25 resultados para LLoyd, Michael


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Following the decision, northern newspapers hailed it as “the Supreme Court speaking out in defense of the quality of human rights.” The Kansas City Call, one of the leading black newspapers in Missouri, declared, “If keeping the races separate is so important to Missourians that coeducation is unthinkable then let them count the cost!” The NAACP’s long-term plan for casting financial burden upon the Jim Crow states was now a reality.


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Charles Hamilton Houston and other NAACP attorneys assembled in early October 1939 to take depositions in preparation for the hearing scheduled a week later in Columbia to determine whether the university had complied with the Gaines decision. Attorneys took depositions from all of the instructors of the new LU law school as their preparation for the court proceedings wound down. The deposition of Lloyd Gaines was next. Attorneys planned to ask Gaines whether he considered Lincoln to be as good of a law school as Missouri and whether he planned to enroll. Called for questioning, Gaines did not respond. He could not be located anywhere. Lloyd’s mother, Callie Gaines, recalled that in January her son “left here to go to Kansas City to make a speech. That’s the last I saw of him.” While in Kansas City, Gaines spoke at the Centennial Methodist Church. He also looked for work, but not finding any caught a train for Chicago, telling people in Kansas City that he would stay a few days and return home.


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During this time Lloyd Gaines took meals at the home of Eddie Mae Page; a friend from St. Louis. Running low on funds, he stayed at the Alpha Phi Alpha house where members took up a collection for him. On a rainy night, March 19, 1939, Lloyd Gaines told friends that he was going to buy stamps and would be right back. To this day, Lloyd L. Gaines has never been located.


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The May 1951 Ebony Magazine Article "The Strange Disappearance of Lloyd Gaines"


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What happened to Gaines? There are many ideas ranging from being murdered or lynched, being bribed to run away, or disappearing on his own to get away from the pressure of celebrity. That final possibility was brought about by Dr. Greene, who claimed that a man who sounded like Gaines had phoned him while in Mexico and wished to meet. The man never showed up. A recent theory is one of where Lloyd was kidnapped by opponents of the Gaines court decision who took him to Jefferson City and lynched him in McClung Park. All of these theories are speculation and the fact remains that Lloyd Gaines’ whereabouts are a mystery to this day.


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In 2006, a law degree was posthumously awarded to Lloyd and accepted by his nephew, George Gaines.


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Lloyd Gaines’ memory has been honored most notably by the University of Missouri. In 1995, a law scholarship in his name was established at the institution. Also, in 2001, MU opened the Gaines/Oldham Black Culture at MU which shares his name.


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On May 13, 2006, University of Missouri awarded Lloyd Gaines Doctor of Law degree.


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On September 28th, 2006, the Missouri State Supreme Court conferred a posthumous law license for Mr. Gaines.


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This Exhibit is on display at Inman E. Page Library Room 317 and online at Blue Tiger Commons: http://bluetigercommons.lincolnu.edu/lgaines_exhibit/