5 resultados para multivariate data analysis.

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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This study subdivides the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, into seafloor regions using multivariate statistical methods. These regions are categories used for comparing, contrasting and quantifying biogeochemical processes and biodiversity between ocean regions geographically but also regions under development within the scope of global change. The division obtained is characterized by the dominating components and interpreted in terms of ruling environmental conditions. The analysis uses 28 environmental variables for the sea surface, 25 variables for the seabed and 9 variables for the analysis between surface and bottom variables. The data were taken during the years 1983-2013. Some data were interpolated. The statistical errors of several interpolation methods (e.g. IDW, Indicator, Ordinary and Co-Kriging) with changing settings have been compared for the identification of the most reasonable method. The multivariate mathematical procedures used are regionalized classification via k means cluster analysis, canonical-correlation analysis and multidimensional scaling. Canonical-correlation analysis identifies the influencing factors in the different parts of the cove. Several methods for the identification of the optimum number of clusters have been tested. For the seabed 8 and 12 clusters were identified as reasonable numbers for clustering the Weddell Sea. For the sea surface the numbers 8 and 13 and for the top/bottom analysis 8 and 3 were identified, respectively. Additionally, the results of 20 clusters are presented for the three alternatives offering the first small scale environmental regionalization of the Weddell Sea. Especially the results of 12 clusters identify marine-influenced regions which can be clearly separated from those determined by the geological catchment area and the ones dominated by river discharge.


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Multivariate statistical analysis on the kaolinite/chlorite ratios from 20 South Atlantic sediment cores allowed for the extraction of two processes controlling the fluctuations of the kaolinite/chlorite ratio during the last 130,000 yrs, (1) the relative strength of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) inflow into the South Atlantic Ocean and (2) the influx of aeolian sediments from the south African continent. The NADW fluctuation can be traced in the entire deep South Atlantic while the dust signal is restricted to the vicinity of South Africa. Our data indicate that NADW formation underwent significant changes in response to glacial/interglacial climate changes with enhanced export to the Southern Hemisphere during interglacials. The most pronounced phases with Enhanced South African Dust Export (ESADE) occurred during cold Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5d and across the Late Glacial/Holocene transition from 16 ka to 4 ka (MIS 2 to 1). This particular pattern is attributed to the interaction of Antarctic Sea Ice extent, the position of the westerlies and the South African monsoon system.


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The reduction in sea ice along the SE Greenland coast during the last century has severely impacted ice-rafting to this area. In order to reconstruct ice-rafting and oceanographic conditions in the area of Denmark Strait during the last ~150 years, we conducted a multiproxy study on three short (20 cm) sediment cores from outer Kangerdlugssuaq Trough (~300 m water depth). The proxy-based data obtained have been compared with historical and instrumental data to gain a better understanding of the ice sheet-ocean interactions in the area. A robust chronology has been developed based on 210Pb and 137Cs measurements on core PO175GKC#9 (~66.2°N, 32°W) and expanded to the two adjacent cores based on correlations between calcite weight percent records. Our proxy records include sea-ice and phytoplankton biomarkers, and a variety of mineralogical determinations based on the <2 mm sediment fraction, including identification with quantitative x-ray diffraction, ice-rafted debris counts on the 63-150 µm sand fraction, and source identifications based on the composition of Fe oxides in the 45-250 µm fraction. A multivariate statistical analysis indicated significant correlations between our proxy records and historical data, especially with the mean annual temperature data from Stykkishólmur (Iceland) and the storis index (historical observations of sea-ice export via the East Greenland Current). In particular, the biological proxies (calcite weight percent, IP25, and total organic carbon %) showed significant linkage with the storis index. Our records show two distinct intervals in the recent history of the SE Greenland coast. The first of these (ad 1850-1910) shows predominantly perennial sea-ice conditions in the area, while the second (ad 1910-1990) shows more seasonally open water conditions.


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Sites 1085, 1086 and 1087 were drilled off South Africa during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 175 to investigate the Benguela Current System. While previous studies have focused on reconstructing the Neogene palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic history of these sites, palynology has been largely ignored, except for the Late Pliocene and Quaternary. This study presents palynological data from the upper Middle Miocene to lower Upper Pliocene sediments in Holes 1085A, 1086A and 1087C that provide complementary information about the history of the area. Abundant and diverse marine palynomorphs (mainly dinoflagellate cysts), rare spores and pollen, and dispersed organic matter have been recovered. Multivariate statistical analysis of dispersed organic matter identified three palynofacies assemblages (A, B, C) in the most continuous hole (1085A), and they were defined primarily by amorphous organic matter (AOM), and to a lesser extent black debris, structured phytoclasts, degraded phytoclasts, and marine palynomorphs. Ecostratigraphic interpretation based on dinoflagellate cyst, spore-pollen and palynofacies data allowed us to identify several palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic signals. First, the late Middle Miocene was subtropical, and sediments contained the highest percentages of land-derived organic matter, even though they are rich in AOM (palynofacies assemblage A). Second, the Late Miocene was cool-temperate and characterized by periods of intensified upwelling, increase in productivity, abundant and diverse oceanic dinoflagellate cysts, and the highest percentages of AOM (palynofacies assemblage C). Third, the Early to early Late Pliocene was warm-temperate with some dry intervals (increase in grass pollen) and intensified upwelling. Fourth, the Neogene "carbonate crash" identified in other southern oceans was recognized in two palynofacies A samples in Hole 1085A that are nearly barren of dinoflagellate cysts: one Middle Miocene sample (590 mbsf, 13.62 Ma) and one Upper Miocene sample (355 mbsf, 6.5 Ma). Finally, the extremely low percentages of pollen suggest sparse vegetation on the adjacent landmass, and Namib desert conditions were already in existence during the late Middle Miocene.


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The Global Ocean Sampling (GOS) expedition is currently the largest and geographically most comprehensive metagenomic dataset, including samples from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. This study makes use of the wide range of environmental conditions and habitats encompassed within the GOS sites in order to investigate the ecological structuring of bacterial and archaeal taxon ranks. Community structures based on taxonomically classified 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments at phylum, class, order, family, and genus rank levels were examined using multivariate statistical analysis, and the results were inspected in the context of oceanographic environmental variables and structured habitat classifications. At all taxon rank levels, community structures of neritic, oceanic, estuarine biomes, as well as other exotic biomes (salt marsh, lake, mangrove), were readily distinguishable from each other. A strong structuring of the communities with chlorophyll a concentration and a weaker yet significant structuring with temperature and salinity were observed. Furthermore, there were significant correlations between community structures and habitat classification. These results were used for further investigation of one-to-one relationships between taxa and environment and provided indications for ecological preferences shaped by primary production for both cultured and uncultured bacterial and archaeal clades.