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Two planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records of ODP Hole 653A (Tyrrhenian Sea) are presented for the time period extending from approximately 0.8 to 3.0 Ma. Six, generally accepted, synchronous bioevents were used to precise the oxygen isotope chronology and to identify the oxygen isotope stages 22 down to 114. Subsequently, this oxygen isotope chronology was used to determine the synchronism or diachronism of various other biostratigraphic events with those recorded in the Singa and Ficarazzi land sections (Italy) and those in other DSDP/ODP sites. New results concern the diachronity of the FOD of the planktonic foraminiferal species N. atlantica, G.truncatulinoides truncatulinoides and G. inflata between ODP Hole 653A and the Italian landsections. Because many species entered the Mediterranean in short term fluxes, strongly related to the southward migration of cool North Atlantic surface waters, their time distribution through the Pliocene-Pleistocene generally corresponds to alternated intervals of presence and absence. This should explain most of the apparently diachronous appearances and disappearances. Alternating presence-absence patterns are of less importance for the various nannofossil events. The LOD of D. surculus occurs during the transition of stage 100 to 101 in both ODP Hole 653A and the Singa section, which is in perfect agreement with the disappearance of this species from the open ocean. The LOD of D. pentaradiatus in the Mediterranean occurs in stages 100-99, which seems to be consistent with the extinction of this species in the southern Hemisphere. G. oceanica, which corresponds to the 4 µm < Gephyrocapsa spp <5.5 µm is recorded in stages 65 to 64 at ODP Hole 653A. The Gephyrocapsa spp. >5.5 µm first occurred in stage 51 at Hole 653A, which fits within the uncertainty interval for this event stretching from stage 51 to 47 in the open ocean and seems therefore a useful tool for conventional biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean.


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In a modern society it is generally accepted that the major cause for environmental problems is the current consumption pattern in industrialized countries, thus it is crucial to understand underlying processes and search for solutions in order to consciously progress towards sustainable consumption. In this paper the exclusive role of municipalities in promoting sustainable consumption is recognized. By analyzing the example of the situation of municipalities in Latvia, the reason for focusing on local level when dealing with sustainable consumption issues, as well as main obstacles and possibilities for municipalities' progress towards sustainability are revealed. Promotion of sustainable consumption cannot be based solely on eco-efficiency. Sufficiency strategy plays a crucial role. Since positive social environment for sufficiency dimension is vitally important, local level holds exclusively crucial role for its implementation - the potential of municipalities here is unbounded. Although local authorities already have many tools available, they are insufficiently discovered. Insufficiently exploited tools are property tax relief as support mechanism, establishment of advisory boards, green procurement, promotion of social entrepreneurship and collaborative consumption, as well as delegation of municipalities' functions to NGOs, thus encouraging nonmaterial wellbeing by strengthening social ties and community activities.


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Field investigations of the Laptev Sea shoreface morphology were carried out (1) off erosional shores composed of unconsolidated sediments, (2) off the modern delta shores of the Lena River, and (3) off rocky shores. It was found that profiles off erosional shores had a concave shape. This shape is not well described by commonly applied power functions, a feature, which is in disagreement with the generally accepted concept of the equilibrium shape of shoreface profiles. The position of the lower shoreface boundary is determined by the elevation of the coastal lowland inundated during the last transgression (at -5 to -10 m) and may easily be recognized by a sharp, an order of magnitude decrease in the mean inclination of the sea floor. The mean shoreface inclination depends on sediment grain-size and ranges from 0.0022 to 0.033. The concave shape of the shoreface did not change substantially during the last 20-30 years, which indicates that shoreline retreat did not slow down and hence suggests continued intensive coastal erosion in the 21st century. The underwater part of the Lena River delta extends up to 35 km offshore. Its upper part is formed by a shallow and up to 18-km wide bench, which reaches depths of 2-3 m along the outer edge. The evolution of the delta was irregular. Whereas some parts of the delta are advancing rapidly (58 m/year), other parts are eroding. Comparison of measured profiles with older bathymetric data gave an opportunity to evaluate the changes of the underwater delta over past decades. Bathymetric surveys of the seabed around the delta can thus contribute towards a quantification of the sediment budget of the river-sea system. In addition, some sections of the Laptev Sea coast are composed of bedrock that has a comparatively low resistance to wave erosion. These sections may supply a considerable amount of sediment, especially if the cliffs are high. This source must therefore also be taken into account when assessing the contribution of shore erosion to the Laptev Sea sediment budget.


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Attempts to place Palaeolithic finds within a precise climatic framework are complicated by both uncertainty over the radiocarbon calibration beyond about 21,500 14C years bp (Reimer et al., 2004) and the absence of a master calendar chronology for climate events from reference archives such as Greenland ice cores or speleothems (Svensson et al., 2006, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.08.003). Here we present an alternative approach, in which 14C dates of interest are mapped directly onto the palaeoclimate record of the Cariaco Basin by means of its 14C series (Hughen et al., 2004, doi:10.1126/science.1090300), circumventing calendar age model and correlation uncertainties, and placing dated events in the millennial-scale climate context of the last glacial period. This is applied to different sets of dates from levels with Mousterian artefacts, presumably produced by late Neanderthals, from Gorham's Cave in Gibraltar: first, generally accepted estimates of about 32,000 14C years bp for the uppermost Mousterian levels (Pettitt and Bailey, 2000; Bronk Ramsey et al., 2002, doi:10.1111/1475-4754.00040); second, a possible extended Middle Palaeolithic occupation until about 28,000 14C years bp (Finlayson et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature05195); and third, more contentious evidence for persistence until about 24,000 14C years bp (Finlayson et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature05195). This study shows that the three sets translate to different scenarios on the role of climate in Neanderthal extinction. The first two correspond to intervals of general climatic instability between stadials and interstadials that characterized most of the Middle Pleniglacial and are not coeval with Heinrich Events. In contrast, if accepted, the youngest date indicates that late Neanderthals may have persisted up to the onset of a major environmental shift, which included an expansion in global ice volume and an increased latitudinal temperature gradient. More generally, our radiocarbon climatostratigraphic approach can be applied to any 'snapshot' date from discontinuous records in a variety of deposits and can become a powerful tool in evaluating the climatic signature of critical intervals in Late Pleistocene human evolution.


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We present benthic isotope stratigraphies for Sites 1236, 1237, 1239, and 1241 that span the late Miocene-Pliocene time interval from 6 to 2.4 Ma. Orbitally tuned timescales were generated for Sites 1237 and 1241 by correlating the high-frequency variations in gamma ray attenuation density, percent sand of the carbonate fraction, and benthic d13C to variations in Earth's orbital parameters. The astronomical timescales for Sites 1237 and 1241 are in agreement with the one from Atlantic Site 925/926 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 154). The comparison of benthic d18O and d13C records from the east Pacific sites and Atlantic Site 925/926 revealed a surprising clarity of the "41-k.y. signal" in d13C records and a remarkably good correlation between their d13C records. This suggests that the late Miocene-Pliocene amplitudes of obliquity-related d13C cycles reflect a magnitude of global response often larger than that provided by obliquity-related d18O cycles. At Site 1237, the orbitally derived ages of Pliocene magnetic reversal boundaries between the base of Réunion and the top of Thvera confirm astronomical datings of the generally accepted ATNTS2004 timescale, except for the top of Kaena and the base of Sidufjall. Our astronomical age for the top of Kaena is about one obliquity cycle older. The base of Sidufjall appears to be about one precession cycle younger. The age models of Sites 1236 and 1239 were established by correlating their benthic d18O and d13C records directly to the orbitally tuned isotope record of Site 1241.


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Since its discovery in 1974 (Klitgord and Mudie, 1974), the Galapagos mounds hydrothermal field has received much attention. Sediment samples were taken during Leg 54 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and by other expeditions to the area (e.g., Corliss et al., 1978). While a hydrothermal origin for the mounds sediments has been generally accepted, several different theories of origin for the mounds themselves have been proposed (e.g., Corliss et al., 1978; Natland et al., 1979; Williams et al., 1979). One of the aims of DSDP Leg 70 was to return to the mounds field and, using the new hydraulic piston cor er described elsewhere in this volume, to obtain more complete recovery of mounds sediments than had previously been possible. It was our hope that this would help in our understanding of the nature and origin of these deposits. In this chapter, we describe the results of chemical analysis of over 250 sediment samples taken during the course of Leg 70.


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The Climatological Database for the World's Oceans: 1750-1854 (CLIWOC) project, which concluded in 2004, abstracted more than 280,000 daily weather observations from ships' logbooks from British, Dutch, French, and Spanish naval vessels engaged in imperial business in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. These data, now compiled into a database, provide valuable information for the reconstruction of oceanic wind field patterns for this key period that precedes the time in which anthropogenic influences on climate became evident. These reconstructions, in turn, provide evidence for such phenomena as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation. Of equal importance is the finding that the CLIWOC database the first coordinated attempt to harness the scientific potential of this resource represents less than 10 percent of the volume of data currently known to reside in this important but hitherto neglected source.


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Massive discharges of freshwater from the glacial lake Missoula to the northeast Pacific Ocean are thought to have sculpted the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington and debouched via the Columbia River near 46°N. The dynamics and timing of these events and their impact on northeast Pacific circulation remain uncertain. Here we date marine records of anomalous freshwater inputs to the ocean based on freshwater diatoms, oxygen isotopes in foraminifera, and radiocarbon data. Low-salinity plumes from the Columbia River reduced sea-surface salinities by as much as 6 psu (practical salinity units) more than 400 km away between 16 and 31 cal (calendar) ka B.P. Anomalously high abundances of freshwater diatoms in marine sediments from the region precede generally accepted dates for the existence of glacial Lake Missoula, implying that large flooding or freshwater routing events were common during the advance of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet and that such events require multiple sources.


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We examined sediments from Neogene and Quaternary sections of the Benguela and Oman upwelling systems (DSDP Site 532, ODP Sites 723 and 722) to determine environmental and geochemical factors which control and limit pyrite formation in organic-carbon-rich marine sediments. Those samples from the upwelling sites, which contained low to moderate concentrations of total organic carbon (0.7%-3%), had C/S ratios typical of normal marine sediments, i.e., around 2.8. In these sediments, TOC availability probably limited pyrite formation. Results that do not conform with accepted models were found for the sediments high in TOC (3^0-12.4%). The organic matter was of marine origin and contained considerable pyrolytic hydrocarbons, a fact that we take as a sign of low degradation, yet significant concentrations of dissolved sulfate coexisted with it (> 5 mmol/L in the case of Sites 532 and 723). Detrital iron was probably not limiting in either case, because the degree of pyritization was always less than 0.65. Therefore, controls on sulfate reduction and pyrite formation in the organic matter-rich sediments do not appear to conform simply to generally accepted diagenetic models. The data from these thermally immature, old, and organic-rich marine sediments imply that (1) the total reduced sulfur content of organic-rich marine upwelling sediments rarely exceeds an approximate boundary of 1.5% by weight, (2) the C/S ratio of these sediments is not constant and usually much higher than the empirical values proposed for marine sediments. We conclude that sedimentary pyrite formation in upwelling sediments is limited by an as yet unknown factor, and that caution is advised in using C/S ratios and C vs. S diagrams in paleoenvironmental reconstructions for organic-rich sediments.


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The development of a permanent, stable ice sheet in East Antarctica happened during the middle Miocene, about 14 million years (Myr) ago. The middle Miocene therefore represents one of the distinct phases of rapid change in the transition from the "greenhouse" of the early Eocene to the "icehouse" of the present day. Carbonate carbon isotope records of the period immediately following the main stage of ice sheet development reveal a major perturbation in the carbon system, represented by the positive d13C excursion known as carbon maximum 6 ("M6"), which has traditionally been interpreted as reflecting increased burial of organic matter and atmospheric pCO2 drawdown. More recently, it has been suggested that the d13C excursion records a negative feedback resulting from the reduction of silicate weathering and an increase in atmospheric pCO2. Here we present high-resolution multi-proxy (alkenone carbon and foraminiferal boron isotope) records of atmospheric carbon dioxide and sea surface temperature across CM6. Similar to previously published records spanning this interval, our records document a world of generally low (~300 ppm) atmospheric pCO2 at a time generally accepted to be much warmer than today. Crucially, they also reveal a pCO2 decrease with associated cooling, which demonstrates that the carbon burial hypothesis for CM6 is feasible and could have acted as a positive feedback on global cooling.


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The presented thesis was written in the frame of a project called 'seepage water prognosis'. It was funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Science (BMBF). 41 German institutions among them research institutes of universities, public authorities and engineering companies were financed for three years respectively. The aim was to work out the scientific basis that is needed to carry out a seepage water prognosis (Oberacker und Eberle, 2002). According to the Federal German Soil Protection Act (Federal Bulletin, 1998) a seepage water prognosis is required in order to avoid future soil impacts from the application of recycling products. The participants focused on the development of either methods to determine the source strength of the materials investigated, which is defined as the total mass flow caused by natural leaching or on models to predict the contaminants transport through the underlying soil. Annual meetings of all participants as well as separate meetings of the two subprojects were held. The department of Geosciences in Bremen participated with two subprojects. The aim of the subproject that resulted in this thesis was the development of easily applicable, valid, and generally accepted laboratory methods for the determination of the source strength. In the scope of the second subproject my colleague Veith Becker developed a computer model for the transport prognosis with the source strength as the main input parameter.


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In this study, we test various parameters in deep-sea sediments (bulk sediment parameters and changes in microfossil abundances and preservation character) which are generally accepted as indicators of calcium carbonate dissolution. We investigate sediment material from station GeoB 1710-3 in the northern Cape Basin (eastern South Atlantic), 280 km away from the Namibian coast, well outside today's coastal upwelling. As northern Benguela upwelling cells were displaced westward and periodically preceded the core location during the past 245 kyr (Volbers et al., submitted), GeoB 1710-3 sediments reflect these changes in upwelling productivity. Results of the most commonly used calcium carbonate dissolution proxies do not only monitor dissolution within these calcareous sediments but also reflect changes in upwelling intensity. Accordingly, these conventional proxy parameters misrepresent, to some extent, the extent of calcium carbonate dissolution. These results were verified by an independent dissolution proxy, the Globigerina bulloides dissolution index (BDX') (Volbers and Henrich, 2002, doi:10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00333-X). The BDX' is based on scanning electronic microscope ultrastructural investigation of planktonic foraminiferal tests and indicates persistent good carbonate preservation throughout the past 245 kyr, with the exception of one pronounced dissolution event at early oxygen isotopic stage (OIS) 6. The early OIS 6 is characterized by calcium carbonate contents, sand contents, and planktonic foraminiferal concentrations all at their lowest levels for the last 245 kyr. At the same time, the ratio of radiolarian to planktonic foraminiferal abundances and the ratio of benthic to planktonic foraminiferal tests are strongly increased, as are the rain ratio, the fragmentation index, and the BDX'. The sedimentary calcite lysocline rose above the core position and GeoB 1710-3 sediments were heavily altered, as attested to by the unusual accumulation of pellets, aggregates, sponge spicules, radiolaria, benthic foraminifera, and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. Solely the early OIS 6 dissolution event altered the coarse fraction intensely, and is therefore reflected by all conventional calcium carbonate preservation proxies and the BDX'. We attribute the more than 1000 m rise of the sedimentary calcite lysocline to the combination of two processes: (a) a prominent change in the deep-water mass distribution within the South Atlantic and (b) intense degradation of organic material within the sediment (preserved as maximum total organic carbon content) creating microenvironments favorable for calcium carbonate dissolution.