22 resultados para geographical data

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We report a decadally resolved record of atmospheric CO2 concentration for the last 1000 years, obtained from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide shallow ice core. The most prominent feature of the pre-industrial period is a rapid ~7 ppm decrease of CO2 in a span of ~20-50 years at ~1600 A.D. This observation confirms the timing of an abrupt atmospheric CO2 decrease of ~10 ppm observed for that time period in the Law Dome ice core CO2 records, but the true magnitude of the decrease remains unclear. Atmospheric CO2 variations over the time period 1000-1800 A.D. are statistically correlated with northern hemispheric climate and tropical Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature. However, the exact relationship between CO2 and climate remains elusive due to regional climate variations and/or uneven geographical data density of paleoclimate records. We observe small differences of 0 ~2% (0 ~ 6 ppm) among the high-precision CO2 records from the Law Dome, EPICA Dronning Maud Land and WAIS Divide Antarctic ice cores. However, those records share common trends of CO2 change on centennial to multicentennial time scales, and clearly show that atmospheric CO2 has been increasing above preindustrial levels since ~1850 A.D.


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species, together with the model estimates achieved from these data, allowing models inter-comparison and evaluation of model skills. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries for the period 1956-2010. Using these data, an application of the spatial ecosystem and population dynamics model (SEAPODYM) was developed for the North Atlantic albacore population and fisheries and provided the first spatially explicit estimate of albacore density in the North Atlantic by life stage. These densities by life stage (larval recruits, young immature fish adult mature fish and total biomass) are provided in gridded file (Netcdf) at resolution of 2° x 2° x month.


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The distribution of seagrass and associated benthic communities on the reef and lagoon of Low Isles, Great Barrier Reef, was mapped between the 29 July and 29 August 1997. For this survey, observers walked or free-dived at survey points positioned approximately 50 m apart along a series of transects. Visual estimates of above-ground seagrass biomass and % cover of each benthos and substrate type were recorded at each survey point. A differential handheld global positioning system (GPS) was used to locate each survey point (accuracy ±3m). A total of 349 benthic survey points were examined. To assist with mapping meadow/habitat type boundaries, an additional 177 field points were assessed and a georeferenced 1:12,000 aerial photograph (26th August 1997) was used as a secondary source of information. Bathymetric data (elevation below Mean Sea Level) measured at each point assessed and from Ellison (1997) supplemented information used to determine boundaries, particularly in the subtidal lagoon. 127.8 ±29.6 hectares was mapped. Seagrass and associated benthic community data was derived by haphazardly placing 3 quadrats (0.25m**2) at each survey point. Seagrass above ground biomass (standing crop, grams dry weight (g DW m**-2)) was determined within each quadrat using a non-destructive visual estimates of biomass technique and the seagrass species present identified. In addition, the cover of all benthos was measured within each of the 3 quadrats using a systematic 5 point method. For each quadrat, frequency of occurrence for each benthic category was converted to a percentage of the total number of points (5 per quadrat). Data are presented as the average of the 3 quadrats at each point. Polygons of discrete seagrass meadow/habitat type boundaries were created using the on-screen digitising functions of ArcGIS (ESRI Inc.), differentiated on the basis of colour, texture, and the geomorphic and geographical context. The resulting seagrass and benthic cover data of each survey point and for each seagrass meadow/habitat type was linked to GPS coordinates, saved as an ArcMap point and polygon shapefile, respectively, and projected to Universal Transverse Mercator WGS84 Zone 55 South.


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Oceanographic data collected by ocean research organisations in Russia, the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, and Poland for the Barents, Kara and White Seas region are presented in this atlas. Recently declassified naval data from Norway, the USA, and the UK are also included. More than 1,000,000 oceanographic stations containing temperature and/or sea-water salinity data were originally selected. After correcting errors and eliminating duplicates, data from 206,300 checked stations were placed on CD-ROM, together with many figures describing the characteristics of both the single-input and combined data set. In addition, temperature and salinity measurements were interpolated to the following standard horizons: 0, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 m, and bottom. This atlas covers the 100-year period 1898 to 1998 and is, to date, the most complete oceanographic data collection for these Arctic shelf seas. This data set is complemented by more than 9,000 measurements of sea surface temperature, which were recently digitized from ships' logbooks. They cover the same geographical area within the time period 1867-1912.


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This paper assesses the along strike variation of active bedrock fault scarps using long range terrestrial laser scanning (t-LiDAR) data in order to determine the distribution behaviour of scarp height and the subsequently calculate long term throw-rates. Five faults on Cretewhich display spectacular limestone fault scarps have been studied using high resolution digital elevation model (HRDEM) data. We scanned several hundred square metres of the fault system including the footwall, fault scarp and hanging wall of the investigated fault segment. The vertical displacement and the dip of the scarp were extracted every metre along the strike of the detected fault segment based on the processed HRDEM. The scarp variability was analysed by using statistical and morphological methods. The analysis was done in a geographical information system (GIS) environment. Results show a normal distribution for the scanned fault scarp's vertical displacement. Based on these facts, the mean value of height was chosen to define the authentic vertical displacement. Consequently the scarp can be divided into above, below and within the range of mean (within one standard deviation) and quantify the modifications of vertical displacement. Therefore, the fault segment can be subdivided into areas which are influenced by external modification like erosion and sedimentation processes. Moreover, to describe and measure the variability of vertical displacement along strike the fault, the semi-variance was calculated with the variogram method. This method is used to determine how much influence the external processes have had on the vertical displacement. By combining of morphological and statistical results, the fault can be subdivided into areas with high external influences and areas with authentic fault scarps, which have little or no external influences. This subdivision is necessary for long term throw-rate calculations, because without this differentiation the calculated rates would be misleading and the activity of a fault would be incorrectly assessed with significant implications for seismic hazard assessment since fault slip rate data govern the earthquake recurrence. Furthermore, by using this workflow areas with minimal external influences can be determined, not only for throw-rate calculations, but also for determining samples sites for absolute dating techniques such as cosmogenic nuclide dating. The main outcomes of this study include: i) there is no direct correlation between the fault's mean vertical displacement and dip (R² less than 0.31); ii) without subdividing the scanned scarp into areas with differing amounts of external influences, the along strike variability of vertical displacement is ±35%; iii) when the scanned scarp is subdivided the variation of the vertical displacement of the authentic scarp (exposed by earthquakes only) is in a range of ±6% (the varies depending on the fault from 7 to 12%); iv) the calculation of the long term throw-rate (since 13 ka) for four scarps in Crete using the authentic vertical displacement is 0.35 ± 0.04 mm/yr at Kastelli 1, 0.31 ± 0.01 mm/yr at Kastelli 2, 0.85 ± 0.06 mm/yr at the Asomatos fault (Sellia) and 0.55 ± 0.05 mm/yr at the Lastros fault.


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Aim: Greater understanding of the processes underlying biological invasions is required to determine and predict invasion risk. Two subspecies of olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea and Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata) have been introduced into Australia from the Mediterranean Basin and southern Africa during the 19th century. Our aim was to determine to what extent the native environmental niches of these two olive subspecies explain the current spatial segregation of the subspecies in their non-native range. We also assessed whether niche shifts had occurred in the non-native range, and examined whether invasion was associated with increased or decreased occupancy of niche space in the non-native range relative to the native range. Location: South-eastern Australia, Mediterranean Basin and southern Africa. Methods: Ecological niche models (ENMs) were used to quantify the similarity of native and non-native realized niches. Niche shifts were characterized by the relative contribution of niche expansion, stability and contraction based on the relative occupancy of environmental space by the native and non-native populations. Results: Native ENMs indicated that the spatial segregation of the two subspecies in their non-native range was partly determined by differences in their native niches. However, we found that environmentally suitable niches were less occupied in the non-native range relative to the native range, indicating that niche shifts had occurred through a contraction of the native niches after invasion, for both subspecies. Main conclusions: The mapping of environmental factors associated with niche expansion, stability or contraction allowed us to identify areas of greater invasion risk. This study provides an example of successful invasions that are associated with niche shifts, illustrating that introduced plant species are sometimes readily able to establish in novel environments. In these situations the assumption of niche stasis during invasion, which is implicitly assumed by ENMs, may be unreasonable.


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Muskoxen populations were surveyed in the course of 3 expeditions to North East Greenland to provide data on present status and habitat requirements in the region between 72 and 74 deg latitude North. The distribution is primarily affected by the snow cover pattern and shows densities from less than 0.1 ind/km**2 to 1.5 ind/km**2. Ranges unutilized by muskoxen prior to 1940 now support high densities. The snow cover influences also the population dynamics, as shown by the streng correlation between the calf crop and the amount of snow. The total population is estimated to be about 1000 to 1500 individuals far the whole region.


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The paper reports newly obtained stratigraphic, petrographic, and isotope geochronology data on modern moderately acid lavas from the Keli Highland of the Greater Caucasus and presents a geological map of the territory, in which 35 volcanoes active in Late Quaternary time were documented by the authors. Total duration of volcanic activity at the highland was estimated at 250 ka. Volcanic activity was discrete and occurred in three phases: Middle Neopleistocene (245-170 ka), Late Neopleistocene (135-70 ka), and Late Neopleistocene-Holocene (<30 ka). Newly obtained lines of evidence indicate that certain volcanoes erupted in the latest Neopleistocene-Holocene. The first phase of volcanic activity was connected mainly with lava volcanoes, and eruptions during the later phases of volcanic activity in this part of the Greater Caucasus produced mainly lavas. The most significant eruptions are demonstrated to occur in the territory during the second phase. The major evolutionary trends of volcanic processes during the final phase in the Keli Highland are determined. It was also determined that overwhelming majority of volcanoes that were active less than 30 ka BP are spatially restricted to long-liven local magmatic zones, which were active during either all three or only the final two phases of activity. These parts of the territory are, perhaps, the most hazardous in terms of volcanic activity.