22 resultados para Scholastic
Introducción. El aumento de la obesidad y el sedentarismo en niños es un problema social grave. La adopción de hábitos activos contribuye a la prevención de estos trastornos. Objetivos. Medir el efecto de un programa escolar de promoción de actividad física (AF). Material y método. Estudio de intervención controlado no aleatorizado. Participaron 123 niños de ambos sexos, 32 en el grupo intervención (I) y 92 en el grupo control (C). El nivel de AF se obtuvo por cuestionario. Se ponderó el grado de asociación conceptual entre AF y salud mediante test relacional. El grupo I participó de talleres durante 8 semanas durante una hora semanal en horario escolar. Resultados. La práctica deportiva creció 10 en grupo I y 2,9 en C, la diferencia entre medias fue 7.1. (p menor a 0.05). El grupo I aumentó la cantidad de veces que usan la bicicleta por semana 2,88 a 3,56. En el grupo I el tiempo de pedaleo aumentó 30.57 min./sem y disminuyó las horas frente al TV en 1.40 min/día. El grupo I aumentó la importancia que los niños asignan a la AF relación a la salud en forma significativa. Conclusiones. Implementar estrategias de promoción de AF puede favorecer cambios de hábitos y conductas hacia un estilo de vida saludable cuando se trabaja sistemáticamente en talleres mediante la participación activa de niños y maestros.
Las ideas de Berra sobre la enseñanza, que tendían a hacer imperar en la educación una rígida metodología naturalista, ejercieron su influencia sobre la educación argentina, aún antes de su actuación en el gobierno escolar de la provincia de Buenos Aires. A través de su archivo documental puede conocerse la vida intelectual rioplatense -en ambas orillas-, así como el mundo estrictamente escolar y sus manifestaciones pedagógicas correspondientes. En este trabajo, nos proponemos estudiar su actuación en el Uruguay entre los años 1874 a 1882, cuya elección no es casual. Este período comprende el inicio de su actividad pedagógica en Uruguay, la elaboración de su obra principal ("Los apuntes de pedagogía") y su participación en el Congreso pedagógico de Buenos Aires, en pleno embate entre liberales y clericales y las polémicas desatadas por el avance del positivismo.
Luis de León es una de las figuras más importantes de la llamada Escolástica salmantina. En su obra, que marca el culmen de la escuela agustina del siglo XVI, se reúnen los más diversos oficios (jurista, prosista, teólogo, poeta, etc.) y las más distintas tradiciones de pensamiento (tomismo, nominalismo, humanismo, etc.). Su trabajo como teórico del derecho, que es el que aquí se procura destacar, se ha visto ensombrecido, aparentemente, por su renombre como literato y místico. Esto, sin embargo, no significa que su reflexión iusfilosófica sea de poca entidad. Todo lo contrario, las ideas jurídicas del pensador español representan una de las piezas más importantes de la Escuela teológica de Salamanca
El presente artículo expone una parte de los hallazgos del proyecto Los imaginarios del joven escolarizado ante la clase de Educación Física en la ciudad de Popayán. En el estudio se comprendió que los jóvenes a través de las prácticas deportivas vivenciadas en la clase de Educación Física, construyen el imaginario de un cuerpo-objeto que se mueve en un juego de relaciones corporales difíciles de delimitar. Relaciones que son mediadas por la producción y el consumo. Un cuerpo que se prepara en lo funcional a partir de lógicas de eficiencia y eficacia, el proyecto escolar a largo plazo y un ambiguo principio de reciprocidad entre profesor y estudiante. Así entonces, los jóvenes responden a un imaginario instituido de deporte que se encarna a través de dispositivos instrumentales y que configura el cuerpo como aparato de disciplinamiento. La categoría que presentamos como parte de este disciplinamiento la denominamos Procesos de Exclusión, la cual tiene su raíz en procesos de clase llamados deporte libre (propio de un dejar hacer) y deporte adiestrado denominado por los estudiantes como entrenamiento.
This paper focuses on the ties between social and digital inequalities among Argentinean youth. It uses a qualitative approach to explore different aspects of the everyday lives of adolescents, such as sociability, leisure time and family use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in order to assess the impact of the Connecting Equality Program (Programa Conectar Igualdad, PCI) on reducing digital inequalities and fostering social inclusion. What were the existing conditions of access for students and their families when the PCI was first implemented? What influence does the implementation of the PCI have on the individual, family and scholastic appropriation of ICTs? How does the use of computers and the Internet vary among youth? Has this large-scale incorporation of netbooks in schools, and especially homes and free time changed it in any way? Does the appropriation of ICTs through student participation in the PCI contribute to material and symbolic social inclusion? In order to answer these questions, we compare the processes of ICT appropriation among lower and middle class adolescents, focusing on the distinctive uses and meanings assigned to computers and the Internet by boys and girls in their daily lives. For this purpose we analyze data collected through semi-structured interviews in two schools in Greater La Plata, Argentina during 2012. The main findings show that in terms of access, skills and types of use, the implementation of the PCI has had a positive impact among lower class youth, guaranteeing access to their first computers and promoting the sharing of knowledge and digital skills with family members. Moreover, evidence of more diverse and intense use of ICTs among lower class students reveals the development of digital skills related to educational activities. Finally, in terms of sociability, having a personal netbook enables access to information and cultural goods which are very significant in generating ties and strengthening identities and social integration
This paper focuses on the ties between social and digital inequalities among Argentinean youth. It uses a qualitative approach to explore different aspects of the everyday lives of adolescents, such as sociability, leisure time and family use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in order to assess the impact of the Connecting Equality Program (Programa Conectar Igualdad, PCI) on reducing digital inequalities and fostering social inclusion. What were the existing conditions of access for students and their families when the PCI was first implemented? What influence does the implementation of the PCI have on the individual, family and scholastic appropriation of ICTs? How does the use of computers and the Internet vary among youth? Has this large-scale incorporation of netbooks in schools, and especially homes and free time changed it in any way? Does the appropriation of ICTs through student participation in the PCI contribute to material and symbolic social inclusion? In order to answer these questions, we compare the processes of ICT appropriation among lower and middle class adolescents, focusing on the distinctive uses and meanings assigned to computers and the Internet by boys and girls in their daily lives. For this purpose we analyze data collected through semi-structured interviews in two schools in Greater La Plata, Argentina during 2012. The main findings show that in terms of access, skills and types of use, the implementation of the PCI has had a positive impact among lower class youth, guaranteeing access to their first computers and promoting the sharing of knowledge and digital skills with family members. Moreover, evidence of more diverse and intense use of ICTs among lower class students reveals the development of digital skills related to educational activities. Finally, in terms of sociability, having a personal netbook enables access to information and cultural goods which are very significant in generating ties and strengthening identities and social integration
This paper focuses on the ties between social and digital inequalities among Argentinean youth. It uses a qualitative approach to explore different aspects of the everyday lives of adolescents, such as sociability, leisure time and family use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in order to assess the impact of the Connecting Equality Program (Programa Conectar Igualdad, PCI) on reducing digital inequalities and fostering social inclusion. What were the existing conditions of access for students and their families when the PCI was first implemented? What influence does the implementation of the PCI have on the individual, family and scholastic appropriation of ICTs? How does the use of computers and the Internet vary among youth? Has this large-scale incorporation of netbooks in schools, and especially homes and free time changed it in any way? Does the appropriation of ICTs through student participation in the PCI contribute to material and symbolic social inclusion? In order to answer these questions, we compare the processes of ICT appropriation among lower and middle class adolescents, focusing on the distinctive uses and meanings assigned to computers and the Internet by boys and girls in their daily lives. For this purpose we analyze data collected through semi-structured interviews in two schools in Greater La Plata, Argentina during 2012. The main findings show that in terms of access, skills and types of use, the implementation of the PCI has had a positive impact among lower class youth, guaranteeing access to their first computers and promoting the sharing of knowledge and digital skills with family members. Moreover, evidence of more diverse and intense use of ICTs among lower class students reveals the development of digital skills related to educational activities. Finally, in terms of sociability, having a personal netbook enables access to information and cultural goods which are very significant in generating ties and strengthening identities and social integration