizational and individual uptake. In an attempt to fill this gap, the current study empirically verifies an integrated theoretical model comprising the theory of planned behavior and the IS continuance model to examine factors influencing broadband Internet adoption and postadoption behavior of some 1,500 organizations in Singapore. Overall, strong support for the integrated model has been manifested by our results, providing insight into influential factors. At the adoption stage, perceived behavioral control has the greatest impact on behavioral intention. Our findings also suggest that, as compared to attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control more significantly affect the broadband Internet adoption decision. At the postadoption stage, intention is no longer the only determinant of broadband Internet continuance; rather, initial usage was found to significantly affect broadband Internet continuance.


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We present here a new class of multi-channel Fiber Bragg grating (FBG), which provides the characteristics of channelized dispersion but does so with only a single reflection band. An FBG of this type can provide pure phase control of the spectral waveform of optical pulses without introducing any deleterious insertion-loss-variation. We anticipate that this new class of FBG will find some applications in wavelength-division- multiplexing systems.


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In spite of increasing significance of Broadband Internet, there are not many research papers explicitly addressing issues pertaining to its deployment and continuance. Previous research on Broadband has mainly focused on the supply side aspect at the national level, ignoring the importance of the demand side which may involve looking more deeply into the factors impacting organizational and individual uptake. In an attempt to fill this gap, the current study empirically verifies the IS continuance model to examine factors influencing Broadband Internet post-adoption behavior of some 1,500 organizations in Singapore. Strong support for the model has been manifested by our results, providing insight into influential factors. Results of the study suggest that that perceived usefulness is the strongest predictor of users' continuance intention, followed by satisfaction with Broadband Internet usage as a significant but weaker predictor.


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B-ISDN is a universal network which supports diverse mixes of service, applications and traffic. ATM has been accepted world-wide as the transport technique for future use in B-ISDN. ATM, being a simple packet oriented transfer technique, provides a flexible means for supporting a continuum of transport rates and is efficient due to possible statistical sharing of network resources by multiple users. In order to fully exploit the potential statistical gain, while at the same time provide diverse service and traffic mixes, an efficient traffic control must be designed. Traffic controls which include congestion and flow control are a fundamental necessity to the success and viability of future B-ISDN. Congestion and flow control is difficult in the broadband environment due to the high speed link, the wide area distance, diverse service requirements and diverse traffic characteristics. Most congestion and flow control approaches in conventional packet switched networks are reactive in nature and are not applicable in the B-ISDN environment. In this research, traffic control procedures mainly based on preventive measures for a private ATM-based network are proposed and their performance evaluated. The various traffic controls include CAC, traffic flow enforcement, priority control and an explicit feedback mechanism. These functions operate at call level and cell level. They are carried out distributively by the end terminals, the network access points and the internal elements of the network. During the connection set-up phase, the CAC decides the acceptance or denial of a connection request and allocates bandwidth to the new connection according to three schemes; peak bit rate, statistical rate and average bit rate. The statistical multiplexing rate is based on a `bufferless fluid flow model' which is simple and robust. The allocation of an average bit rate to data traffic at the expense of delay obviously improves the network bandwidth utilisation.


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In spite of the increasing significance of broadband, many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are unaware of or unappreciative of its benefits. This is potentially a problem for governments, Internet Service Providers and other supply side institutions. The current study empirically verifies applicability of an extended IS continuance model controlling for organizational variables based on the Technology-Organization-Environment framework to examine factors influencing broadband post-adoption behavior of SMEs in Singapore. Strong support for the model has been manifested by the results, providing insight into influential factors. Results of the study suggest that perceived usefulness is a strong predictor of users’ continuance intention, followed by satisfaction with broadband usage as a significant but weaker predictor. SMEs in a more competitive business environment and whose key executive possesses greater IT knowledge are more likely to use broadband.


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We present the first experimental implementation of a recently designed quasi-lossless fibre span with strongly reduced signal power excursion. The resulting fibre waveguide medium can be advantageously used both in lightwave communications and in all-optical nonlinear data processing.


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It is shown theoretically that an optical bottle resonator with a nanoscale radius variation can perform a multinanosecond long dispersionless delay of light in a nanometer-order bandwidth with minimal losses. Experimentally, a 3 mm long resonator with a 2.8 nm deep semiparabolic radius variation is fabricated from a 19??µm radius silica fiber with a subangstrom precision. In excellent agreement with theory, the resonator exhibits the impedance-matched 2.58 ns (3 bytes) delay of 100 ps pulses with 0.44??dB/ns intrinsic loss. This is a miniature slow light delay line with the record large delay time, record small transmission loss, dispersion, and effective speed of light.


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It is shown theoretically that an optical bottle resonator with a nanoscale radius variation can perform a multinanosecond long dispersionless delay of light in a nanometer-order bandwidth with minimal losses. Experimentally, a 3 mm long resonator with a 2.8 nm deep semiparabolic radius variation is fabricated from a 19??µm radius silica fiber with a subangstrom precision. In excellent agreement with theory, the resonator exhibits the impedance-matched 2.58 ns (3 bytes) delay of 100 ps pulses with 0.44??dB/ns intrinsic loss. This is a miniature slow light delay line with the record large delay time, record small transmission loss, dispersion, and effective speed of light.


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We present the first experimental implementation of a recently designed quasi-lossless fibre span with strongly reduced signal power excursion. The resulting fibre waveguide medium can be advantageously used both in lightwave communications and in all-optical nonlinear data processing.


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This paper explores experimentally the impairments in performance that are generated when multiple single-sideband (SSB) subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) signals are closely allocated in frequency to establish a spectrally efficient wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) link. The performance of cost-effective SSB WDM/ SCM implementations, without optical filters in the transmitter, presents a strong dependency on the imperfect sideband suppression ratio that can be directly achieved with the electro-optical modulator. A direct detected broadband multichannel SCM link composed of a state-of-the-art optical IQ modulator and five quadrature phase-shift keyed (QPSK) subcarriers per optical channel is presented, showing that a suppression ratio of 20 dB obtained directly with the modulator produced a penalty of 2 dB in overall performance, due to interference between adjacent optical channels.


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This paper develops a theoretical analysis of the tradeoff between carrier suppression and nonlinearities induced by optical IQ modulators in direct-detection subcarrier multiplexing systems. The tradeoff is obtained by examining the influence of the bias conditions of the modulator on the transmitted single side band signal. The frequency components in the electric field and the associated photocurrent at the output of the IQ modulator are derived mathematically. For any frequency plan, the optimum bias point can be identified by calculating the sensitivity gain for every subchannel. A setup composed of subcarriers located at multiples of the data rate ensures that the effects of intermodulation distortion are studied in the most suitable conditions. Experimental tests with up to five QPSK electrical subchannels are performed to verify the mathematical model and validate the predicted gains in sensitivity.


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We have theoretically and experimentally designed and demonstrated an all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF), which is formed by a polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber cavity structure utilizing two 45° tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs) inscribed by UV laser on the PM fiber. Such a filter could generate modulated transmission of linear polarization status. It has been revealed that the modulation depth of the transmission depends on the coupling angle between the 45°-TFGs and the PM fiber cavity. When the two 45°-TFGs in PM fiber are oriented at 45° to the principal axis of the PM fiber cavity, the maximum modulation depth is achievable. Due to the thermal effect on birefringence of the PM fiber, the AFPIF can be tuned over a broad wavelength range just by simple thermal tuning of the cavity. The experiment results show that the temperature tuning sensitivity is proportional to the length ratio of the PM fiber cavity under heating. For 18 and 40 cm long cavities with 6 cm part under heating, the thermal tuning sensitivities are 0.616 and 0.31 nm/° C, respectively, which are almost two orders of magnitude higher than normal fiber Bragg gratings. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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We present here a new class of multi-channel Fiber Bragg grating (FBG), which provides the characteristics of channelized dispersion but does so with only a single reflection band. An FBG of this type can provide pure phase control of the spectral waveform of optical pulses without introducing any deleterious insertion-loss-variation. We anticipate that this new class of FBG will find some applications in wavelengthdivision-multiplexing systems. ©2007 Optical Society of America.


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This paper is concerned with long-term (20+ years) forecasting of broadband traffic in next-generation networks. Such long-term approach requires going beyond extrapolations of past traffic data while facing high uncertainty in predicting the future developments and facing the fact that, in 20 years, the current network technologies and architectures will be obsolete. Thus, "order of magnitude" upper bounds of upstream and downstream traffic are deemed to be good enough to facilitate such long-term forecasting. These bounds can be obtained by evaluating the limits of human sighting and assuming that these limits will be achieved by future services or, alternatively, by considering the contents transferred by bandwidth-demanding applications such as those using embedded interactive 3D video streaming. The traffic upper bounds are a good indication of the peak values and, subsequently, also of the future network capacity demands. Furthermore, the main drivers of traffic growth including multimedia as well as non-multimedia applications are identified. New disruptive applications and services are explored that can make good use of the large bandwidth provided by next-generation networks. The results can be used to identify monetization opportunities of future services and to map potential revenues for network operators. © 2014 The Author(s).