8 resultados para regional pattern

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Benthic fluxes and pore-water compositions of silicic acid, nitrate and phosphate were investigated for surface sediments of the abyssal Arabian Sea during four cruises (1995-1998). Five sites located in the northern (NAST), western (WAST), central (CAST), eastern (EAST), and southern (SAST) Arabian Sea were revisited during intermonsoonal periods after the NE- and SW-Monsoon. At these sites, benthic fluxes of remineralized nutrients from the sediment to the bottom water of 36-106, 102-350 and 4-16 mmol/m**2/yr were measured for nitrate, silicic acid and phosphate, respectively. The benthic fluxes and pore-water compositions showed a distinct regional pattern. Highest fluxes were observed in the western and northern region of the Arabian Sea, whereas decreasing fluxes were derived towards the southeast. At WAST, the general temporal pattern of primary production, related to the NE- and SW-Monsoon, is reflected by benthic fluxes. In contrast, at sites NAST, SAST, CAST, and EAST a temporal pattern of fluxes in response to the monsoon is not obvious. Our results reveal a clear coupling between the general regional pattern of production in surface waters and the response of the benthic environment, as indicated by the flux of remineralized nutrients, though a spatially differing degree of decoupling during transport and remineralization of particulate organic matter and biogenic opal was observed. This has to be taken into account regarding budget calculations and paleoceanographic topics.


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We present a record encompassing marine isotope stages 7-1 from a hitherto unexplored and heavily ice-covered area of the Arctic Ocean, the Lomonosov Ridge off the northern Greenland-Canada continental margin, using nannofossil and benthic foraminifera stratigraphy. Planktic foraminifera assemblages are used as a key paleoceanographic proxy, and a surprisingly large variability is found for an interior Arctic Ocean site. Abundant small (63-125 µm) subpolar Turborotalita quinqueloba occur in two sections, possibly representing substages 5e (last interglacial) and 5a (warm interstadial). However, the present-day circulation pattern and the very distant location of high productive regions cannot explain such high abundances of subpolar specimens in the interior, perennially sea ice-covered Arctic Ocean. Hence our proxy record indicates that last interglacial sea ice concentrations were reduced off some areas of northern Greenland-Canada. Whether this was part of a larger regional pattern or it represents the influence of polynya areas with locally increased productivity remains to be solved. With respect to glacial conditions, increased ice-rafted debris (IRD) deposition in the area appears to be associated with glacial stages 6, 4, and late 3. Stage 2 sediments (including the Last Glacial Maximum) are condensed with a sparse IRD content only.


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Application of the 230Th normalization method to estimate sediment burial fluxes in six cores from the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) reveals that bulk sediment and organic carbon fluxes display a coherent regional pattern during the Holocene that is consistent with modern oceanographic conditions, in contrast with estimates of bulk mass accumulation rates (MARs) derived from core chronologies. Two nearby sites (less than 10 km apart), which have different MARs, show nearly identical 230Th-normalized bulk fluxes. Focusing factors derived from the 230Th data at the foot of the Carnegie Ridge in the Panama Basin are >2 in the Holocene, implying that lateral sediment addition is significant in this part of the basin. New geochemical data and existing literature provide evidence for a hydrothermal source of sediment in the southern part of the Panama Basin and for downslope transport from the top of the Carnegie Ridge. The compilation of core records suggests that sediment focusing is spatially and temporally variable in the EEP. During oxygen isotope stage 2 (OIS 2, from 13-27 ka BP), focusing appears even higher compared to the Holocene at most sites, similar to earlier findings in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific. The magnitude of the glacial increase in focusing factors, however, is strongly dependent on the accuracy of age models. We offer two possible explanations for the increase in glacial focusing compared to the Holocene. The first one is that the apparent increase in lateral sediment redistribution is partly or even largely an artifact of insufficient age control in the EEP, while the second explanation, which assumes that the observed increase is real, involves enhanced deep sea tidal current flow during periods of low sea level stand.


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Biogenic barium in marine sediments has been suggested to be a reliable proxy of export productivity from the surface ocean and algorithms have been developed to link these properties. However, problems arise when the proposed algorithms are applied to predominantly terrigenous sediments. A major source of error is incorrect estimates of the terrigenous Ba/Al ratio in normative calculations of the amount of biogenic barium in the sediment. Compared to an often used "global average" Ba/Al ratio, much better results can be obtained by estimating the terrigenous Ba/Al ratio from exponential regression of the Ba/Al ratios of surface sediments obtained from continental slope transects. This method has been applied to surface sediments from the Chilean continental slope. The calculated regional terrigenous Ba/Al ratios could be verified with purely terrigenous samples from Chilean rivers. The resulting accumulation rates of biogenic barium on the Chilean continental slope reliably reproduce the regional pattern of primary productivity in the southern Peru-Chile Current, indicating the potential of biogenic barium as a useful (paleo)productivity proxy.


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Drill core recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 808 (Leg 131) proves that the wedge of trench sediment within the central region of the Nankai Trough comprises approximately 600 m of hemipelagic mud, sandy turbidites, and silty turbidites. The stratigraphic succession thickens and coarsens upward, with hemipelagic muds and volcanic-ash layers of the Shikoku Basin overlain by silty and sandy trench-wedge deposits. Past investigations of clay mineralogy and sand petrography within this region have led to the hypothesis that most of the detritus in the Nankai Trough was derived from the Izu-Honshu collision zone and transported southwestward via axial turbidity currents. Shipboard analyses of paleocurrent indicators, on the other hand, show that most of the ripple cross-laminae within silty turbidites of the outer marginal trench-wedge facies are inclined to the north and northwest; thus, many of the turbidity currents reflected off the seaward slope of the trench rather than moving straight down the trench axis. Shore-based analyses of detrital clay minerals demonstrate that the hemipelagic muds and matrix materials within sandy and silty turbidites are all enriched in illite; chlorite is the second-most abundant clay mineral, followed by smectite. In general, the relative mineral percentages change relatively little as a function of depth, and the hemipelagic clay-mineral population is virtually identical to the turbidite-matrix population. Comparisons between different size fractions (<2 µm and 2-6 µm) show modest amounts of mineral partitioning, with chlorite content increasing in the coarser fraction and smectite increasing in the finer fraction. Values of illite crystallinity index are consistent with conditions of advanced anchimetamorphism and epimetamorphism within the source region. Of the three mica polytypes detected, the 2M1 variety dominates over the 1M and 1Md polytypes; these data are consistent with values of illite crystallinity. Measurements of mica bo lattice spacing show that the detrital illite particles were eroded from a zone of intermediate-pressure metamorphism. Collectively, these data provide an excellent match with the lithologic and metamorphic character of the Izu-Honshu collision zone. Data from Leg 131, therefore, confirm the earlier interpretations of detrital provenance. The regional pattern of sediment dispersal is dominated by a combination of southwest-directed axial turbidity currents, radial expansion of the axial flows, oblique movement of suspended clouds onto and beyond the seaward slope of the Nankai Trough, and flow reflection back toward the trench axis.


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For the investigation of organic carbon fluxes reaching the seafloor, oxygen microprofiles were measured at 145 sites in different sub-regions of the Southern Ocean. At eleven sites, an in situ oxygen microprofiler was deployed for the measurement of oxygen profiles and the calculation of organic carbon fluxes. At four sites, both in situ and ex situ data were determined for high latitudes. Based on this dataset as well as on previous published data, a relationship was established for the estimation of fluxes derived by ex situ measured O2 profiles. The fluxes of labile organic matter range from 0.5 to 37.1 mgC m**2/day. The high values determined by in situ measurements were observed in the Polar Front region (water depth of more than 4290 m) and are comparable to organic matter fluxes observed for high-productivity, upwelling areas like off West Africa. The oxygen penetration depth, which reflects the long-term organic matter flux to the sediment, was correlated with assemblages of key diatom species. In the Scotia Sea (~3000 m water depth), oxygen penetration depths of less than 15 cm were observed, indicating high benthic organic carbon fluxes. In contrast, the oxic zone extends down to several decimeters in abyssal sediments of the Weddell Sea and the southeastern South Atlantic. The regional pattern of organic carbon fluxes derived from micro-sensor data suggest that episodic and seasonal sedimentation pulses are important for the carbon supply to the seafloor of the deep Southern Ocean.


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We have investigated glacial-interglacial differences in sea surface temperature (SST) near Hawaii using two relatively high deposition rate, shallow-water piston cores collected near Oahu, Hawaii. Modern hydrographic data show that local surface water temperatures are broadly consistent with the regional pattern of SSTs in the southern subtropical North Pacific. Past SSTs were estimated on the basis of three independently measured parameters: (1) UK'37 values of alkenones, (2) d18O of Globigerinoides ruber, and (3) assemblages of planktonic foraminifera using the modern analog technique (MAT). The two cores yield similar SST records, and if differences in the ecology of foraminifera and coccolithophores are considered, the three different approaches to estimating SSTs yield consistent results. UK'37-based temperatures, which may represent winter values at this location, were ~2.5°C colder during the Last Glacial Maximum than today, which is consistent with the February MAT estimates. The d18O-based temperature estimates, likely biased toward summer temperatures, indicate that the glacial SSTs were at least 1°C cooler than today, which is comparable to the results of MAT August estimates.


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A regional ocean general circulation model of the Mediterranean is used to study the climate of the Last Glacial Maximum. The atmospheric forcing for these simulations has been derived from simulations with an atmospheric general circulation model, which in turn was forced with surface conditions from a coarse resolution earth system model. The model is successful in reproducing the general patterns of reconstructed sea surface temperature anomalies with the strongest cooling in summer in the northwestern Mediterranean and weak cooling in the Levantine, although the model underestimates the extent of the summer cooling in the western Mediterranean. However, there is a strong vertical gradient associated with this pattern of summer cooling, which makes the comparison with reconstructions complicated. The exchange with the Atlantic is decreased to roughly one half of its present value, which can be explained by the shallower Strait of Gibraltar as a consequence of lower global sea level. This reduced exchange causes a strong increase of salinity in the Mediterranean in spite of reduced net evaporation.