12 resultados para reactivation

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Byrd Glacier discontinuity us a major boundary crossing the Ross Orogen, with crystalline rocks to the north and primarily sedimentary rocks to the south. Most models for the tectonic development of the Ross Orogen in the central Transantarctic Mountains consits of two-dimensional transects across the belt, but do not adress the major longitudinal contrast at Byrd Glacier. This paper presents a tectonic model centering on the Byrd Glacier discontinuity. Rifting in the Neoproterozoic producede a crustal promontory in the craton margin to the north of Byrd Glacier. Oblique convergence of the terrane (Beardmore microcontinent) during the latest Neroproterozoic and Early Cambrian was accompanied by subduction along the craton margin of East Antarctica. New data presented herein in the support of this hypothesis are U-Pb dates of 545.7 ± 6.8 Ma and 531.0 ± 7.5 Ma on plutonic rocks from the Britannia Range, subduction stepped out, and Byrd Glacier. After docking of the terrane, subduction stepped out, and Byrd Group was deposited during the Atdabanian-Botomian across the inner margin of the terrane. Beginning in the upper Botomian, reactivation of the sutured boundaries of the terrane resulted in an outpouring of clastic sediment and folding and faulting of the Byrd Group.


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Surface and deepwater paleoclimate records in Irminger Sea core SO82-5 (59°N, 31°W) and Icelandic Sea core PS2644 (68°N, 22°W) exhibit large fluctuations in thermohaline circulation (THC) from 60 to 18 calendar kyr B.P., with a dominant periodicity of 1460 years from 46 to 22 calendar kyr B.P., matching the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) temperature record [Grootes and Stuiver, 1997, doi:10.1029/97JC00880]. During interstadials, summer sea surface temperatures (SSTsu) in the Irminger Sea averaged to 8°C, and sea surface salinities (SSS) averaged to ~36.5, recording a strong Irminger Current and Atlantic THC. During stadials, SSTsu dropped to 2°-4°C, in phase with SSS drops by ~1-2. They reveal major meltwater injections along with the East Greenland Current, which turned off the North Atlantic deepwater convection and hence the heat advection to the north, in harmony with various ocean circulation and ice models. On the basis of the IRD composition, icebergs came from Iceland, east Greenland, and perhaps Svalbard and other northern ice sheets. However, the southward drifting icebergs were initially jammed in the Denmark Strait, reaching the Irminger Sea only with a lag of 155-195 years. We also conclude that the abrupt stadial terminations, the D-O warming events, were tied to iceberg melt via abundant seasonal sea ice and brine water formation in the meltwater-covered northwestern North Atlantic. In the 1/1460-year frequency band, benthic ?18O brine water spikes led the temperature maxima above Greenland and in the Irminger Sea by as little as 95 years. Thus abundant brine formation, which was induced by seasonal freezing of large parts of the northwestern Atlantic, may have finally entrained a current of warm surface water from the subtropics and thereby triggered the sudden reactivation of the THC. In summary, the internal dynamics of the east Greenland ice sheet may have formed the ultimate pacemaker of D-O cycles.


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Continuous measurements between 0 and 200 m depth were performed every 2 h over two separate periods of four days at a station in the open northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Dyfamed Station) during the Dynaproc cruise in May 1995. Estimates of the daily variations in profiles of temperature, partial pressure of CO2, oxygen, chlorophyll a and nutrients were obtained. The distributions of the various physical and chemical properties were clearly different during the two time series, which were separated by a period of 11 days during which a wind event occurred. The mean daily utilization or production due to biological processes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), nitrate+nitrite and oxygen were calculated along isopycnals using a vertical diffusion model. Between the surface and about 20 m depth, DIC was consumed and O2 released during the two time series while the nitrate+nitrite concentrations as well as supplies were zero. After the wind event, the O2 : C : N ratios of consumption (or production) were, on average, near the Redfield ratios, but during the first time series, the C : N utilization ratio between 20 and 35 m was two to three times that of Redfield stoichiometry and the oxygen release was low. The integrated net community production (NCP) in terms of carbon was equivalent during the two time series, whereas the chlorophyll a biomass was twice as high, on average, during the first time series but did decrease. These results imply that the production systems were different during the two periods. The first time series corresponds to a period at the end of production, due to the nutrient depletion in the euphotic layer. The formation of degradation products of the living material in dissolved organic form is probably important as indicated by the high C : N utilization ratios. The second time series corresponds to a reactivation of the primary production due to the upward shift of nutrients after the wind event.


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George V Land (Antarctica) includes the boundary between Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic terrains of the East Antarctic craton and the intrusive and metasedimentary rocks of the Early Paleozoic Ross-Delamerian Orogen. This therefore represents a key region for understanding the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the East Antarctic Craton and the Ross Orogen and for defining their structural relationship in East Antarctica, with potential implications for Gondwana reconstructions. In the East Antarctic Craton the outcrops closest to the Ross orogenic belt form the Mertz Shear Zone, a prominent ductile shear zone up to 5 km wide. Its deformation fabric includes a series of progressive, overprinting shear structures developed under different metamorphic conditions: from an early medium-P granulite-facies metamorphism, through amphibolite-facies to late greenschist-facies conditions. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on biotite in mylonitic rocks from the Mertz Shear Zone indicate that the minimum age for ductile deformation under greenschist-facies conditions is 1502 ± 9 Ma and reveal no evidence of reactivation processes linked to the Ross Orogeny. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on amphibole, although plagued by excess argon, suggest the presence of a ~1.7 Ga old phase of regional-scale retrogression under amphibolite-facies conditions. Results support the correlation between the East Antarctic Craton in the Mertz Glacier area and the Sleaford Complex of the Gawler Craton in southern Australia, and suggest that the Mertz Shear Zone may be considered a correlative of the Kalinjala Shear Zone. An erratic immature metasandstone collected east of Ninnis Glacier (~180 km east of the Mertz Glacier) and petrographically similar to metasedimentary rocks enclosed as xenoliths in Cambro-Ordovician granites cropping out along the western side of Ninnis Glacier, yielded detrital white-mica 40Ar-39Ar ages from ~530 to 640 Ma and a minimum age of 518 ± 5 Ma. This pattern compares remarkably well with those previously obtained for the Kanmantoo Group from the Adelaide Rift Complex of southern Australia, thereby suggesting that the segment of the Ross Orogen exposed east of the Mertz Glacier may represent a continuation of the eastern part of the Delamerian Orogen.


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This petrological study of the lower Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a) focused on the nature of the organic-rich interval as well as the tuffaceous units above and below it. The volcaniclastic debris deposited just prior to the OAE1a is consistent with reactivation of volcanic centers across the Shatsky Rise, concurrent with volcanism on the Ontong Java Plateau. This reactivation may have been responsible for the sub-OAE1a unconformity. Soon after this volcanic pulse, anomalous amounts of organic matter accumulated on the rise, forming a black shale horizon. The complex textures in the organic-rich intervals suggest a history of periodic anoxia, overprinted by bioturbation. Components include pellets, radiolarians, and fish debris. The presence of carbonate-cemented radiolarite under the OAE1a intervals suggests that there has been large-scale remobilization of carbonate in the system, which in turn may explain the absence of calcareous microfossils in the section. The volcanic debris in the overlying tuffaceous interval differs in that it is significantly epiclastic and glauconitic. It was likely derived from an emergent volcanic edifice.


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The sedimentary architecture of polar gravel-beach ridges is presented and it is shown that ridge internal geometries reflect past wave-climate conditions. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data obtained along the coasts of Potter Peninsula (King George Island) show that beach ridges unconformably overlie the prograding strand plain. Development of individual ridges is seen to result from multiple storms in periods of increased storm-wave impact on the coast. Strand-plain progradation, by contrast, is the result of swash sedimentation at the beach-face under persistent calm conditions. The sedimentary architecture of beach ridges in sheltered parts of the coast is characterized by seaward-dipping prograding beds, being the result of swash deposition under stormy conditions, or aggrading beds formed by wave overtopping. By contrast, ridges exposed to high-energy waves are composed of seaward- as well as landward-dipping strata, bundled by numerous erosional unconformities. These erosional unconformities are the result of sediment starvation or partial reworking of ridge material during exceptional strong storms. The number of individual ridges which are preserved from a given time interval varies along the coast depending on the morphodynamic setting: sheltered coasts are characterized by numerous small ridges, whereas fewer but larger ridges develop on exposed beaches. The frequency of ridge building ranges from decades in the low-energy settings up to 1600 years under high-energy conditions. Beach ridges in the study area cluster at 9.5, 7.5, 5.5, and below 3.5 m above the present-day storm beach. Based on radiocarbon data, this is interpreted to reflect distinct periods of increased storminess and/or shortened annual sea-ice coverage in the area of the South Shetland Islands for the times around 4.3, c. 3.1, 1.9 ka cal BP, and after 0.65 ka cal BP. Ages further indicate that even ridges at higher elevations can be subject to later reactivation and reworking. A careful investigation of the stratigraphic architecture is therefore essential prior to sampling for dating purposes.


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The data base for this study is represented by essentially nonevaporitic Messinian sediments recovered at ODP Sites 654, 653, 652, and 656 along the eastern Sardinian margin, and of the overlying early Pliocene oozes. Grain-size distribution, carbonate content, and microscopic observation of the sand size fractions were investigated. Messinian paleoenvironments, documented in the western Tyrrhenian Sea (ODP Sites 654 and 653), provide additional evidence supporting the deep basin desiccation model. A sharp lithologic contrast between early Pliocene pelagic oozes and latest Messinian conformable gypsiferous silts supports this model. The "lago-mare" biofacies was only occasionally observed in the shallowest site and is limited to the topmost part of the Messinian. Sites 652 and 656, lying in the deeper part of the Tyrrhenian and located on the downthrown side of an important eastward dipping fault system known as "Faglia centrale" are characterized by terrigenous sedimentation, with partly recycled minor evaporites. Of special interest is Site 652, where the thickness of the (probable) Messinian is 530 m. Sedimentary characters indicate a permanently subaqueous but nonmarine environment, with turbidites accumulating in a rapidly subsiding basin. According to the model proposed, this basin was fed by continental waters during times of maximum evaporitic draw-down, with temporary marine incursions from the west or southwest when the water level was higher. A basement ridge separated the evaporating pond from this endoreic lake located on the opposite (eastern) margin of the Tyrrhenian Basin, which was then limited to its western part. Post-Messinian reactivation of the "Faglia centrale" is necessary to account for the inversion of the relief.


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High-resolution climatic records of the late Holocene along the north-west African continental margin are scarce. Here we combine sediment grain size, elemental distribution and mineral assemblage data to trace dust and riverine sources at a shallow-marine sediment depocentre in the vicinity of the Senegal River mouth. The aim is to understand how these terrigenous components reflect climate variability during the late Holocene. Major element contents were measured and mineral identification was performed on three sub-fractions of our sediment core: (i) fluvial material <2 µm, (ii) aeolian material of 18-63 µm and (iii) a sub-fraction of dual-origin material of 2-18 µm. Results show that more than 80% of the total Al and Fe terrigenous bulk content is present in the fluviogenic fraction. In contrast, Ti, K and Si cannot be considered as proxies for one specific source off Senegal. The Al/Ca ratio, recording the continental river runoff, reveals two dry periods from 3010 to 2750 cal a BP and from 1900 to 1000 cal a BP, and two main humid periods from 2750 to 1900 cal a BP and from 1000 to 700 cal a BP. The match between (i) intervals of low river runoff inferred by low Al/Ca values, (ii) reduced river discharge inferred by integrated palynological data from offshore Senegal and (iii) periods of enhanced dune reactivation in Mali confirms this interpretation.


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A sediment core from the western tropical Atlantic covering the last 21,000 yr has been analysed for centennial scale reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) and ice volume-corrected oxygen isotopic composition of sea water (delta18O(ivc-sw)) using Mg / Ca and delta18O of the shallow dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white). At a period between 15.5 and 17.5 kyr BP, the Mg / Ca SST and delta18O(ivc-sw), a proxy for sea surface salinity (SSS), reveals a warming of around 2.5 °C along with an increase in salinity. A second period of pronounced warming and SSS increase occurred between 11.6 and 13.5 kyr BP. Within age model uncertainties, both warming intervals were synchronous with air temperature increase over Antarctica and ice retreat in the southern South Atlantic and terminated with abrupt centennial scale SSS decrease and slight SST cooling in conjunction with interglacial reactivation of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC). We suggest that during these warm intervals, production of saline and warm water of the North Brazil Current resulted in pronounced heat and salt accumulation, and was associated with warming in the southern Atlantic, southward displacement of the intertropical convergence zone and weakened MOC. At the termination of the Younger Dryas and Heinrich event 1, intensification of cross-equatorial heat and salt transport caused centennial scale cooling and freshening of the western tropical Atlantic surface water. This study shows that the western tropical Atlantic served as a heat and salt reservoir during deglaciation. The sudden release of accumulated heat and salt at the end of Younger Drays and Heinrich event 1 may have contributed to the rapid reinvigoration of the Atlantic MOC.


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The Holocene Twin Slides form the most recent of recurrent mass wasting events along the NE portion of Gela Basin within the Sicily Channel, central Mediterranean Sea. Here, we present new evidence on the morphological evolution and stratigraphic context of this coeval slide complex based on deepdrilled sediment sequences providing a >100 ka paleo-oceanographic record. Both Northern (NTS) and Southern Twin Slide (STS) involve two failure stages, a debris avalanche and a translational slide, but are strongly affected by distinct preconditioning factors linked to the older and buried Father Slide. Core-acoustic correlations suggest that sliding occurred along sub-horizontal weak layers reflecting abrupt physical changes in lithology or mechanical properties. Our results show further that headwall failure predominantly took place along sub-vertical normal faults, partly through reactivation of buried Father Slide headscarps.


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Fifty-seven white mica clasts were separated from five samples taken from near the bases of turbidites ranging in age from early Albian to middle Eocene. Twenty two (39%) of the micas have ages between 260 and 340 Ma and five (9%) have older ages (~400-600 Ma). The former age range is characteristic of the North American Alleghenian orogeny and the Iberian Variscan orogeny. The latter range is characteristic of the North American Acadian orogeny and older basement rocks in the Grand Banks and Newfoundland areas. Both age ranges are present in the middle Eocene sample, but only the younger range occurs in the middle Albian sample. This difference could be a sampling artifact. If this is not the case, then the most likely explanation is that the Acadian-aged micas within the Meguma Zone underlying the Grand Banks were totally reset by Alleghenian reactivation of the zone, a feature which occurs extensively in Nova Scotia. The addition of Acadian-aged micas in the middle Eocene sample may reflect a change in sediment provenance as drainage systems unrelated to rift topography developed. With the exception of one clast dated at 186 Ma, the 12 other micas obtained from the upper Paleocene sample yielded ages between 55 and 74 Ma, with 7 falling within ±2 m.y. of the 57-Ma age of the sample indicated by the biostratigraphic age-depth plot for Site 1276. This, together with the volcaniclastic content of the sample, indicates an input from near-contemporaneous volcanism. The nearest known occurrences of near-contemporaneous late Paleocene volcanism that could have produced white micas are in Greenland and Portugal, some 2000 and 1500 km distant, respectively, from Site 1276 during the Paleocene. However, ages of volcanism in these areas indicate that they could probably not be sources of micas younger than 60 m.y., which suggests some as-yet unknown volcanic source in the North Atlantic area. Accumulation in the Grand Banks area of airborne-transported volcaniclastic material from eruptions of slightly different ages, followed by a single resedimentation event, could account for the spread of dates obtained from the sample. White micas from the lowermost Albian sample show a spread of ages between 37 and 284 Ma that is completely different from the age distribution pattern of the middle Albian and middle Eocene samples. The sample location is between, and at least 25 m above and below, two igneous sills dated at 98 and 105 Ma. The sills have narrow thermal aureoles and ages older than the youngest detrital micas in the sample. It is unlikely, therefore, that the spread of mica ages in the sample is due to partial resetting of ages caused by thermal effects associated with the intrusion of the sills. The resetting may have been associated with a longer lived thermal event.


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A well developed sapropel (S5) was deposited in the eastern Mediterranean during the Last Interglacial (Eemian), 124-119 ka. Freshwater contributions to the basin at this time can be traced using the isotopic composition of Nd in planktonic foraminifera. This enables differentiation between radiogenic sources to the south, under the influence of the African monsoon, and unradiogenic sources to the north, relating to the mid-latitude westerlies. Here we compare new Nd data, from a core in the southeast Aegean Sea, with published data from the Ionian and Levantine Seas. Shifts towards more radiogenic Nd in the lower and middle parts of sapropel S5 are most pronounced in the Ionian Sea record, with epsioln-Nd and d18O G. ruber co-varying more closely here than in the Levantine and Aegean Seas. This is consistent with a freshwater source proximal to the Ionian Sea site, likely indicating a substantial reactivation of rivers flowing northward from the central Saharan watershed. The lack, during S5 deposition, of a noticeable shift towards more unradiogenic Nd in the Aegean record would exclude a large influx of water from the northern borders of the eastern Mediterranean during sapropel deposition. These findings support a scenario whereby the Last Interglacial eastern Mediterranean was influenced strongly by the remote effects of an intensified African monsoon, with more local precipitation in the northern borders contributing relatively little to the sea surface composition.