4 resultados para the fundamental supermode

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Following the extreme low ice year of 2007, primary production and the sinking export of particulate and gel-like organic material, using short-term particle interceptor traps deployed at 100 m, were measured in the southeastern Beaufort Sea during summer 2008. The combined influence of early ice retreat and coastal upwelling contributed to exceptionally high primary production (500 ± 312 mg C/m**2/day, n = 7), dominated by large cells (>5 µm, 73% ± 15%, n = 7). However, except for one station located north of Cape Bathurst, the sinking export of particulate organic carbon (POC) was relatively low (range: 38-104 mg C/m**2/day, n = 12) compared to other productive Arctic shelves. Estimates indicate that 80% ± 20% of the primary production was cycled through large copepods or the microbial food web. Exopolymeric substances were abundant in the sinking material but did not appear to accelerate POC sinking export. The use of isotopic signatures (d13C, d15N) and carbon/nitrogen ratios to identify sources of the sinking material was successful only at two stations with a strong marine or terrestrial signature, indicating the limitations of this approach in hydrographically and biologically complex Arctic coastal waters such as in the Beaufort Sea. At these two stations influenced by either coastal upwelling or erosion, the composition and magnitude of particulate sinking fluxes were markedly different from other stations visited during the study. These observations underscore the fundamental role of mesoscale circulation patterns and hydrodynamic singularities on the export of particulate organic material on Arctic shelves.


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We present the first high-resolution organic carbon mass accumulation rate (MAR) data set for the Eocene equatorial Pacific upwelling region, from Sites 1218 and 1219 of the Ocean Drilling Program. A maximum Corg MAR anomaly appears at 41 Ma and corresponds to a high carbonate accumulation event (CAE). Independent evidence suggests that this event (CAE-3) was a time of rapid cooling. Throughout the Eocene, organic carbon burial fluxes were an order of magnitude lower than fluxes recorded for the Holocene. In contrast, the expected organic carbon flux, calculated from the biogenic barium concentrations for these sites, is roughly equal to modern. A sedimentation anomaly appears at 41 Ma, when both the measured and the expected organic carbon MAR increases by a factor of two-three relative to the background Eocene fluxes. The rain of estimated Corg and barium from the euphotic zone to the sediments increased by factors of three and six, respectively. We suggest that the discrepancy between the expected and measured Corg in the sediments is a direct consequence of the increased metabolic rates of all organisms throughout the Eocene oceans and sediments. This hypothesis is supported by recent work in ecology and biochemical kinetics that recognizes the fundamental basis of ecology as following from the laws of thermodynamics. This dependence is now elucidated as the Universal Temperature Dependence (UTD) "law" of metabolism and can be applied to all organisms over their biologically relevant temperature range. The general pattern of organic carbon and barium deposition throughout the Eocene is consistent with the UTD theory. In particular, the anomaly at 41 Ma (CAE-3) is associated with rapid cooling, an event that triggered slower metabolic rates for all organisms, slower recycling of organic carbon in the water and sediment column, and, consequently, higher deposition of organic carbon in the sediments. This "metabolism-based" scenario is consistent with the sedimentation patterns we observe for both Sites 1218 and 1219.


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Maximum entropy spectral analyses and a fitting test to find the best suitable curve for the modified time series based on the non-linear least squares method for Td (diatom temperature) values were performed for the Quaternary portion of the DSDP Sites 579 and 580 in the western North Pacific. The sampling interval averages 13.7 kyr in the Brunhes Chron (0-780 ka) and 16.5 kyr in the later portion of the Matuyama Chron (780-1800 ka) at Site 580, but increases to 17.3 kyr and 23.2 kyr, respectively, at Site 579. Among dominant cycles during the Brunhes Chron, there are 411.5 kyr and 126.0 kyr at Site 579, and 467.0 kyr and 136.7 kyr at Site 580 correspond to 413 kyr and 95 to 124 kyr of the orbital eccentricity. Minor cycles of 41.2 kyr at Site 579 and 41.7 kyr at Site 580 are near to 41 kyr of the obliquity (tilt). During the Matuyama Chron at Site 580, cycles of 49.7 kyr and 43.6 kyr are dominant. The surface-water temperature estimated from diatoms at the western North Pacific DSDP Sites 579 and 580 shows correlation with the fundamental Earth's orbital parameters during Quaternary time.


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The DTRF2014 is a realization of the the fundamental Earth-fixed coordinate system, the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). It has been computed by the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut der Technischen Universität München (DGFI-TUM). The DTRF2014 consists of station positions and velocities of 1712 globally distributed geodetic observing stations of the observation techniques VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS. Additionally, for the first time, non-tidal atmospheric and hydrological loading is considered in the solution. The DTRF2014 was released in August 2016 and incorporates observation data of the four techniques up 2014. The observation data were processed and submitted by the corresponding technique services: IGS (International GNSS Service, http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov) IVS (International VLBI Service, http://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov) ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service, http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov) IDS (International DORIS Service, http://ids-doris.org). The DTRF2014 is an independent ITRS realization. It is computed on the basis of the same input data as the realizations JTRF2014 (JPL, Pasadena) and ITRF2014 (IGN, Paris). The three realizations of the ITRS differ conceptually. While DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 are based on station positions at a reference epoch and velocities, the JTRF2014 is based on time series of station positions. DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 result from different combination strategies: The ITRF2014 is based on the combination of solutions, the DTRF2014 is computed by the combination of normal equations. The DTRF2014 comprises 3D coordinates and coordinate changes of 1347 GNSS-, 113 VLBI-, 99 SLR- and 153 DORIS-stations. The reference epoch is 1.1.2005, 0h UTC. The Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) - that means the coordinates of the terrestrial and the celestial pole, UT1-UTC and the Length of Day (LOD) - were simultaneously estimated with the station coordinates. The EOP time series cover the period from 1979.7 to 2015.0. The station names are the official IERS identifiers: CDP numbers or 4-character IDs and DOMES numbers (http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr/doc_ITRF/iers_sta_list.txt). The DTRF2014 solution is available in one comprehensive SINEX file and four technique-specific SINEX files, see below. A detailed description of the solution is given on the website of DGFI-TUM (http://www.dgfi.tum.de/en/science-data-products/dtrf2014/). More information can be made available by request.