29 resultados para non-western

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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This dataset characterizes the evolution of western African precipitation indicated by marine sediment geochemical records in comparison to transient simulations using CCSM3 global climate model throughout the Last Interglacial (130-115 ka). It contains (1) defined tie-points (age models), newly published stable isotopes of benthic foraminifera and Al/Si log-ratios of eight marine sediment cores from the western African margin and (2) annual and seasonal rainfall anomalies (relative to pre-industrial values) for six characteristic latitudinal bands in western Africa simulated by CCSM3 (two transient simulations: one non-accelerated and one accelerated experiment).


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Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae) is the most abundant and hence ecologically most important primary producer, carbon sink and habitat provider in the western Baltic Sea. All F. vesiculosus L. specimens were collected on 23 April 2014 from a depth of 0.2-1 m in the non-tidal Kiel Fjord, western Baltic Sea (54°27'N; 10°12'E), where this species forms dense and almost monospecific stands on stones. After sampling the algal thalli were stored in a refrigerator box with water from the sampling site, transported to Bremerhaven and stored at 10 °C for one day in filtered seawater. Experiments were conducted with vegetative apical tips (6.7±0.5 cm length), the actively growing region of F. vesiculosus, which were randomly selected and cut from 144 different individuals prior to the experiments. These tips were acclimated to laboratory conditions for three days in filtered seawater at 10 °C before the start of the experiment. Furthermore, 30 additional vegetative apices were freeze-dried to document the initial biochemical status of F. vesiculosus in its native habitat. A temperature gradient was installed in a walk-in constant cooling chamber (15 °C) in nine water baths (5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28 and 29 °C ± 0.1 °C) which were tempered by thermostats (5, 10 and 15 °C: Huber Variostat CC + Pilot ONE, Peter Huber Kältemaschinen GmbH, Offenburg, Germany; 20 and 28 °C: Haake DC3, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, USA; 24, 26, 27 and 29 °C: Haake DC10). Every temperature treatment consisted of four 2 L glass beakers (n = 4). In each beaker four F. vesiculosus apices were grown in 2 µm-filtered North Sea water diluted with demineralized water in a ratio of 1:1 and enriched with nutrients after Provasoli (1968; 1/10 enrichment), leading to a salinity of about 15.6 which equaled habitat conditions. The algae were exposed to an irradiance of 130 µmol photons m-2 s-1 ±10 % (Powerstar HGI-TS 150 W, OSRAM GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany) measured at the top of the beaker under a 16:8 h L:D cycle. The media in the beakers was changed every third or fourth day and aerated with artificial air containing 380 ppm CO2 (gas mixing device; HTK Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). Before the experiment, the algae were acclimated to the final temperatures in steps of 5 °C for 2 days each, beginning at 10 °C. After 21 days exposure time, three out of four samples per replicate were freeze-dried for further biochemical analyses, and afterwards the thermostats were turned off to reduce the temperature to 16±0.4 °C for another 10 days permitting growth under post-culture conditions.


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The concentration and isotopic composition of Nd in water and particles collected in the western Mediterranean Sea are studied by two complementary approaches. The first examines local vertical profiles and time series; the second considers the global Nd budget of the whole western Mediterranean Sea. These two approaches are used to quantify the Nd inputs and the dissolved/particulate exchange processes in the water column. Two profiles of Nd in seawater in the Ligurian Sea taken in May and October 1992 show an average epsilon-Nd(0) = -9.6 ± 0.5. Seawater from the Strait of Sicily, representative of the eastern waters flowing into the western basin, is more radiogenic [epsilon-Nd(0) = -7.7 ± 0.6]. Profiles of particulate matter collected in sediment traps in coastal (Gulf of Lions) and offshore (Ligurian Sea) environments are also shown. Particles are enriched in Nd and are more radiogenic near the coast than offshore. Measurements of Nd concentration and epsilon-Nd(0) of external sources to the western Mediterranean Sea compared with the literature data demonstrate that particulate flux of atmospheric Saharan origin are more rich ([Nd] = 38 ± 10 µg/g) and less radiogenic [epsilon-Nd(0) = -13.0 ± 1.0] than riverine particulate discharge ([Nd] = 21.5 ± 4.4 µg/g; epsilon-Nd(0) = -10.1 ± 0.5), allowing to trace Nd particulate inputs in the water column. Nd atmospheric flux appears to be the major source into the whole western basin, although lateral advection of riverine material is the prevailing process in the coastal environment. Offshore, the vertical propagation of an important Saharan dust event has been recorded for two months in sediment traps at 80, 200 and 1000 m. The evolution of the resulting negative epsilon-Nd(0) peak along depth and time shows that the particles reach 200 m on a time scale of one week. For the first time, the Nd budget in the western Mediterranean basin is constrained by both concentrations and isotopic compositions measured in particles and seawater. Surface budget requires a remobilization of 30 ± 20% of particulate Nd input. In deep water, dissolved Nd concentrations are balanced by a scavenging of 10 ± 20% of the sinking particulate flux. On the other hand, the deep isotopic compositions suggest an exchange between 30 ± 20% of the sinking particles and the deep waters. The hypothesis of a non-stationary regime for the surface waters in the Ligurian Sea is also considered.


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Bulk carbonate content, planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable isotope compositions of bulk carbonate and Nuttallides truempyi (benthic foraminifera), and non-carbonate mineralogy were examined across ~30 m of carbonate-rich Paleogene sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 259, on Perth Abyssal Plain off Western Australia. Carbonate content, mostly reflecting nannofossil abundance, ranges from 3 to 80% and generally exceeds 50% between 35 and 57 mbsf. A clay-rich horizon with a carbonate content of about 37% occurs between 55.17 and 55.37 mbsf. The carbonate-rich interval spans planktic foraminiferal zones P4c to P6b (~57-52 Ma), with the clay-rich horizon near the base of our Zone P5 (upper)-P6b. Throughout the studied interval, benthic species dominate foraminiferal assemblages, with scarce planktic foraminifera usually of poor preservation and limited species diversity. A prominent Benthic Foraminiferal Extinction Event (BFEE) occurs across the clay-rich horizon, with an influx of large Acarinina immediately above. The delta13C records of bulk carbonate and N. truempyi exhibit trends similar to those observed in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene (~57-52 Ma) sediment from other locations. Two successive decreases in bulk carbonate and N. truempyi delta13C of 0.5 and 1.0? characterize the interval at and immediately above the BFEE. Despite major changes in carbonate content, foraminiferal assemblages and carbon isotopes, the mineralogy of the non-carbonate fraction consistently comprises expanding clay, heulandite (zeolite), quartz, feldspar (sodic or calcic), minor mica, and pyrolusite (MnO2). The uniformity of this mineral assemblage suggests that Site 259 received similar non-carbonate sediment before, during and after pelagic carbonate deposition. The carbonate plug at Site 259 probably represents a drop in the CCD from ~57 to 52-51 Ma, as also recognized at other locations.


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Fifteen Iberian margin sediment cores, distributed between 43°12'N and 35°53'N, have been used to reconstruct spatial and temporal (sub)surface circulation along the Iberian margin since the Last Glacial period. Time-slice maps of planktonic foraminiferal derived summer sea surface temperature (SST) and export productivity (Pexp) were established for specific time intervals within the last 35 ky: the Holocene (Recent and last 8 ky), Younger Dryas (YD), Heinrich Stadials (HS) 1, 2a, 2b, 3, and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The SST during the Holocene shows the same latitudinal gradient along the western Iberian margin as present-day with cold but productive areas that reflect the influence of coastal upwelling centers. The LGM appears as a slightly less warm, but more productive period relative to the Holocene and present-day conditions, suggesting that sea-level minima forced a westward displacement of the coastal upwelling centers possibly accompanied by a strengthening of northward winds. During the YD, a longitudinal thermal front is depicted at 10°W, with cold polar waters offshore and warmer subtropical waters inshore, suggesting that the subtropical Paleo-Iberian Poleward Current more likely flowed at a more inshore location masking the local SST signal and amplitude of variation. A substantial cooling and drop in productivity is observed during all HS, in particular HS1 and HS3, reflecting the penetration of icebergs-derived meltwater. These most extreme southward extensions of very cold waters define a strong SST gradient that marks a possible Paleo-Azores Front. Higher production south of this front was likely fed by frontal nutrient advection.


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Here, we present results from sediments collected in the Argentine Basin, a non-steady state depositional marine system characterized by abundant oxidized iron within methane-rich layers due to sediment reworking followed by rapid deposition. Our comprehensive inorganic data set shows that iron reduction in these sulfate and sulfide-depleted sediments is best explained by a microbially mediated process-implicating anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to iron reduction (Fe-AOM) as the most likely major mechanism. Although important in many modern marine environments, iron-driven AOM may not consume similar amounts of methane compared with sulfate-dependent AOM. Nevertheless, it may have broad impact on the deep biosphere and dominate both iron and methane cycling in sulfate-lean marine settings. Fe-AOM might have been particularly relevant in the Archean ocean, >2.5 billion years ago, known for its production and accumulation of iron oxides (in iron formations) in a biosphere likely replete with methane but low in sulfate. Methane at that time was a critical greenhouse gas capable of sustaining a habitable climate under relatively low solar luminosity, and relationships to iron cycling may have impacted if not dominated methane loss from the biosphere.


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Grain-size records of the terrigenous and calcareous silt fraction, preservation of planktic foraminifera, and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope data (delta13C, delta18O values of C. wuellerstorfi) at ODP Site 927 on the Ceará Rise (5°27.7'N, 44°28.8'W), are used to reconstruct variations in the history of bottom current strength, ventilation, and carbonate corrosiveness of deep waters during the time interval from 0.8 to 0.3 Ma. Glacial periods are characterized by generally smaller mean sizes of the terrigenous sortable silt fraction (mean(SS)), lower delta13C values, and poorer preservation of planktic foraminifera compared to interglacials. This indicates lower bottom current speeds, larger nutrient contents and more corrosive deep water. By contrast, larger mean(SS) sizes, higher delta13C values, and well preserved planktic foraminifera indicate strong circulation and a well ventilated deep-water mass during interglacials. The observed changes are most likely related to the weakening and strengthening of circulation of Lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW). Cross-spectral analysis between the mean(SS) and benthic delta18O records reveals that minima in mean(SS) occur about 7.6 k.y. after the maximum in ice volume. This indicates a considerable lag time between ice-shield induced changes in LNADW production and subsequent changes in the velocity of LNADW flow in the western equatorial Atlantic. Striking changes in bottom current speed occur regularly during glacial to interglacial transitions. Extremely fine mean(SS) minima point to an almost complete shutdown of bottom current vigor in response to a cessation of LNADW production caused by an enhanced melt water release during the initial phases of deglaciation. However, each of the fine minima extremes is followed by a rapid shift to very high mean(SS) values that indicate strong bottom currents, and hence, vigorous LNADW flow during the early interglacials. After the onset of glacial Stage 12, generally poorer carbonate preservation and higher variability is registered. This coincides with a global decrease in carbonate preservation during the mid-Brunhes (mid-Brunhes dissolution event). Detailed grain-size analysis of the calcareous fine fraction (<63 µm) revealed a considerable reduction of particles in the fraction from 7 to 63 µm during periods of enhanced dissolution. This indicates a preferential dissolution of larger planktic foraminiferal fragments which leads to an enrichment of coccoliths in the calcareous fine fraction.