11 resultados para multiple discriminant analysis (MDA)

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Seasonal dynamics in the activity of Arctic shelf benthos have been the subject of few local studies, and the pronounced among-site variability characterizing their results makes it difficult to upscale and generalize their conclusions. In a regional study encompassing five sites at 100-595 m water depth in the southeastern Beaufort Sea, we found that total pigment concentrations in surficial sediments, used as proxies of general food supply to the benthos, rose significantly after the transition from ice-covered conditions in spring (March-June 2008) to open-water conditions in summer (June-August 2008), whereas sediment Chl a concentrations, typical markers of fresh food input, did not. Macrobenthic biomass (including agglutinated foraminifera >500 µm) varied significantly among sites (1.2-6.4 g C/m**2 in spring, 1.1-12.6 g C/m**2 in summer), whereas a general spring-to-summer increase was not detected. Benthic carbon remineralisation also ranged significantly among sites (11.9-33.2 mg C/m**2/day in spring, 11.6-44.4 mg C/m**2/day in summer) and did in addition exhibit a general significant increase from spring-to-summer. Multiple regression analysis suggests that in both spring and summer, sediment Chl a concentration is the prime determinant of benthic carbon remineralisation, but other factors have a significant secondary influence, such as foraminiferan biomass (negative in both seasons), water depth (in spring) and infaunal biomass (in summer). Our findings indicate the importance of the combined and dynamic effects of food supply and benthic community patterns on the carbon remineralisation of the polar shelf benthos in seasonally ice-covered seas.


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At the NW-slope of Eckernforder Bay (Western Baltic) between 14 and 21 m water depth 7 sand cores were taken with a vibrocorer. The cores were between 85 and 250 cm long. The sand was analysed for grain size distribution, proportions of organic carbon and carbonate, and contents of microfossils. The radiometric age and stable carbon isotope ratios were determined on organic material from 14 sample. With regard to benthic foraminifera and other microorganisms four different types of depositional conditions could be distinguished: Types 1 and 2: two types of offshore sand areas. Type 3: lagoon and nearshore. Type 4: subaerial or limnic. Using sedimentological and geochemical parameters two formation areas could be distinguished with the aid of a discriminant analysis: offshore (types 1 and 2) and nearshore (types 3 and 4). A juxtaposition of core sections indicated two distinct profiles. Their ages fit into the picture of the assumed postglacial sea-level rise. The lagoon- and nearshore sands are interpreted as the result of sea-level stagnation at 17-18 m below present sea-level. The accumulation rates of the sand in the offshore areas are, with a maximum of 0.15 mm/yr., an order of magnitude smaller than in the mud areas, located several hundred metres away.


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Data on distribution of zoobenthos in the Kemskaya Guba (or Kemskaya Bay - the estuary of the Kem' River entering the Onega Bay of the White Sea), which is strongly influenced by river runoff, are presented. The number of species at sampling stations varied from 4 to 65. Density of communities and zoobenthos biomass varied from 342±68 to 4293±96 #/m**2 and from 0.418±0.081 to 1975.22±494.36 g/m**2, respectively. Shannon index values varied between 1.19 to 4.7 bit/ind. At the upper part of the estuary, detritivores dominated, while in the central part and at outlets sestonophages prevailed. Changes in quantitative parameters of the zoobenthos along gradient of water salinity were traced, and relations of these parameters with seven other environmental factors were revealed. It was found that species composition, biodiversity, and trophic structure of the zoobenthos significantly correlated with some of parameters mentioned above. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess combined effect of factors, and it revealed which of them played a determining role in Kemskaya Guba: for species composition - depth, water color, and total concentration of suspended matter; for number of species - contents of <0.01 mm grain size (pelite) fraction and organic carbon in bottom sediments. Biomass depended on water salinity, water chromaticity, and organic carbon contents in bottom sediments and suspended matter. Values of the Shannon index of diversity are determined by water color, and contents of organic carbon and pelite fraction in bottom sediments. Calculations of ecological stress values revealed two zones with unstable state of the zoobenthos.


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Beryllium 10 concentrations (10Becon) were measured at annual resolution from varved sediment cores of Lakes Tiefer See (TSK) and Czechowskie (JC) for the period 1983-2009 (~solar cycles 22 and 23). Calibrating the 10Becon time-series against complementing proxy records from the same archive as well as local precipitation and neutron monitor data, reflecting solar forced changes in atmospheric radionuclide production, allowed (i) identifying the main depositional processes and (ii) evaluating the potential for solar activity reconstruction. 10Becon in TSK and JC sediments are significantly correlated to varying neutron monitor counts (TSK: r=0.5, p=0.05, n=16; JC: r=0.46, p=0.03, n=22). However, the further correlations with changes in organic carbon contents in TSK as well as varying organic carbon and detrital matter contents in JC point to catchment specific biases in the 10Becon time-series. In an attempt to correct for these biases multiple regression analysis was applied to extract an atmospheric 10Be production signal (10Be atmosphere). To increase the signal to noise ratio a 10Be composite record (10Be composite) was calculated from the TSK and JC 10Be atmosphere time-series. 10Becomposite is significantly correlated to variations in the neutron monitor record (r=0.49, p=0.01, n=27) and matches the expected amplitude changes in 10Be production between solar cycle minima and maxima. This calibration study on 10Be from two sites indicates the large potential but also, partly site-specific, limitations of 10Be in varved lake sediments for solar activity reconstruction.


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Kelp forests represent a major habitat type in coastal waters worldwide and their structure and distribution is predicted to change due to global warming. Despite their ecological and economical importance, there is still a lack of reliable spatial information on their abundance and distribution. In recent years, various hydroacoustic mapping techniques for sublittoral environments evolved. However, in turbid coastal waters, such as off the island of Helgoland (Germany, North Sea), the kelp vegetation is present in shallow water depths normally excluded from hydroacoustic surveys. In this study, single beam survey data consisting of the two seafloor parameters roughness and hardness were obtained with RoxAnn from water depth between 2 and 18 m. Our primary aim was to reliably detect the kelp forest habitat with different densities and distinguish it from other vegetated zones. Five habitat classes were identified using underwater-video and were applied for classification of acoustic signatures. Subsequently, spatial prediction maps were produced via two classification approaches: Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and manual classification routine (MC). LDA was able to distinguish dense kelp forest from other habitats (i.e. mixed seaweed vegetation, sand, and barren bedrock), but no variances in kelp density. In contrast, MC also provided information on medium dense kelp distribution which is characterized by intermediate roughness and hardness values evoked by reduced kelp abundances. The prediction maps reach accordance levels of 62% (LDA) and 68% (MC). The presence of vegetation (kelp and mixed seaweed vegetation) was determined with higher prediction abilities of 75% (LDA) and 76% (MC). Since the different habitat classes reveal acoustic signatures that strongly overlap, the manual classification method was more appropriate for separating different kelp forest densities and low-lying vegetation. It became evident that the occurrence of kelp in this area is not simply linked to water depth. Moreover, this study shows that the two seafloor parameters collected with RoxAnn are suitable indicators for the discrimination of different densely vegetated seafloor habitats in shallow environments.


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The recent development of in-situ monitoring devices, such as UV-spectrometers, makes the study of short-term stream chemistry variation relevant, especially the study of diurnal cycles, which are not yet fully understood. Our study is based on high-frequency data from an agricultural catchment (Studienlandschaft Schwingbachtal, Germany). We propose a novel approach, i.e. the combination of cluster analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis, to mine from these data nitrate behavior patterns. As a result, we observe a seasonality of nitrate diurnal cycles, that differs from the most common cycle seasonality described in the literature, i.e. pre-dawn peaks in spring. Our cycles appear in summer and the maximum and minimum shift to a later time in late summer/autumn. This is observed both for water- and energy-limited years, thus potentially stressing the role of evapotranspiration. This concluding hypothesis on the role of evapotranspiration on nitrate stream concentration, which was obtained through data mining, broadens the perspective on the diurnal cycling of stream nitrate concentrations.


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In order to reconstruct past variations in the aeolian dust (Kosa) contribution to the Japan Sea, and to establish a direct link between terrestrial and marine climatic records, we have applied statistical procedures to distinguish and quantify detrital subcomponents within the detrital fraction of the late Quaternary hemipelagic sediments in the Japan Sea. Q-mode factor analysis with varimax and oblique rotation of the factors followed by multiple-regression analysis between mineral composition and factor loadings was conducted using six ''detrital'' elements. Four detrital subcomponents were defined, which are attributed to Kosa derived from ''typical'' loess, Kosa from ''weathered'' loess, and fine and coarse arc-derived detritus, respectively, based on comparisons with the chemical and mineral compositions of probable source materials. Using these detrital subcomponents, the variation in Kosa fraction was reconstructed for the last 200 ky. The results reveal millennial-scale as well as glacial-interglacial scale variations in Kosa contribution. Especially, millennial-scale variability of Kosa contribution suggests the presence of high frequency variation in summer monsoon precipitation in the central to east Asia during the last 200 ky.


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Planktonic foraminifera are used to identify late Pliocene-Quaternary near surface water masses on the northeastern flank of Chatham Rise by comparison with faunas in core-tops east of New Zealand. In an overview study, distance measures, ordinations, and discriminant analysis are applied to 32 faunas from Site 1123B to identify similar faunas among 35 core-tops between 35 and 61°S east of New Zealand. Many Site 1123B faunas in the 2.72 myr interval sampled compare with those in core-tops on the northern side of Chatham Rise from a similar latitude, and are identified as transitional zone assemblages now associated with the subtropical gyre. This result is consistent with studies of late Quaternary planktonic foraminifera from this region and suggests that, typically, the Subtropical Front was locked to Chatham Rise through glacial and interglacial periods, at least back to the late Pliocene. However, a fauna at ca. 1.17 Ma compares with subpolar assemblages in core-tops between 44 and 48°S and identifies cooler surface water. Expectedly, closer sampling may reveal additional periods when southern water moved over the northeastern flank of Chatham Rise. Although the dominance of Globorotalia inflata, a species typical of the southern margin of subtropical gyres, is a principal feature of Site 1123B faunas, in a minority it is replaced as the most abundant species by dextral populations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, particularly about the time of the middle Pleistocene transition. Close analogues of these variant transitional assemblages are not present in core-tops about Chatham Rise but sediment trap and coretop data from other regions suggest that they identify high fertility in the mixed layer associated with upwelling or mixing of water masses. The proportion of sinistrally coiled Neogloboquadrina pachyderma rises to ca. 0.6 between ca. 2.45 and 2.57 Ma, soon after the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Although the coiling data indicate subantarctic near surface water, the species remains rare. As the faunas retain their transitional zone character, only minor entrainment of subantarctic water may have occurred.