69 resultados para Agrarian reform. Public policy. Settlements. Rural extension. Environment.
em Memoria Académica - FaHCE, UNLP - Argentina
The rationale for policy interest in career development services, and the way in which this rationale is being strengthened by the current transformations in work and career, are discussed. The potential roles of public policy in relation to career development services are explored, along with ways in which such services can influence the policy-making process. A range of policy issues related to making career development services available to all throughout life are identified: these include the nature of such services, where they are to be located, and who is to pay for them. It is argued that there is a need for stronger structures and processes to bring together career development practitioners with policy- makers and other stakeholder interests in order to address tasks of common concern, at both national and international levels.
The rationale for policy interest in career development services, and the way in which this rationale is being strengthened by the current transformations in work and career, are discussed. The potential roles of public policy in relation to career development services are explored, along with ways in which such services can influence the policy-making process. A range of policy issues related to making career development services available to all throughout life are identified: these include the nature of such services, where they are to be located, and who is to pay for them. It is argued that there is a need for stronger structures and processes to bring together career development practitioners with policy- makers and other stakeholder interests in order to address tasks of common concern, at both national and international levels.
The rationale for policy interest in career development services, and the way in which this rationale is being strengthened by the current transformations in work and career, are discussed. The potential roles of public policy in relation to career development services are explored, along with ways in which such services can influence the policy-making process. A range of policy issues related to making career development services available to all throughout life are identified: these include the nature of such services, where they are to be located, and who is to pay for them. It is argued that there is a need for stronger structures and processes to bring together career development practitioners with policy- makers and other stakeholder interests in order to address tasks of common concern, at both national and international levels.
This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
El presente proyecto 'Desarrollo Inteligente del Departamento Burruyacu - Tucumán' elaborado en base a un diagnostico participativo que dio como resultado, 'ex ante', el poder identificar una realidad con una problemática de territorio, basada en las siguientes dimensiones: a) Ambientales y de infraestructura, b) Organizacionales y económicos, c) De competitividad, en las economías locales, d) Educativos y de articulación institucional. Las posibilidades de avanzar en proyectos que contemplen solo las inherentes a inversiones productivas no tenían un origen genuino en el espíritu emprendedor de los habitantes y productores de la zona Este del Departamento (Gobernador Piedrabuena, Gobernador Garmendia y 7 de Abril) pero si se pudo identificar un importante sector de potenciales productores porcinos, bovinos de carne y avícolas, - cadenas no relevantes en la zona -, más un gran número de productores agrícolas -pequeños y medianos- en plena actividad, pero con nulas experiencias en producción pecuaria. Con esto, la provincia a través de sus herramientas de políticas publicas, puso la mirada en la concepción de estos nuevos enfoques de desarrollo territorial, con proyectos que posibilitarán desarrollar con equidad y sustentabilidad dicha zona profundizando los 4 ejes estratégicos. El concepto de desarrollo de los territorios, incluidos en el ámbito rural, se ha asociado tradicionalmente a la búsqueda de viabilidad de las zonas más alejadas, poco accesibles y que sufren distintas formas de marginalidad. Sin embargo, la ruralidad ha cambiado de manera significativa. Entre los cambios identificados por diferentes autores (Sarraceno, 1994; Pérez, 2001; Echeverri y Ribeiro, 2002), se destacan: a) el incremento en la importancia de las actividades no agrícolas como generadoras de empleo e ingresos para la población rural; b) la creciente integración de los espacios urbanos y rurales; c) la importancia de integrar las preocupaciones por la gestión sostenible del ambiente y de los recursos naturales; d) las transformaciones en la institucionalidad rural; e) el reconocimiento de la importancia de nuevos actores sociales; f) las nuevas y mayores expectativas de los consumidores y de los mercados; g) el papel de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación, h)la persistencia de la pobreza rural y la desigualdad, i) la persistencia de brechas regionales y sectoriales
This article aims to identify how the Foodstuff Acquisition Program has influenced market creation for family farmers in two Brazilian states - Minas Gerais e Bahia and also the limitations and benefits of the program from the point of view of the extension agents. A bibliographic research and a quantitative exploratory study were conducted, questionnaires were sent to extension agents who work for public rural extension agencies, municipalities, NGOs, cooperatives and producers' associations, during the year 2010-2011.
The construction of the research problem occurred in trying to investigate the configuration of public policies for the rural youth and how this political agenda was introduced in the State of the Brazil. The main issue in the research is how the process of configuration of public policies for rural youth in federal government has occurred. The methodology for this study used was qualitative research procedures were triggered participant observation, interviews and documentary analysis. During the research the actors, the formulated policies and rural youth category expressed during this process were highlighted
Este artículo pone en relieve las ideas y los intereses políticos y económicos que condujeron a la reciente institucionalización de la agricultura familiar en la Argentina. Este sector, que fue motor de la primera agriculturización de la Argentina, había perdido toda representación a partir de la centralidad que tuvo el desarrollo tecnológico desde mediados de los años '70. Se analiza el proceso que relegitimó esta categoría socio-política y productiva y se presentan los dispositivos que muestran la consecuente transformación de la acción pública. El paso de una política social y paliativa hacia una políticade sectorización de la agricultura familiar refleja la transformación del referencial de desarrollo rural y las nuevas representaciones del sector agrícola en la Argentina y más ampliamente en el Cono Sur. Así, se reconstituye una representación de la agricultura familiar que identifica y reconoce la dimensión multifuncional de su actividad productiva. Esto conduce a una fragmentación del sector agrícola en dos referenciales: uno centrado en la agricultura familiar y otro centrado en la agricultura empresarial.
La caracterización socioeconómica de la Provincia de Santa Cruz, en el marco del subsistema regional de la Patagonia Austral, releva a los sectores económicos que componen sus respectivas estructuras de producción, así como la adaptación de la región a los cambios operados en la economía, particularmente a partir de la reestructuración de los años ochenta. El agrupamiento de sus principales sectores de acuerdo con una tipología descriptiva construida sobre la base de su temporalidad de surgimiento/desarrollo histórico ha permitido clasificarlos en " tradicionales" y "emergentes". En el primer grupo se destaca la preeminencia que ha tenido el sector agropecuario, particularmente a través de la actividad ganadera ovina. En la evolución de esta actividad se reconocen tres períodos claramente diferenciados: uno inicial de desarrollo y auge del ovino (1880-1940); otro de consolidación (1940-1980); y un tercero de declinación y crisis (1980 a 2001) cuyos años más difíciles se extendieron entre 1994 y 2000. El poblamiento de la Provincia de Santa Cruz ha estado fuertemente ligado a la actividad ganadera ovina, originada hacia 1890 de la mano de diversas corrientes migratorias apoyadas por una política nacional de ocupación territorial. Y la evolución del empleo rural provincial ha acompañado la tendencia de la actividad en cada período. Es así como creció significativamente en los años del poblamiento, se estabilizó en la consolidación y tuvo una abrupta caída a partir del comienzo de la crisis. La misma provocó, entre otras cosas, el abandono de establecimientos, la diversificación de productores que se emplearon en actividades no agropecuarias como fuente de ingresos alternativa o complementaria, y consiguientemente, una fuerte reducción de la mano de obra rural ocupada -siendo que, en su mejor época y según datos de censos nacionales y provinciales, más del 50 de la fuerza laboral provincial trabajaba en las diferentes actividades ganaderas de entonces. A partir del año 2002, e impulsada por la salida del régimen de convertibilidad, se modifica sustantivamente la rentabilidad de las explotaciones, dando comienzo a una lenta recuperación, aunque en un escenario muy distinto a los de años anteriores. Pese a una demanda sostenida, con precios en alza y con mejores resultados económicos, la pérdida de la cultura ovina tradicional y de las características de los sistemas históricos de producción y la aparición de otras actividades económicas extra agropecuarias han producido un éxodo de la oferta laboral rural hacia los centros urbanos, lo que plantea un problema que trasciende la coyuntura hacia lo estructural