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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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A wealth of sedimentary records aimed at reconstructing late Quaternary changes in productivity and temperature have been devoted to understanding linkages between the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) and other distant oceanic areas. Most of these reconstructions are based, however, on biogeochemical and sedimentological proxies, with comparatively less attention devoted to microfossils. A high-resolution (<1 ka) study of diatom concentrations and the community at site GeoB10038-4, recovered off southern Sumatra (ca. 6°S, 103°E), closely tracks the variations of diatom concentrations in the westernmost IPWP during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The diatom record provides evidence that diatom paleoproductivity was highest during interglacials, primarily due to the input of lithogenics and nutrients following the rise in sea level after full glacials. In addition, the co-variation of total diatom concentration and Northern Hemisphere forcing for Marine Isotope Stage 5 suggests a direct response of diatom productivity and upwelling intensity to boreal summer insolation. Temporal shifts of the diverse diatom community at site GeoB10038-4 correspond well with the present-day seasonal monsoon pattern and the strengthening and weakening phases of upwelling along the southern coast of Sumatra. Resting spores of Chaetoceros, typical of nutrient-rich waters, were dominant during periods of highest diatom paleoproductivity and responded to the strengthening of the SE monsoon, while diatoms of oligotrophic to mesotrophic waters characterized intermonsoon periods. The close correspondence between the dominance of upwelling diatoms and the boreal summer insolation resembles the present-day dynamics of diatom production. The observed interglacial highs and glacial lows of diatom productivity at site GeoB10038-4 is a unique pattern in the late Quaternary tropics.


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High-resolution palynological analysis on annually laminated sediments of Sihailongwan Maar Lake (SHL) provides new insights into the Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China. The robust chronology of the presented record is based on varve counting and AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plant macro-remains. In addition to the qualitative interpretation of the pollen data, we provide quantitative reconstructions of vegetation and climate based on the method of biomization and weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS) technique, respectively. Power spectra were computed to investigate the frequency domain distribution of proxy signals and potential natural periodicities. Pollen assemblages, pollen-derived biome scores and climate variables as well as the cyclicity pattern indicate that NE China experienced significant changes in temperature and moisture conditions during the Holocene. Within the earliest phase of the Holocene, a large-scale reorganization of vegetation occurred, reflecting the reconstructed shift towards higher temperatures and precipitation values and the initial Holocene strengthening and northward expansion of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). Afterwards, summer temperatures remain at a high level, whereas the reconstructed precipitation shows an increasing trend until approximately 4000 cal. yr BP. Since 3500 cal. yr BP, temperature and precipitation values decline, indicating moderate cooling and weakening of the EASM. A distinct periodicity of 550-600 years and evidence of a Mid-Holocene transition from a temperature-triggered to a predominantly moisture-triggered climate regime are derived from the power spectra analysis. The results obtained from SHL are largely consistent with other palaeoenvironmental records from NE China, substantiating the regional nature of the reconstructed vegetation and climate patterns. However, the reconstructed climate changes contrast with the moisture evolution recorded in S China and the mid-latitude (semi-)arid regions of N China. Whereas a clear insolation-related trend of monsoon intensity over the Holocene is lacking from the SHL record, variations in the coupled atmosphere-Pacific Ocean system can largely explain the reconstructed changes in NE China.


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Determining the response of sites within the Arctic Circle to long-term climatic change remains an essential pre-requisite for assessing the susceptibility of these regions to future global warming and Arctic amplification. To date, existing records from North East Russia have demonstrated significant spatial variability across the region during the late Quaternary. Here we present diatom d18O and d30Si data from Lake El'gygytgyn, Russia, and suggest environmental changes that would have impacted across West Beringia from the Last Glacial Maximum to the modern day. In combination with other records, the results raise the potential for climatic teleconnections to exist between the region and sites in the North Atlantic. The presence of a series of 2-3 per mil decreases in d18Odiatom during both the Last Glacial and the Holocene indicates the sensitivity of the region to perturbations in the global climate system. Evidence of an unusually long Holocene thermal maximum from 11.4 ka BP to 7.6 ka BP is followed by a cooling trend through the remainder of the Holocene in response to changes in solar insolation. This is culminated over the last 900 years by a significant decrease in d18Odiatom of 2.3 per mil, which may be related to a strengthening and easterly shift of the Aleutian Low in addition to possible changes in precipitation seasonality.


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We analyzed sediment from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1144 in the northern South China Sea to examine the weathering response of SE Asia to the strengthening of the East Asian Monsoon (EAM) since 14 ka. Our high-resolution record highlights the decoupling between continental chemical weathering, physical erosion and summer monsoon intensity. Mass accumulation rates, Ti/Ca, K/Rb, hematite/goethite and 87Sr/86Sr show sharp excursions from 11 to 8 ka, peaking at 10 ka. Clay minerals show a shorter-lived response with a higher kaolinite/(illite + chlorite) ratio at 10.7-9.5 ka. However, not all proxies show a clear response to environmental changes. Magnetic susceptibility rises sharply between 12 and 11 ka. Grain-size becomes finer from 14 to 10 ka and then coarsens until ~7 ka, but is probably controlled by bottom current flow and sealevel. Sr and Nd isotopes show that material is dominantly eroded from Taiwan with a lesser flux from Luzon, while clay mineralogy suggests that the primary sources during the Early Holocene were reworked via the shelf in the Taiwan Strait, rather than directly from Taiwan. Erosion was enhanced during monsoon strengthening and caused reworking of chemically weathered Pleistocene sediment largely from the now flooded Taiwan Strait, which was transgressed by ~8 ka, cutting off supply to the deep-water slope. None of the proxies shows an erosional response lasting until ~6 ka, when speleothem oxygen isotope records indicate the start of monsoon weakening. Although more weathered sediments were deposited from 11 to 8 ka when the monsoon was strong these are reworked and represent more weathering during the last glacial maximum (LGM) when the summer monsoon was weaker but the shelves were exposed.


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The location of the seaward tip of a subduction thrust controls material transfer at convergent plate margins, and hence global mass balances. At approximately half of those margins, the material of the subducting plate is completely underthrust so that no accretion or even subduction erosion takes place. Along the remaining margins, material is scraped off the subducting plate and added to the upper plate by frontal accretion. We here examine the physical properties of subducting sediments off Costa Rica and Nankai, type examples for an erosional and an accretionary margin, to investigate which parameters control the level where the frontal thrust cuts into the incoming sediment pile. A series of rotary-shear experiments to measure the frictional strength of the various lithologies entering the two subduction zones were carried out. Results include the following findings: (1) At Costa Rica, clay-rich strata at the top of the incoming succession have the lowest strength (µres = 0.19) while underlying calcareous ooze, chalk and diatomite are strong (up to µres = 0.43; µpeak = 0.56). Hence the entire sediment package is underthrust. (2) Off Japan, clay-rich deposits within the lower Shikoku Basin inventory are weakest (µres = 0.13-0.19) and favour the frontal proto-thrust to migrate into one particular horizon between sandy, competent turbidites below and ash-bearing mud above. (3) Taking in situ data and earlier geotechnical testing into account, it is suggested that mineralogical composition rather than pore-pressure defines the position of the frontal thrust, which locates in the weakest, clay mineral-rich (up to 85 wt.%) materials. (4) Smectite, the dominant clay mineral phase at either margin, shows rate strengthening and stable sliding in the frontal 50 km of the subduction thrust (0.0001-0.1 mm/s, 0.5-25 MPa effective normal stress). (5) Progressive illitization of smectite cannot explain seismogenesis, because illite-rich samples also show velocity strengthening at the conditions tested.


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The present study on ODP Leg 151 Hole 907A combines a detailed analysis of marine palynomorphs (dinoflagellate cysts, prasinophytes, and acritarchs) and a low-resolution alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) record for the interval between 14.5 and 2.5 Ma, and allows to investigate the relationship between palynomorph assemblages and the paleoenvironmental evolution of the Iceland Sea. A high marine productivity is indicated in the Middle Miocene, and palynomorphs and SSTs both mirror the subsequent long-term Neogene climate deterioration. The diverse Middle Miocene palynomorph assemblages clearly diminish towards the impoverished assemblages of the Late Pliocene; parallel with a somewhat gradual decrease of SSTs being as high as 20 °C at ~13.5 Ma to around 8 °C at ~3 Ma. Superimposed, palynomorph assemblages not only reflect Middle to Late Miocene climate variability partly coinciding with the short-lived global Miocene isotope events (Mi-events), but also the initiation of a proto-thermohaline circulation across the Middle Miocene Climate Transition, which led to increased meridionality in the Nordic Seas. Last occurrences of species cluster during three events in the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene and are ascribed to the progressive strengthening and freshening of the proto-East Greenland Current towards modern conditions. A significant high latitude cooling between 6.5 and 6 Ma is depicted by the supraregional "Decahedrella event" coeval with lowest Miocene productivity and a SST decline. In the Early Pliocene, a transient warming is accompanied by surface water stratification and increased productivity that likely reflects a high latitude response to the global biogenic bloom. The succeeding crash in palynomorph accumulation, and a subsequent interval virtually barren of marine palynomorphs may be attributed to enhanced bottom water oxygenation and substantial sea ice cover, and indicates that conditions seriously affecting marine productivity in the Iceland Sea were already established well before the marked expansion of the Greenland Ice Sheet at 3.3 Ma.


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The Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds (SWW) have been suggested to exert a critical influence on global climate through wind-driven upwelling of deep water in the Southern Ocean and the potentially resulting atmospheric CO2 variations. The investigation of the temporal and spatial evolution of the SWW along with forcings and feedbacks remains a significant challenge in climate research. In this study, the evolution of the SWW under orbital forcing from the early Holocene (9 kyr BP) to pre-industrial modern times is examined with transient experiments using the comprehensive coupled global climate model CCSM3. Analyses of the model results suggest that the annual and seasonal mean SWW were subject to an overall strengthening and poleward shifting trend during the course of the early-to-late Holocene under the influence of orbital forcing, except for the austral spring season, where the SWW exhibited an opposite trend of shifting towards the equator.