12 resultados para non governmental organization
em Memoria Académica - FaHCE, UNLP - Argentina
The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities
Este trabajo indaga desde las ciencias sociales la aplicación de la comunicación como herramienta estratégica de trabajo en las organizaciones, en particular aquellas que se dedican al deporte profesional. Desde la experiencia de la Asociación Civil Bahía Blanca Basket como caso de estudio se plantean ideas que pretenden aportar conocimiento a un campo de estudio en desarrollo
El desarrollo local ambientalmente sostenible del territorio pondera variables económicas, sociales y ambientales, y en él es esencial la legitimidad política: necesita ser construido por consenso en un ámbito democrático. La articulación entre los actores sociales (Estado, sociedad civil y mercado) constituye una dimensión relevante para su logro. El objeto del presente artículo1 es identificar las potencialidades y restricciones de la articulación municipio organizaciones no gubernamentales para la gestión de problemáticas ambientales, teniendo en cuenta el papel que en tal relación juega la comunidad científica local. El recorte espacial válido para la investigación es el Municipio de Luján en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que cuenta con gran cantidad y diversidad de ONG, cumple con las condiciones de escala poblacional para el desarrollo local y en el que se emplaza la sede central de la Universidad Nacional de Luján.
Este trabajo indaga desde las ciencias sociales la aplicación de la comunicación como herramienta estratégica de trabajo en las organizaciones, en particular aquellas que se dedican al deporte profesional. Desde la experiencia de la Asociación Civil Bahía Blanca Basket como caso de estudio se plantean ideas que pretenden aportar conocimiento a un campo de estudio en desarrollo
El desarrollo local ambientalmente sostenible del territorio pondera variables económicas, sociales y ambientales, y en él es esencial la legitimidad política: necesita ser construido por consenso en un ámbito democrático. La articulación entre los actores sociales (Estado, sociedad civil y mercado) constituye una dimensión relevante para su logro. El objeto del presente artículo1 es identificar las potencialidades y restricciones de la articulación municipio organizaciones no gubernamentales para la gestión de problemáticas ambientales, teniendo en cuenta el papel que en tal relación juega la comunidad científica local. El recorte espacial válido para la investigación es el Municipio de Luján en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que cuenta con gran cantidad y diversidad de ONG, cumple con las condiciones de escala poblacional para el desarrollo local y en el que se emplaza la sede central de la Universidad Nacional de Luján.
The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities
The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities
Este trabajo indaga desde las ciencias sociales la aplicación de la comunicación como herramienta estratégica de trabajo en las organizaciones, en particular aquellas que se dedican al deporte profesional. Desde la experiencia de la Asociación Civil Bahía Blanca Basket como caso de estudio se plantean ideas que pretenden aportar conocimiento a un campo de estudio en desarrollo
El desarrollo local ambientalmente sostenible del territorio pondera variables económicas, sociales y ambientales, y en él es esencial la legitimidad política: necesita ser construido por consenso en un ámbito democrático. La articulación entre los actores sociales (Estado, sociedad civil y mercado) constituye una dimensión relevante para su logro. El objeto del presente artículo1 es identificar las potencialidades y restricciones de la articulación municipio organizaciones no gubernamentales para la gestión de problemáticas ambientales, teniendo en cuenta el papel que en tal relación juega la comunidad científica local. El recorte espacial válido para la investigación es el Municipio de Luján en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que cuenta con gran cantidad y diversidad de ONG, cumple con las condiciones de escala poblacional para el desarrollo local y en el que se emplaza la sede central de la Universidad Nacional de Luján.
The international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-ment (OECD), like many national and international organizations concerned with economic development believes that career guidance has an important role in promoting the development of a country's human resources. (Mapping the future: Young People and career guidance OECD, 1996). Generally the economic development agencies always recommend that career guidance services should be strengthened. Too frequently, however, they do not recognize the difficulties facing counselor in the schools and do not give clear and specific recommendations, yet they appear to believe that the education or other au thorities who are responsible to guidance will quickly agree and provide more resources for guidance. In addition to economic development agencies, social and educational development agencies also make important recommendations concerning the provision of guidance services. UNESCO, for example, has published two re- cent reports (Policies and Guidelines for Educational and Vocational Guidelines for Equal Access and Opportunity for Girls and Women in Technical and Vocational Education.) It is interesting to compare the OECD and UNESCO rec- ommendations and note that the relative strengths of each set of recommenda- tions, and to imagine how they might be combined in advocating changes in policies and programs.
The international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-ment (OECD), like many national and international organizations concerned with economic development believes that career guidance has an important role in promoting the development of a country's human resources. (Mapping the future: Young People and career guidance OECD, 1996). Generally the economic development agencies always recommend that career guidance services should be strengthened. Too frequently, however, they do not recognize the difficulties facing counselor in the schools and do not give clear and specific recommendations, yet they appear to believe that the education or other au thorities who are responsible to guidance will quickly agree and provide more resources for guidance. In addition to economic development agencies, social and educational development agencies also make important recommendations concerning the provision of guidance services. UNESCO, for example, has published two re- cent reports (Policies and Guidelines for Educational and Vocational Guidelines for Equal Access and Opportunity for Girls and Women in Technical and Vocational Education.) It is interesting to compare the OECD and UNESCO rec- ommendations and note that the relative strengths of each set of recommenda- tions, and to imagine how they might be combined in advocating changes in policies and programs.
The international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-ment (OECD), like many national and international organizations concerned with economic development believes that career guidance has an important role in promoting the development of a country's human resources. (Mapping the future: Young People and career guidance OECD, 1996). Generally the economic development agencies always recommend that career guidance services should be strengthened. Too frequently, however, they do not recognize the difficulties facing counselor in the schools and do not give clear and specific recommendations, yet they appear to believe that the education or other au thorities who are responsible to guidance will quickly agree and provide more resources for guidance. In addition to economic development agencies, social and educational development agencies also make important recommendations concerning the provision of guidance services. UNESCO, for example, has published two re- cent reports (Policies and Guidelines for Educational and Vocational Guidelines for Equal Access and Opportunity for Girls and Women in Technical and Vocational Education.) It is interesting to compare the OECD and UNESCO rec- ommendations and note that the relative strengths of each set of recommenda- tions, and to imagine how they might be combined in advocating changes in policies and programs.