162 resultados para petroleum biomarkers
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Anaerobic methane-oxidizing microbial communities in sediments at cold methane seeps are important factors in controlling methane emission to the ocean and atmosphere. Here, we investigated the distribution and carbon isotopic signature of specific biomarkers derived from anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME groups) and sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) responsible for the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) at different cold seep provinces of Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin. The special focus was on their relation to in situ cell abundances and methane turnover. In general, maxima in biomarker abundances and minima in carbon isotope signatures correlated with maxima in AOM and sulphate reduction as well as with consortium biomass. We found ANME-2a/DSS aggregates associated with high abundances of sn-2,3-di-O-isoprenoidal glycerol ethers (archaeol, sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol) and specific bacterial fatty acids (C16:1omega5c, cyC17:0omega5,6) as well as with high methane fluxes (Beggiatoa site). The low to medium flux site (Calyptogena field) was dominated by ANME-2c/DSS aggregates and contained less of both compound classes but more of AOM-related glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs). ANME-1 archaea dominated deeper sediment horizons at the Calyptogena field where sn-1,2-di-O-alkyl glycerol ethers (DAGEs), archaeol, methyl-branched fatty acids (ai-C15:0, i-C16:0, ai-C17:0), and diagnostic GDGTs were prevailing. AOM-specific bacterial and archaeal biomarkers in these sediment strata generally revealed very similar d13C-values of around -100 per mill. In ANME-2-dominated sediment sections, archaeal biomarkers were even more 13C-depleted (down to -120 per mill), whereas bacterial biomarkers were found to be likewise 13C-depleted as in ANME-1-dominated sediment layers (d13C: -100 per mill). The zero flux site (Acharax field), containing only a few numbers of ANME-2/DSS aggregates, however, provided no specific biomarker pattern. Deeper sediment sections (below 20 cm sediment depth) from Beggiatoa covered areas which included solid layers of methane gas hydrates contained ANME-2/DSS typical biomarkers showing subsurface peaks combined with negative shifts in carbon isotopic compositions. The maxima were detected just above the hydrate layers, indicating that methane stored in the hydrates may be available for the microbial community. The observed variations in biomarker abundances and 13C-depletions are indicative of multiple environmental and physiological factors selecting for different AOM consortia (ANME-2a/DSS, ANME-2c/DSS, ANME-1) along horizontal and vertical gradients of cold seep settings.
Hydrocarbon seeps are ubiquitous at gas-prone Cenozoic deltas such as the Nile Deep Sea Fan (NDSF) where seepage into the bottom water has been observed at several mud volcanoes (MVs) including North Alex MV (NAMV). Here we investigated the sources of hydrocarbon gases and sedimentary organic matter together with biomarkers of microbial activity at four locations of NAMV to constrain how venting at the seafloor relates to the generation of hydrocarbon gases in deeper sediments. At the centre, high upward flux of hot (70 °C) hydrocarbon-rich fluids is indicated by an absence of biomarkers of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) and nearly constant methane (CH4) concentration depth-profile. The presence of lipids of incompatible thermal maturities points to mixing between early-mature petroleum and immature organic matter, indicating that shallow mud has been mobilized by the influx of deep-sourced hydrocarbon-rich fluids. Methane is enriched in the heavier isotopes, with values of d13C ~-46.6 per mil VPDB and dD ~-228 per mil VSMOW, and is associated with high amounts of heavier homologues (C2+) suggesting a co-genetic origin with the petroleum. On the contrary at the periphery, a lower but sustained CH4 flux is indicated by deeper sulphate-methane transition zones and the presence of 13C-depleted biomarkers of AOM, consistent with predominantly immature organic matter. Values of d13C-CH4 ~-60 per mil VPDB and decreased concentrations of 13C-enriched C2+ are typical of mixed microbial CH4 and biodegraded thermogenic gas from Plio-Pleistocene reservoirs of the region. The maturity of gas condensate migrated from pre-Miocene sources into Miocene reservoirs of the Western NDSF is higher than that of the gas vented at the centre of NAMV, supporting the hypothesis that it is rather released from the degradation of oil in Neogene reservoirs. Combined with the finding of hot pore water and petroleum at the centre, our results suggest that clay mineral dehydration of Neogene sediments, which takes place posterior to reservoir filling, may contribute to intense gas generation at high sedimentation rate deltas.
Authigenic phosphatic laminites enclosed in phosphorite crusts from the shelf off Peru (10°01' S and 10°24' S) consist of carbonate fluorapatite layers, which contain abundant sulfide minerals including pyrite (FeS2) and sphalerite (ZnS). Low d34Spyrite values (average -28.8 per mill) agree with bacterial sulfate reduction and subsequent pyrite formation. Stable sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfate bound in carbonate fluorapatite are lower than that of sulfate from ambient sea water, suggesting bacterial reoxidation of sulfide by sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The release of phosphorus and subsequent formation of the autochthonous phosphatic laminites are apparently caused by the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria and associated sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. Following an extraction-phosphorite dissolution-extraction procedure, molecular fossils of sulfate-reducing bacteria (mono-O-alkyl glycerol ethers, di-O-alkyl glycerol ethers, as well as the short-chain branched fatty acids i/ai-C15:0, i/ai-C17:0 and 10MeC16:0) are found to be among the most abundant compounds. The fact that these molecular fossils of sulfate-reducing bacteria are distinctly more abundant after dissolution of the phosphatic laminite reveals that the lipids are tightly bound to the mineral lattice of carbonate fluorapatite. Moreover, compared with the autochthonous laminite, molecular fossils of sulfate-reducing bacteria are: (1) significantly less abundant and (2) not as tightly bound to the mineral lattice in the other, allochthonous facies of the Peruvian crusts consisting of phosphatic coated grains. These observations confirm the importance of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the formation of the phosphatic laminite. Model calculations highlight that organic matter degradation by sulfate-reducing bacteria has the potential to liberate sufficient phosphorus for phosphogenesis.
This is part 2 of a study examining southwest African continental margin sediments from nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) representing two glacial (MIS 2 and 6a) and two interglacial stages (MIS 1 and 5e). Contents, distribution patterns, and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) as indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types were correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in sediments of the same time horizons. Selected single pollen type data reveal details of vegetation changes, but the overall picture is best illustrated by summing pollen known to predominantly derive from C4 plants or C4 plus CAM plants. The C4 plant signals in the biomarkers are recorded in the delta13C data and in the abundances of C31 and C33 n-alkanes, and the C32 n-alkanol. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories for austral summer and winter situations for the Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen and their transport pathways to the ocean. This multidisciplinary approach provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in leaf wax lipid and pollen composition, with the Holocene sedimentary data paralleling the current major phytogeographic zonations. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin) get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands dominated by C3 plants. Airborne particulates derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semideserts, and savannah regions are rich in organic matter from C4 plants. As can be expected from the present and glacial positions of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. In the northern part of the transect the relative importance of C4 plant indicators is higher during the glacials than in the interglacials, indicating a northward extension of arid zones favoring grass vegetation. In the south, where grass-rich vegetation merges into semidesert and desert, the difference in C4 plant indicators is small.
Organic geochemical and petrological investigations were carried out on Cenomanian/Turonian black shales from three sample sites in the Tarfaya Basin (SW Morocco) to characterize the sedimentary organic matter. These black shales have a variable bulk and molecular geochemical composition reflecting changes in the quantity and quality of the organic matter. High TOC contents (up to 18wt%) and hydrogen indices between 400 and 800 (mgHC/gTOC) indicate hydrogen-rich organic matter (Type I-II kerogen) which qualifies these laminated black shale sequences as excellent oil-prone source rocks. Low Tmax values obtained from Rock-Eval pyrolysis (404-425 MC) confirm an immature to early mature level of thermal maturation. Organic petrological studies indicate that the kerogen is almost entirely composed of bituminite particles. These unstructured organic aggregates were most probably formed by intensive restructuring of labile biopolymers (lipids and/or carbohydrates), with the incorporation of sulphur into the kerogen during early diagenesis. Total lipid analyses performed after desulphurization of the total extract shows that the biomarkers mostly comprise short-chain n-alkanes (C16-C22) and long-chain (C25-C35) n-alkanes with no obvious odd-over-even predominance, together with steranes, hopanoids and acyclic isoprenoids. The presence of isorenieratane derivatives originating from green sulphur bacteria indicates that dissolved sulphide had reached the photic zone at shallow water depths (~100m) during times of deposition. These conditions probably favoured intensive sulphurization of the organic matter. Flash pyrolysis GC-MS analysis of the kerogen indicates the aliphatic nature of the bulk organic carbon. The vast majority of pyrolysis products are sulphur-containing components such as alkylthiophenes, alkenylthiophenes and alkybenzothiophenes. Abundant sulphurization of the Tarfaya Basin kerogen resulted from excess sulphide and metabolizable organic matter combined with a limited availability of iron during early diagenesis. The observed variability in the intensity of OM sulphurization may be attributed to sea level-driven fluctuations in the palaeoenvironment during sedimentation.
The radiocarbon contents of various biomarkers extracted from the varve-counted sediments of Saanich Inlet, Canada, were determined to assess their applicability for dating purposes. Calibrated ages obtained from the marine planktonic archaeal biomarker crenarchaeol compared favorably with varve-count ages. The same conclusion could be drawn for a more general archaeal biomarker (GDGT-0), although this biomarker proved to be less reliable due to its less-specific origin. The results also lend support to earlier indications that marine crenarchaeota use dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as their carbon source. The average reservoir age offset DR of 430 years, determined using the crenarchaeol radiocarbon ages, varied by ±110 years. This may be caused by natural variations in ocean-atmosphere mixing or upwelling at the NE Pacific coast but variability may also be due to an inconsistency in the marine calibration curve when used at sites with high reservoir ages.
Here we use compound-specific hydrogen isotope data of aquatic and terrestrial lipid biomarkers from precisely dated annually laminated sediments from Lake Meerfelder Maar (MFM) in Western Germany to reconstruct decadal resolved hydroclimatic changes during the Younger Dryas. We show that cooling at MFM begun synchronous to the onset of cooling in Greenland at 12.850 years BP. Major environmental changes at MFM however took place 170 years later as a result of substantially drier conditions.