8 resultados para folded cascode

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Understanding the evolutionary history of threatened populations can improve their conservation management. Re-establishment of past but recent gene flow could re-invigorate threatened populations and replenish genetic diversity, necessary for population persistence. One of the four nominal subspecies of the common yellow-tufted honeyeater, Lichenostomus melanops cassidix, is critically endangered despite substantial conservation efforts over 55 years. Using a combination of morphometric, genetic and modelling approaches we tested for its evolutionary distinctiveness and conservation merit. We confirmed that cassidix has at least one morphometric distinction. It also differs genetically from the other subspecies in allele frequencies but not phylogenetically, implying that its evolution was recent. Modelling historical distribution supported the lack of vicariance and suggested a possibility of gene flow among subspecies at least since the late Pleistocene. Multi-locus coalescent analyses indicated that cassidix diverged from its common ancestor with neighbouring subspecies gippslandicus sometime from the mid-Pleistocene to the Holocene, and that it has the smallest historical effective population size of all subspecies. It appears that cassidix diverged from its ancestor with gippslandicus through a combination of drift and local selection. From patterns of genetic subdivision on two spatial scales and morphological variation we concluded that cassidix, gippslandicus and (melanops + meltoni) are diagnosable as subspecies. Low genetic diversity and effective population size of cassidix may translate to low genetic fitness and evolutionary potential, thus managed gene flow from gippslandicus is recommended for its recovery.


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Phytoliths (siliceous plant microfossils) have been recovered from Cenozoic sediments (c. 34 to 17 Ma) in the CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drillholes cored off Cape Roberts, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. The phytolith assemblages are sparse, but well-preserved and dominated by spherical forms similar to those of modern trees or shrubs. Rare phytoliths comparable to modern grass forms are also present. However, due to the paucity of phytolith data, any interpretations made are necessarily tentative. The assemblages of CRP-2/2A and the upper c. 250 m of CRP-3 are interpreted as representing a predominantly woody vegetation, including Nothofagus and Libocedrus with local areas of grass in the more exposed locations. A cool climate is interpreted to have prevailed throughout both cores. However, beneath c. 250 metres below sea floor in CRP-3, the dominant woody vegetation is supplemented by pockets of Palmae, ?Proteaceae and 'warm' climate grasses. This association represents vegetation growth in sheltered, moist sites - possibly north-facing mid-slopes or the coastal fringe. It may also represent remnant vegetation that grew in moist, temperate conditions during the Middle to Late Eocene, previously interpreted from the Southern McMurdo Sound erratics and lower part of the CIROS-1 drillhole. The phytolith analysis compares well to the terrestrial palynomorph record from both cores and provides additional independent taxonomic and climatic interpretations.


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In terms of physical and genetic features studied nodules are assigned to the sedimentational manganese-iron type (Canary Basin) and to the iron-containing type (Guyana Basin). They are enriched in Fe, Co and Pb and depleted in Mn, Ni, Cu, and Zn. Cores of the nodules from the Canary Basin consist primarily of peridotite, gabbro, dolerite, and metamorphic rock. Great predominance of peridotite and gabbro indicates that blocks of ocean crust underwent considerable displacement, bringing the third and fourth layers of a crust to the surface.


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A petrologic-geochemical study (petrochemistry, contents of siderophile and certain lithophile elements, composition of rock-forming silicates and accessory chrome spinels) of ultrabasic rocks dredged from the arc side in the northern end of the Tonga deep-sea trench has been carried out. The ultrabasites included harzburgites and dunites. Peridotites show clearly manifested material characteristics of ultrabasic relicts strongly depleted in low-temperature basaltic components. It is suggested that they have arose in the high degree of partial melting (about 30%) of a matrix mantle source of the lherzolite type. Great similarity of the rocks studied with ultrabasites of many ophiolites that are widespread in folded belts indicates that young island arcs are among the most likely geodynamic environments of ophiolite generation.


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The major aim of this study was to examine the influence of an embedded viscoelastic-plastic layer at different viscosity values on accretionary wedges at subduction zones. To quantify the effects of the layer viscosity, we analysed the wedge geometry, accretion mode, thrust systems and mass transport pattern. Therefore, we developed a numerical 2D 'sandbox' model utilising the Discrete Element Method. Starting with a simple pure Mohr Coulomb sequence, we added an embedded viscoelastic-plastic layer within the brittle, undeformed 'sediment' package. This layer followed Burger's rheology, which simulates the creep behaviour of natural rocks, such as evaporites. This layer got thrusted and folded during the subduction process. The testing of different bulk viscosity values, from 1 × 10**13 to 1 × 10**14 (Pa s), revealed a certain range where an active detachment evolved within the viscoelastic-plastic layer that decoupled the over- and the underlying brittle strata. This mid-level detachment caused the evolution of a frontally accreted wedge above it and a long underthrusted and subsequently basally accreted sequence beneath it. Both sequences were characterised by specific mass transport patterns depending on the used viscosity value. With decreasing bulk viscosities, thrust systems above this weak mid-level detachment became increasingly symmetrical and the particle uplift was reduced, as would be expected for a salt controlled forearc in nature. Simultaneously, antiformal stacking was favoured over hinterland dipping in the lower brittle layer and overturning of the uplifted material increased. Hence, we validated that the viscosity of an embedded detachment strongly influences the whole wedge mechanics, both the respective lower slope and the upper slope duplex, shown by e.g. the mass transport pattern.


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Hole 1256C was cored 88.5 m into basement, and Hole 1256D, the deep reentry hole, was cored 502 m into basement during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 206. Hole 1256D is located ~30 m south of Hole 1256C (Wilson, Teagle, Acton, et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.206.2003). A thick massive flow drilled in both holes, Units 1256C-18 and 1256D-1, consists of a single cooling unit of cryptocrystalline to fine-grained basalt, interpreted as a ponded lava, 32 m and at least 74.2 m thick, respectively. This ponded flow gives us a unique opportunity to examine textural variations from the glassy, folded crust of the lava pond recovered from the top of Unit 1256C-18 through the coarse-grained, thick massive lava body to the unusually recrystallized and deformed base cored in Unit 1256C-18. Some detailed descriptions of the textures and grain size variations through the lava pond (Units 1256C-18 and 1256D-1), with special reference to the recrystallization of the base of Unit 1256C-18, are presented here.


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The Middle Paleozoic complex consists of terrigenous and volcanogenic materials metamorphized in greenschist facies. Clastic rocks have arkosic composition and are formed by alteration of basalts and metamorphic rocks. Metaeffusives were formed from basaltoid products of oceanic tholeiite magma indicating that underwater rise structures of the northern Sea of Japan were emplaced on the oceanic crust.