16 resultados para rete mirabile carotídea
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Radiolaria are present in frequencies ranging from rare to abundant and with generally moderate to good preservation quality in Leg 104 sediments younger than 22 Ma. Preservation degrades in progressively younger sediments, and upper Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene radiolaria were found only at Site 644, where sporadic assemblages of moderate to poorly preserved specimens persist to approximately 0.75 Ma. Radiolaria are essentially absent in Leg 104 recovery older than basal Miocene. The stratigraphic ranges of 55 taxa of radiolaria are documented in 451 samples from the biosiliceous recoveries of Holes 642B, 642C, 642D, 643A, and 644A. The stratigraphic ranges of 25 of these species are used as boundary criteria for a new system of 28 Neogene zones and subzones that are used to characterize approximately 72% of the past 22 m.y. of sedimentation on the Vriring Plateau. This new scheme is intended to supercede the NRS zones provisionally proposed in the Leg 104 Initial Reports. The applicability of this regional biozonation beyond the Wring and Iceland Plateaus is not presently known. The radiolaria biostratigraphy serves as a basis for inferring a sequence of hiatuses and faunal overturns that may be associated with sea-level low stands and consequent cold-water isolation of the Norwegian Sea. Twenty-one new taxa are described as follows: Actinomma henningsmoeni, Actinomma livae, Actinomma mirabile, Actinomma plasticum, Ceratocyrtis broeggeri, Ceratocyrtis manumi, Ceratocyrtis stoermeri, Clathrospyris vogti, Corythospyris hispida, Corythospyris jubata sverdrupi, Corythospyris reuschi, Crytocapsella ampullacea, Cyrocapsella kladaros, Gondwanaria japonica kiaeri, Hexalonche esmarki, Larcospira bulbosa, Phormospyris thespios, Pseudodicytophimus amundseni, Spongotrochus vitabilis, Spongurus cauleti, and Tessarastrum thiedei.
The taxonomy and stratigraphy of pelagic Paleocene diatoms from ODP Sites 698, 700, and 702 and DSDP Site 524 in the South Atlantic and DSDP Site 214 in the Indian Ocean are presented, as well as paleogeographic and paleoecologic implications. Eleven new species and one new variety are described and one new combination is proposed: Coscinodiscus cruxii sp. nov. Grunowiella palaeocaenica var. alternans var. nov. Hemiaulusl beatus sp. nov. Hemiaulusl ciesielskii sp. nov. Hemiaulusl conicus sp. nov. Hemiaulus kristoffersenii sp. nov. Hemiaulus nocchiae sp. nov. Hemiaulusl oonkii sp. nov. Hemiaulusl velatus sp. nov. Triceratium gombosii sp. nov. Trochosira gracillima comb. nov. Trochosira marginata sp. nov. Trochosira radiata sp. nov. Hole 700B provides one of the most continuous diatomaceous Paleocene profiles known. Stratigraphic ranges of diatom species from this and other Southern Hemisphere sites are calibrated against calcareous microfossil zones. The first-appearance datums of Triceratium gombosii, Hemiaulus incurvus, and Triceratium mirabile in Paleocene deep-sea sediments are useful for regional stratigraphic correlations. Quantitative analysis of the biosiliceous microfossil groups (diatoms, silicoflagellates, radiolarians, and archaeomonadaceae) shows that preservation of diatoms is confined primarily to the upper Paleocene (planktonic foraminifer Zones P3 and P4 and calcareous nannofossil Zones upper NP5 to lower NP9). In the lower Paleocene only short intervals in Hole 700B are diatomaceous. A correlation between the degree of silica diagenesis and the calcium carbonate content of the sediment is not obvious. Diatom species analysis reflects changes in the paleoenvironment between island-related upwelling conditions with highly diverse and well-preserved diatom assemblages and less productive periods resulting in less wellpreserved diatom assemblages with a higher content of robust neritic diatoms.
The Paleocene/Eocene boundary was recovered for the first time in diatom-bearing sediments at Broken Ridge, Site 752. Diatom assemblages are documented throughout the 180-m-thick sequence of upper Paleocene to lower Eocene sediments. Age control available from magnetostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossils, and planktonic foraminifers allows calibration of diatom datum levels to absolute time. A partly new/partly revised diatom zonation is proposed for the Paleocene/early Eocene based on the results of Site 752 and consideration of other studies. The diatom zones are defined as follows (from the youngest to the oldest): Pyxilla gracilis Zone (first occurrence of Craspedodiscus undulatus to first occurrence Pyxilla gracilis); Hemiaulus incurvus Zone (first occurrence Pyxilla gracilis to first occurrence Hemiaulus incurvus); Hemiaulus peripterus Zone (first occurrence Hemiaulus incurvus to first occurrence Hemiaulus peripterus var. peripterus). Three new taxa are described: Anaulus fennerae n. sp., Stictodiscus bipolaris n. sp., and Hemiaulus peripterus var. longispinus n. var.
Cores from Leg 122, Sites 762 and 763, were sampled at intervals of one sample per 1.5-m section in the Lower Cretaceous sequences. More than 400 samples were studied, most of which contained dinoflagellate cysts, spores, pollen, and various types of palynoclasts. From the entire palynomorph assemblage mainly dinoflagellate cysts were studied to give a stratigraphic outline for the Lower Cretaceous. Stratigraphic units were interpreted in terms of zones in use for the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Australia. At both sites a condensed Valanginian to Aptian sequence and an expanded middle to late Berriasian sequence containing a rich microplankton assemblage were recovered. Sites 762 and 763 can be correlated with each other and with the wells Eendracht-1 and Vinck-1.