13 resultados para deep level approach

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Strontium isotopes are useful tracers of fluid-rock interaction in marine hydrothermal systems and provide a potential way to quantify the amount of seawater that passes through these systems. We have determined the whole-rock Sr-isotopic compositions of a section of upper oceanic crust that formed at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise, now exposed at Hess Deep. This dataset provides the first detailed comparison for the much-studied Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drill core from Site 504B. Whole-rock and mineral Sr concentrations indicate that Sr-exchange between hydrothermal fluids and the oceanic crust is complex, being dependent on the mineralogical reactions occurring; in particular, epidote formation takes up Sr from the fluid increasing the 87Sr/86Sr of the bulk-rock. Calculating the fluid-flux required to shift the Sr-isotopic composition of the Hess Deep sheeted-dike complex, using the approach of Bickle and Teagle (1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90221-G) gives a fluid-flux similar to that determined for ODP Hole 504B. This suggests that the level of isotopic exchange observed in these two regions is probably typical for modern oceanic crust. Unfortunately, uncertainties in the modeling approach do not allow us to determine a fluid-flux that is directly comparable to fluxes calculated by other methods.


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We studied two deep-sea cores from the Scotia Sea to reconstruct past atmospheric circulation in the southern hemisphere and to resolve a long-standing debate on the interpretation of magnetic susceptibility (MS) records in Southern Ocean (SO) sediment. High-sedimentation sites MD07-3134 (0.2 - 1.2 m/kyr) and MD07-3133 (0.3 - 2 m/kyr) cover the last 92.5 kyr and 36 kyr, respectively. Both exhibit a one-to-one coupling of the MS and Ca2+ signal to the non-sea salt (nss) Ca2+ signal of the EDML ice core, clearly identifying atmospheric circulation as means of distribution. Comparison of additional proxies also excludes major influence by volcanic sources, sea-ice, icebergs, or oceanic current transport. The close resemblance of the dust proxies over the last glacial cycle, in turn, allows for the establishment of an age model of unprecedented resolution and precision for SO deep-sea sediment because atmospheric transport involves no major leads or lags. This is of particular importance because MS is routinely measured on deep-sea cores in the SO but the sediments usually lack biogenic carbonate and therefore had only limited stratigraphic control so far. Southern South America (SSA) is the likely source of eolian material because Site MD07-3133, located closer to the continent, has slightly higher MS values than Site MD07-3134, and also the MS record of Patagonian Site SALSA shows comparable variability. Patagonia was the dust source for both the Scotia Sea and East Antarctica. Dust fluxes were several times higher during glacial times, when atmospheric circulation was either stronger or shifted in latitude, sea level was lowered, shelf surfaces were exposed, and environmental conditions in SSA were dominated by glaciers and extended outwash plains. Hence, MS records of SO deep-sea sediment are reliable tracers of atmospheric circulation, allowing for chronologically-constrained reconstructions of the circum Antarctic paleoclimate history.


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During the mid-Pleistocene transition the dominant 41 ka periodicity of glacial cycles transitioned to a quasi-100 ka periodicity for reasons not yet known. This study investigates the potential role of deep ocean hydrography by examining oxygen isotope ratios in benthic foraminifera. Oxygen isotope records from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean basins are separated into their ice volume and local temperature/hydrography components using a piece-wise linear transfer function and a temperature calibration. Although our method has certain limitations, the deep ocean hydrography reconstructions show that glacial deep ocean temperatures approached freezing point as the mid-Pleistocene transition progressed. Further analysis suggests that water mass reorganisation could have been responsible for these temperature changes, leading to such stable conditions in the deep ocean that some obliquity cycles were skipped until precessional forcing triggered deglaciation, creating the apparent quasi-100 ka pattern. This study supports previous work that suggests multiples of obliquity cycles dominate the quasi-100 ka glacial cycles with precession components driving deglaciations.