10 resultados para structure from motion

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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On August 6, 2010, a large (~50 Mm**3) debris avalanche occurred on the flank of Mount Meager in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. We studied the deposits to infer the morphodynamics of the landslide from initiation to emplacement. Structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry, based on oblique photos taken with a standard SLR camera during a low helicopter traverse, was used to create high-resolution orthophotos and base maps. Interpretation of the images and maps allowed us to recognize two main rheological phases in the debris avalanche. Just below the source area, in the valley of Capricorn Creek, the landslide separated into two phases, one water-rich and more mobile, and the other water-poor and less mobile. The water-rich phase spread quickly, achieved high superelevation on the valley sides, and left distal scattered deposits. The main water-poor phase moved more slowly, did not superelevate, and formed a thick continuous deposit (up to ~30 m) on the valley floor. The water-poor flow deposit has structural features such as hummocks, brittle-ductile faults, and shear zones. Our study, based on a freshly emplaced deposit, advances understanding of large mass movements by showing that a single landslide can develop multiple rheology phases with different behaviours. Rheological evolution and separation of phases should always be taken into account to provide better risk assessment scenarios.


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Pockmarks are geological features that are found on the bottom of lakes and oceans all over the globe. Some are active, seeping oil or methane, while others are inactive. Active pockmarks are well studied since they harbor specialized microbial communities that proliferate on the seeping compounds. Such communities are not found in inactive pockmarks. Interestingly, inactive pockmarks are known to have different macrofaunal communities compared to the surrounding sediments. It is undetermined what the microbial composition of inactive pockmarks is and if it shows a similar pattern as the macrofauna. The Norwegian Oslo Fjord contains many inactive pockmarks and they are well suited to study the influence of these geological features on the microbial community in the sediment. Here we present a detailed analysis of the microbial communities found in three inactive pockmarks and two control samples at two core depth intervals. The communities were analyzed using high-throughput amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA V3 region. Microbial communities of surface pockmark sediments were indistinguishable from communities found in the surrounding seabed. In contrast, pockmark communities at 40 cm sediment depth had a significantly different community structure from normal sediments at the same depth. Statistical analysis of chemical variables indicated significant differences in the concentrations of total carbon and non-particulate organic carbon between 40 cm pockmark and reference sample sediments. We discuss these results in comparison with the taxonomic classification of the OTUs identified in our samples. Our results indicate that microbial surface sediment communities are affect by the water column, while the 40 cm communities are affect by local conditions within the sediment.


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Changes in El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability are difficult to extract from paleoceanographic reconstructions because they are superimposed on changes in seasonal variability that modulate the first-order climate signal. Here we address this problem by reconstructing thermocline structure from a marine sediment core retrieved from the eastern equatorial Pacific. At the core location, changes in hydrologic parameters within the thermocline are linked to ENSO activity, with a reduced influence of seasonal variability compared to surface waters. We performed repeated isotopic analyses (d18O) on single specimens of the thermocline-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei at several targeted time periods over the last 50 ka to extract the total thermocline variance, a parameter supposed to reveal changes in ENSO. No fundamental changes in amplitude and frequency of the events were detected despite differences in climatic background. However, our data suggest that long-term variations in the thermocline variability occurred over the last 50 ka, with the highest and lowest ENSO activities occurring during the last glacial period and the Last Glacial Maximum, respectively.


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The Laurichard active rock glacier is the permafrost-related landform with the longest record of monitoring in France, including an annual geodetic survey, repeated geoelectrical campaigns from 1979 onwards and continuous recording of ground temperature since 2003. These data were used to examine changes in creep rates and internal structure from 1986 to 2006. The control that climatic variables exert on rock glacier kinematics was investigated over three time scales. Between the 1980s and the early 2000s, the main observed changes were a general increase in surface velocity and a decrease in internal resistivity. At a multi-year scale, the high correlation between surface movement and snow thickness in the preceding December appears to confirm the importance of snow cover conditions in early winter through their influence on the ground thermal regime. A comparison of surface velocities, regional climatic datasets and ground sub-surface temperatures over six years suggests a strong relation between rock glacier deformation and ground temperature, as well as a role for liquid water due to melt of thick snow cover. Finally, unusual surface lowering that accompanied peak velocities in 2004 may be due to a general thaw of the top of the permafrost, probably caused both by two successive snowy winters and by high energy inputs during the warm summer of 2003.


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Seventeen samples from pillow or massive "zero age" fresh basalts from ODP Legs 106 and 109 were studied in order to examine their magnetic properties and oxidation degree. Thermomagnetic analyses of studied samples show Curie temperatures from 127°C to 220°C with reversible heating and cooling curves. Hysteresis parameters indicate the contribution of large Pseudo-Single Domain (PSD) grain of titanomagnetites with saturation magnetization between 0.4 and 0.7 emu/g which is almost twice that those of other recent mid-oceanic dredged basalts (e.g., FAMOUS and CYAMEX-RISE). The large grain sizes and higher magnetic mineral concentration may suggest a slower cooling of these basalts compared to those previously studied. Electron microprobe analyses of titanomagnetite grains combined with Curie point determinations give z = 0.3 for the degree of low temperature oxidation, which is close to the other values reported for low temperature oxidation of mid-oceanic ridge basalts.


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The geometry of the Tonga Arc implies that it has rotated approximately 17° clockwise away from the Lau Ridge as the Lau Basin formed in between. Questions have arisen about the timing of the opening, whether the arc behaved rigidly, and whether the opening occurred instead from motion of the Lau Ridge, the remanent arc. We undertook to address these questions by taking paleomagnetic samples from sediment cores drilled on the Tonga Arc at Sites 840 and 841, orienting the samples in azimuth, and comparing the paleodeclinations to expected directions. Advanced hydraulic piston corer (APC) cores from Holes 840C and 841A were oriented during drilling with a tool based on a magnetic compass and attached to the core barrel. Samples from Hole 841B were drilled with a rotary core barrel (RCB) and therefore are azimuthally unoriented. They were oriented by identifying faults and dipping beds in the core and aligning them with the same features in the Formation MicroScanner (FMS) wireline logs, which were themselves oriented with a three-axis magnetometer in the FMS tool. The best results came from the APC cores, which yielded a mean pole at -69.0°S, 112.2°E for an age of 4 Ma. This pole implies a declination anomaly of 20.8° ± 12.6° (95% confidence limit), which appears to have occurred by tectonic rotation of the Tonga Arc. This value is almost exactly that expected from the geometry of the arc and implies that it did indeed rotate clockwise as a rigid body. The large uncertainty in azimuth results from core orientation errors, which have an average standard deviation of 18.6°. The youngest cores used to calculate the APC pole contain sediments deposited during Subchron 2A (2.48-3.40 Ma), and their declinations are indistinguishable from the others. This observation suggests that most of the rotation occurred after their deposition; this conclusion must be treated with caution, however, because of the large azimuthal orientation errors. Poles from late and early Miocene sediments of Hole 841B are more difficult to interpret. Samples from this hole are mostly normal in polarity, fail a reversal test, and yield poles that suggest that the normal-polarity directions may be a recent overprint. Late Miocene reversed-polarity samples may be unaffected by this overprint; if so, they imply a declination anomaly of 51.1° ± 11.5°. This observation may indicate that, for older sediments, Tonga forearc rotations are larger than expected.