101 resultados para geographic range size

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Cretaceous Heterohelix moremani (Cushman) was the only biserial planktonic foraminiferal species from its first appearance in the late Albian up to the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. Within that time, it increased gradually in abundance relative to other planktonic foraminifera in five Circum-North Atlantic sections. It is generally rare in upper Albian sediments, common in most of the Cenomanian and very abundant in sediments representing the latest Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Short-term variations on the overall abundance trend correlate with positive excursions in the bulk carbonate delta13C record. Maximum rain rates of H. moremani during OAE2 show that this species was an opportunist that did well in extreme conditions, but its overall distribution indicates that it is not necessarily a marker for very high palaeoproductivity environments. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on foraminiferal species indicate that H. moremani was a surface water dweller at least in part of its geographic range, but incorporated 13C out of equilibrium with ambient seawater. It is depleted in delta13C relative to other planktonic foraminifera, which is attributed to vital effects related to its opportunistic character.


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Sites 1146 and 1148 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184, in the South China Sea (SCS), comprise long sediment sections with a time span from the early Oligocene to the Pleistocene. Calcareous nannofossils from these two sites were biostratigraphically studied. We recognized 53 early Oligocene to Pleistocene events that are commonly found in open sea areas and can therefore be correlated within a large geographic range. This study also revealed that a few conventionally used nannofossil events are not suitable for the SCS, and further evaluation is needed. The lower Oligocene to Pleistocene sequences recovered at Sites 1146 and 1148 were subdivided into the 4 Paleogene zones and 21 Neogene to Quaternary zones of Martini, in correlation with the Paleogene to Quaternary zones of Okada and Bukry. This provided a lower Oligocene through Pleistocene nannofossil biostratigraphic framework. A significant unconformity was recognized in the Oligocene-Miocene transition, in which the upper part of Oligocene Zone NP25 and lower part of Miocene Zone NN1 were missing. The time span of the unconformity was estimated to be ~1 m.y. Very high sedimentation rates were seen in the Oligocene, relative low values were seen in the Miocene, and the highest values were seen in the Pleistocene, which was believed to be the result of tectonic and sedimentation history of the SCS.


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We compared the responses of native and non-native populations of the seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla to heat shock in common garden-type experiments. Specimens from six native populations in East Asia and from eight non-native populations in Europe and on the Mexican Pacific coast were acclimated to two sets of identical conditions before their resistance to heat shock was examined. The experiments were carried out twice - one time in the native range in Qingdao, China and one time in the invaded range in Kiel, Germany - to rule out effects of specific local conditions. In both testing sites the non-native populations survived heat shock significantly better than the native populations, The data underlying this statement are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859335. After three hours of heat shock G. vermiculophylla exhibited increased levels of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and of a specific isoform of haloperoxidase, suggesting that both enzymes could be required for heat shock stress management. However, the elevated resistance toward heat shock of non-native populations only correlated with an increased constitutive expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). The haloperoxidase isoform was more prominent in native populations, suggesting that not only increased HSP70 expression, but also reduced allocation into haloperoxidase expression after heat shock was selected during the invasion history. The data describing expression of HSP70 and three different isoforms of haloperoxidase are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859358.


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Geographical size distribution within entire Holocene foraminiferal assemblages is related to global environmental gradients such as temperature, primary productivity, and environmental variability. This study demonstrates that these correlations are also recognizable in late Quaternary assemblages from three locations in the South Atlantic on temporal and latitudinal scales. The size response to temporal paleoenvironmental changes during glacial-interglacial cycles mimics the geographic Holocene size variability. The amplitude of size variability is directly related to the amplitude of the climatic fluctuations as shown by the stable size-temperature relationship over time. The documented changes in the assemblage size are caused by species replacement and intraspecific size variability. The relative importance of these processes depends on the environmental setting. Species have been shown to reach their maximum size and abundance under certain optimum conditions and decrease in size if environmental conditions differ from these optima. We confirm that late Quaternary species sizes were largest at paleotemperatures identical to Holocene ones.


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The flux of organic particles below the mixed layer is one major pathway of carbon from the surface into the deep ocean. The magnitude of this export flux depends on two major processes-remineralization rates and sinking velocities. Here, we present an efficient method to measure sinking velocities of particles in the size range from approximately 3-400 µm by means of video microscopy (FlowCAM®). The method allows rapid measurement and automated analysis of mixed samples and was tested with polystyrene beads, different phytoplankton species, and sediment trap material. Sinking velocities of polystyrene beads were close to theoretical values calculated from Stokes' Law. Sinking velocities of the investigated phytoplankton species were in reasonable agreement with published literature values and sinking velocities of material collected in sediment trap increased with particle size. Temperature had a strong effect on sinking velocities due to its influence on seawater viscosity and density. An increase in 9 °C led to a measured increase in sinking velocities of 40 %. According to this temperature effect, an average temperature increase in 2 °C as projected for the sea surface by the end of this century could increase sinking velocities by about 6 % which might have feedbacks on carbon export into the deep ocean.


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The upper 1200 m of pre-Pliocene sediment recovered by Cape Roberts Project (CRP) drilling off the Victoria Land coast of Antarctica between 1997-1999 has been subdivided into 54 unconformity-bound stratigraphic sequences, spanning the period c. 32 to 17 Ma. The sequences are recognised on the basis of the cyclical vertical stacking of their constituent lithofacies, which are enclosed by erosion surfaces produced during the grounding of the advancing ice margin onto the sea floor. Each sequence represents deposition in a range of offshore shelf to coastal glacimarine sedimentary environments during oscillations in the ice margin across the Western Ross Sea shelf, and coeval fluctuations in water depth. This paper applies spectral analysis techniques to depth- and time-series of sediment grain size (500 samples) for intervals of the core with adequate chronological data. Time series analysis of 0.5-l.0m-spaced grainsize data spanning sequences 9-11 (CRP-2/2A) and sequences 1-7 (CRP-3) suggests that the length of individual sequences correspond to Milankovitch frequencies, probably 41 k.y., but possibly as low as 100 k.y. Higher frequency periodic components at 23 k.y. (orbital precession) and 15-10 k.y. (sub-orbital) are recognised at the intrasequence-scale, and may represent climatic cycles akin to the ice rafting episodes described in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Quaternary. The cyclicity recorded by glacimarine sequences in CRP core provides direct evidence from the periphery of Antarctica for orbital oscillations in the size of the Oligocene-Early Miocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet.


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Grain-size analyses by sieve and Sedigraph are presented for 115 samples of core from CRP-3, 12 km off the coast of south Victoria Land. The data provide a useful check on visual core descriptions. The geographic setting for the strata sampled, some 790 m of early Oligocene nearshore marine sediments with a persistent glacial influence, is reviewed, and sediment textures interpreted in that context. Sand textures from the CRP-3 samples in the lower part of the core suggest that deposition was initially primarily wave-dominated, but that at times the influence of the waves was over-ridden by episodes of rapid sedimentation. Sedimentary cycles, recognised in the visual description of the core above 485 mbsf, show an increasing proportion of mudstone in the middle of each cycle above 330 mbsf that is interpreted to record periodic sedimentation in deeper water. Sandstone textures in the lower and upper parts of each cycle are interpreted to record departure from and return to shoreface deposition with changes in sea level. Mudstone textures above 176 mbsf indicate sedimentation below wave base. Many of the textures in both sand and mud samples show the coarse 'tail' characteristic of ice-rafted debris, but others do not, indicating ice-free periods. Many sandstones below c. 200 mbsf have virtually no silt, but significant amounts of clay (6 to 17%) that is thought to be of post-depositional origin.


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The purpose of this note is to present results of grain size analyses from 118 samples of the CRP-2/2A core using sieve and Sedigraph techniques. The samples were selected to represent the range of facies encountered, and tend to become more widely spaced with depth. Fifteen came from the upper 27 m of Quaternary and Pliocene sediments, 62 from the early Miocene-late Oligocene strata (27 to 307 mbsf), and 41 from the early Oligocene strata beneath (307 to 624 mbsf). The results are intended to provide reference data for lithological descriptions in the core logs (Cape Roberts Science Team, 1999), and to help with facies interpretation. The analytical technique used for determining size frequency of the sand fraction in our samples (sieving) is simple, physical and widely practised for over a century. Thus it provides a useful reference point for analyses produced by other faster and more sophisticated techniques, such as the Malvern laser particle size analysis system (Woolfe et al., 2000), and estimates derived from measurements taken with down-hole logging tools (Bücker, pers. com., 1999).


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Summary: The stratigraphy of the Shackleton Range established by Stephenson (1966) and Clarkson (1972) was revised by results of the German Expedition GEISHA 1987/88. The "Turnpike Bluff Group" does not form a stratigraphic unit. The stratigraphic correlation of its formations is still a matter of discussion. The following four formations are presumed to belong to different units: The Stephenson Bastion Formation and Wyeth Heights Formation are probably of Late Precambrian age. The Late Precambrian Watts Needle Formation, which lies unconformably on the Read Group, is an independant unit which has to be separated from the "Turnpike Bluff Group". The Mount Wegener Formation has been thrusted over the Watts Needle Formation. Early Cambrian fossils (Oldhamia sp., Epiphyton sp., Botomaella (?) sp. and echinoderms) were found in the Mt. Wegener Formation in the Read Mountains. The Middle Cambrian trilobite shales on Mount Provender, which form the Haskard Highlands Formation, are possibly in faulted contact with the basement complex (Pioneers and Stratton Groups). They are overlain by the Blaiklock Glacier Group, for which an Ordovician age is indicated by trilobite tracks and trails, low inclination of the paleomagnetic field and the similarity to the basal units of the Table Mountain Quartzite in South Africa. The Watts Needle Formation represents epicontinental shelf sediments, the Mount Wegener Formation was deposited in a (continental) back-arc environment, and the Blaiklock Glacier Group is a typical molasse sediment of the Ross Orogen.


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A novel laser microparticle detector used in conjunction with continuous sample melting has provided a more than 1500 m long record of particle concentration and size distribution of the NGRIP ice core, covering continuously the period approximately from 9.5-100 kyr before present; measurements were at 1.65 m depth resolution, corresponding to approximately 35-200 yr. Particle concentration increased by a factor of 100 in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) compared to the Preboreal, and sharp variations of concentration occurred synchronously with rapid changes in the delta18O temperature proxy. The lognormal mode µ of the volume distribution shows clear systematic variations with smaller modes during warmer climates and coarser modes during colder periods. We find µ ~ 1.7 µm diameter during LGM and µ ~ 1.3 µm during the Preboreal. On timescales below several 100 years µ and the particle concentration exhibit a certain degree of independence present especially during warm periods, when µ generally is more variable. Using highly simplifying considerations for atmospheric transport and deposition of particles we infer that (1) the observed changes of µ in the ice largely reflect changes in the size of airborne particles above the ice sheet and (2) changes of µ are indicative of changes in long range atmospheric transport time. From the observed size changes we estimate shorter transit times by roughly 25% during LGM compared to the Preboreal. The associated particle concentration increase from more efficient long range transport is estimated to less than one order of magnitude.