97 resultados para fluid flow control

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano is a highly active methane seep hosting different chemosynthetic communities such as thiotrophic bacterial mats and siboglinid tubeworm assemblages. This study focuses on in situ measurements of methane fluxes to and from these different habitats, in comparison to benthic methane and oxygen consumption rates. By quantifying in situ oxygen, methane, and sulfide fluxes in different habitats, a spatial budget covering areas of 10-1000 -m diameter was established. The range of dissolved methane efflux (770-2 mmol m-2 d-1) from the center to the outer rim was associated with a decrease in temperature gradients from 46°C to < 1°C m-1, indicating that spatial variations in fluid flow control the distribution of benthic habitats and activities. Accordingly, total oxygen uptake (TOU) varied between the different habitats by one order of magnitude from 15 mmol m-2 d-1 to 161 mmol m-2 d-1. High fluid flow rates appeared to suppress benthic activities by limiting the availability of electron acceptors. Accordingly, the highest TOU was associated with the lowest fluid flow and methane efflux. This was most likely due to the aerobic oxidation of methane, which may be more relevant as a sink for methane as previously considered in submarine ecosystems.


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We investigate the Logatchev Hydrothermal Field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14°45' N to constrain the calcium isotope hydrothermal flux into the ocean. During the transformation of seawater to a hydrothermal solution, the Ca concentration of pristine seawater ([Ca]_SW) increases from about 10 mM to about 32 mM in the hydrothermal fluid endmember ([Ca]_HydEnd) and thereby adopts a d44/40Ca_HydEnd of -0.95+/-0.07 per mil relative to seawater (SW) and a 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of 0.7034(4). We demonstrate that d44/40Ca_HydEnd is higher than that of the bedrock at the Logatchev field. From mass balance calculations, we deduce a d44/40Ca of -1.17+/-0.04 per mil (SW) for the host-rocks in the reaction zone and -1.45+/-0.05 per mil (SW) for the isotopic composition of the entire hydrothermal cell of the Logatchev field. The values are isotopically lighter than the currently assumed d44/40Ca for Bulk Earth of -0.92+/-0.18 per mil (SW) [Skulan J., DePaolo D. J. and Owens T. L. (1997) Biological control of calcium isotopic abundances in the global calcium cycle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61,(12) 2505-2510] and challenge previous assumptions of no Ca isotope fractionation between hydrothermal fluid and the oceanic crust [Zhu P. and Macdougall J. D. (1998) Calcium isotopes in the marine environment and the oceanic calcium cycle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62,(10) 1691-1698; Schmitt A. -D., Chabeaux F. and Stille P. (2003) The calcium riverine and hydrothermal isotopic fluxes and the oceanic calcium mass balance. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 6731, 1-16]. Here we propose that Ca isotope fractionation along the fluid flow pathway of the Logatchev field occurs during the precipitation of anhydrite. Two anhydrite samples from the Logatchev Hydrothermal Field show an average fractionation of about D44/40Ca = -0.5 per mil relative to their assumed parental solutions. Ca isotope ratios in aragonites from carbonate veins from ODP drill cores indicate aragonite precipitation directly from seawater at low temperatures with an average d44/40Ca of -1.54+/-0.08 per mil (SW). The relatively large fractionation between the aragonite precipitates and seawater in combination with their frequent abundance in weathered mafic and ultramafic rocks suggest a reconsideration of the marine Ca isotope budget, in particular with regard to ocean crust alteration.


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An inflatable drill-string packer was used at Site 839 to measure the bulk in-situ permeability within basalts cored in Hole 839B. The packer was inflated at two depths, 398.2 and 326.9 mbsf; all on-board information indicated that the packer mechanically closed off the borehole, although apparently the packer hydraulically sealed the borehole only at 398.2 mbsf. Two pulse tests were run at each depth, two constant-rate injection tests were run at the first set, and four were run at the second. Of these, only the constant-rate injection tests at the first set yielded a permeability, calculated as ranging from 1 to 5 * 10**-12 m**2. Pulse tests and constant-rate injection tests for the second set did not yield valid data. The measured permeability is an upper limit; if the packer leaked during the experiments, the basalt would be less permeable. In comparison, permeabilities measured at other Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sites in pillow basalts and flows similar to those measured in Hole 839B are mainly about 10**-13 to 10**-14 m**2. Thus, if our results are valid, the basalts at Site 839 are more permeable than ocean-floor basalts investigated elsewhere. Based on other supporting evidence, we consider these results to be a valid measure of the permeability of the basalts. Temperature data and the geochemical and geotechnical properties of the drilled sediments all indicate that the site is strongly affected by fluid flow. The heat flow is very much less than expected in young oceanic basalts, probably a result of rapid fluid circulation through the crust. The geochemistry of pore fluids is similar to that of seawater, indicating seawater flow through the sediments, and sediments are uniformly underconsolidated for their burial depth, again indicating probable fluid flow. The basalts are highly vesicular. However, the vesicularity can only account for part of the average porosity measured on the neutron porosity well log; the remainder of the measured porosity is likely present as voids and fractures within and between thin-bedded basalts. Core samples, together with porosity, density, and resistivity well-log data show locations where the basalt section is thin bedded and probably has from 15% to 35% void and fracture porosity. Thus, the measured permeability seems reasonable with respect to the high measured porosity. Much of the fluid flow at Site 839 could be directed through highly porous and permeable zones within and between the basalt flows and in the sediment layer just above the basalt. Thus, the permeability measurements give an indication of where and how fluid flow may occur within the oceanic crust of the Lau Basin.


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A generalized physicochemical model of the response of marine organisms' calcifying fluids to CO2-induced ocean acidification is proposed. The model is based upon the hypothesis that some marine calcifiers induce calcification by elevating pH, and thus Omega aragonite, of their calcifying fluid by removing protons (H+). The model is explored through two end-member scenarios: one in which a fixed number of H+ is removed from their calcifying fluid, regardless of atmospheric pCO2, and another in which a fixed external-internal proton ratio ([H+]E/[H+]I) is maintained. The model is able to generate the full range of calcification response patterns observed in prior ocean acidification experiments and is consistent with the assertion that organisms' calcification response to ocean acidification is more negative for marine calcifiers that exert weaker control over their calcifying fluid pH. The model is empirically evaluated for the temperate scleractinian coral Astrangia poculata with in situ pH microelectrode measurements of the coral's calcifying fluid under control and acidified conditions. These measurements reveal that (1) the pH of the coral's calcifying fluid is substantially elevated relative to its external seawater under both control and acidified conditions, (2) the coral's [H+]E/[H+]I remains constant under control and acidified conditions, and (3) the coral removes fewer H+ from its calcifying fluid under acidified conditions than under control conditions. Thus, the carbonate system dynamics of A. poculata's calcifying fluid appear to be most consistent with the fixed [H+]E/[H+]I end-member scenario. Similar microelectrode experiments performed on additional taxa are required to assess the model's general applicability.


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We examined small-scale shear zones in drillcore samples of abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. These shear zones are associated with veins consisting of chlorite + actinolite/tremolite assemblages, with accessory phases zircon and apatite, and they are interpreted as altered plagiogranite melt impregnations, which originate from hydrous partial melting of gabbroic intrusion in an oceanic detachment fault. Ti-in-zircon thermometry yields temperatures around 820°C for the crystallization of the evolved melt. Reaction path modeling indicates that the alteration assemblage includes serpentine of the adjacent altered peridotites. Based on the model results, we propose that formation of chlorite occurred at higher temperatures than serpentinization, thus leading to strain localization around former plagiogranites during alteration. The detachment fault represents a major pathway for fluids through the oceanic crust, as evidenced by extremely low d18O of altered plagiogranite veins (+3.0-4.2 per mil) and adjacent serpentinites (+ 2.6-3.7 per mil). The uniform oxygen isotope data indicate that fluid flow in the detachment fault system affected veins and adjacent host serpentinites likewise.


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Cape Roberts drillhole CRP-3 in the northern part of McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica) targeted the western margin of the Victoria Land basin to investigate Neogene to Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history by obtaining continuous core and downhole logs (Cape Roberts Science Team, 2000). The CRP-3 drillhole extended to 939.42 mbsf (meters below seafloor) at a water depth of 297 m. The first downhole measurements after drilling were the temperature and salinity logs. Both were measured at the beginning and at the end of each of the three logging phases. Although an equilibrium temperature state may not have been fully reached after drilling, the temperature and salinity profiles seem to be scarcely disturbed. The average overall temperature gradient calculated from all temperature measurements is 28.5 K/km; remarkably lower than the temperature gradients found in other boreholes in the western Ross See and the Transantarctic Mountains. Anomalies in the salinity profiles at the beginning of each logging phase were no longer present at the end of the corresponding logging phase. This pattern indicates that drilling mud invaded the formation during drilling operations and flowed back into the borehole after drilling ceased. Thus, zones of temperature and salinity anomalies identify permeable zones in the formation and may be pathways for fluid flow. Radiogenic heat production, calculated from the radionuclide contents, is relatively low, with average values between 0.5 and 1.0 pW/m3. The highest values (up to 2 µW/m3) were obtained for the lower part of the Beacon Sandstone below 855 mbsf. The heat flow component due to radiogenic heat production integrated over the entire borehole is 0.7 mW/m2. Thermal conductivities range from 1.3 to 3 W/mK with an average value of 2.1 W/mK over the Tertiary section. Together with the average temperature gradient of 28.5 K/km this yields an average heat flow value of 60 mW/m2.