25 resultados para Course of studies

em Memoria Académica - FaHCE, UNLP - Argentina


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To evaluate these factors, the scale of perceived influences on the election of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, was built and in this study its factorial structure and reliability were evaluated. The instrument was applied to 115 students, chosen by quote sampling. They were students of a subsidized private secondary school from the city of Chillan, Chile. An exploratory factorial analysis identified eight factors in the scale IPEP: Academic projection, Personal development, Maintenance of the social environment, Academic requirements, Satisfaction of others' expectations, Vocational information, Image of the plan and Family pressure. The results present an initial factorial structure, that empirically and theoretically adequate, whose factors were reliable and conceptually useful. These factors distinguish psychogenic and sociogenic aspects of the vocational process, and allow to initiate diagnostic and investigative actions in relation to this early vocational election that is established in secondary schools of the Chilean educational system


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This instrument was part of the research project "Research on Evaluation of Health and Education Plans and Programs in the Province of Buenos Aires", developed by the of Chair Preventive Psychology of the Psychology course of studies at the School of Humanities and Educational Sciences, National Univer- sity of La Plata (Argentina). The basis for proposing an assessment instrument is the need for a method enabling analysis, systematization of knowledge and the assignment of values distributed into scales and organized in general charts, on social programs. Its main concern is the analysis of health and education programs and projects, restricted to certain specific areas or regions, in search for theoretic trustworthi-ness, methodological accuracy as well as pragmatic operability. This is the result of four years of researching said programs at system, service and community levels.


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This paper presents some research on the choice of a course of study as related to a certain social, family and labor context. The methodology used included the definition of the theoretical basis and a series of empirical investigations which comprised different kinds of sur- veys, records, observations, participants as well as other fieldwork. The results obtained shed some light on the issue and raise new questions. This study was especially carried out to analyze the choice of the following courses of study: Law, Psychology and the different Teaching Courses.


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To evaluate these factors, the scale of perceived influences on the election of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, was built and in this study its factorial structure and reliability were evaluated. The instrument was applied to 115 students, chosen by quote sampling. They were students of a subsidized private secondary school from the city of Chillan, Chile. An exploratory factorial analysis identified eight factors in the scale IPEP: Academic projection, Personal development, Maintenance of the social environment, Academic requirements, Satisfaction of others' expectations, Vocational information, Image of the plan and Family pressure. The results present an initial factorial structure, that empirically and theoretically adequate, whose factors were reliable and conceptually useful. These factors distinguish psychogenic and sociogenic aspects of the vocational process, and allow to initiate diagnostic and investigative actions in relation to this early vocational election that is established in secondary schools of the Chilean educational system


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This instrument was part of the research project "Research on Evaluation of Health and Education Plans and Programs in the Province of Buenos Aires", developed by the of Chair Preventive Psychology of the Psychology course of studies at the School of Humanities and Educational Sciences, National Univer- sity of La Plata (Argentina). The basis for proposing an assessment instrument is the need for a method enabling analysis, systematization of knowledge and the assignment of values distributed into scales and organized in general charts, on social programs. Its main concern is the analysis of health and education programs and projects, restricted to certain specific areas or regions, in search for theoretic trustworthi-ness, methodological accuracy as well as pragmatic operability. This is the result of four years of researching said programs at system, service and community levels.


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This paper presents some research on the choice of a course of study as related to a certain social, family and labor context. The methodology used included the definition of the theoretical basis and a series of empirical investigations which comprised different kinds of sur- veys, records, observations, participants as well as other fieldwork. The results obtained shed some light on the issue and raise new questions. This study was especially carried out to analyze the choice of the following courses of study: Law, Psychology and the different Teaching Courses.


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To evaluate these factors, the scale of perceived influences on the election of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, was built and in this study its factorial structure and reliability were evaluated. The instrument was applied to 115 students, chosen by quote sampling. They were students of a subsidized private secondary school from the city of Chillan, Chile. An exploratory factorial analysis identified eight factors in the scale IPEP: Academic projection, Personal development, Maintenance of the social environment, Academic requirements, Satisfaction of others' expectations, Vocational information, Image of the plan and Family pressure. The results present an initial factorial structure, that empirically and theoretically adequate, whose factors were reliable and conceptually useful. These factors distinguish psychogenic and sociogenic aspects of the vocational process, and allow to initiate diagnostic and investigative actions in relation to this early vocational election that is established in secondary schools of the Chilean educational system


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This instrument was part of the research project "Research on Evaluation of Health and Education Plans and Programs in the Province of Buenos Aires", developed by the of Chair Preventive Psychology of the Psychology course of studies at the School of Humanities and Educational Sciences, National Univer- sity of La Plata (Argentina). The basis for proposing an assessment instrument is the need for a method enabling analysis, systematization of knowledge and the assignment of values distributed into scales and organized in general charts, on social programs. Its main concern is the analysis of health and education programs and projects, restricted to certain specific areas or regions, in search for theoretic trustworthi-ness, methodological accuracy as well as pragmatic operability. This is the result of four years of researching said programs at system, service and community levels.


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This paper presents some research on the choice of a course of study as related to a certain social, family and labor context. The methodology used included the definition of the theoretical basis and a series of empirical investigations which comprised different kinds of sur- veys, records, observations, participants as well as other fieldwork. The results obtained shed some light on the issue and raise new questions. This study was especially carried out to analyze the choice of the following courses of study: Law, Psychology and the different Teaching Courses.


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Históricamente, la enseñanza de la anatomía dentro del ámbito de la Educación Física no ha focalizado sus contenidos en la práctica misma de esta carrera, no ha estado contextualizada en sus problemáticas; por lo tanto, intentaremos demostrar que la temática que planteamos puede responder a las necesidades de una Educación Física dinámica. Para ello, es de vital importancia resaltar el aporte funcional que se adapta de una forma más real a nuestra práctica docente. La anatomía funcional que se propone trasciende la descripción estática de las diferentes regiones del cuerpo humano, teniendo una visión más amplia de dicho cuerpo en movimiento. A partir de esta idea, se trata de ver a los contenidos de la asignatura no como rígidos o invariables sino utilizándolos para reflexionar y crear espacios de discusión sobre nuestra práctica y preguntarnos qué nos aporta una anatomía reducida solo a sus contenidos descriptivos. La anatomía, en este aspecto, debe partir del propio campo y es aquí donde surgen nuestras inquietudes en torno a enfocarla desde sus funciones, partiendo del movimiento y no desde el preparado cadavérico donde se observa la carencia de una dinámica real para nuestro campo


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En este texto se intenta problematizar la temática del juego en la vejez. Para ello la autora recurre a la descripción de una experiencia realizada en la ciudad de Mar del Plata en el contexto de la Formación Docente y que tiene como actores a personas adultas mayores y a estudiantes del cuarto año de estudios del Profesorado en Educación Física provincial. Se tiene en cuenta como marco teórico el material bibliográfico aportado por el Seminario Teoría de los Juegos cursado por la autora en su trayecto para lograr el postítulo de Magíster en Educación Corporal y se entrecruzan con otros estudios pertinentes a la temática gerontológica. Asimismo, los datos obtenidos por medio de la realización de entrevistas en un trabajo de campo allí descripto son los insumos necesarios para analizar, por un lado, tanto las conceptualizaciones que se tiene sobre la vejez y el envejecimiento como las ideas y preconceptos acerca del juego en los adultos mayores. Por otro lado, los juegos de hoy y ayer y la multiplicidad de sentidos que estos adquieren en la vejez, a partir de las voces de los propios protagonistas de la experiencia


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Luego de cumplirse 45 años de haber ingresado como alumno al Profesorado en Educación Física de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, el profesor Carlos Parenti es consultado sobre diferentes temas que hacen al pasado, presente y futuro de la institución en cuestión. Así, se lo indaga sobre su trayectoria como alumno y como docente, sobre su labor en la docencia y la investigación de la mano de Alejandro Amavet, su gestión al frente del Departamento de Educación Física, y los principales hechos en relación a los diferentes contextos sociales, económicos y políticos de la Argentina. Asimismo, se le pregunta sobre su visión de los alumnos en la actualidad y sobre cómo se imagina el futuro de la enseñanza, la investigación y la extensión en el Departamento


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El artículo historiza el desarrollo del campo de las Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad de la República de Uruguay en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI. Para ello plantea algunos momentos destacados en dicho proceso. También presenta una caracterización inicial acerca de la actual constitución del campo profesional en el país. Concluye subrayando los elementos fundamentales de lo planteado y ofreciendo algunos interrogantes en relación a las posibilidades de consolidación de un campo de estudios sobre educación en la Universidad


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This contribution is part of a research on guidance and employment in La Plata , province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) undertaken jointly by the Chairs of Preventive Psychology and Vocational Guidance, both pertaining to the course of studies for Psychology at the National University of La Plata. This research is based on four axes, namely, education-work-social policies-health. This paper shall focus around the health axis, which is not provided with placement and employment services. Some unsystematical guidance experiences from the services of Adolescence and Mental Health are currently under way in the area. Research points to the existence of new demands of psychological treatment from a population ("the new poor") afraid of losing their jobs -or even unemployed- who was not in the habit of going to the public hospital. In the casuistry explored here, people afraid of losing their jobs present more psychosomatic complexities. Local population is also analysed and the said analysis is linked with several national and international research projects.


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Históricamente, la enseñanza de la anatomía dentro del ámbito de la Educación Física no ha focalizado sus contenidos en la práctica misma de esta carrera, no ha estado contextualizada en sus problemáticas; por lo tanto, intentaremos demostrar que la temática que planteamos puede responder a las necesidades de una Educación Física dinámica. Para ello, es de vital importancia resaltar el aporte funcional que se adapta de una forma más real a nuestra práctica docente. La anatomía funcional que se propone trasciende la descripción estática de las diferentes regiones del cuerpo humano, teniendo una visión más amplia de dicho cuerpo en movimiento. A partir de esta idea, se trata de ver a los contenidos de la asignatura no como rígidos o invariables sino utilizándolos para reflexionar y crear espacios de discusión sobre nuestra práctica y preguntarnos qué nos aporta una anatomía reducida solo a sus contenidos descriptivos. La anatomía, en este aspecto, debe partir del propio campo y es aquí donde surgen nuestras inquietudes en torno a enfocarla desde sus funciones, partiendo del movimiento y no desde el preparado cadavérico donde se observa la carencia de una dinámica real para nuestro campo