71 resultados para rotary kiln

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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A transect from the bathyal to proximal shelf facies of the Boreal Realm was investigated to compare spatial and temporal distribution changes of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (c-dinocysts) throughout the mid-Cenomanian in order to gain information on the ecology of these organisms. Pithonelloideae dominated the cyst assemblages to more than 95% on the shelf, a prevalence that can be observed throughout most of the Upper Cretaceous. The affinity of this group with the dinoflagellates, which is still controversially discussed, can be confirmed, based on evidence from morphological features and distribution patterns. The consistent prevalence of Pithonella sphaerica and P. ovalis in c-dinocyst assemblages throughout the Upper Cretaceous indicates that they were produced more frequently than cysts of the other species and might, therefore, represent a vegetative dinoflagellate life stage. P. sphaerica and P. ovalis are interpreted as eutrophic species. P. sphaerica is the main species in a marginal-shelf upwelling area, offshore Fennoscandia. Here, sedimentary cyclicity appears to have been reduced to the strongest light/dark changes, while in the outer shelf sediments, light/dark cycles are well-developed and show pronounced temporal assemblage changes. Cyclic fluctuations in the P. sphaerica / P. ovalis ratio reflect shifts of the preferred facies zones and indicate changes in surface mixing patterns. During periods of enhanced surface mixing most parts of the shelf were well-ventilated, and nutrient-enriched surface waters led to high productivity and dominance of the Pithonelloideae. These conditions on the shelf contrasted with those in the open ocean, where more oligotrophic and probably stratified waters prevailed, and an assemblage with very few Pithonelloideae and dominance of Cubodinellum renei and Orthopithonella ? gustafsonii was characteristic. While orbitally-forced light/dark sedimentary cyclicity of the shelf sections was mainly related to surface-water carbonate productivity changes, no cyclic modulation of productivity was observed in the oceanic profile. Therefore, dark layer formation in the open ocean was predominantly controlled by the cyclic establishment of anoxic bottom water conditions. Orbitally-forced interruptions in mixing on the shelf resulted in cyclic periods of stratification and oligotrophy in the surface waters, an expansion of oceanic species to the outer shelf, and a shelfward shift of pithonelloid-facies zones, which were probably related to shelfward directed oceanic ingressions.


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Obtaining long, continuous, and undisturbed sections of unconsolidated Neogene deep sea sedimentary sections has been limited by (1) practical length of piston cores to about 30 meters and (2) disturbance of sediment by rotary drilling with Glomar Challenger. The relatively high deposition rates of late Neogene sediments in the North Atlantic and in the Caribbean in particular has limited penetration, with conventional piston coring, to sediments not much older than late Pliocene in the Atlantic and not even through the late Pleistocene in the Caribbean. Rotary drilling has penetrated much older sediments in both areas, but the cores suffered extensive drilling disturbance that seriously degrades the Paleomagnetism of the material. Utilization of the hydraulic piston corer on the Challenger combines the advantage of a generally undisturbed recovery and great penetration to produce long, relatively undisturbed sections of late Neogene and Quaternary sediments suitable for paleomagnetic studies. In this chapter we present paleomagnetic data from Site 502. We tried to determine relative azimuthal orientation of successive cores (see Introduction for details). Because the low latitude of the site meant a small (inclination of about 22°) vertical component of magnetization, reversals of magnetization could easily be detected only in changes in the horizontal component, as 180° shifts in the declination direction of magnetization. Based on information from the core orienting device, a fiducial line was drawn the length of each core prior to cutting it into the standard 1.5 meter sections.


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On Leg 85, 16 holes were cored at five sites. Thirteen of the holes were cored with the hydraulic piston corer (HPC) or the variable-length hydraulic piston corer (VLHPC) or both; the remainder were rotary drilled. Partially duplicating stratigraphic sections were successfully recovered by hydraulic piston coring at Sites 572 to 575. Sub-bottom penetration was deepest (about 210 m) at HPC Hole 575A, which bottomed in lower Miocene sediments. Penetration by hydraulic piston coring was limited at all sites not by the failure of the corer to stroke out but by the excessive force (overpull) necessary to retrieve the core barrel from the hole. The sediments recovered are relatively uniform siliceous-calcareous oozes to calcareous ooze-chalks. Paleomagnetic measurements were made at all stratigraphic levels, but magnetostratigraphic sequences could be resolved only for the Pleistocene-Pliocene and for brief upper, middle, and lower Miocene sections. In the younger and less consolidated sediments, the declination often shows large-scale azimuthal rotations downcore. These smooth trends vary from core to core, indicating either rotation between the sediment and the core liner or the rotation of the core barrel during the coring or retrieval process. Thus, azimuthal orientation of the samples was impossible even though a Kuster azimuthal orientation tool was used during the hydraulic piston coring. At all sites, the downhole shift from mainly siliceous to mainly calcareous ooze-chalk coincided with a decrease in NRM intensity of at least one order of magnitude, to 1.0*10**-8 G. Diagenesis is the probable reason for this behavior, although the dilution of magnetic carriers as the result of higher accumulation rates may also be a factor. A tectonic analysis using data from samples with stable remanence indicates a northward plate motion of about 0.3 deg/m.y. during the last 18 m.y., a rate that agrees with most previous reconstructions of Pacific Plate motion.


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Core and outcrop analysis from Lena mouth deposits have been used to reconstruct the Late Quaternary sedimentation history of the Lena Delta. Sediment properties (heavy mineral composition, grain size characteristics, organic carbon content) and age determinations (14C AMS and IR-OSL) are applied to discriminate the main sedimentary units of the three major geomorphic terraces, which form the delta. The development of the terraces is controlled by complex interactions among the following four factors: (1) Channel migration. According to the distribution of 14C and IR-OSL age determinations of Lena mouth sediments, the major river runoff direction shifted from the west during marine isotope stages 5-3 (third terrace deposits) towards the northwest during marine isotope stage 2 and transition to stage 1 (second terrace), to the northeast and east during the Holocene (first terrace deposits). (2) Eustasy. Sea level rise from Last Glacial lowstand to the modern sea level position, reached at 6-5 ka BP, resulted in back-filling and flooding of the palaeovalleys. (3) Neotectonics. The extension of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge into the Laptev Sea shelf acted as a halfgraben, showing dilatation movements with different subsidence rates. From the continent side, differential neotectonics with uplift and transpression in the Siberian coast ridges are active. Both likely have influenced river behavior by providing sites for preservation, with uplift, in particular, allowing accumulation of deposits in the second terrace in the western sector. The actual delta setting comprises only the eastern sector of the Lena Delta. (4) Peat formation. Polygenetic formation of ice-rich peaty sand (''Ice Complex'') was most extensive (7-11 m in thickness) in the southern part of the delta area between 43 and 14 ka BP (third terrace deposits). In recent times, alluvial peat (5-6 m in thickness) is accumulated on top of the deltaic sequences in the eastern sector (first terrace).


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Well-preserved radiolarian assemblages of late middle Miocene to early Pliocene age are found in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 1138A (Cores 183-1138A-12R to 20R), which was rotary drilled into the Central Kerguelen Plateau. The faunas are typical for Antarctic assemblages of this time interval, and the site appears to have been south of the Polar Front during the time period studied. Despite only moderate drilling recovery of the section, most late middle to early Pliocene radiolarian zones are present, although at the sample resolution used, subzones could not be identified. A significant discontinuity in the section is present at the boundary between lithologic Units I and II (between Cores 183-1138A-12R and 13R), corresponding to an interval from at least 4.6 to 6.1 Ma. Mixed late Miocene-early Pliocene assemblages are seen in the base of Core 183-1138A-12R (Sample 183-1138A-12R-3, 20 cm), and the overlying basal Pliocene Tau Zone appears to be absent. It cannot be determined if the discontinuity is due to incomplete recovery of the section and drilling disturbance or if it reflects a primary sedimentary structure - a hiatus or interval of condensed sedimentation.


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A most significant finding of the ODP Leg 107 drilling campaign was the recovery of at least 56 distinct sapropel intervals in upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments of six sites drilled in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Except for 3 repots of disturbed organic-rich sediments - recovered in Core 201 of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition, in Core 2R-1,107 cm of Site 373 (Leg 13 DSDP) and at Site 373, Core 1-2,O-5 cm of DSDP Leg 42A - sapropels had previously only been described from the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Scientific deep-sea drilling in the Tyrrhenian Sea during DSDP Legs 13 and 42A apparently missed most of these deposits due to spot coring and rotary drilling techniques; high sedimentation rates may have precluded recovery by conventional gravity coring devices. The recovery of multiple layers of sapropels and sapropelic sediments in the Tyrrhenian Sea demonstrates that oceanographic conditions conducive to sapropel formation were not confined to the Black Sea and eastern Mediterranean, but occurred sporadically and possibly simultaneously in the entire Mediterranean during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. In the light of this finding, previous models of sapropel genesis may need reconsideration. In this paper, we present some initial data on the Tyrrhenian sapropels and suggest some implications of their massive occurrence in the western Mediterranean realm. We end by outlining possible causes for deposition of sapropels in an attempt to revive the interest in sapropels and their paleoceanographic significance.


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Siliceous sediments and sedimentary rocks occur as chert and silicified chalk, limestone, and claystone in Site 585 lower Miocene to Campanian sediments, with one older occurrence of chert near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. The recovered drill breccia in the Miocene to middle Eocene interval is dominated by bright red, orange, yellow, and brown chips and fragments of chert. In early Eocene and older sediments gray silicified limestone and yellowish brown chert fragments predominate. Recovery is poor in cores with chert because chert tends to fracture into smaller pieces that escape the drill and because the hard chert fragments grind away other sediments during rotary drilling. Thin-section and hand-sample studies show complex diagenetic histories of silicification (silica pore infill) and chertification (silica replacement of host rock). Multiple events of silicification can occur in the same rocks, producing chert from silicified limestone. Despite some prior silicification, silicified limestone is porous enough to provide conduits for dissolved silica-charged pore waters. Silicification and chert are more abundant in the coarser parts of the sedimentary section. These factors reflect the importance of porosity and permeability as well as chemical and lithologic controls in the process of silica diagenesis.


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A paleomagnetic study was made on the highly vesiculated basaltic tuff breccia (the basaltic mousse) drilled by Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 from the Izu-Bonin backarc, Sumisu Rift, to estimate the mode of its emplacement. Thirty-four 10-cm**3 minicore samples were collected from almost all the horizons of the basaltic mousse. Stepwise thermal and alternating-field demagnetization experiments show that the natural remanent magnetizations of many samples are mainly composed of a single stable component. Although remanence inclinations are not expected to be disturbed by rotary drilling, the measured inclinations of remanence show a random directional distribution as a whole. The remanence inclinations, however, show directional consistency on a smaller scale. High-density sampling and measurements from a limited interval of drilled cores, and the measurement of small disks cut from a single minicore sample show that there is directional consistency over several centimeters. Strong and stable remanent magnetization, the existence of remanence direction consistency, and the fresh lithology of the samples suggest the thermal origin of remanence. Combining the paleomagnetic results with other geological, petrographical, and paleontological characters, the Hole 791B basaltic mousse can be interpreted as a subaqueous explosion breccia produced by deep-sea pyroclastic fountaining.


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The "Ko'olau" component of the Hawaiian mantle plume represents an extreme (EM1-type) end member of Hawaiian shield lavas in radiogenic isotope space, and was defined on the basis of the composition of subaerial lavas exposed in the Makapu'u section of Ko'olau Volcano. The 679 m-deep Ko'olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP) allows the long-term evolution of Ko'olau Volcano to be reconstructed and the longevity of the "Ko'olau" component in the Hawaiian plume to be tested. Here, we report triple spike Pb isotope and Sr and Nd isotope data on KSDP core samples, and rejuvenation stage Honolulu Volcanics (HV) (together spanning ~2.8 m.y.), and from ~110 Ma basalts from ODP Site 843, thought to be representative of the Pacific lithosphere under Hawai'i. Despite overlapping ranges in Pb isotope ratios, KSDP and HV lavas form two distinct linear arrays in 208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb isotope space. These arrays intersect at the radiogenic end indicating they share a common component. This "Kalihi" component has more radiogenic Pb, Nd, Hf, but less radiogenic Sr isotope ratios than the "Makapu'u" component. The mixing proportions of these two components in the lavas oscillated through time with a net increase in the "Makapu'u" component upsection. Thus, the "Makapu'u" enriched component is a long-lived feature of the Hawaiian plume, since it is present in the main shield-building stage KSDP lavas. We interpret the changes in mixing proportions of the Makapu'u and Kalihi components as related to changes in both the extent of melting as well as the lithology (eclogite vs. peridotite) of the material melting as the volcano moves away from the plume center. The long-term Nd isotope trend and short-term Pb isotope fluctuations seen in the KSDP record cannot be ascribed to a radial zonation of the Hawaiian plume: rather, they reflect the short length-scale heterogeneities in the Hawaiian mantle plume. Linear Pb isotope regressions through the HV, recent East Pacific Rise MORB and ODP Site 843 datasets are clearly distinct, implying that no simple genetic relationship exists between the HV and the Pacific lithosphere. This observation provides strong evidence against generation of HV as melts derived from the Pacific lithosphere, whether this be recent or old (100 Ma). The depleted component present in the HV is unlike any MORB-type mantle and most likely represents material thermally entrained by the upwelling Hawaiian plume and sampled only during the rejuvenated stage. The "Kalihi" component is predominant in the main shield building stage lavas but is also present in the rejuvenated HV. Thus this material is sampled throughout the evolution of the volcano as it moves from the center (main shield-building stage) to the periphery (rejuvenated stage) of the plume. The presence of a plume-derived material in the rejuvenated stage has significant implications for Hawaiian mantle plume melting models.


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The geometry of the Tonga Arc implies that it has rotated approximately 17° clockwise away from the Lau Ridge as the Lau Basin formed in between. Questions have arisen about the timing of the opening, whether the arc behaved rigidly, and whether the opening occurred instead from motion of the Lau Ridge, the remanent arc. We undertook to address these questions by taking paleomagnetic samples from sediment cores drilled on the Tonga Arc at Sites 840 and 841, orienting the samples in azimuth, and comparing the paleodeclinations to expected directions. Advanced hydraulic piston corer (APC) cores from Holes 840C and 841A were oriented during drilling with a tool based on a magnetic compass and attached to the core barrel. Samples from Hole 841B were drilled with a rotary core barrel (RCB) and therefore are azimuthally unoriented. They were oriented by identifying faults and dipping beds in the core and aligning them with the same features in the Formation MicroScanner (FMS) wireline logs, which were themselves oriented with a three-axis magnetometer in the FMS tool. The best results came from the APC cores, which yielded a mean pole at -69.0°S, 112.2°E for an age of 4 Ma. This pole implies a declination anomaly of 20.8° ± 12.6° (95% confidence limit), which appears to have occurred by tectonic rotation of the Tonga Arc. This value is almost exactly that expected from the geometry of the arc and implies that it did indeed rotate clockwise as a rigid body. The large uncertainty in azimuth results from core orientation errors, which have an average standard deviation of 18.6°. The youngest cores used to calculate the APC pole contain sediments deposited during Subchron 2A (2.48-3.40 Ma), and their declinations are indistinguishable from the others. This observation suggests that most of the rotation occurred after their deposition; this conclusion must be treated with caution, however, because of the large azimuthal orientation errors. Poles from late and early Miocene sediments of Hole 841B are more difficult to interpret. Samples from this hole are mostly normal in polarity, fail a reversal test, and yield poles that suggest that the normal-polarity directions may be a recent overprint. Late Miocene reversed-polarity samples may be unaffected by this overprint; if so, they imply a declination anomaly of 51.1° ± 11.5°. This observation may indicate that, for older sediments, Tonga forearc rotations are larger than expected.


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We present composite depth scales for the multiply cored intervals from Sites 1150 and 1151. These new depth scales place coeval strata recovered in cores from different holes at a single site into a common stratigraphic framework. At Site 1150, double coring between Holes 1150A and 1150B occurred over only a short interval between ~703 and 713 meters below seafloor (mbsf), but this is sufficient to tie the upper portion of the stratigraphic section cored in Hole 1150A to the lower portion cored in Hole 1150B. The upper ~100 m of the sedimentary section at Site 1151 was double cored with the advanced piston corer and partially cored with the rotary core barrel, resulting in the complete recovery of this interval. The composite depth scales were constructed using Splicer software to vertically adjust the relative depths of various cores from one hole to the depths from another hole so as to align distinct physical properties measured on cores. The magnetic susceptibility data was the physical property most easily correlated between holes, and therefore primarily used to create a composite depth scale and spliced stratigraphic section. The spliced section is a continuous stratigraphic section constructed from representative cored intervals from the holes at a site. Both the splice and the composite depth scale can be applied to other data sets from Site 1151 to provide a stratigraphically continuous and laterally consistent basis for interpreting lithologic features or data sets. The resulting composite scale showed a 30% improvement in correlation of the magnetic susceptibility data relative to the original mbsf depth scale, and comparable improvement when applied to the other data sets.