951 resultados para southern Huanghai Sea surface sediment

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We present alkenone-derived Sea Surface Temperature (SST) records from three marine cores collected within the southern Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) spanning the last 3 ka. The SST evolution over the last 3 millennia is marked by aperiodic millennial-scale oscillations that broadly correspond to climatic anomalies identified over the North Atlantic region. The BUS SST data further suggest cooling and warming trends opposite to the temperature evolution in the Moroccan upwelling region and in Antarctica. In contrast, the last decades are marked by a cooling of unprecedented magnitude in both the Benguela and Moroccan upwelling systems, which is not observed in the Antarctic record. These contrasted responses in Atlantic upwelling systems triggered by natural and anthropogenic forcings shed light on how different climatic mechanisms are mediated by ocean-atmosphere interactions and transmitted to the geological records of past and present climate changes.


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Shallow marine benthic communities around Antarctica show high levels of endemism, gigantism, slow growth, longevity and late maturity, as well as adaptive radiations that have generated considerable biodiversity in some taxa1. The deeper parts of the Southern Ocean exhibit some unique environmental features, including a very deep continental shelf2 and a weakly stratified water column, and are the source for much of the deep water in the world ocean. These features suggest that deep-sea faunas around the Antarctic may be related both to adjacent shelf communities and to those in other oceans. Unlike shallow-water Antarctic benthic communities, however, little is known about life in this vast deep-sea region2, 3. Here, we report new data from recent sampling expeditions in the deep Weddell Sea and adjacent areas (748-6,348 m water depth) that reveal high levels of new biodiversity; for example, 674 isopods species, of which 585 were new to science. Bathymetric and biogeographic trends varied between taxa. In groups such as the isopods and polychaetes, slope assemblages included species that have invaded from the shelf. In other taxa, the shelf and slope assemblages were more distinct. Abyssal faunas tended to have stronger links to other oceans, particularly the Atlantic, but mainly in taxa with good dispersal capabilities, such as the Foraminifera. The isopods, ostracods and nematodes, which are poor dispersers, include many species currently known only from the Southern Ocean. Our findings challenge suggestions that deep-sea diversity is depressed in the Southern Ocean and provide a basis for exploring the evolutionary significance of the varied biogeographic patterns observed in this remote environment.


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Late Quaternary summer sea surface temperatures (SSTs) have been derived from radiolarian assemblages in the East Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. In the subantarctic and the polar frontal zone, glacial SSTs (oxygen isotope stages 2, 4, 6, and 8) were 3°-5°C cooler than today, indicating northward displacements of the isotherms about 2°-4° of latitudes. During interglacials, SSTs almost reached modern levels (oxygen isotope stages 7 and 9) or exceeded them by 2°-3°C (oxygen isotope stages 1 and 5.5). In the subantarctic Atlantic Ocean, changes in SST and calcium carbonate content of the sediment precede variations in global ice volume in the range of the main Milankovitch frequencies. Comparisons with the timing of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) proxy records suggests that this early response in the subantarctic Atlantic Ocean is not triggered by the flux of NADW to the Southern Ocean.


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We provide a new multivariate calibration-function based on South Atlantic modern assemblages of planktonic foraminifera and atlas water column parameters from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to the Subtropical Gyre and tropical warm waters (i.e., 60°S to 0°S). Therefore, we used a dataset with the abundance pattern of 35 taxonomic groups of planktonic foraminifera in 141 surface sediment samples. Five factors were taken into consideration for the analysis, which account for 93% of the total variance of the original data representing the regional main oceanographic fronts. The new calibration-function F141-35-5 enables the reconstruction of Late Quaternary summer and winter sea-surface temperatures with a statistical error of ~0.5°C. Our function was verified by its application to a sediment core extracted from the western South Atlantic. The downcore reconstruction shows negative anomalies in sea-surface temperatures during the early-mid Holocene and temperatures within the range of modern values during the late Holocene. This pattern is consistent with available reconstructions.


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Applying the alkenone method, we estimated sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) for the past 33 kyr in two marine sediment cores recovered from the continental slope off mid-latitude Chile. The SST record shows an increase of 6.7°C from the last ice age (LIA) to the Holocene climatic optimum, while the temperature contrast between LIA and modern temperatures is only about 3.4°C. The timing and magnitude of the last deglacial warming in the ocean correspond to those observed in South American continental records. According to our SST record, the existence of a Younger Dryas equivalent cooling in the Southeast Pacific is much more uncertain than for the continental climate changes. A warming step of about 2.5°C observed between 8 and 7.5 cal kyr BP may have been linked to the early to mid-Holocene climatic transition (8.2-7.8 cal kyr BP), also described from equatorial Africa and Antarctica. In principal, variations in the latitudinal position of the Southern Pacific Westerlies are considered to be responsible for SST changes in the Peru-Chile current off mid-latitude Chile.


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Organic-geochemical bulk parameter (Total organic carbon contents, C/N ratios and d13Corg values), biogenic opal and biomarkers (n-alkanes, fatty acids, sterols and amino acids) were determined in surface sediments from the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent southern Kara Sea. Maximum TOC contents were determined in both estuaries, reaching up to 3 %. Relatively high C/N ratios around 10, light d13Corg values of -26.5 per mil (Yenisei) and -28 to -28.7 per mil (Ob), and maximum concentrations of long-chain n-alkanes of up to about 10 µg/g Sed clearly show the predominance of terrigenous organic matter in the sediments from the estuaries. Towards the open Kara Sea, all p arameters indicate a decrease in terrigenous organic carbon. Brassicasterol as well as the short-chain n-alkanes parallel this trend, suggesting that these biomarkers are probably also related to a terrigenous (fresh-water phytoplankton) source. Amino acid spectra show characteristic trends from the Yenisei Estuary to the open Kara Sea revealing increasing state of degradation. Sedimentary organic matter in the Yenisei Estuary is relatively less degraded compared to the Ob Estuary and the open Kara Sea.