8 resultados para Espanha, história, século XVIII

em Memoria Académica - FaHCE, UNLP - Argentina


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This paper analyzes the processes of extinction of indigenous collective lands and villages in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, from mid-eighteenth century to the nineteenth century, giving emphasis on the role of IndigenousÆs policy aiming to delay the process. Based on the correspondence among authorities, laws, statistical reports, and petitions from the Indians themselves, we approach the agrarian conflicts among indigenous, non-Indian residents and municipal councils, focusing on the issue of controversies and discussions regarding ethnicity that played a central role in these disputes.


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This paper analyzes the processes of extinction of indigenous collective lands and villages in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, from mid-eighteenth century to the nineteenth century, giving emphasis on the role of IndigenousÆs policy aiming to delay the process. Based on the correspondence among authorities, laws, statistical reports, and petitions from the Indians themselves, we approach the agrarian conflicts among indigenous, non-Indian residents and municipal councils, focusing on the issue of controversies and discussions regarding ethnicity that played a central role in these disputes.


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This paper analyzes the processes of extinction of indigenous collective lands and villages in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, from mid-eighteenth century to the nineteenth century, giving emphasis on the role of IndigenousÆs policy aiming to delay the process. Based on the correspondence among authorities, laws, statistical reports, and petitions from the Indians themselves, we approach the agrarian conflicts among indigenous, non-Indian residents and municipal councils, focusing on the issue of controversies and discussions regarding ethnicity that played a central role in these disputes.


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Tabla de contenidos: Nota introductoria / Emir Reitano, Paulo Possamai. Del Tajo al Amazonas y al Plata. Las repercusiones atlánticas de las 12 guerras entre las coronas española y portuguesa en la Edad Moderna / Juan Marchena Fernández. El presidio de Buenos Aires entre los Habsburgo y los Borbones: el ejército regular en la frontera sur del imperio español / Carlos María Birocco. Los soldados indígenas del Rey Católico: los misioneros en las guerras por la Colonia del Sacramento / Paulo César Possamai. Ataque de la flota combinada anglo portuguesa a la Colonia del Sacramento.El hundimiento del navío Lord Clive (1763) / Marcelo Díaz Buschiazzo. Travessías difíceis: Portugal, Colónia do Sacramento e o projeto Montevidéu (1715-1755) / Victor Hugo Abril. Beresford e D. Joao VI ? Uma inesperada confluencia / Fernando Dores Costa. La guerra: una situación límite. Una aproximación al tema: Batalla de India Muerta, noviembre 1816 / Juan Carlos Luzuriaga. Fortalezas imperiais: Arquitetura e cotidiano (Fronteira Oeste da América Portuguesa, século XVIII) / Otávio Ribeiro Chaves. Resistência e cotidiano da tropa militar do presídio de Miranda: Aspectos da defesa da fronteira sul da capitania de Mato Grosso (1797-1822) / Bruno Mendez Tulux. Os índios Payaguá: guerra e comércio na fronteira oeste da América portuguesa / Maria De Jesus Nauk. De Yatay a Cerro- Corá. Consenso e Dissenso na resistência militar paraguaia / Mario Maestri. Extraños en los confines del imperio: los portugueses ante la corona española en el Río de la Plata / Emir Reitano. Incidências da guerra en uma fronteira imperial: Rio Grande de Sao Pedro (1750-1825) / Helen Osorio. Armas y control. El ?negro delito de la deserción? en la Banda Oriental (1811-1816) / Daniel Fessler. Cruzar fronteiras, conectar mundos. As missoes austrais na pampa bonaerense (Século XVIII) / María Cristina Martins. Las guerras coloniales en la historiografía uruguaya de orientación nacionalista / Tomás Sansón. Las estatuas al Almirante Brown y la ?construcción de la Nación Argentina? / Diego Téllez Alarcia.


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Tabla de contenidos: La historiografía en torno a los luso-brasileños en el Buenos Aires colonial / Marcela Tejerina. Colonia del Sacramento, la bibliografía y la creación de las memorias nacionales / Fernando Jumar. Os portugueses na regiao platina, depois da restauraçao : Dos planos de Salvador Correia de Sá à reabertura do comércio inter-colonial [1640-1670] / Cristina Lança Morais. Colônia do Sacramento : Autoridade e redes sociais na fronteira platina no século XVIII / Fabrício Pereira Prado. La presencia portuguesa en la Capitanía General de Chile [siglo XVIII] / Isabel Paredes. Los portugueses de Buenos Aires durante el período colonial tardío : Sus estrategias de inversión y parentesco / Emir Reitano. El sistema fonológico portugués, desencadenante temprano de un proceso de cambio en el español porteño / Inés Abadía de Quant. O terremoto de Lisboa : Oikonomia e estado de exçeçao / Raúl Antelo. Saudades de la patria ingrata. La experiencia lusitana en el romanticismo argentino / Adriana Amante. El deseo y la novela realista. O primo Basílio de Eça de Queirós / Florencia Garramuño. Vida cotidiana en el Portugal de la posguerra. Electrodomésticos, criadas y amas de casa / Diego Bussola. Bajo el signo de la disidencia : José Saramago / Miguel Alberto Koleff. Tan cerca, tan lejos : Los jesuitas en la obra de Gilberto Freyre / Jorge Troisi. Pensar uma América Portuguesa / Silvina Carrizo. Una celebración de los orígenes espurios. Mestizaje y cultura portuguesa en el luso-tropicalismo de Gilberto Freyre / Alejandra Mailhe. La noción de heteronomia a través de los escritos de Fernando Pessoa / Claudio M. Arca. Sobre la relación Pessoa-Borges / Juan José Mendoza. Escrever é esquecer : Pessoa, Borges / Graciela Cariello.


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The work has as objective to produce a look about what we can think as a long history of information, what we think out from the most remote times until its conversion to theástatusáof object of the Information Science (IS) in the second half of 20th century. Of theorical nature and keeping up itself by the literature in IS and in similar areas, a discussion is made about the concept of information to then to list names, happenings and theories that contributed in the passage of the domain of the daily life to the domain of the Science. From a distant past to the most recent happenings connected to the problem of the privacity of the citizens in the digital networks, it is verified in the history of information a closed relation with the power, reason that suggests the deepening of the studies in IS about the political and ethical issues in the contemporary society.


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The work has as objective to produce a look about what we can think as a long history of information, what we think out from the most remote times until its conversion to theástatusáof object of the Information Science (IS) in the second half of 20th century. Of theorical nature and keeping up itself by the literature in IS and in similar areas, a discussion is made about the concept of information to then to list names, happenings and theories that contributed in the passage of the domain of the daily life to the domain of the Science. From a distant past to the most recent happenings connected to the problem of the privacity of the citizens in the digital networks, it is verified in the history of information a closed relation with the power, reason that suggests the deepening of the studies in IS about the political and ethical issues in the contemporary society.


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The work has as objective to produce a look about what we can think as a long history of information, what we think out from the most remote times until its conversion to theástatusáof object of the Information Science (IS) in the second half of 20th century. Of theorical nature and keeping up itself by the literature in IS and in similar areas, a discussion is made about the concept of information to then to list names, happenings and theories that contributed in the passage of the domain of the daily life to the domain of the Science. From a distant past to the most recent happenings connected to the problem of the privacity of the citizens in the digital networks, it is verified in the history of information a closed relation with the power, reason that suggests the deepening of the studies in IS about the political and ethical issues in the contemporary society.