7 resultados para immature stage habitats
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Five-hundred ten meters of Cretaceous sediments were drilled north of the Walvis escarpment in Hole 530A during Leg 75. An immature stage of evolution for organic matter can be assigned to all the samples studied. Black shales are interbedded with red and green claystone in the bottom sedimentary unit, Unit 8, which is of Coniacian to late Albian age. The richest organic carbon contents and petroleum potentials occur in the black shales. Detrital organic matter is present throughout the various members of a sequence, mixed with largely oxidized organic matter in the gray and green claystone or marlstone members on both sides. Detrital organic matter also characterizes the black streaks observed in the claystones. Vertical discontinuities in organic matter distribution are assigned to slumping. Several types of black shales can be identified, according to their content of detrital organic matter, the more detrital black levels corresponding to the Albian-Cenomanian period. Cyclic variations of organic matter observed for a sequence can occur for a set of sequences and even for some consecutive sets of sequences. Climatic factors are proposed to account for the cyclic sedimentation and distribution of organic matter for every sequence that includes a black bed.
Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments 435 m thick were drilled at Site 511, in the basin province of the Falkland Plateau, during DSDP Leg 71. The calcareous Unit 3 and the clayey zeolitic Unit 4, both of Senonian age, revealed poorly preserved organic matter indicative of oxidized environments. The same characteristics prevailed for the clayey Unit 5 of Turonian to Albian age. Strictly reducing environments existed for black facies along Unit 6 of earliest Albian to Late Jurassic age and allowed the preservation of a rich organic material that is marine in origin. Besides the transition from reducing conditions in Unit 6 to oxidizing conditions in Unit 5, there are 20 meters of sediments in Cores 56-58 where detrital, nonmarine and then marine organic matter, both implying more or less reducing environments, are interlain by poorly preserved material. In the black shales of the bottom Cores 69 and 70, some nonmarine detritus is mixed with the predominantly marine organic material. An immature stage of evolution can be assigned to all of the samples studied. The chapter also undertakes a comparison with contemporaneous lithologies at adjacent Sites 327 and 330 and attempts some reconstruction of the geography of the eastern Falkland Plateau during the Mesozoic.
A 15-meter sequence of early Aptian organic-matter-rich sediments, cored at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 (western Mid-Pacific Mountains) has been submitted for detailed mineralogical studies (XRD, SEM) and organiccarbon characterization. Although intense diagenesis has obscured the sedimentary record of depositional conditions, the history has been tentatively reconstructed. Through sustained volcanic activity and alteration processes on the archipelago, large amounts of silica were released into the sea water, resulting in a "bloom" of radiolarians. Hard parts settled in large amounts, yielding a hypersiliceous sediment; amorphous silica was diagenetically transformed into chalcedony, opal-CT and clinoptilolite through dissolution and recrystallization. Oxidization of part of the radiolarian soft parts (1) depleted the sea water in dissolved oxygen, allowing the burial of organic matter, and (2) generated carbon dioxide which led to dissolution of most of the calcareous tests. Moderate depositional depth and a high sedimentation rate are though to have prevailed during this episode. An immature stage of evolution is assigned to the studied organic matter, which is of two origins: autochthonous marine material, and allochthonous humic compounds and plant debris. Rhythmic sedimentation characterizes the distribution of the organic matter; each sequence shows (1) an upward progressive increase in organic-carbon content, and (2) an upward enrichment in marine organic matter.
Analyses of the palynofacies and sporomorph thermal alteration indices (TAI) of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 959 to 962 in the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin, West Africa were undertaken to (1) determine the source and depositional conditions of the organic matter in the sediments, (2) refine a paleobathymetric curve derived from other data for Site 959, which drilled the most continuous sedimentary sequence from Pleistocene to Albian and (3) interpret the paleothermal history of the area. Twelve types of dispersed organic matter were identified: amorphous organic matter (AOM), marine palynomorphs, algae, resins, black debris, yellow-brown fragments, black-brown fragments, cuticles, plant tissue, wood, sporomorphs and fungi, The relative abundances of these organic matter components at each site were analyzed using cluster analysis, resulting in the identification of seven palynofacies assemblages at Site 959, five each at sites 960 and 961, and four at Site 962. Amorphous organic matter (which is chiefly marine derived), black debris and wood have played the most significant role in defining palynofacies assemblages. The palynofacies assemblages show some correlation with lithologic units, sediment sources and depositional environments. Previous palynofacies studies in passive margins have demonstrated that changes in the ratio of AOM to terrestrial organic matter are related primarily to proximal-distal positions of depositional environments relative to the shoreline. However, this assumption does not always hold true for a transform margin where tectonic factors play an important role in the organic matter distribution, at least in the early stages of evolution. Lithofacies, CCD paleodepths for the North Atlantic, trace fossil association, benthic foraminifera and palynofacies data were the criteria used for reconstructing a paleobathymetric curve for Site 959. A cyclicity in the organic matter distribution of the Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene pelagic sediments could be related to fluctuations in productivity of biosiliceous and calcareous organisms, and sedimentation rates. A drastic increase in the amount of AOM and a decrease in black debris and wood in the carbonate and clastic rocks (Lithologic Unit IV) overlying the tectonized Albian sediments (Lithologic Unit V) at Sites 959 and 960 coincide with the presence of an unconformity. Qualitative color analysis of palynomorphs was undertaken for all sites, although the main focus was on Site 959 where detailed organic geochemical data were available. At Site 959, TAI values indicate an immature stage of organic maturation (<2) down to the black claystones of Lithologic Unit III at about 918.47 mbsf. Below this, samples show an increase with depth to a moderately mature stage (>2 except for the claystone samples between 1012.52 and 1036.5 mbsf, and one limestone sample at 1043.4 mbsf), reaching peak levels of 2.58 to 3.0 in the tectonized Albian sediments below the unconformity. These TAI values show a positive correlation with the Tma x values derived from Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. The highest values recorded in the basal tectonized units at all the sites (Sites 960-962 have mean values between 2.25 and 3.13) may be related to high heat flow during the intracontinental to syntransform basin stage in the region.
Analysis of the palynofacies and miospore thermal alteration indices (TAI) of sediments from ODP Site 808 in the Nankai Trough was undertaken to determine (1) the source, depositional environment, and diagenesis of organic matter in the accreted sediments, and (2) the thermal structure and history of the prism and its relationship to fluid flow. Using the Hartax classification system, two palynofacies were recognized in the sedimentary sequence. Facies 1 occurs within the upper 600 m of trench-wedge turbidites (sedimentation rate > 1 km/m.y.) and contains >50% inertite particles. The rest of the assemblage is dominated by well-preserved phytoclasts and contains small amounts of poorly preserved phytoclasts and well-preserved scleratoclasts. Facies 2 occurs within the Shikoku Basin hemipelagites (600-1300 m below seafloor; sedimentation rate <150 m/m.y.) and contains over two-thirds inertite particles. The rest of the assemblage is dominated by poorly preserved phytoclasts. Miospores and marine phytoplankton compose only a small percentage of both palynofacies. Degraded organic matter is most noticeable in Facies 2, whereas its presence in Facies 1 is overshadowed by the high influx of well-preserved primary organic matter. Most of the degraded organic matter and inertite is interpreted to be reworked. Some of the degraded organic matter may be primary, and may have experienced more biodegradation and thermal alteration in Facies 2 than in Facies 1. TAI values indicate an immature stage of organic maturation (< 2) down to about 900 mbsf. Below this, samples show an increase with depth to a mature stage, reaching peak levels of about 3 just above basement. Samples from within the thrust fault and decollement zones do not show levels of maturity significantly greater than those of surrounding samples, leaving uncertain whether hot fluids have migrated along these fault boundaries in the past.
Temperature and salinity shape the distribution and genetic structure of marine communities. Future warming and freshening will exert an additional stress to coastal marine systems. The extent to which organisms respond to these shifts will, however, be mediated by the tolerances of all life-stages and populations of species and their potential to adapt. We investigated nauplius and cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus (Amphibalanus) improvisus from the Swedish west coast with respect to temperature (12, 20, and 28 °C) and salinity (5, 15, and 30) tolerances. Warming accelerated larval development and increased overall survival and subsequent settlement success. Nauplii developed and metamorphosed best at intermediate salinity. This was also observed in cypris larvae when the preceding nauplii stages had been reared at a salinity of 30. Direct comparisons of the present findings with those on a population from the more brackish Baltic Sea demonstrate contrasting patterns. We conclude that i) B. improvisus larvae within the Baltic region will be favoured by near-future seawater warming and freshening, that ii) salinity tolerances of larvae from the two different populations reflect salinities in their native habitats, but are nonetheless suboptimal and that iii) this species is generally highly plastic with regard to salinity.
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), a key species of Southern Ocean food webs plays a central role in ecosystem processes, community dynamics of apex predators and as a commercial fishery target. A decline in krill abundance during the late 20th century in the SW Atlantic sector has been linked to a concomitant decrease in sea ice, based on the hypothesis that sea ice acts as a feeding ground for overwintering larvae. However, evidence supporting this hypothesis has been scarce due to logistical challenges of collecting data in austral winter. Here we report on a winter study that involved diver observations of larval krill in their under-ice environment, ship-based studies of krill, sea ice physical characteristics, and biophysical model analyses of krill-ocean-ice interactions. We present evidence that complex under-ice topography is vital for larval krill in terms of dispersal and advection into high productive nursery habitats, rather than the provision by the ice environment of food. Further, ongoing changes in sea ice will lead to increases in sea-ice regimes favourable for overwintering larval krill but shifting southwards. This will result in ice-free conditions in the SW Atlantic, which will be conducive for enhancing food supplies due to sufficient light and iron availability, thus enhancing larvae development and growth. However, the associated impact on dispersal and advection may lead to a net shift in krill from the SW Atlantic to regions further east by the eastward flowing ACC and the northern branch of the Weddell Gyre, with profound consequences for the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem.