8 resultados para methods: analytical

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The main objective of this investigation was to study distribution of main chemical constituents and several minor elements in sediment sections drilled during DSDP Legs 56 and 57 in the Japan Trench, in order to infer geochemical features of different lithologic types of sediments, and to find out how the geochemistry is associated with major lithologic constituents, such as terrigenous detrital matter, clay, volcanic ash, and biogenic particles. The geochemical data may help to indicate the nature of the sediments and to interpret sedimentation processes. The analyzed samples seem to be representative of most lithologic units, sub-units, and sediment types drilled at all sites on both legs, except for some shallow-water deposits at Sites 438 and 439. We analyzed bulk-sediment composition by X-ray fluorescence (Kuzmina and Turanskaya) and routine wet-chemical methods (Mikhailov); amorphous SiO2, extracted in a boiling sodium carbonate solution (Analythical Laboratory, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology); Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Al by atomic absorption (Gordeev); and Sn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, B, and Ag by quantitative spectrographic analyses in both bulk samples and granulometric fractions (Mikhailov). In addition, Fe, Ti, Mn, and CaCO3 have been determined in selected samples by routine wet-chemical methods (Analytical Laboratory, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology). Murdmaa was responsible for interpretation of the results.


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This study investigates the landscape evolution and soil development in the loess area near Regensburg between approximately 6000-2000 yr BP (radiocarbon years), Eastern Bavaria. The focus is on the question how man and climate influenced landscape evolution and what their relative significance was. The theoretical background concerning the factors that controlled prehistoric soil erosion in Middle Europe is summarized with respect to rainfall intensity and distribution, pedogenesis, Pleistocene relief, and prehistoric farming. Colluvial deposits , flood loams, and soils were studied at ten different and representative sites that served as archives of their respective palaeoenvironments. Geomorphological, sedimentological, and pedological methods were applied. According to the findings presented here, there was a high asynchronity of landscape evolution in the investigation area, which was due to prehistoric land-use patterns. Prehistoric land use and settlement caused highly difIerenciated phases of morphodynamic activity and stability in time and space. These are documented at the single catenas ofeach site. In general, Pleistocene relief was substantially lowered. At the same time smaller landforms such as dells and minor asymmetric valleys filled up and strongly transformed. However, there were short phases at many sites, forming short lived linear erosion features ('Runsen'), resulting from exceptional rainfalls. These forms are results of single events without showing regional trends. Generally, the onset of the sedimentation of colluvial deposits took place much earlier (usually 3500 yr BP (radiocarbon) and younger) than the formation of flood loams. Thus, the deposition of flood loams in the Kleine Laaber river valley started mainly as a consequence of iron age farming only at around 2500 yr BP (radiocarbon). A cascade system explains the different ages of colluvial deposits and flood loams: as a result of prehistoric land use, dells and other minor Pleistocene landforms were filled with colluvial sediments. After the filling of these primary sediment traps , eroded material was transported into flood plains, thus forming flood loams. But at the moment we cannot quantify the extent ofprehistoric soil erosion in the investigation area. The three factors that controlled the prehistoric Iandscapc evolution in the Ioess area near Regensburg are as follows: 1. The transformation from a natural to a prehistoric cultural landscape was the most important factor: A landscape with stable relief was changed into a highly morphodynamic one with soil erosion as the dominant process of this change. 2. The sediment traps of the pre-anthropogenic relief determined where the material originated from soil erosion was deposited: either sedimentation took place on the slopes or the filled sediment traps of the slopes rendered flood loam formation possible. Climatic influence of any importance can only be documented as the result of land use in connection with singular and/or statistic events of heavy rainfalls. Without human impact, no significant change in the Holocene landscape would have been possible.


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CHIM method involves extracting metal ions of electromobile forms in either anodes or cathodes, facilitated by a man-made electric field. This paper presents two newly developed CHIM alternatives that are electrified by a low voltage dipole. The firstly improved technique enables cationic ions to be extracted in a single cathode, whereas the secondly improved technique allows both anionic and cationic species to be extracted simultaneously in an anode and in a cathode. Compared with the traditional CHIM methods, the innovative techniques developed in this paper are characterized by simple instrumentation, low cost and easy operation in field, and in particular enables simultaneous extraction of anionic and cationic species of elements, from which more information can be derived with higher extraction efficiency. Field tests at several well-known mine areas in China confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the new techniques in exploring for deeply buried ore bodies.


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On the base of data on benthic foraminifera and sediment biogeochemistry (contents of total organic carbon, calcium carbonate and biogenic opal) in two cores (1265 and 1312 m water depth) from the southeastern Sakhalin slope and one core (839 m water depth) from the southwestern Kamchatka slope variations of the oxygen minimum zone during the last 50 ka in the Okhotsk Sea are reconstructed. The oxygen minimum zone was less pronounced during cooling in the MIS 2 that is suggested to be caused by maximal expansion of the sea ice cover, decrease of marine productivity and increase of production of oxygenated Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water (OSIW). Two-step-like strengthening of oxygen minimum zone during warmings in the Terminations 1a and 1b was combined with (1) enhanced oxygen consumption due to decomposition of large amount of organic matter in the water column and bottom sediments due to increased marine productivity and supply of terrigenous material from submerged northern shelves; (2) sea ice cover retreat and reduction of OSIW production; (3) freely inflow of the oxygen-depleted intermediate water mass from the North Pacific.


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We are writing to comment on the work of Tamburini et al. (2003, doi:10.1029/2000PA000616). During the course of subsequent discussions between the authors and ourselves, it has become clear that the published sedimentary nitrogen isotopic values for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 724 are in error. Our reanalysis of sediment samples from the same intervals has revealed a significant offset from the original d15N data, requiring a revised assessment of their initial interpretation. The purposes of this comment are to (1) address the origin of these errors; (2) outline a protocol for future validation of nitrogen isotopic analyses; and (3) provide revised interpretations of the sedimentary d15N data in terms of the regional relative contributions of denitrification and nitrogen fixation and mean state of the southwest monsoon. (2) Nitrogen isotopic values measured on late Quaternary sediments at Arabian Sea ODP Site 724 by Tamburini et al. (2003, doi:10.1029/2000PA000616) are inexplicably different from a number of published records of d15N from very nearby on the Oman margin (Altabet et al., 1995, doi:10.1038/373506a0; 1999, doi:10.1029/1999PA900035; 2002, doi:10.1038/415159a; Higginson et al., 2004, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.03.015) and elsewhere in the Arabian Sea (Reichart et al., 1998, doi:10.1029/98PA02203). These data were generated using similar instrumentation (elemental analyzer coupled with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer) and analytical methodology to those already published. Concerned by this clear discrepancy, we analyzed aliquots of sediment from the same depth intervals for nitrogen abundance and bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotopes. We have been unable to duplicate the values published by Tamburini et al. (2003, doi:10.1029/2000PA000616 ), even after analysis of multiple replicates and due consideration of natural sediment heterogeneities and postrecovery sample storage.


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Amino acid-based geochronological analyses were carried out on fossil mollusc shell and foraminifera from Unit 3.1, Cape Roberts Project core CRP-1. Ratios of D-alloIsoleucine to L-Isoleucine (D/L) were measured from 19 fossil samples using cation exchange High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods. Preliminary interpretation of these results suggest that Unit 3.1 contains carbonate fossils having multiple ages. The interpreted ages have a bimodal distribution between ~220 Ka (Quaternary) and ~2.4 Ma (Pliocene). However, these results lack a comprehensive regional and taxonomic context for amino acid studies in Antarctica and therefore should be regarded as preliminary age estimates of fossil shell ages.