32 resultados para Memoria - História


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O uso de corpus favorece as pesquisas linguísticas, sobretudo as de variaçao e mudança linguística (Weinreich, Labov, Herzog, 2006; Labov, 1994, 2001, 2008), na medida em que proporciona a realizaçao de descriçoes linguísticas de base empírica, fundamentadas em contextos de usos reais da língua. A fim de recuperar aspectos de sincronias passadas e atuais do Português Mineiro da regiao do Triângulo (Minas Gerais/Brasil), entendemos como uma importante fonte para pesquisas de cunho variacionista, o jornal, dada a diversidade de gêneros textuais que abarca, bem como ao fato de se mostrar como um veículo de expressao de costumes, cultura, comportamentos, valores, enfim, da história de uma dada sociedade, num dado tempo. Com base nessas observaçoes, apresentaremos os principais aspectos metodológicos que estamos aplicando para a organizaçao de um banco de dados composto por jornais de Uberaba - Lavoura e Comércio, Correio Católico e A Gazeta - e Uberlândia - Correio de Uberlândia. Cabe destacar que a digitalizaçao do Lavoura e Comércio, por exemplo, fundado em 1889, já foi iniciada e, parte desse jornal já está sendo utilizada como corpus para pesquisas linguísticas, apresentando muitas peculiaridades da língua escrita da época. Já o jornal Correio de Uberlândia, fundado em 1938 e publicado sem interrupçoes até hoje, possui todos os exemplares digitalizados e disponíveis no Arquivo Público da cidade de Uberlândia. Entretanto, para facilitar o processo de pesquisas linguísticas com tais exemplares, todo o material será digitado em formato de arquivo "Word". Posteriormente, pretende se refinar a organizaçao deste material, dividindo-o por seçoes e/ou cadernos, bem como por gêneros textuais. Acreditamos que com a montagem desse corpus, possibilitaremos a realizaçao de pesquisas que contribuam para o levantamento de características do Português Mineiro do Triângulo e, consequentemente, para a construçao da identidade do Português Brasileiro. (Apoio CNPq / Processo 476810/2010-8)


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This article aims to analyze the movement of weavers' strike (according to an specific context), its origins, actions and consequences, prompting the internal system of factories (their regulations), the hierarchical relationships of power, and struggles to guarantee the right of association, which resulted in the stoppage of all activities of the textile sector. The attitude to go on a strike, mobilizations and the stroll show that the direction of the movement and the working class were aware of their actions and those likely consequences, what signalize, beforehand, the ideological, classist and political character of women´s actions: radicalized by the practices of confronting the authoritarianism employers and threats (police repression, harassment of the press). They endured through the collective support and a network of solidarity


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The work has as objective to produce a look about what we can think as a long history of information, what we think out from the most remote times until its conversion to theástatusáof object of the Information Science (IS) in the second half of 20th century. Of theorical nature and keeping up itself by the literature in IS and in similar areas, a discussion is made about the concept of information to then to list names, happenings and theories that contributed in the passage of the domain of the daily life to the domain of the Science. From a distant past to the most recent happenings connected to the problem of the privacity of the citizens in the digital networks, it is verified in the history of information a closed relation with the power, reason that suggests the deepening of the studies in IS about the political and ethical issues in the contemporary society.


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This article aims to analyze the movement of weavers' strike (according to an specific context), its origins, actions and consequences, prompting the internal system of factories (their regulations), the hierarchical relationships of power, and struggles to guarantee the right of association, which resulted in the stoppage of all activities of the textile sector. The attitude to go on a strike, mobilizations and the stroll show that the direction of the movement and the working class were aware of their actions and those likely consequences, what signalize, beforehand, the ideological, classist and political character of women´s actions: radicalized by the practices of confronting the authoritarianism employers and threats (police repression, harassment of the press). They endured through the collective support and a network of solidarity


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The work has as objective to produce a look about what we can think as a long history of information, what we think out from the most remote times until its conversion to theástatusáof object of the Information Science (IS) in the second half of 20th century. Of theorical nature and keeping up itself by the literature in IS and in similar areas, a discussion is made about the concept of information to then to list names, happenings and theories that contributed in the passage of the domain of the daily life to the domain of the Science. From a distant past to the most recent happenings connected to the problem of the privacity of the citizens in the digital networks, it is verified in the history of information a closed relation with the power, reason that suggests the deepening of the studies in IS about the political and ethical issues in the contemporary society.