43 resultados para cyanopindolol i 125

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Abundant serpentinite seamounts are found along the outer high of the Mariana forearc at the top of the inner slope of the trench. One of them, Conical Seamount, was drilled at Sites 778, 779, and 780 during Leg 125. The rocks recovered at Holes 779A and 780C, respectively, on the flanks and at the summit of the seamount, include moderately serpentinized depleted harzburgites and some dunites. These rocks exhibit evidence of resorption of the orthopyroxene, when present, and the local presence of very calcic-rich diopside in veins oblique to the main high-temperature foliation of the rock. The peridotites, initially well-foliated with locally poikiloblastic textures, show overprints of a two-stage deformation history: (1) a high-temperature (>1000°C), low-stress (0.02 GPa), homogeneous deformation that has led to the present Porphyroclastic textures displayed by the rocks and (2) heterogeneous ductile shearing at a much higher stress (0.05 GPa). This heterogeneous shearing probably describes a single tectonic event because it began at high temperatures, producing dynamic recrystallization of olivine in the shear zone, and ended at low temperatures in the stability field of chlorite and serpentine. In a few samples, olivine shows evidence of quasi-hydrostatic recrystallization at a very high temperature. Here, we propose that this recrystallization was related to fluid/magma percolation, a process that can also account for the resorption of the orthopyroxene and for the late crystallization of diopside veins in the rock. The impregnation by fluid or magma, development of the main high-temperature, low-stress deformation, and subsequent migration recrystallization of olivine probably occurred in a mantle fragment involved in the arc formation. In addition, this mantle has preserved structures that may have formed earlier in the oceanic lithosphere upon which the arc formed. Heterogeneous ductile shear zones in the peridotites may have developed during uplift. The "cold" deformation may have taken place during diapiric rise of hot mantle that underwent subsequent serpentinization or gliding along normal faults associated with the extension of the eastern margin of the forearc.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125, a thick sequence of middle Eocene to Pleistocene pelagic sediments, volcanogenic sediments, and predominantly extrusive volcanic rocks was recovered. Calcareous nannofossils were examined from 15 holes at nine sites, but Eocene to Miocene calcareous nannofossils were found only from Holes 782A, 784A, 786A, and 786B. In portions of Holes 786A and 786B, datable nannofossil oozes were found intercalated among volcanic flows. The nannofossil biostratigraphy of these holes indicates the presence of three well-defined hiatuses: within the lower Oligocene, between the upper Oligocene and middle Miocene, and between the middle and upper Miocene. An attempt was made to correlate the magnetochronological data with the first or last occurrences of the following species: Sphenolithus distentus, Reticulofenestra bisecta, Reticulofenestra reticulata, and Cyclicargolithus floridanus abisectus n. comb. The results indicate that the FO of Sphenolithus distentus can extend down to Zone CP16 (34.7 Ma), the LO of Reticulofenestra bisecta best defines the boundary between CP19a and CP19b (23.5 Ma), and the LO of Cyclicargolithus f. abisectus n. comb, can extend up to Subzone CN5a (12.5 Ma). No latest Oligocene Cyclicargolithus f. abisectus n. comb, acme was observed. Cyclicargolithus abisectus is considered a subspecies or variant of Cyclicargolithus floridanus because their LOs coincide. As a consequence of these observations, we have modified the definitions of Bukry's Subzones CP14a, CP14b, and CNla. Analyses of sediment-accumulation rates indicate that the rates increased gradually from the Eocene to Miocene. This is especially evident since the late Miocene in Hole 782A. In different parts of the Izu-Bonin forearc basin, however, the rate is not everywhere the same and appears to vary according to the import of volcanogenic materials.


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Iodine and boron were analyzed in pore fluids, serpentinized ultramafic clasts, and the serpentinized mud matrix of the South Chamorro Seamount mud volcano (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 Site 1200) to determine the distribution of these elements in deep forearc settings. Similar analyses of clasts and muds from the Conical Seamount mud volcano (Leg 125 Site 779) were also carried out. Interstitial pore fluids are enriched in boron and iodine without appreciable change in chloride concentration relative to seawater. Both the ultramafic clasts and the associated serpentinized mud present the highest documented iodine concentrations for all types of nonsedimentary rocks (6.3-101.7 µmol/kg). Such high iodine concentrations, if commonplace in marine forearc settings, may constitute a significant, previously unknown reservoir of iodine. This serpentinized forearc mantle reservoir may potentially contribute to the total crustal iodine budget and provide a mechanism for its recycling at convergent plate margins. Both clasts and mud show concurrent enrichments in boron and iodine, and the similarity in pore fluid profiles also suggests that these two incompatible, fluid-mobile elements behave similarly at convergent plate margins.