167 resultados para source-area reconstruction

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We investigate the redistribution of terrigenous materials in the northeastern (NE) South American continental margin during slowdown events of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The compilation of stratigraphic data from 108 marine sediment cores collected across the western tropical Atlantic shows an extreme rise in sedimentation rates off the Parnaíba River mouth (about 2°S) during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka). Sediment core GeoB16206-1, raised offshore the Parnaíba River mouth, documents relatively constant 143Nd/144Nd values (expressed as epsilonNd(0)) throughout the last 30 ka. Whereas the homogeneous epsilonNd(0) data support the input of fluvial sediments by the Parnaíba River from the same source area directly onshore, the increases in Fe/Ca, Al/Si and Rb/Sr during HS1 indicate a marked intensification of fluvial erosion in the Parnaíba River drainage basin. In contrast, the epsilonNd(0) values from sediment core GeoB16224-1 collected off French Guiana (about 7°N) suggest Amazon-sourced materials within the last 30 ka. We attribute the extremely high volume of terrigenous sediments deposited offshore the Parnaíba River mouth during HS1 to (i) an enhanced precipitation in the catchment region and (ii) a reduced North Brazil Current, which are both associated with a weakened AMOC.


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This study presents the results of high-resolution sedimentological and clay mineralogical investigations on sediments from ODP Sites 908A and 909AlC located in the central Fram Strait. The objective was to reconstruct the paleoclimate and paleoceanography of the high northern latitudes since the middle Miocene. The sediments are characterised in particular by a distinctive input of ice-rafted material, which most probably occurs since 6 Ma and very likely since 15 Ma. A change in the source area at 1 1.2 Ma is clearly marked by variations within clay mineral composition and increasing accumulation rates. This is interpreted as a result of an increase in water mass exchange through the Fram Strait. A further period of increasing exchange between 4-3 Ma is identified by granulometric investigations and points to a synchronous intensification of deep water production in the North Atlantic during this time interval. A comparison of the components of coarse and clay fraction clearly shows that both are not delivered by the Same transport process. The input of the clay fraction can be related to transport mechanisms through sea ice and glaciers and very likely also through oceanic currents. A reconstruction of source areas for clay minerals is possible only with some restrictions. High smectite contents in middle and late Miocene sediments indicate a background signal produced by soil formation together with sediment input, possibly originating from the Greenland- Scotland Ridge. The applicability of clay mineral distribution as a climate proxy for the high northern latitudes can be confirmed. Based on a comparison of sediments from Site 909C, characterised by the smectite/illite and chlorite ratio, with regional and global climatic records (oxygen isotopes), a middle Miocene cooling phase between 14.8-14.6 Ma can be proposed. A further cooling phase between 10-9 Ma clearly shows similarities in its Progress toward drastic decrease in carbonate sedimentation and preservation in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The modification in sea water and atmosphere chemistry may represent a possible link due to the built-up of equatorial carbonate platforms. Between 4.8-4.6 Ma clay mineral distribution indicates a distinct cooling trend in the Fram Strait region. This is not accompanied by relevant glaciation, which would otherwise be indicated by the coarse fraction. The intensification of glaciation in the northern hemisphere is distinctly documented by a rapid increase of illite and chlorite starting from 3.3 Ma, which corresponds to oxygen isotope data trends from North Atlantic.


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The clay mineral assemblages of the ca. 1600 m thick Cenozoic sedimentary succession recovered at the CRP-1, CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drill sites off Cape Roberts on the McMurdo Sound shelf, Antarctica, were analysed in order to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and the glacial history of this part of Antarctica. The sequence can be subdivided into seven clay mineral units that reflect the transition from humid to subpolar and polar conditions. Unit I (35-33.6 Ma) is characterised by an almost monomineralic assemblage consisting of well crystalline, authigenic smectite, and therefore does not allow a palaeoclimatic reconstruction. Unit II (33.6-33.1 Ma) has also a monomineralic clay mineral composition. However, the assemblage consists of variably crystallized smectite that, at least in part, is of detrital origin and indicates chemical weathering under a humid climate. The main source area for the clays was in the Transantarctic Mountains. Minor amounts of illite and chlorite appear for the first time in Unit III (33.1-31 Ma) and suggest subordinate physical weathering. The sediments of Unit IV (31-30.5 Ma) have strongly variable smectite and illite concentrations indicating an alternation of chemical weathering periods and physical weathering periods. Unit V (30.5-24.2 Ma) shows a further shift towards physical weathering. Unit VI (24.2-18.5 Ma) indicates strong physical weathering under a cold climate with persistent and intense illite formation. Unit VII (18.5 Ma to present) documents an additional input of smectite derived from the McMurdo Volcanic Group in the south.


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Samples of dust from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core, Summit, Greenland, dated within marine isotope stage 2 (between 23,340 and 26,180 calendar years B.P.) around the time of the coldest, local, last glacial temperatures, have been analyzed to determine their provenance. To accomplish this, we have compared them with approximately Coeval aeolian sediments (mostly loesses) sampled in possible source areas (PSAs) from around the northern hemisphere. The <5-µm grain-size fraction of these samples was analyzed on the basis that it corresponds to the atmospheric dust component of that time and locale, which was sufficiently fine grained to be transported over long distances. On the basis of comparison of the clay mineralogy and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope composition with ice dust and PSAs and assuming that we have sampled the most important PSAs, we have determined that the probable source area of these GISP2 dusts was in eastern Asia. The dust was not derived from either the midcontinental United States or the Sahara, two more proximal areas that have been suggested as potential sources based on atmospheric circulation modeling. Except for a brief period during an interstadial, when dust transport was exceptionally low (for glacial times) and had a mineralogical composition indicative of a slightly more southern provenance, the source area of the dust did not change significantly during times of variably higher fluxes of dust with larger mean grain size or lower fluxes of dust with smaller mean grain size. This includes the high-dust period that correlates with the Heinrich 2 period of major iceberg discharge into the North Atlantic. Variable wind strengths must therefore be invoked to account for these abrupt and significant changes in dust flux and grain size.


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23 layers of altered volcanic ash (bentonites) originating from the North Atlantic Igneous Province have been recorded in early Eocene deposits of the Austrian Alps, about 1,900 km away from the source area. The Austrian bentonites are distal equivalents of the ''main ash-phase'' in Denmark and the North Sea basin. We have calculated the total eruption volume of this series as 21,000 km**3, which occurred in 600,000 years. The most powerful single eruption of this series took place 54.0 million years ago (Ma) and ejected ca. 1,200 km**3 of ash material, which makes it one of the largest basaltic pyroclastic eruptions in geological history. The clustering of eruptions must have significantly affected the incoming solar radiation in the early Eocene by the continuous production of stratospheric dust and aerosol clouds. This hypothesis is corroborated by oxygen isotope values, which indicate a global decrease of sea surface temperatures between 1 and 2 C during this major phase of explosive volcanism.


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Focussing on heavy-mineral associations in the Laptev-Sea continental margin area and the eastern Arctic Ocean, 129 surface sediment samples, two short and four long gravity cores have been studied. By means of the accessory components, heavy-mineral associations of surface sediment samples from the Laptev-See continental slope allowed the distinction into two different mineralogical provinces, each influenced by fluvial input of the Siberian river Systems. Transport pathways via sea ice from the shallow shelf areas into the Arctic Ocean up to the final ablation areas of the Fram Strait can be reconstructed by heavy-mineral data of surface sediments from the central Arctic Ocean. The shallow shelf of the Laptev Sea seems to be the most important source area for terrigenous material, as indicated by the abundant occurence of amphiboles and clinopyroxenes. Underneath the mixing Zone of the two dominating surface circulation Systems, the Beaufort- Gyre and Transpolar-Drift system, the imprint of the Amerasian shelf regions up to the Fram Strait is detectable because of a characteristical heavy-mineral association dominated by detrital carbonate and opaque minerals. Based On heavy-mineral characteristics of the potential circum-Arctic source areas, sea-ice drift, origin and distribution of ice-rafted material can be reconstructed during the past climatic cycles. Different factors controlling the transport of terrigenous material into the Arctic Ocean. The entrainment of particulate matter is triggered by the sea level, which flooded during highs and lows different regions resulting in the incorporation of sediment from different source areas into the sea ice. Additionally, the fluvial input even at low stands of sea level is responsible for the delivery of material of distinct sources for entrainment into the sea ice. Glacials and interglacials of climate cycles of the last 780 000 years left a characteristical signal in the central Arctic Ocean sediments caused by the ice- rafted material from different sources in the circum-Arctic regions and its change through time. Changes in the heavy-mineral association from an amphibole-dominated into a garnet-epidote-assemblage can be related to climate-related changes in source areas and directions of geostrophic winds, the dominating drive of the sea-ice drift. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6, the central Arctic Ocean is marked by an heavy-mineral signal, which occurs in recent sediments of the eastern Kara Sea. Its characteristics are high amounts of epidote, garnet and apatite. On the other hand, during the Same time interval a continuous record of Laptev Sea sediments is documented with high contents of amphiboles on the Lomonosov Ridge near the Laptev Sea continental slope. A nearly similar Pattern was detected in MIS 5 and 4. Small-scale glaciations in the Putorana-mountains and the Anabar-shield may have caused changes in the drainage area of the rivers and therefore a change in fluvial input. During MIS 3, the heavy-mineral association of central Arctic sediments show similar patterns than the Holocene mineral assemblage which consists of amphiboles, ortho- and clinopyroxenes with a Laptev Sea source. These minerals are indicating a stable Transpolar-Drift system similar to recent conditions. An extended influence of the Beaufort Gyre is only recognized, when sediment material from the Amerasian shelf areas reached the core location PS2757-718 during Termination Ib. Based On heavy-mineral data from Laptev-Sea continental slope Core PS2458-4 the paleo-sea-ice drift in the Laptev Sea during 14.000 years was reconstructed. During Holocene sea-level rise, the bathymetrically deeper parts of the Western shelf were flooded first. At the beginning of the Atlantic stage, nearly the entire shelf was marine influenced by fully marine conditions and the recent surface circulation was established.


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Paleontological and petrological studies of clay beds in the Basilika Formation (Tertiary age) are the subject of this paper. The petrology of the beds indicates that their main constituents were derived from volcanic activity and represent bentonites. Differing composition of the beds may suggest several spatially separated eruptions. The volcanic source area probably lay towards the north of the present Tertiary outcrops of Svalbard. Two foraminiferal assemblages are found in the bentonites: the lower is dominated by arenaceous forms while the upper consists of calcareous species.