58 resultados para systems of units
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Geochemical parameters and element contents in a peat section of the Kyzyltun (Bokarevskii) ryam bog
The paper reports geochemical parameters of units in a peat bed from a raised bog in the southern Tyumen territory. Based on radiocarbon dates and variability of geochemical data the following four evolutionary stages of the bed in Holocene are distinguished: an ancient lake (5600-5750 years B.P.), lowland-bog peat (4550-5600 years B.P.), transitional-type peat (4200-4550 years B.P.), raised-bog peat. The major-component technique was applied to analyze relations between various parameters of the bed and evaluate variations in conditions, under which the bog evolved with time, including climatic conditions (in relative units). An anthropogenic signal of accumulation of certain metals in bog systems is distinguished.
New major, trace element, and isotope data (Pb, Sr, and Nd) reveal an impressive compositional variation in the basalts recovered from Site 834. Major element compositions span almost the entire range observed in basalts from the modern axial systems of the Lau Basin, and variations are consistent with low-pressure fractionation of a mid-ocean-ridge-basalt (MORB)-like parent, in which plagioclase crystallization has been somewhat suppressed. Trace element compositions deviate from MORB in all but one unit (Unit 7) and show enrichments in large-ion-lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high-field-strength elements (HFSEs) more typically associated with island-arc magmas. The Pb-isotope ratios define linear trends that extend from the field of Pacific MORB to highly radiogenic values similar to those observed in rocks from the northernmost islands of the Tofua Arc. The Sr-isotope compositions also show significant variation, and these too project from radiogenic values back into the field for Pacific MORB. The variations in key trace element and isotopic features are consistent with magma mixing between two relatively mafic melts: one represented by Pacific MORB, and the other by a magma similar to those erupted on 'Eua when it was part of the original Tongan arc, or perhaps members of the Lau Volcanic Group (LVG). Based on our model, the most radiogenic compositions (Units 2 and 8) represent approximately 50:50 mixtures of these MORB and arc end-members. Magma mixing requires that both components are simultaneously available, and implies that melts have not shown a compositional progression from arc-like to MORB-like with extension at this locality. Rather, it is apparent that essentially pristine MORB can erupt as one of the earliest products of backarc initiation. Indeed, repetition of isotopic and trace element signatures with depth suggests that eruptions have been triggered by periodic injections of fresh MORB melts into the source regions of these magmas. The slow and almost amagmatic extension of the original arc complex envisaged to explain the observed chemistry is also consistent with the horst-and-graben topography of the western side of the Lau Basin. Given the similarities between basalts erupted at the modern Lau Basin spreading centers and MORB from the Indian Ocean, the overwhelming evidence for involvement of mantle similar to Pacific MORB in the petrogenesis of basalts from Site 834 is a new and important observation. It indicates that the original arc was underlain by asthenospheric material derived from the Pacific mantle convection cell, and that this has somehow been replaced by Indian Ocean MORB during the last ~5.5 Ma.
Geological map of Potter Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula)
We present here a new geological map of Potter Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland Islands). Like on adjacent Barton Peninsula, the morphology on Potter Peninsula is predominantly characterized by a glacial landscape with abrasion platforms offshore, in parts steep cliffs along the coast, and a rather smooth, hilly countryside in the interior. Potter Peninsula forms part of the downthrown Warszawa Block. The volcanic sequence cropping out here belongs to the King George Island Supergroup, with an observed local minimum thickness of approx. 90 m (Kraus 2005). The most prominent morphological feature is Three Brothers Hill (196 m), a well known andesitic plug showing conspicuous columnar jointing. It marks the final stage of activity of a Paleogene volcano, whose eruption products (lava flows and pyroclastic rocks), together with hypabyssal intrusions related to the volcanism, make up most of the lithology observed on Potter Peninsula (Kraus 2005). The Three Brothers Hill volcanic complex is eroded down to its deepest levels. Thus, the stratigraphically deepest units from the initial phase of volcanic activity are cropping out in some parts (Kraus & del Valle, in Wienke et al. 2008). The lithology on Potter Peninsula comprises lava flows (~50%), pyroclastic rocks (ash-fallout, pyroclastic flow deposits, volcanic breccia and agglomerates, ~30%) and hypabyssal intrusions (dykes, sills and small subvolcanic intrusive bodies, ~20%). 40Ar/39Ar datings carried out on magmatic dykes from Potter Peninsula indicate a short, but intense intrusive event during the Lutetian (Kraus et al. 2007).
In the first season of drilling, the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) recovered one drillcore (CRP-l) from Roberts Ridge in western McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica Diatom biostratigraphy places the upper six lithostratigraphic units (Units 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.1) of CRP-l (0.0 to 43.15 mbsf) within the Quaternary. Both non-marine and marine Quaternary diatoms occur in variable abundance in the Quaternary interval of CRP- 1 Biostratigraphic data resolve two Quaternary time slices or events within CRP-1. Marine diatom assemblages in Units 4.1 and 3.1 represent sedimentation within the diatom Actinocyclus ingens Zone (1.35 to 0.66 Ma). Further refinement of the age of Unit 3.l places deposition in the interval 1.15 to 0.75 Ma based on the common occurrence of Thalassiosira elliptipora and correlation to the Southern Ocean acme of this taxon The absence of ActiActinocyclus ingens and the presence ot Thalassiosira antarctica in Unit 2.2 require a younger zonal assignment for this interval, within the diatom Thalassiosira lentiginosa Zone (0.66 to 0.0 Ma). A new diatom species. Rouxia leventerae, is described from marine assemblages of Units 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.l. Lithostratigraphic Unit 3.1 (33.82 to 31.89 mbsf) is a bryozoan-dominated skeletal-carbonate facies. Low abundance of Fragilariopsis curta and Fragilariopsis cylindrus within this unit combined with the relatively high abundance of species associated with open water indicates deposition in waters that remained ice free for much or all of the year Diatom assemblages suggest carbonate deposition in Unit 3.1 is linked to a significant early Pleistocene event in McMurdo Sound, when elevated surface-water temperatures inhibited the formation of sea ice.