5 resultados para teologia da libertação

em Memoria Académica - FaHCE, UNLP - Argentina


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Tabla de contenidos: El rescate del discurso oral / Pedro Luis Barcia. Uma introduçao ao estudo e cultural da música na Grécia antiga / Fábio Vergara Cerqueira. Lenguaje, discurso y meta-teatralidad en los cantos corales de Séneca / Zelia de Almeida Cardoso. Actualidad y pervivencia del discurso político romano / Gregorio Hinojo Andrés. Lenguaje, discurso y civilización en Baquílides 11 / Ana María González de Tobia. Los ditirambos de Baquílides : Lenguaje, estructura y religiosidad / Fernando García Romero. La represión del adulterio por la Lex iulia de adulteriis coercendis / Marha Patricia Irigoyen Troconis. El imaginario empedocleo / Giuseppina Grammatico. El género lírico entre autoridad poética y prácticas enunciativas : De Goethe a Safo / Claude Calame. La isla y el exilio : Lenguaje y recuperación de la civilización en Odisea / Graciela Cristina Zecchin de Fasano. Homéridas y rehenes / Jaume Pòrtulas. Virgilio y la palabra poética / Antonio Alvar Ezquerra. Falsedad genuina y falsedad verbal en Platón / María Isabel Santa Cruz. El origen de las ideas sobre el espacio y el tiempo / Héctor Vucetich. Homero y Heródoto / Christopher Pelling. Traços teológicos comuns à tragédias de Esquilo : A Teologia de Esquilo no drama Prometheus Demótes / Jaa Torrano. Onoma, érgon y lógos en Helena de Eurípides / Juan Tobías Nápoli. Atenas y Delfos : Adivinación, ley y lenguaje en la Orestíada / Angus Bowie. Linguaggio, discorso e veritá nella Repubblica di Platone / Giovanni Casertano. El estribillo en la poesía clásica, o el poder de la repetición / David Konstan.


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One of the most important spaces into which Althusserianism diffused in Argentina was Zaratismo, a political tendency that spread from the Communist Party to an armed organization called the Argentinian Liberation Forces. In this work we propose an analysis of this experience that emphasizes the relations between the characteristic elements of Althusserianism - the epistemological break in Marx's work, theoretical practice, and the concept of economic and social formation - and those of the development of an armed strategy for Argentina, including critiques of theoreticism and opportunism, an adaptation of the theory of war to the national situation, and a correct conjunction of theoretical concepts with concrete realitie


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One of the most important spaces into which Althusserianism diffused in Argentina was Zaratismo, a political tendency that spread from the Communist Party to an armed organization called the Argentinian Liberation Forces. In this work we propose an analysis of this experience that emphasizes the relations between the characteristic elements of Althusserianism - the epistemological break in Marx's work, theoretical practice, and the concept of economic and social formation - and those of the development of an armed strategy for Argentina, including critiques of theoreticism and opportunism, an adaptation of the theory of war to the national situation, and a correct conjunction of theoretical concepts with concrete realitie


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One of the most important spaces into which Althusserianism diffused in Argentina was Zaratismo, a political tendency that spread from the Communist Party to an armed organization called the Argentinian Liberation Forces. In this work we propose an analysis of this experience that emphasizes the relations between the characteristic elements of Althusserianism - the epistemological break in Marx's work, theoretical practice, and the concept of economic and social formation - and those of the development of an armed strategy for Argentina, including critiques of theoreticism and opportunism, an adaptation of the theory of war to the national situation, and a correct conjunction of theoretical concepts with concrete realitie