8 resultados para Abortion in animals.
em RepoCLACAI - Consorcio Latinoamericano Contra el Aborto Inseguro
Fundación FORD
El aborto está legalmente restringido en la mayoría de América Latina donde 95 % de los 4.4 millones de abortos que se realizan anualmente son inseguros. El aborto con medicamentos es el uso de una droga o una combinación de drogas para interrupir el embarazo. Mifepristona seguida de misoprostol constituye el regimen más efectivo y recomendado. En los lugares donde no está disponible la mifepristona, se utiiza misoprostol solo. El aborto con medicamentos ha transformado radicalmente la práctica del aborto a nivel mundial, y particularmente en los contextos legalmente restrictivos. En América Latina, desde hace más de dos décadas, las mujeres utilizan el misoprostol para autoinducirse abortos. Este artículo resume los hallazgos de una revisión bibliográfica sobre las experiencias de las mujeres con el aborto con medicamentos en países latinoamericanos donde el aborto voluntario es ilegal. Las experiencias personales de las mujeres con el aborto con medicamentos son diversas y varían según el contexto, la edad, la historia reproductiva, el nivel socioeconómico y el conocimiento acerca del aborto con medicamentos así como las circunstancias físicas, emocionales y sociales que rodean el embarazo. Pero fundamentalmente, las experiencias están determinadas por la posibilidad de las mujeres de acceder a: 1) un aborto clandestino realizado bajo supervisión médica, o 2) información completa y precisa acerca del aborto con medicamentos, Otros factores clave incluyen el acceso a recursos económicos y apoyo emocional. Las mujeres valoran la seguridad y efectividad del aborto con medicamentos así como la privacidad que ofrece y la posibilidad de tener cerca a su pareja, amiga/o, o persona de su confianza durante el proceso. Las mujeres perciben al aborto con medicamentos como menos doloroso, más fácil, más seguro, más práctico, menos costoso, más natural y menos traumático que otros métodos abortivos. Que sea auto-inducido y que evite el procedimiento quirúrgico también son señalados como ventajas. Las principales desventajas identificadas son que es doloroso y que lleva tiempo para que se complete. Otros aspectos evaluados negativamente incluyen los efectos secundarios, el sangrado prolongado, la posibilidad de que no sea efectivo, y el hecho de que algunas mujeres eventualmente deban solicitar atención médica en una institución donde sean sancionadas por haberse practicado un aborto y hasta denunciadas a la policía.
ANTECEDENTES: La mayoría de las islas en West Indies no tienen leyes liberales sobre el aborto, ni programas para la prevención del embarazo (contracepción). El presente trabajo presenta los resultados de una revisión de la literatura sobre la actitud de los proveedores del cuidado de la salud y las mujeres hacia la contracepción y el aborto inducido (emergencia), prevalencia, métodos y aspectos jurídicos del aborto inducido y políticas de prevención. MÉTODOS: Se obtuvieron artículos de PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsychINFO y SocIndex (1999 a 2010) que usaban como palabras claves contracepción, aborto inducido, terminación de embarazo, aborto médico y West Indies. RESULTADOS: Treinta y siete artículos correspondían al criterio de inclusión: 18 sobre contracepción, 17 sobre aborto inducido y 2 sobre ambos asuntos. Los resultados principales indicaron que los conocimientos de los proveedores de cuidado de la salud acerca de la contracepción de emergencia, eran pobres. Los estudios mostraron un conocimiento pobre de la contracepción, pero las sesiones de counseling aumentaron su efectividad. No se encontraron números exactos sobre la prevalencia del aborto. Se estima que el número total de abortos por año en West Indies es de 300 000. Uno de cada cuatro embarazos termina en aborto. El uso de misoprostol disminuyó las complicaciones de abortos inseguros.La legislación sobre el aborto varía ampliamente en las diferentes islas del Caribe: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Martinica, Guadalupe y San Martín tienen abortos legales. Barbados fue la primera isla angloparlante con legislación liberal para el aborto. Todas las otras islas tienen leyes restrictivas. CONCLUSIÓN: A pesar del alto número de abortos, según se estima, no hay investigaciones sobre la prevalencia del aborto. Los estudios mostraron un pobre conocimiento de la contracepción y un uso bajo entre los adolescentes. La mayoría de las islas del Caribe tienen leyes restrictivas contra el aborto.
This article presents the findings of a qualitative study exploring the experiences of women living in Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, Argentina, with the use of misoprostol for inducing an abortion. We asked women about the range of decisions they had to make, their emotions, the physical experience, strategies they needed to use, including seeking health care advice and in dealing with a clandestine medical abortion, and their overall evaluation of the experience. An in-depth interview schedule was used. The women had either used misoprostol and sought counselling or care at a public hospital (n=24) or had used misoprostol based on the advice of a local hotline, information from the internet or from other women (n=21). Four stages in the women’s experiences were identified: how the decision to terminate the pregnancy was taken, how the medication was obtained, how the tablets were used, and reflections on the outcome whether or not they sought medical advice. Safety and privacy were key in deciding to use medical abortion. Access to the medication was the main obstacle, requiring a prescription or a friendly drugstore. Correct information about the number of pills to use and dosage intervals was the least easy to obtain and caused concerns. The possibility of choosing a time of privacy and having the company of a close one was highlighted as a unique advantage of medical abortion. Efforts to improve abortion law, policy and service provision in Argentina in order to ensure the best possible conditions for use of medical abortion by women should be redoubled.
Since 2008, the FIGO Initiative for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion and its Consequences has contributed to ensuring the substitution of sharp curettage by manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) and medical abortion in selected hospitals in participating countries of South-Southeast Asia. This initiative facilitated the registration of misoprostol in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the approval of mifepristone for "menstrual regulation" in Bangladesh. The Pakistan Nursing Council agreed to include MVA and medical abortion in the midwifery curriculum. The Bangladesh Government has approved the training of nurses and paramedics in the use of MVA to treat incomplete abortion in selected cases. The Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, in collaboration with partners, has presented a draft petition to the relevant authorities appealing for them to liberalize the abortion law in cases of rape and incest or when lethal congenital abnormalities are present. Significantly, the initiative has introduced or strengthened the provision of postabortion contraception.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the initial stages of the implementation of a risk-reduction model designed by Iniciativas Sanitarias to shield women from unsafe abortion in a traditional community on the Uruguay-Brazil border. METHODS: This mixed-design study was conducted first between 22 and 26 March 2010, and then between 2 and 7 May 2011, in Rivera, Uruguay, to gather information from women seen at health centers, healthcare providers, and local policy makers before the project started and midway through the project. RESULTS: At baseline most women and providers considered abortion justifiable only on narrow grounds, yet favored the implementation of a risk-reduction model that would include preabortion as well as postabortion counseling, the former providing information on different abortion methods and their risks. By the midterm assessment, the counseling service had assisted 87 women with unwanted pregnancies. Of the 52 who came for a postabortion visit, 50 had self-administered misoprostol, with no complications. Women were highly satisfied with the counseling. At baseline, misoprostol seemed to be available from both pharmacists and informal sellers. At midterm, it was still available from informal vendors but pharmacists said they did not provide misoprostol. The risk-reduction initiative heightened public attention to the abortion issue but the controversy it generated did not seriously impede its implementation. CONCLUSION: It is feasible to implement the proposed risk-reduction model in a traditional community such as Rivera, not only in Uruguay but in any country irrespective of its abortion laws.
OBJECTIVE: To explore women's experience of unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion in Bolivia, where nearly all induced abortions are carried out in clandestine, unregulated, and unsafe conditions. METHODS: Qualitative and quantitative research methods, including focus group discussions, in-depth interviews and a structured survey of women of reproductive age, were used to explore the experience of unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion in poor urban areas of 5 Bolivian cities. RESULTS: Of the 1175 sexually experienced women surveyed, 13% reported having had an induced abortion. The methods they tried included surgical abortion, taking misoprostol, drinking herbal and chemical preparations, and inflicting physical trauma on themselves. Many women made multiple attempts before successfully terminating a pregnancy. Lack of knowledge and confusion about how to use misoprostol may have contributed to the complications that resulted in seeking postabortion care. CONCLUSION: Increased access to accurate information and counseling about abortion options are paramount if women are to make informed decisions and minimize health risks.
This publication is the result of a comparative analysis of laws and health regulations governing access to legal abortion in 13 countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Guyana, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, South Africa, and Spain. It seeks to promote access to safe and legal abortion services by developing health regulations and guidelines that are grounded in a human rights framework.