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Tochilinite (approximately FeS(Mg,Fe)(OH)2) is locally abundant in Hole 1068A serpentinites from Cores 173-1068A-21R and 22R. It occurs in veins, as fillings in void space, and in intergrowths with serpentine and andradite. An apparently related mineral, but with Ca and Al largely replacing Mg, occurs in association with, and possibly as a replacement of, pyrrhotite in serpentinite breccias from the bottom of Core 173-1068A-20R. The transition from Mg-Fe-rich brucite tochilinites to Ca- and S-rich carbonate tochilinites is consistent with increasing sulfur and oxygen activity upsection. Tochilinite has been reported at other sites on the Iberia Abyssal Plain and is abundant to the point of being a rock-forming mineral in several samples from Site 1068. Rather than being a mineralogical curiosity, tochilinite appears to be common and a major sink for sulfur in the upper serpentinites of the Iberia Abyssal Plain.


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Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are reported for basaltic rocks collected during ODP Leg 127 from the Yamato Basin, a rifted backarc basin in the Japan Sea. The basalts are classified into two groups in terms of Nd isotopic composition: the upper sills at Site 797 are characterized by higher 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.513083-0.513158, epsilon-Nd = 8.68-10.14) and the basalts from Site 794 and the lower sills at Site 797 have lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.512684-0.512862, epsilon-Nd = 0.90-4.37). All of the basalts show higher Sr isotopic compositions than those of the mantle array, which is attributed to seawater alteration. The basalts with lower Nd isotopic values ranging in age from 20.6 to 17.3 Ma have tapped an enriched subcontinental upper mantle (SCUM) with the minor involvement of a depleted asthenospheric mantle (AM). Subsequent change in composition through the physical replacement of SCUM by AM yielded the basalts of the upper sills of higher Nd isotopic compositions. This event within the upper mantle was associated with the breakup of the overlying lithosphere during the rifting of the Japan Sea backarc basin.


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Basalts recovered along the Reunion hotspot track on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 115 range in age from 34 Ma at Site 706 to 64 Ma at Site 707. They have undergone various degrees of secondary alteration. Within single holes the amount of alteration can vary from a few percent to near complete replacement of phenocrysts and groundmass by secondary minerals. Olivine appears to be the most susceptible to alteration and in some sections it is the only mineral altered. In other sections, olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts, and groundmass have been completely replaced by secondary minerals. Clays are the predominant form of secondary mineralization. In addition to replacing olivine, pyroxene, glass, and groundmass, clays have filled veins, vesicles, and voids. Minor amounts of calcite, zeolites, and K-feldspar were also detected. The clays that filled vesicles and veins often show color zonations of dark, opaque bands near the edges that grade into tan or green transparent regions in the centers of the veins. The electron microprobe was used to obtain chemical analyses of these veins as well as to characterize isolated clays that replaced specific minerals and filled voids and vesicles.


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Stable oxygen- and carbon-isotope ratios of Rhaetian (upper Triassic) limestone samples from the Wombat Plateau, northwest Australia, were measured to explore possible diagenetic pathways that the material underwent after deposition in a shallow-water environment, before plateau submergence in the Early Cretaceous. Host sediment isotopic values cluster near typical marine carbonate values (d18O ranging from -2.57 per mil to +1.78 per mil and d13C, from +2.45 per mil to +4.01 per mil). Isotopic values of equant clear calcite lining or filling rock pores also plot in the field of marine cements (d18O = +1.59 per mil to -2.24 per mil and d13C = +4.25 per mil to +2.57 per mil), while isotopic values for neomorphic calcites replacing skeletal (megalodontid shell) carbonate material show a wider scatter of oxygen and carbon values, d18O ranging from +2.73 per milo to -6.2 per mil and d13C, from +5.04 per mil to +1.22 per mil. Selective dissolution of metastable carbonate phases (aragonite?) and neomorphic replacement of skeletal material probably occurred in a meteoric phreatic environment, although replacement products (inclusion-rich microspar, clear neomorphic spar, etc.) retained the original marine isotopic signature because transformation probably occurred in a closed system dominated by the composition of the dissolving phases (high rock/water ratio). The precipitation of late-stage equant (low-Mg?) calcite cement in the pores occurred in the presence of normal marine waters, probably in a deep-water environment, after plateau drowning. Covariance of d18O and d13C toward negative values indeed suggests influence of meteorically modified fluids. However, none of the samples shows negative carbon values, excluding the persistence of organic-rich soils on subaerial karstic surfaces (Caribbean-style diagenesis). Petrographical and geochemical data are consistent with the sedimentological evidence of plateau drowning in post-Rhaetian times and with a submarine origin of the >70-m.y.-long Jurassic hiatus.


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Major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr-Nd isotope ratios are reported for representative igneous rocks of Ocean Drilling Program Sites 767 and 770. The basaltic basement underlying middle Eocene radiolarianbearing red clays was reached at 786.7 mbsf and about 421 mbsf at Sites 767 and 770, respectively. At Site 770 the basement was drilled for about 106 m. Eight basaltic units were identified on the basis of mineralogical, petrographical, and geochemical data. They mainly consist of pillow lavas and pillow breccias (Units A, B, D, and H), intercalated with massive amygdaloidal lavas (Units Cl and C2) or relatively thin massive flows (Unit E). Two dolerite sills were also recognized (Units F and G). All the rocks studied show the effect of low-temperature seafloor alteration, causing almost total replacement of olivine and glass. Calcite, clays, and Fe-hydroxides are the most abundant secondary phases. Chemical mobilization due to the alteration processes has been evaluated by comparing elements that are widely considered mobile during halmyrolysis (such as low-field strength elements) with those insensitive to seafloor alteration (such as Nb). In general, MgO is removed and P2O5 occasionally enriched during the alteration of pillow lavas. Ti, Cs, Li, Rb, and K, which are the most sensitive indicators of rock/seawater interaction, are generally enriched. The most crystalline samples appear the least affected by chemical changes. Plagioclase and olivine are continuously present as phenocrysts, and clinopyroxene is confined in the groundmass. Textural and mineralogical features as well as crystallization sequences of Site 770 rocks are, in all, analogous to typical mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs). Relatively high content of compatible trace elements, such as Ni and Cr, indicate that these rocks represent nearly primitive or weakly fractionated MORBs. All the studied rocks are geochemically within the spectrum of normal MORB compositional variation. Their Sr/Nd isotopic ratios plot on the mantle array (87Sr/87Sr 0.70324-0.70348 with 143Nd/144Nd 0.51298-0.51291) outside the field of Atlantic and Pacific MORBs. However, Sr and Nd isotopes are typical of both Indian Ocean MORBs and of some back-arc basalts, such as those of Lau Basin. The mantle source of Celebes basement basalts does not show a detectable influence of a subduction-related component. The geochemical and isotopic data so far obtained on the Celebes basement rocks do not allow a clear discrimination between mid-ocean ridge and back-arc settings.


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The sandstone succession in the lower 240 meters of DSDP Site 445, on the Daito Ridge, provided an opportunity to evaluate the effect of burial diagenesis of sandstones in a deep hole in a tectonic environment (remnant arc) characterized by a history of high heat flow. This report provides preliminary data concerning the petrology and diagenesis of these sandstones and records diagenetic changes which have occurred with increasing depth of burial. Methods used for this study included grain-size analysis (measured from thin sections using the method of Friedman, 1958), polarizing microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. A JEOL scanning electron microscope fitted with an energydispersive- X-ray detector was used for obtaining qualitative chemical data on certain minerals to aid in identification.


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Phyllosilicates occurring as replacements of olivine, clinopyroxene and interstitial materials and as veins or fracture-fillings in hydrothermally altered basalts from DSDP Hole 504B, Leg 83 have been studied using transmission and analytical electron microscopy. The parageneses of phyllosilicates generally change systematically with depth and with the degree of alteration, which in turn is related to permeability of basalts. Saponite and some mixed-layer chlorite/smectite are the dominant phyllosilicates at the top of the transition zone. Chlorite, corrensite, and mixed-layer chlorite/corrensite occur mainly in the lower transition zone and upper levels of the sheeted dike zone. Chlorite, talc, and mixed-layer talc/chlorite are the major phyllosilicates in the sheeted dike zone, although replacement of talc or olivine by saponite is observed. The phyllosilicates consist of parallel or subparallel discrete packets of coherent layers with packet thicknesses generally ranging from < 100 A to a few hundred A. The packets of saponite layers are much smaller or less well defined than those of chlorite, corrensite and talc, indicating poorer crystallinity of saponite. By contrast, chlorite and talc from the lower transition zone and the sheeted dike zone occur in packets up to thousands of A thick. The Si/(Si + A1) ratio of these trioctahedral phyllosilicates increases and Fe/(Fe + Mg) decreases in the order chlorite, corrensite, saponite, and talc. These relations reflect optimal solid solution consistent with minimum misfit of articulated octahedral and tetrahedral sheets. Variations in composition of hydrothermal fluids and precursor minerals, especially in Si/(Si+A1) and Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios, are thus important factors in controlling the parageneses of phyllosilicates. The phyllosilicates are generally well crystallized discrete phases, rather than mixed-layered phases, where they have been affected by relatively high fluid/rock ratios as in high-permeability basalts, in veins, or areas adjacent to veins. Intense alteration in basalts with high permeability (indicating high fluid/rock ratios) is characterized by pervasive albitization and zeolitization. Minimal alteration in the basalts without significant albitization and zeolitization is characterized by the occurrence of saponite ± mixed-layer chlorite/smectite in the low-temperature alteration zone, and mixed-layer chlorite/corrensite or mixed-layer talc/chlorite in the high-temperature alteration zone. Textural non-equilibrium for phyllosilicates is represented by mixed layering and poorly defined packets of partially incoherent layers. The approach to textural equilibrium was controlled largely by the availability of fluid or permeability.


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The sediments recovered on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 appear to be mixtures of the normal pelagic sediments of the area and hydrothermally produced manganese and iron phases. The latter are mineralogically and chemically very similar to phases recovered from surficial sampling of the mounds. The hydrothermal nontronite which is approximately 15 meters thick in the three holes is essentially free of carbonate or detrital contaminants. The basal sediments are similar to the carbonate oozes presently being deposited in the region, but are enriched in Mn and Fe. This enrichment appears to be the result of hydrothermal deposition that took place at or near the spreading center and may not be associated with the mounds formation. Three different hypotheses for the formation of the nontronite layer and the mounds deposits are considered. An initial deposition of a widespread nontronite layer and subsequent diapiric-like movement of the layer into carbonates could account for the observed stratigraphy; however, if this be correct, analogous deposits should be present in other DSDP sites. The second hypothesis - replacement of the normal sediments by nontronite - may be feasible, but the high purity of the nontronite requires dissolution and removal of refractory elements. The third hypothesis, metal deposition in an advancing oxidation gradient, is compatible with submersible observations of the mounds; however, it can account only for the high purity of the nontronite by very rapid deposition of the hydrothermal phases.


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The Galicia margin lies northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and is a passive ocean margin with thin sedimentary cover. Altered peridotite was recovered from ODP Site 637, on the north-trending ridge at the western edge of the margin, near the oceanic/continental crust boundary. The altered ultramafics were originally clinopyroxene-rich upper mantle harzburgites and are now extensively serpentinized (>85%) and cut by very late-stage carbonate veins. Despite pervasive late, low-temperature alteration, evidence of early, high-temperature alteration remains. Alteration is apparent as (1) amphibole rims on clinopyroxene (>800°C), (2) hornblende + tremolite (450° to 800°C), (3) breakdown of hornblende to form tremolite + chlorite (<450°C), (4) zoned Cr-spinels, (5) hydration of orthopyroxene and olivine to serpentine, (6) serpentine veins, (7) replacement of pyroxene and olivine by calcite, and (8) calcite veins and vugs. Both the relict igneous and the high-temperature alteration minerals (amphiboles) show evidence of brittle deformation. Subsequent low-temperature alteration veins and minerals are deformed only in faulted and brecciated zones. This textural evidence suggests that the low-temperature alteration occurred after emplacement of the ultramafics at the surface. Serpentine fills tension fractures in orthopyroxene, and both serpentine and calcite fill tension cracks in olivine. The high-temperature alterations in these samples are similar to those found in oceanic fracture zone and ophiolite ultramafics. This widespread occurrence of high-temperature alteration suggests that hot fluids were pervasive in these ultramafic blocks. Localization of high-temperature alteration close to large carbonate veins suggests channelization of the late, low-temperature fluids. Earlier hydrations (e.g., high-temperature alterations and serpentinization) were pervasive.


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Mineralogical and geochemical analyses were performed on 40 ash layers of Pleistocene to late Miocene age, recovered during Leg 124 in the Celebes and Sulu Seas (Sites 767, 768, and 769). They provide information on alteration processes related to burial diagenesis. The zonal distribution of secondary volcanic products emphasizes a major diagenetic change, characterized by the complete replacement of volcanic glass by an authigenic smectite-phillipsite assemblage, in tephra layers dated at 3.5-4 Ma. This diagenetic "event" occurs simultaneously in the two basins, and, on the basis of isotopic data, under low-temperature conditions. It is independent of distinct sedimentation rates and related to a relative quiescence of on-land volcanic activity. This period suggests a more uniform paleooceanographic situation having tectonic significance, and probably reflects a kinetic and environmental control of diagenetic reactions.


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Interstitial water analyses from sediments collected during Leg 25 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project have revealed that in the southwest Indian Ocean, great chemical activity exists in sediments in various depositional environments. Variable sedimentation rates allow us to set some interesting boundary conditions on chemical and transport processes in these interstitial waters, particularly with regard to the distribution of dissolved sulfate. In terrigenous rapidly deposited sediments, large depletions are observed in magnesium and potassium, whereas relatively small decreases in dissolved calcium occur. In slowly deposited detrital sediments, also, large decreases in potassium and magnesium coincide with very large calcium increases. In truly pelagic sediments, a one to one replacement of magnesium by calcium is observed in the interstitial waters, presumably due to reactions in the basal sediment layers. Biogenous deposits have great influence on dissolved silica (sponge spicules and radiolarians) and on dissolved strontium (carbonate recrystallization). Otherwise, dissolved silica reflects the clay mineralogy and shows variations which seem particularly dependent on the presence or absence of kaolinite. Variable dissolved manganese values reflect reducing conditions and/or availability of manganese in the solid phases for mobilization in reducing sediments.


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Replacement minerals in olivine record the evolution of hydrothermal alteration between 1600 and 2000 mbsf in the sheeted dike complex in Hole 504B. 1. Talc (+ magnetite) rim on olivine represents the earliest alteration. Talc probably crystallized during initial cooling of the dikes. 2. The partial breakdown of talc to "deweylite", a chaotic mixture of serpentine and Al-free stevensite, was facilitated by further cooling and a somewhat increased fluid:rock interaction in the dikes. 3. The presence of chlorite veins and the replacement of unaltered olivine cores, talc, and deweylite and of other silicates by chlorite suggest fracturing of the rocks during cooling (shrinkage cracks) and local influx of seawater into the dikes. 4. Late amphibole veins and locally extensive amphibole alteration indicate increasing temperature and the development of new sets of fractures, possibly due to the injection of fresh magma. Several generations of chlorite and amphibole veins are present in the dikes. Offset veins and the crack-seal texture within veins in the dikes suggest that the alteration cycle was probably repeated with the injection of each set of new dikes. Presently measured temperatures (195°C) at 2000 m depth in Hole 504B indicate that deweylite, which was previously considered a low-temperature mineral, can form well above its previously estimated crystallization temperature of 50°C.


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Basalts recovered from Hole 504B during ODP Leg 111 are more or less altered, but there is no sign of strong shear stress or widespread penetrative deformation; hence, they retain well their primary (igneous) structures and textures. The effect of alteration is recognized as the partial or total replacement of primary minerals (olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase) by secondary minerals and as the development of secondary minerals in open spaces (e.g., veins, fractures, vugs, or breccia matrix). The secondary minerals include zeolite (laumontite and stilbite), prehnite, chlorite, epidote, Plagioclase (albite and/or oligoclase), amphibole (anthophyllite, cummingtonite, actinolite, and hornblende), sodic augite, sphene, talc, anhydrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Fe-Ti oxide, and quartz. Selected secondary minerals from several tens of samples were analyzed by means of an electron-probe microanalyzer; the results are presented along with brief considerations of their compositional features. In terms of the model basaltic system, the following two types of low-variance (three-phase) mineral assemblages were observed: prehnite-epidote-laumontite and prehnite-actinolite-epidote; both include chlorite, albite and/or oligoclase, sphene, and quartz. The mineral parageneses delineated by these low-variance mineral assemblages suggest that the metamorphic grade ranges from the zeolite facies to the prehnite-actinolite facies. The common occurrence of prehnite indicates that greenschist facies conditions were not attained even in the deepest level of Hole 504B, which, in a strict sense, contradicts the previous interpretation that the lower portion of Hole 504B suffered greenschist facies alteration.


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Hole 504B, drilled into the 5.9 Ma crust of the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift, tapped a hydrothermal system in its conductive stage. Three alteration zones were encountered along the 561.5 meters of basement drilled. The upper alteration zone, 274.5 to 584.5 meters below the seafloor (BSF), is characterized by the presence of color zonation in which red halos are located between dark gray inner rock portions and dark gray outer bands. The red halos are characterized by an abundance of iddingsite, and they have higher K2O contents and Fe3+/FeT ratios, but lower SiO2 contents, than the adjacent dark gray inner zones. The dark gray outer bands are characterized by the presence of celadonite-nontronite. Saponite is omnipresent in these three alteration bands. Phillipsite is the only zeolite that occurs in the upper alteration zone. The upper alteration zone is interpreted as being the result of low-temperature alteration, with large amounts of cold oxygenated seawater percolating through the upper ocean crust. In the upper alteration zone, the formation of red halos was both preceded and followed by formation of dark gray outer bands. Then followed formation of dark gray cores. The lower alteration zone (584.5-835.5 m BSF) is characterized by the absence of color zonation, the downward-increasing abundance of pyrite and saponite, and the presence of quartz, talc, and calcite. The chemical changes (downhole MgO enrichment and concomitant CaO depletion) observed in the basalts of the lower alteration zone are thought to result from reactions of oceanic basalts with evolved seawater (i.e., solutions derived from seawater that has already reacted with ocean crust), which is thus depleted in oxygen, potassium, and radiogenic strontium. This alteration process, which was responsible for saponite formation in both the upper and lower alteration zones, was rock dominated, and it took place under suboxic to anoxic conditions during a second stage of alteration. Reaction temperatures could have progressively increased with depth. There is also a zeolitic zone that essentially coincides with the lower part of the upper alteration zone (between 528.5 and 563 m BSF). The host rock adjacent to veins of zeolite exhibits a greenish discoloration due to the intensive replacement of the igneous minerals. The replacement minerals result in significant increases in the bulk rock K2O, MgO, CaO, CO2, and H2O+ contents. The solutions circulating along the newly opened fissures had high Ca activity, and minerals probably precipitated in these fissures at 60°C or 110°C. These hydrothermal solutions circulated later than those responsible for the formation of the minerals that characterize the upper and lower alteration zones.


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We studied a unique chrysotile-antigorite serpentinite, drilled on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 84 (Site 566) in the Guatemala forearc. Our in situ major and trace element data provide new constraints on possible reactions and associated trace element mobilisation during shallow serpentinite subduction. Chrysotile of the studied serpentinite, formed by the hydration of an upper mantle peridotite precursor, is partially replaced by antigorite (alone) which also occurs in 0.5 mm wide unoriented veins crosscutting the rock. Based on textural relationships and the P-T-X stability of the rock forming phases, the replacement of chrysotile by antigorite occurred at T < 300 °C, due to interaction between the chrysotile-serpentinite and an aqueous fluid. A comparison of the chemical compositions of reactant and product phases reveals that about 90% of the Cl, more than 80% of the B and about 50% of the Sr hosted originally by chrysotile was lost during fluid-assisted chrysotile-to-antigorite transformation and accompanying partial dehydration, and documents the much lower affinity of antigorite for trace element uptake than that of chrysotile. The fluid-assisted chrysotile-to-antigorite transformation and associated trace element loss documented here can occur in the shallow (< 30 km) region of subduction zones. This transformation decreases notably the Cl and B inventory of subducting serpentinites, which are regarded as one of the most important carriers of these elements into subduction zones. The evolution of serpentinites during initial subduction stages thus appears to be critical in the recycling of specific trace elements such as B or Cl from forearc to subarc depths.