123 resultados para lithosphere
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
IODP Hole U1309D (Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N) is the second deepest hole drilled into slow spread gabbroic lithosphere. It comprises 5.4% of olivine-rich troctolites (~ > 70% olivine), possibly the most primitive gabbroic rocks ever drilled at mid-ocean ridges. We present the result of an in situ trace element study carried out on a series of olivine-rich troctolites, and neighbouring troctolites and gabbros, from olivine-rich intervals in Hole U1309D. Olivine-rich troctolites display poikilitic textures; coarse-grained subhedral to medium-grained rounded olivine crystals are included into large undeformed clinopyroxene and plagioclase poikiloblasts. In contrast, gabbros and troctolites have irregularly seriate textures, with highly variable grain sizes, and locally poikilitic clinopyroxene oikocrysts in troctolites. Clinopyroxene is high Mg# augite (Mg# 87 in olivine-rich troctolites to 82 in gabbros), and plagioclase has anorthite contents ranging from 77 in olivine-rich troctolites to 68 in gabbros. Olivine has high forsterite contents (82-88 in olivine-rich troctolites, to 78-83 in gabbros) and is in Mg-Fe equilibrium with clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene cores and plagioclase are depleted in trace elements (e.g., Ybcpx ~ 5-11 * Chondrite), they are in equilibrium with the same MORB-type melt in all studied rock-types. These compositions are not consistent with the progressively more trace element enriched (evolved) compositions expected from olivine rich primitive products to gabbros in a MORB cumulate sequence. They indicate that clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized concurrently, after melts having the same trace element composition, consistent with crystallization in an open system with a buffered magma composition. The slight trace element enrichments and lower Cr contents observed in clinopyroxene rims and interstitial grains results from crystallization of late-stage differentiated melts, probably indicating the closure of the magmatic system. In contrast to clinopyroxene and plagioclase, olivine is not in equilibrium with MORB, but with a highly fractionated depleted melt, similar to that in equilibrium with refractory oceanic peridotites, thus possibly indicating a mantle origin. In addition, textural relationships suggest that olivine was in part assimilated by the basaltic melts after which clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized (impregnation). These observations suggest a complex crystallization history in an open system involving impregnation by MORB-type melt(s) of an olivine-rich rock or mush. The documented magmatic processes suggest that olivine-rich troctolites were formed in a zone with large magmatic transfer and accumulation, similar to the mantle-crust transition zone documented in ophiolites and at fast spreading ridges.
Bottom morphology of the Jan Mayen transform fracture zone and rock chemistry data show that petrological and chemical specific features of igneous rocks can result from higher permeability of the transform fracture zone and deeper penetration of ocean water into the lithosphere in comparison with rift zones of the Kolbeinsey and Mohn's mid-ocean ridges. Age of alkaline magmatism of the Jan Mayen fracture zone is similar to that of rift zones due to palingenesis of metamorphosed and hydrated mantle and crustal rocks.
Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are reported for basaltic rocks collected during ODP Leg 127 from the Yamato Basin, a rifted backarc basin in the Japan Sea. The basalts are classified into two groups in terms of Nd isotopic composition: the upper sills at Site 797 are characterized by higher 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.513083-0.513158, epsilon-Nd = 8.68-10.14) and the basalts from Site 794 and the lower sills at Site 797 have lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.512684-0.512862, epsilon-Nd = 0.90-4.37). All of the basalts show higher Sr isotopic compositions than those of the mantle array, which is attributed to seawater alteration. The basalts with lower Nd isotopic values ranging in age from 20.6 to 17.3 Ma have tapped an enriched subcontinental upper mantle (SCUM) with the minor involvement of a depleted asthenospheric mantle (AM). Subsequent change in composition through the physical replacement of SCUM by AM yielded the basalts of the upper sills of higher Nd isotopic compositions. This event within the upper mantle was associated with the breakup of the overlying lithosphere during the rifting of the Japan Sea backarc basin.
A limiting factor in the accuracy and precision of U/Pb zircon dates is accurate correction for initial disequilibrium in the 238U and 235U decay chains. The longest-lived-and therefore most abundant-intermediate daughter product in the 235U isotopic decay chain is 231Pa (T1/2 = 32.71 ka), and the partitioning behavior of Pa in zircon is not well constrained. Here we report high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-Pb zircon data from two samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, which show evidence for incorporation of excess 231Pa during zircon crystallization. The most precise analyses from the two samples have consistent Th-corrected 206Pb/238U dates with weighted means of 11.9325 ± 0.0039 Ma (n = 9) and 11.920 ± 0.011 Ma (n = 4), but distinctly older 207Pb/235U dates that vary from 12.330 ± 0.048 Ma to 12.140 ± 0.044 Ma and 12.03 ± 0.24 to 12.40 ± 0.27 Ma, respectively. If the excess 207Pb is due to variable initial excess 231Pa, calculated initial (231Pa)/(235U) activity ratios for the two samples range from 5.6 ± 1.0 to 9.6 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 5.2 to 11.4 ± 5.8. The data from the more precisely dated sample yields estimated DPazircon/DUzircon from 2.2-3.8 and 5.6-9.6, assuming (231Pa)/(235U) of the melt equal to the global average of recently erupted mid-ocean ridge basaltic glasses or secular equilibrium, respectively. High precision ID-TIMS analyses from nine additional samples from Hole 735B and nearby Hole 1105A suggest similar partitioning. The lower range of DPazircon/DUzircon is consistent with ion microprobe measurements of 231Pa in zircons from Holocene and Pleistocene rhyolitic eruptions (Schmitt (2007; doi:10.2138/am.2007.2449) and Schmitt (2011; doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133330)). The data suggest that 231Pa is preferentially incorporated during zircon crystallization over a range of magmatic compositions, and excess initial 231Pa may be more common in zircons than acknowledged. The degree of initial disequilibrium in the 235U decay chain suggested by the data from this study, and other recent high precision datasets, leads to resolvable discordance in high precision dates of Cenozoic to Mesozoic zircons. Minor discordance in zircons of this age may therefore reflect initial excess 231Pa and does not require either inheritance or Pb loss.
Widespread Lower Cretaceous magmatism occurred along the Indian-Australian/Antarctic margins, and in the juvenile Indian Ocean, during the rifting of eastern Gondwana. The formation of this magmatic province probably began around 120-130 Ma with the eruption of basalts on the Naturaliste Plateau and at Bunbury, western Australia. On the northeast margin of India, activity began around 117 Ma with the Rajmahal continental basalts and associated lamprophyre intrusions. The formation of the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean began no later than 114 Ma. Ultramafic lamprophyres (alnoites) were emplaced in the Prince Charles Mountains near the Antarctic continental margin at ~ 110 Ma. These events are considered to be related to a major mantle plume, the remnant of which is situated beneath the region of Kerguelen and Heard islands at the present day. Geochemical data are presented for each of these volcanic suites and are indicative of complex interactions between asthenosphere-derived magmas and the continental lithosphere. Kerguelen Plateau basalts have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions lying outside the field for Indian Ocean mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) but, with the exception of Site 738 at the southern end of the plateau, within the range of more recent hotspot basalts from Kerguelen and Heard Islands. However, a number of the plateau tholeiites are characterized by lower 206Pb/204Pb ratios than are basalts from Kerguelen Island, and many also have anomalously high La/Nb ratios. These features suggest that the source of the Kerguelen Plateau basalts suffered contamination by components derived from the Gondwana continental lithosphere. An extreme expression of this lithospheric signature is shown by a tholeiite from Site 738, suggesting that the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau may be underlain by continental crust. The Rajmahal tholeiites mostly fall into two distinct geochemical groups. Some Group I tholeiites have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and incompatible element abundances, similar to Kerguelen Plateau tholeiites from Sites 749 and 750, indicating that the Kerguelen-Heard mantle plume may have directly furnished Rajmahal volcanism. However, their elevated 207Pb/204Pb ratios indicate that these magmas did not totally escape contamination by continental lithosphere. In contrast to the Group I tholeiites, significant contamination is suggested for Group II Rajmahal tholeiites, on the basis of incompatible element abundances and isotopic compositions. The Naturaliste Plateau and the Bunbury Basalt samples show varying degrees of enrichment in incompatible elements over normal MORB. The Naturaliste Plateau samples (and Bunbury Basalt) have high La/Nb ratios, a feature not inconsistent with the notion that the plateau may consist of stretched continental lithosphere, near the ocean-continent divide.
Recycling of oceanic crust into the deep mantle via subduction is a widely accepted mechanism for creating compositional heterogeneity in the upper mantle and for explaining the distinct geochemistry of mantle plumes. The oxygen isotope ratios (d18O) of some ocean island basalts (OIB) span values both above and below that of unmetasomatised upper mantle (5.5 ± 0.4 per mil) and provide support for this hypothesis, as it is widely assumed that most variations in d18O are produced by near-surface low-temperature processes. Here we show a significant linear relationship between d18O and stable iron isotope ratios (d57Fe) in a suite of pristine eclogite xenoliths. The d18O values of both bulk samples and garnets range from values within error of normal mantle to significantly lighter values. The observed range and correlation between d18O and d57Fe is unlikely to be inherited from oceanic crust, as d57Fe values determined for samples of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust do not differ significantly from the mantle value and show no correlation with d18O. It is proposed that the correlated d57Fe and d18O variations in this particular eclogite suite are predominantly related to isotopic fractionation by disequilibrium partial melting although modification by melt percolation processes cannot be ruled out. Fractionation of Fe and O isotopes by removal of partial melt enriched in isotopically heavy Fe and O is supported by negative correlations between bulk sample d57Fe and Cr content and bulk sample and garnet d18O and Sc contents, as Cr and Sc are elements that become enriched in garnet- and pyroxene-bearing melt residues. Melt extraction could take place either during subduction, where the eclogites represent the residues of melted oceanic lithosphere, or could take place during long-term residence within the lithospheric mantle, in which case the protoliths of the eclogites could be of either crustal or mantle origin. This modification of both d57Fe and d18O by melting processes and specifically the production of low-d18O signatures in mafic rocks implies that some of the isotopically light d18O values observed in OIB and eclogite xenoliths may not necessarily reflect near-surface processes or components.
Ultrabasic rock samples collected from two areas of the crustal zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR): (1) 13-17°N (near the intersection of the ridge axis with the 15°20'N prime fracture zone), and (2) 33°40'N prime (the western intersection of the MAR crest with the Heis fracture zone) were objects of this study. Samples of peridotite and of plutonic and volcanic rocks associated with it were used to measure their Sm/Nd, 143Nd/144Nd, and 147Sm/144Nd ratios, which allowed to test time and genetic relationships between evolution of mantle material under the ridge crest and products of its magmatic activity. Results of this work proved ubiquitous discrepancy between melting degree values of extremely depleted mantle peridotites in the MAR area between 14°N and 16°N, obtained using petrologic and geochemical methods. This discrepancy suggests large-scale interaction between mantle material and magmatic melts and fluids enriched in incompatible elements or fluids. The results obtained suggest that repeated melting of the mantle under the axial MAR zone is an universal characteristic of magmatism in low-velocity spreading centers. The results of this study also proved the crestal MAR zone in the Central Atlantic region show distinct indications of isotope-geochemical segmentation of the mantle. It is suggested that the geochemically anomalous MAR mantle peridotite in the zone of the MAR intersection with the 15°20'N prime fracture zone can be interpreted as fragments of mantle substrate, foreign for the Atlantic mantle north of the equator.
Abundant serpentinite seamounts are found along the outer high of the Mariana forearc at the top of the inner slope of the trench. One of them, Conical Seamount, was drilled at Sites 778, 779, and 780 during Leg 125. The rocks recovered at Holes 779A and 780C, respectively, on the flanks and at the summit of the seamount, include moderately serpentinized depleted harzburgites and some dunites. These rocks exhibit evidence of resorption of the orthopyroxene, when present, and the local presence of very calcic-rich diopside in veins oblique to the main high-temperature foliation of the rock. The peridotites, initially well-foliated with locally poikiloblastic textures, show overprints of a two-stage deformation history: (1) a high-temperature (>1000°C), low-stress (0.02 GPa), homogeneous deformation that has led to the present Porphyroclastic textures displayed by the rocks and (2) heterogeneous ductile shearing at a much higher stress (0.05 GPa). This heterogeneous shearing probably describes a single tectonic event because it began at high temperatures, producing dynamic recrystallization of olivine in the shear zone, and ended at low temperatures in the stability field of chlorite and serpentine. In a few samples, olivine shows evidence of quasi-hydrostatic recrystallization at a very high temperature. Here, we propose that this recrystallization was related to fluid/magma percolation, a process that can also account for the resorption of the orthopyroxene and for the late crystallization of diopside veins in the rock. The impregnation by fluid or magma, development of the main high-temperature, low-stress deformation, and subsequent migration recrystallization of olivine probably occurred in a mantle fragment involved in the arc formation. In addition, this mantle has preserved structures that may have formed earlier in the oceanic lithosphere upon which the arc formed. Heterogeneous ductile shear zones in the peridotites may have developed during uplift. The "cold" deformation may have taken place during diapiric rise of hot mantle that underwent subsequent serpentinization or gliding along normal faults associated with the extension of the eastern margin of the forearc.
Clasts of metamorphosed mafic igneous rock of diverse composition were recovered in two drill sites on a serpentine mud volcano in the outer Mariana forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125. These clasts are xenolithic fragments that have been entrained in the rising serpentine mud, and make up less that 9% of the total rock recovered at Sites 778 and 779. Most samples are metabasalt or metadiabase, although one clast of possible boninite and one cumulate gabbro were recovered. On the basis of trace element signatures, samples are interpreted to represent both arc-derived and mid-ocean ridge-derived compositions. Rocks with extremely low TiO2 (<0.3 wt%) and Zr (<30 ppm) are similar to boninite series rocks. Samples with low TiO2 (<0.9 wt%) and Zr (<50 ppm) and extreme potassium enrichment (K2O/Na2O >3.9) may represent island arc rocks similar to shoshonites. However, the K2O/Na2O ratios are much higher than those reported for shoshonites from modem or ancient arcs and may be the result of metamorphism. Samples with moderate TiO2 (1.4 to 1.5 wt%) and Zr (72 to 85 ppm) are similar to rocks from mid-ocean ridges. A few samples have TiO2 and Zr intermediate between island arc and mid-ocean ridge basalt-like rocks. Two samples have high iron (Fe2O3* = >12.8 to 18.5 wt%) (Fe2O3* = total iron calculated as Fe2O3) and TiO2 (>2.3 wt%) and resemble FeTi basalt recovered from mid-ocean ridges. Metamorphism in most samples ranges from low-temperature zeolite, typical of ocean floor weathering, to prehnite-pumpellyite facies and perhaps lower greenschist. Blue amphibole and lawsonite minerals are present in several samples. One diabase clast (Sample 9) exhibits Ca enrichment, similar to rodingite metamorphism, typical of mafic blocks in serpentinized masses. The presence of both low-grade (clays and zeolites) and higher grade (lawsonite) metamorphism indicates retrograde processes in these clasts. These clasts are fragments of the forearc crust and possibly of the subducting plate that have been entrained in the rising serpentine and may represent the deepest mafic rocks ever recovered from the Mariana forearc. The variable compositions and degree of metamorphism of these clasts requires at least two tectonic origins. The recovery of clasts with mid-ocean ridge and arc chemical affinities in a single drill hole requires these clasts to have been "mixed" on a small scale either (1) in the forearc crustal sequence, or (2) after inclusion in the rising serpentine mud. The source of the MORB-like samples and an explanation for the presence of both MORB-like and arc-like rocks in close proximity is critical to any model of the evolution of the Mariana forearc. The source of the MORB-like samples likely will be one (or more) of the following: (1) accretion of Pacific plate lithosphere, (2) remnants of original forearc crust (trapped plate), (3) volcanism in the supra-subduction zone (arc or forearc) environment, or (4) derivation from the subducting slab by faulting along the dÈcollement.
The aim of this project was a petrogeochemical study of igneous rocks in the areas of the Mohns and Knipovich Ridges, both being the northern extensions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), using data available for quenching glass samples collected during Cruises 36 and 38 of R/V Akademic Mstislav Keldysh and during Cruise 15 of R/V Professor Logachev. Results of igneous rock studying from the Mohns and Knipovich Ridges at the background of evolution of the total North Atlantic Province, which had been identified earlier from tectonic and geophysical data, showed that igneous rocks of the Knipovich Ridge can be ranked as shallow tholeiites, primary melts of which were relatively rich in Na and Si and poor in Fe. This type of magma is characteristic of colder regions of the oceanic lithosphere. Its occurrence in the Knipovich Ridge and its potential propagation up to the Gakkel Ridge suggest that igneous rocks of this region originated under conditions of passive spreading in contrast to the MAR region in vicinity of Iceland and Azores, where substantial contribution of hotter material of a rising plume contributed to formation of the oceanic crust. The North Atlantic Ocean is the youngest province in terms of ocean-floor opening. Geologically and geophysically it is one of well studied regions of the World Ocean. Nevertheless some basic key items of its origin still remain to be clarified. In 1975 Scatler et al. proved specifics of this region manifested in growth of the gravity field, and also in relative height of the ocean floor in the region of 33-70°N, which was associated by them with rise of the hotter mantle, as compared with common regions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Later this view was confirmed by character of magmatism, which differed in depth of generation and by melting degree of the resulting primary magma. Uniqueness of the North Atlantic region was also proved by the fact that this region was marked by extensive geochemical anomalies associated with Azores, Iceland, and Jan Mayen. All of these data allow to consider the northern part of the MAR (north of 33°N) as an united global geotectonic province. The Mohns and Knipovich Ridges located north of Iceland locate at the northern end of this province. This is the least known region. Therefore, new data for ridge areas of 73-77°N are needed for more complete geologic history of the Arctic Basin. The aim of this study was to carry out a complex comparison of magmatism at the Mohns and Knipovich Ridges with magmatism at large segments of the MAR northern province and to reconstruct mechanisms of primary magma formation, as well as conditions of their fractionation. This paper was based on results of studying quenched glasses, which reflect evolution of melt in the course of its formation.
Trace element analyses (first-series transition elements, Ti, Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Nb, and REE) were carried out on whole rocks and minerals from 10 peridotite samples from both Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc and Torishima Forearc Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc using a combination of XRF, ID-MS, ICP-MS, and ion microprobe. The concentrations of incompatible trace elements are generally low, reflecting the highly residual nature of the peridotites and their low clinopyroxene content (<2%). Chondrite-normalized REE patterns show extreme U shapes with (La/Sm)n ratios in the range of 5.03-250.0 and (Sm/Yb)n ratios in the range of 0.05-0.25; several samples show possible small positive Eu anomalies. LREE enrichment is common to both seamounts, although the peridotites from Conical Seamount have higher (La/Ce)n ratios on extended chondrite-normalized plots, in which both REEs and other trace elements are organized according to their incompatibility with respect to a harzburgitic mantle. Comparison with abyssal peridotite patterns suggests that the LREEs, Rb, Nb, Sr, Sm, and Eu are all enriched in the Leg 125 peridotites, but Ti and the HREEs exhibit no obvious enrichment. The peridotites also give positive anomalies for Zr and Sr relative to their neighboring REEs. Covariation diagrams based on clinopyroxene data show that Ti and the HREEs plot on an extension of an abyssal peridotite trend to more residual compositions. However, the LREEs, Rb, Sr, Sm, and Eu are displaced off this trend toward higher values, suggesting that these elements were introduced during an enrichment event. The axis of dispersion on these plots further suggests that enrichment took place during or after melting and thus was not a characteristic of the lithosphere before subduction. Compared with boninites sampled from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc, the peridotites are significantly more enriched in LREEs. Modeling of the melting process indicates that if they represent the most depleted residues of the melting events that generated forearc boninites they must have experienced subsolidus enrichment in these elements, as well as in Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Sm, and Eu. The lack of any correlation with the degree of serpentinization suggests that low-temperature fluids were not the prime cause of enrichment. The enrichment in the high-field-strength elements also suggests that at least some of this enrichment may have involved melts rather than aqueous fluids. Moreover, the presence of the hydrous minerals magnesio-hornblende and tremolite and the common resorption of orthopyroxene indicate that this high-temperature peridotite-fluid interaction may have taken place in a water-rich environment in the forearc following the melting event that produced the boninites. The peridotites from Leg 125 may therefore contain a record of an important flux of elements into the mantle wedge during the initial formation of forearc lithosphere. Ophiolitic peridotites with these characteristics have not yet been reported, perhaps because the precise equivalents to the serpentinite seamounts have not been analyzed.