4 resultados para heavy ion collision

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Collisional and post-collisional volcanic rocks in the Ulubey (Ordu) area at the western edge of the Eastern Pontide Tertiary Volcanic Province (EPTVP) in NE Turkey are divided into four suites; Middle Eocene (49.4-44.6 Ma) aged Andesite-Trachyandesite (AT), Trachyandesite-Trachydacite-Rhyolite (TTR), Trachydacite-Dacite (TD) suites, and Middle Miocene (15.1 Ma) aged Trachybasalt (TB) suite. Local stratigraphy in the Ulubey area starts with shallow marine environment sediments of the Paleocene-Eocene time and then continues extensively with sub-aerial andesitic to rhyolitic and rare basaltic volcanism during Eocene and Miocene time, respectively. Petrographically, the volcanic rocks are composed primarily of andesites/trachyandesites, with minor trachydacites/rhyolites, basalts/trachybasalts and pyroclastics, and show porphyric, hyalo-microlitic porphyric and rarely glomeroporphyric, intersertal, intergranular, fluidal and sieve textures. The Ulubey (Ordu) volcanic rocks indicate magma evolution from tholeiitic-alkaline to calc-alkaline with medium-K contents. Primitive mantle normalized trace element and chondrite normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns show that the volcanic rocks have moderate light rare earth element (LREE)/heavy rare earth element (HREE) ratios relative to E-Type MORB and depletion in Nb, Ta and Ti. High Th/Yb ratios indicate parental magma(s) derived from an enriched source formed by mixing of slab and asthenospheric melts previously modified by fluids and sediments from a subduction zone. All of the volcanic rocks share similar incompatible element ratios (e.g., La/Sm, Zr/Nb, La/Nb) and chondrite-normalized REE patterns, indicating that the basic to acidic rocks originated from the same source. The volcanic rocks were produced by the slab dehydration-induced melting of an existing metasomatized mantle source, and the fluids from the slab dehydration introduced significant large ion lithophile element (LILE) and LREE to the source, masking its inherent HFSE-enriched characteristics. The initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7044-0.7050) and eNd (-0.3 to +3.4) ratios of the volcanics suggest that they originated from an enriched lithospheric mantle source with low Sm/Nd ratios. Integration of the geochemical, petrological and isotopical with regional and local geological data suggest that the Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Ulubey (Ordu) area were derived from an enriched mantle, which had been previously metasomatized by fluids derived from subducted slab during Eocene to Miocene in collisional and post-collisional extension-related geodynamic setting following Late Mesozoic continental collision between the Eurasian plate and the Tauride-Anatolide platform.


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We report measurements of magnetic intensity, inclination, initial susceptibility, Koenigsberger's ratio, saturation magnetization, and Curie temperatures of 68 basalt samples from the Leg 83 section of Hole 504B. As in the upper part of the hole, reversely magnetized units predominate. Intensities of natural remanent magnetization vary widely, but the range of variation is an order of magnitude less than in the upper part of the hole. This and the other properties measured indicate that the magnetic characteristics of basalts from Hole 504B have been strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration, particularly in the deeper, Leg 83 section. The alteration states of the magnetic samples were studies using Xray diffraction, electron microprobe, X-ray fluorescence, and ion coupled plasma. Our results suggest three alteration zones in Hole 504B: a low-temperature zone (274.5-890 m) and two high-temperature zones (890-1050 m and 1050- 1350 m), differing in the number of veins observed in the samples and presumably differing in the volumes of hydrothermal fluids which reacted with the basalts.


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Herschel Island in the southern Beaufort Sea is a push moraine at the northwestern-most limit of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Stable water isotope (d18O, dD) and hydrochemical studies were applied to two tabular massive ground ice bodies to unravel their genetic origin. Buried glacier ice or basal regelation ice was encountered beneath an ice-rich diamicton with strong glaciotectonic deformation structures. The massive ice isotopic composition was highly depleted in heavy isotopes (mean d18O: -33 per mil; mean dD: -258 per mil), suggesting full-glacial conditions during ice formation. Other massive ice of unknown origin with a very large d18O range (from -39 to -21 per mil) was found adjacent to large, striated boulders. A clear freezing slope was present with progressive depletion in heavy isotopes towards the centre of the ice body. Fractionation must have taken place during closed-system freezing, possibly of a glacial meltwater pond. Both massive ground ice bodies exhibited a mixed ion composition suggestive of terrestrial waters with a marine influence. Hydrochemical signatures resemble the Herschel Island sediments that are derived from nearshore marine deposits upthrust by the Laurentide ice. A prolonged contact between water feeding the ice bodies and the surrounding sediment is therefore inferred.


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Coring during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions 315, 316, and 333 recovered turbiditic sands from the forearc Kumano Basin (Site C0002), a Quaternary slope basin (Site C0018), and uplifted trench wedge (Site C0006) along the Kumano Transect of the Nankai Trough accretionary wedge offshore of southwest Japan. The compositions of the submarine turbiditic sands here are investigated in terms of bulk and heavy mineral modal compositions to identify their provenance and dispersal mechanisms, as they may reflect changes in regional tectonics during the past ca. 1.5 Myrs. The results show a marked change in the detrital signature and heavy mineral composition in the forearc and slope basin facies around 1 Ma. This sudden change is interpreted to reflect a major change in the sand provenance, rather than heavy mineral dissolution and/or diagenetic effects, in response to changing tectonics and sedimentation patterns. In the trench-slope basin, the sands older than 1 Ma were probably eroded from the exposed Cretaceous-Tertiary accretionary complex of the Shimanto Belt and transported via the former course of the Tenryu submarine canyon system, which today enters the Nankai Trough northeast of the study area. In contrast, the high abundance of volcanic lithics and volcanic heavy mineral suites of the sands younger than 1 Ma points to a strong volcanic component of sediment derived from the Izu-Honshu collision zones and probably funnelled to this site through the Suruga Canyon. However, sands in the forearc basin show persistent presence of blue sodic amphiboles across the 1 Ma boundary, indicating continuous flux of sediments from the Kumano/Kinokawa River. This implies that the sands in the older turbidites were transported by transverse flow down the slope. The slope basin facies then switched to reflect longitudinal flow around 1 Ma, when the turbiditic sand tapped a volcanic provenance in the Izu-Honshu collision zone, while the sediments transported transversely became confined in the Kumano Basin. Therefore, the change in the depositional systems around 1 Ma is a manifestation of the decoupling of the sediment routing pattern from transverse to long-distance axial flow in response to forearc high uplift along the megasplay fault.