20 resultados para Mercado Común del Sur, MERCOSUR


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En la década del noventa comienzan a evidenciarse profundas transformaciones en el complejo vitivinícola de Mendoza. La caída del consumo y los cambios en el perfil de la demanda a favor de los vinos finos y espumantes y en detrimento de los comunes determinaron el progresivo abandono de criterios tecnoproductivos basados en la masividad para privilegiar la calidad que permitiera la inserción en mercados internacionales. En este esquema arriban a nuestro complejo sectorial nuevos actores que determinan formas de articulación propias entre los eslabones.


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This paper addresses the dynamics of world wine consumption over the past 50 years in 26 countries, verifying whether or not there is a macro-tendency towards a common consumption style, despite differences in taxation, economic policies and distribution systems among countries. From an empirical point of view, the σ and β convergence hypotheses were formally tested. Model results confirm the existence of both types of convergences. Per capita consumption of wine first experienced a reduction in differences between countries and then converged toward a central value. "Traditional" countries, with historically high levels of consumption, showed a decrease in wine consumption, while emerging countries with historically lower consumption levels showed an increase. These findings not only provide further support to the theory of international convergence of wine consumption on a volume basis, as already observed by other researchers in the European market, but they also offer support for the theory in major world markets. Furthermore, convergence appears to be happening not only at a quantitative level but at qualitative level as well, and this phenomenon may very well reflect the changing tastes of worldwide consumers towards a generalized structure of wine consumption.


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A study was carried out to evaluate preferences for two cuts, four countries of origin, two forms of presentation, brand and different prices of beef cattle among supermarket buyers in southern Chile, and to distinguish the existence of different market segments, through a survey of 800 people. Using a fractional factorial design for conjoint analysis, it was determined overall that the origin was more important (44.5%) than price (20.8%), form of presentation (12.2%), cut (12.0%) and brand (10.5%), with preference for Chilean and Argentinean striploin, packaged on trays, with no brand at medium price. Using a cluster analysis, three market segments were distinguished. The largest (52.3%) placed great importance on origin and preferred the highest price. The second (27.5%) also valued origin with the greatest preference for Argentinean beef, and it was the only group that preferred the ribeye as the cut. The third (20.5%) placed the greatest importance on price, and was the only group that preferred Paraguayan meat. The segments differed in the importance of eating meat for their personal well-being. The low importance of packaging and brand indicates poorly developed marketing of this product. In order to properly insert brand beef in the Chilean market, communication strategies must be implemented that identify the product with superior quality and that position the brand in the consumer's mind.


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La mayoría de la teoría de las finanzas modernas está construida en base a lo que se considera eficiencia del mercado, donde se establece que los precios corrientes reflejan plenamente toda la información relevante disponible (Van Horne, J. y Wachowicz, J., 2010).Eugene Fama (1970) en su hipótesis más débil de eficiencia afirma que la información histórica de precios, volúmenes y otras variables transaccionales no contiene información sobre el comportamiento futuro de los precios, impidiendo de este modo obtener rendimientos superiores a los de mercado. De acuerdo a lo anterior, en un mercado eficiente, al utilizar herramientas de análisis técnico sería imposible obtener alguna mejora con respecto a una estrategia pasiva de inversión. Sin embargo, al ver la realidad de las inversiones bursátiles nos surge la pregunta de por qué tantos inversores utilizan diferentes herramientas de inversión basadas en información histórica. ¿Estarán dichos inversores malgastando su tiempo y esfuerzo? Como objetivo este trabajo se propone realizar un estudio que permita ver si la utilización de herramientas de análisis técnico permitiría a los inversores obtener rentabilidades superiores a las de mercado dentro del mercado de capitales argentino.