11 resultados para semiconducting II-V materials

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The occurrence of gas hydrates at submarine mud volcanoes (MVs) located within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) is controlled by upward fluid and heat flux associated with MV activity. Determining the spatial distribution of gas hydrates at MVs is crucial to evaluate their sensitivity to known episodic changes in volcanic activity. We determined the hydrocarbon inventory and spatial distribution of hydrates at an individual MV structure. The Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV), located at 1,250 m water depth on the Barents Sea slope, was investigated by combined pressure core sampling, heat flow measurements, and pore water chemical analysis. Quantitative pressure core degassing revealed gas-sediment ratios between 3.1 and 25.7, corresponding to hydrate concentrations of up to 21.3% of the pore volume. Hydrocarbon compositions and physicochemical conditions imply that gas hydrates incipiently crystallize as structure I hydrate, with a dissociation temperature of around 13.8°C at this water depth. Based on numerous in situ measurements of the geothermal gradient in the seabed, pore water sulfate profiles and microbathymetric data, we show that the thickness of the GHSZ increases from less than 1 m at the warm center to around 47 m in the outer parts of the HMMV. We estimate the total mass of hydrate-bound methane stored at the HMMV to be about 102.5 kt, of which 2.8 kt are located within the morphological Unit I around the center and thus are likely to be dissociated in the course of a large eruption.


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Chemical and mineralogical compositions of ferromanganese oxide coatings on rocks dredged from the New England Seamounts, the Sierra Leone Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Equator have been determined in an investigation of regional differences in Atlantic ferromanganese deposits. Most encrustations are clearly of hydrogenous origin, consisting mainly of todorokite and delta MnO2, but several recovered from the equatorial fracture zones may be hydrothermal accumulations. Differences in the chemistry of the water column and in growth rates of the ferromanganese coatings may be important in producing this regional contrast in composition. Fine-scale changes in element abundances within the encrustations indicate that the nature of the substrate has little influence on compositional variations.


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Thirteen sediment samples, including calcareous ooze, sandy clay, volcanic sand, gravel, and volcanic breccia, from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 732B, 734B, 734G and Conrad Cruise 27-9, Station 17, were examined. Contents of major and trace elements were determined using XRF or ICP (on samples <0.5 g). Determinations of rare earth elements (REE) were performed using ICP-MS. Mineralogy was determined using XRD. On the basis of the samples studied, the sediments accumulating in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone are characterized by generally high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents compared with other deep-sea sediments. A variety of sources are reflected in the mineralogy and geochemistry of these sediments. Serpentine, brucite, magnetite, and high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents indicate derivation from ultramafic basement. The occurrence of albite, analcime, primary mafic minerals, and smectite/chlorite in some samples, coupled with high SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, V, and Y indicate contribution from basaltic basement. A third major sediment source is characterized as biogenic material and is reflected primarily in the presence of carbonate minerals, and high CaO, Sr, Pb, and Zn in certain samples. Kaolinite, illite, quartz, and some chlorite are most likely derived from continental areas or other parts of the ocean by long-distance sediment transport in surface or other ocean currents. Proportions of source materials in the sediments reflect the thickness of the sediment cover, slope of the seafloor, and the nature of and proximity to basement lithologies. REE values are low compared to other deep-sea sediments and indicate no evidence of hydrothermal activity in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone sediments. This is supported by major- and trace-element data.


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During the Equamarge II cruise (February 4 to March 21, 1988), on board the R. V. "Jean Charcot", 12.500 kms of continuous geophysical profiling have been recorded along three sectors of the Equatorial Atlantic. Two segments ofthe West African transform margin have been intensively surveyed off Guinea and off Ivory Coast and Ghana. The active Romanche fracture zone has been surveyed in details on a distance of about 100 kms. These data (multibeam bathymetry, continuous seismic profiling, magnetism and gravity) have been supplemented by 16 geological stations (dredging and coring). This report gives a synthetic review of the onboard analysis and allows to better understand the geological structures of the three surveyed areas.


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The Danish Expedition of the "Galathea II" around the world brought important results concerning the marine organisms in the deep sea. The "Galathea II" showed not only different organisms of the Abyssal but for the first time of the deepest trenches of the western Pacific. Anton Bruun coined the term Hadal for the region below the Abyssal under 6000 m. Although the "Galathea II" aimed to investigate new deep sea regions beside the routes of former expeditions and to widen the horizon of knowledge relating marine organisms the technical equipment and the methodological approach had partly been developed earlier. The expedition of the "Galathea II" is part of a long tradition of cruises such as that of the British "Challenger", the German "Valdivia" and the Swedish "Albatross" and especially the Danish cruises of the "Dana I" and "Dana II" which happened some years before.


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The eleventh research cruise of Japanese Geodynamics Project in the West Pacific was carried out by the R/V Tokaidaigaku-maru II in August, 1974. During this cruise, in which the authors participated, many traverses of echo sounding and seismic reflection profiling and frequent sampling of bottom sediments were undertaken.


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A 0.25 m US Naval Electronics Lab box corer was used to take replicate samples from an oligotrophic bottom under the North Pacific Central Water Mass (approx. 28 degrees N, 155 degrees W). The bottom is a red clay with manganese nodules at a depth of 5500-5800 m. Macrofaunal density ranges from 84 to 160 individuals per m super(2) and is therefore much the same as in Northwest Atlantic Gyre waters. Of the macrofaunal taxa, polychaetes dominate (55 per cent), followed by tanaids (18 per cent), bivalves (7 per cent), and isopods (6 per cent). Meiofaunal taxa were only partially retained by the 297 micrometer screen used in washing. Even then, they are 1.5-3.9 times as abundant as the microfaunal taxa, with nematodes being numerically dominant by far. Foraminifera seem to comprise an important portion of the community, but could not be assessed accurately because of the inability to discriminate living and dead tests. Remains of what are probably xenophyophoridans are also very important, but offer the same problem. Faunal diversity is extremely high, with deposit feeders comprising the overwhelming majority. Most spp are rare, being encountered only once. The distributions of only 3 spp show any significant deviation from randomness. The polychaete fauna from box cores collected from 90 m to the north was not significantly different from that of the principal study locality. Concordance appeared at several taxonomic levels, from spp through microfaunal/ meiofaunal relationships. As a result, the variation in total animal abundance shows aggregation among cores. The authors discuss Sokolova's concept of a deep-sea oligotrophic zone dominated by suspension feeders, and reconcile it with our present findings. The high diversity of the fauna combined with the low food level contradict theories that relate diversity directly with productivity.


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This report is Volume 3 of Descriptions of WHOI rock dredge samples. This series represents a major effort to catalog the rock dredge samples in the WHOI Sea Floor samples collection, and to disseminate this information throughout the scientific community. Volume 3 contains sample descriptions and station data for the dredge stations from five cruises during the period September 1978 through December 1980. The material in this and subsequent volumes of rock descriptions was largely prepared onboard ship by the participating scientists. Volume 3 was printed prior to volumes 1 and 2 because of the excellent documentation of the samples represented in this volume.


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The dredges described in this report were taken on the PR II, CORPUS 4 Expedition in January 1969 by the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center from the R/V Atlantic Twin. Dredges recovered and are available at USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center for sampling and study.


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The present paper, deals with the results of the bottom sampling. Sampling devices were a gravity corer for heat flow measurement and dredges of bucket type.