19 resultados para crystal and ligand fields

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The large discrepancy between field and laboratory measurements of mineral reaction rates is a long-standing problem in earth sciences, often attributed to factors extrinsic to the mineral itself. Nevertheless, differences in reaction rate are also observed within laboratory measurements, raising the possibility of intrinsic variations as well. Critical insight is available from analysis of the relationship between the reaction rate and its distribution over the mineral surface. This analysis recognizes the fundamental variance of the rate. The resulting anisotropic rate distributions are completely obscured by the common practice of surface area normalization. In a simple experiment using a single crystal and its polycrystalline counterpart, we demonstrate the sensitivity of dissolution rate to grain size, results that undermine the use of "classical" rate constants. Comparison of selected published crystal surface step retreat velocities (Jordan and Rammensee, 1998) as well as large single crystal dissolution data (Busenberg and Plummer, 1986) provide further evidence of this fundamental variability. Our key finding highlights the unsubstantiated use of a single-valued "mean" rate or rate constant as a function of environmental conditions. Reactivity predictions and long-term reservoir stability calculations based on laboratory measurements are thus not directly applicable to natural settings without a probabilistic approach. Such a probabilistic approach must incorporate both the variation of surface energy as a general range (intrinsic variation) as well as constraints to this variation owing to the heterogeneity of complex material (e.g., density of domain borders). We suggest the introduction of surface energy spectra (or the resulting rate spectra) containing information about the probability of existing rate ranges and the critical modes of surface energy.


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The speciation of iron was investigated in three shelf seas and three deep basins of the Arctic Ocean in 2007. The dissolved fraction (<0.2 µm) and a fraction < 1000 kDa were considered here. In addition, unfiltered samples were analyzed. Between 74 and 83% of dissolved iron was present in the fraction < 1000 kDa at all stations and depth, except at the chlorophyll maximum (42-64%). Distinct trends in iron concentrations and ligand characteristics were observed from the shelf seas toward the central deep basins, with a decrease of total dissolvable iron ([TDFe] > 3 nM on the shelves and [TDFe] < 2 nM in the Makarov Basin). A relative enrichment of particulate Fe toward the bottom was revealed at all stations, indicating Fe export toward the deep ocean. In deep waters, dissolved ligands became less saturated with Fe (increase of [Excess L]/[Fe]) from the Nansen Basin via the Amundsen Basin toward the Makarov Basin. This trend was explained by the reactivity of the ligands, higher (log alpha > 13.5) in the Nansen and Amundsen basins than in the Makarov Basin (log alpha <13) where the sources of Fe and ligands were limited. The ligands became nearly saturated with depth in the Amundsen and Nansen Basins, favoring Fe removal in the deep ocean, whereas in the deep Makarov Basin, they became unsaturated with depth. Still here scavenging occurred. Although scavenging of Fe was attenuated by the presence of unsaturated organic ligands, their low reactivity in combination with a lack of sources of Fe in the Makarov Basin might be the reason of a net export of Fe to the sediment.


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This study was aimed at reconstructing a sequence of events in the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of peridotites, gabbroids, and trondhjemites from internal oceanic complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev hydrothermal vent fields. Collections of plutonic rocks from Cruises 22 and 26 of R/V "Professor Logachev", Cruise 41 of R/V "Akademik Mstislav Keldysh", and from the Serpentine Russian-French expedition aboard R/V "Pourquoi pas?" were objects of this study. Data reported here suggest that the internal oceanic complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev fields formed via the same scenario in these two regions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. On the other hand, an analysis of petrological and geochemical characteristics of the rocks indicated that the internal oceanic complexes of the MAR axial zone between 12°58'N and 14°45'N show pronounced petrological and geochemical heterogeneity manifested in variations in degree of depletion of mantle residues and in Nd isotopic compositions of rocks from the gabbro-peridotite association. Trondhjemites from the Ashadze hydrothermal field can be considered as partial melting products of gabbroids under influence of hydrothermal fluids. It was supposed that presence of trondhjemites in internal oceanic complexes of MAR can be used as a marker for the highest temperature deep-rooted hydrothermal systems. Perhaps, the region of the MAR axial zone, in which petrologically and geochemically contrasting internal oceanic complexes are spatially superimposed, serves as an area for development of large hydrothermal clusters with considerable ore-forming potential.


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A portable Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS), model EM27/SUN, was deployed onboard the research vessel Polarstern to measure the column-average dry air mole fractions of carbon dioxide (XCO2) and methane (XCH4) by means of direct sunlight absorption spectrometry. We report on technical developments as well as data calibration and reduction measures required to achieve the targeted accuracy of fractions of a percent in retrieved XCO2 and XCH4 while operating the instrument under field conditions onboard the moving platform during a 6-week cruise on the Atlantic from Cape Town (South Africa, 34° S, 18° E; 5 March 2014) to Bremerhaven (Germany, 54° N, 19° E; 14 April 2014). We demonstrate that our solar tracker typically achieved a tracking precision of better than 0.05° toward the center of the sun throughout the ship cruise which facilitates accurate XCO2 and XCH4 retrievals even under harsh ambient wind conditions. We define several quality filters that screen spectra, e.g., when the field of view was partially obstructed by ship structures or when the lines-of-sight crossed the ship exhaust plume. The measurements in clean oceanic air, can be used to characterize a spurious air-mass dependency. After the campaign, deployment of the spectrometer alongside the TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) instrument at Karlsruhe, Germany, allowed for determining a calibration factor that makes the entire campaign record traceable to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standards. Comparisons to observations of the GOSAT satellite and concentration fields modeled by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) demonstrate that the observational setup is well suited to provide validation opportunities above the ocean and along interhemispheric transects.


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Features of sedimentation of carbonate mineral associations in the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin and other regions of the Sea of Okhotsk are considered. Special attention is paid to correlation between carbonate neoformations and abnormal fluxes of methane. In bottom sediments with high contents of methane carbonate-sulfide associations occur, their generation has been influenced by gas (mostly methane) fields. Joint consideration of distribution of gas and geochemical fields and mineral associations in the Sea of Okhotsk allows to understand better a mechanism of mineral generation in bottom sediments, possible formation of ore accumulations, and to use them as indicators for prognosis of mineral resources.


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Two genetically different types of authigenic carbonate mounds are studied: (1) from an active hydrothermal field related to serpentinite protrusions in a zone of intersection of a transform fracture zone with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, (2) from an active field of methane seepings in the Dnieper canyon of the Black sea. General geochemical conditions, under which authigenic carbonate formation occurs within these two fields, were found. They include: presence of reduced H2S, H2, and CH4 gases at absence of free oxygen; high alkalinity of waters participating in carbonate formation; similarity of textural and structural features of authigenic aragonite, which represents the initial carbonate mineral of the mounds; paragenesis of aragonite with sulfide minerals; close relation of carbonate mounds with communities of sulfate-reducing and methane-oxidizing microorganisms. A new mechanism of formation of hydrothermal authigenic carbonates is suggested. It implies their microbial sulfate reduction over hydrogen from fluid in the subsurface mixing zone of hydrothermal solution and adjacent seawater.


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This collective monography by a group of lithologists from the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences summarizes materials of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project from the Atlantic Ocean. It gives results of processing materials on the sequences drilled during DSDP Legs 41, 45, 48 and 49. These studies were based on lithological-facial analysis combined with detailed mineralogical-petrographic description. Its chapters give a number of ideas on formation of the Earth sedimentary cover, which can be used for compilation of regional and global schemes of ocean paleogeography, reconstruction of history of some structures in the World Ocean, correlation between sedimentary processes on continents and in oceans, estimation of perspectives for oil and gas fields and ore formation.


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The goal of our study is to determine accurate time series of geophysical Earth rotation excitations to learn more about global dynamic processes in the Earth system. For this purpose, we developed an adjustment model which allows to combine precise observations from space geodetic observation systems, such as Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Doppler Orbit determination and Radiopositioning Integrated on Satellite (DORIS), satellite altimetry and satellite gravimetry in order to separate geophysical excitation mechanisms of Earth rotation. Three polar motion time series are applied to derive the polar motion excitation functions (integral effect). Furthermore we use five time variable gravity field solutions from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to determine not only the integral mass effect but also the oceanic and hydrological mass effects by applying suitable filter techniques and a land-ocean mask. For comparison the integral mass effect is also derived from degree 2 potential coefficients that are estimated from SLR observations. The oceanic mass effect is also determined from sea level anomalies observed by satellite altimetry by reducing the steric sea level anomalies derived from temperature and salinity fields of the oceans. Due to the combination of all geodetic estimated excitations the weaknesses of the individual processing strategies can be reduced and the technique-specific strengths can be accounted for. The formal errors of the adjusted geodetic solutions are smaller than the RMS differences of the geophysical model solutions. The improved excitation time series can be used to improve the geophysical modeling.


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This study reports the first crystal chemical database resulting from a detailed structural investigation of trioctahedral micas found in xenolithic ejecta produced during the AD 1631, 1872 and 1944 eruptions, three explosive episodes of recent volcanic period of Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy). Three xenolith types were selected: metamorphic/metasomatic skarns, pyrometamorphic/hydrothermally altered nodules and mafic cumulates. They are related to different magma chemistry and effusive styles: from sub-plinian and most evolved (AD 1631 eruption) to violent strombolian with medium evolution degree (AD 1872 eruption) to vulcanian-effusive, least evolved (AD 1944 eruption) event, respectively. Both xenoliths and micas were investigated employing multiple techniques: the xenoliths were characterized by X-ray fluorescence, inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and quantitative energy-dispersive microanalysis; the micas were studied by electron probe microanalysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The mica-bearing xenoliths show variable texture and mineralogical assemblage, clearly related to their different origin. Based on the major oxide chemistry, only one xenolithic sample falls in the skarn compositional field from the Somma-Vesuvius literature, some fall close to the skarns and cumulate fields, others plot close to the syenite/foidolite/essexite field. A subgroup of the selected ejecta does not fall or approach any of the compositional fields. Trace and rare earth element patterns show some petrological affinity between studied xenoliths and erupted magmas with typical Eu, Ta and Nb negative anomalies. Strongly depleted patterns were detected for the 1631 metamorphic/metasomatic skarns xenoliths. Three distinct mica groups were distinguished: 1) Mg-, Al-rich, low Ti-bearing, low to moderate F-bearing varieties (1631 xenolith), 2) Al-moderate, F- and Mg-rich, Ti-, Fe-poor varieties (1872 xenolith), and 3) Al-, Ti- and Fe-rich, F-poor phases (1944 xenolith). All the analysed mica crystals are 1M polytypes with the expected space group C2/m. Micas from xenoliths of the 1631 Vesuvius eruption are phlogopites characterized by a combination of low extent of oxy-type and variable extent OH-F-substitutions, as testified by the range of F concentration (from ~ 0.20 to 0.80 apfu). Micas from xenoliths of the 1872 Vesuvius eruption exhibit structural peculiarities typical of fluorophlogopites, i.e. OH-F-substitution is predominant. Micas from the xenolith of the 1944 Vesuvius eruption display features typical of oxy-substituted micas. The variability of the crystal chemical features of the studied micas are consistent with the remarkable variation of their host rocks. Micas from 1631 nodules are related to metasomatic, skarn-type environment, deriving from the metamorphosed wall-rocks hosting the magma reservoir. The fluorophlogopites from the 1872 xenoliths testify for strongly dehydrated environmental conditions compared to those of the 1631 and 1944 hosts. Finally, magma storage condition at depth, associated to a decreasing aH2O may have promoted major oxy-type substitutions in 1944 biotites.


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Gullfaks is one of the four major Norwegian oil and gas fields, located in the northeastern edge of the North Sea Plateau. Tommeliten lies in the greater Ekofisk area in the central North Sea. During the cruises HE 208 and AL 267 several seep locations of the North Sea were visited. At the Heincke seep at Gullfaks, sediments were sampled in May 2004 (HE 208) using a video-guided multiple corer system (MUC; Octopus, Kiel). The samples were recovered from an area densely covered with bacterial mats where gas ebullition was observed. The coarse sands limited MUC penetration depth to maximal 30 centimeters and the highly permeable sands did not allow for a high-resolution, vertical subsampling because of pore water loss. The gas flare mapping and videographic observation at Tommeliten indicated an area of gas emission with a few small patches of bacterial mats with diameters <50 cm from most of which a single stream of gas bubbles emerged. The patches were spaced apart by 10-100 m. Sampling of sediments covered by bacterial mats was only possible with 3 small push cores (3.8 cm diameter) mounted to ROV Cherokee. These cores were sampled in 3 cm intervals. Lipid biomarker extraction from 10 -17 g wet sediment was carried out as described in detail elsewhere (Elvert et al., 2003; doi:10.1080/01490450303894). Briefly, defined concentrations of cholestane, nonadecanol and nonadecanolic acid with known delta 13C-values were added to the sediments prior to extraction as internal standards for the hydrocarbon, alcohol and fatty acid fraction, respectively. Total lipid extracts were obtained from the sediment by ultrasonification with organic solvents of decreasing polarity. Esterified fatty acids (FAs) were cleaved from the glycerol head group by saponification with methanolic KOH solution. From this mixture, the neutral fraction was extracted with hexane. After subsequent acidification, FAs were extracted with hexane. For analysis, FAs were methylated using BF3 in methanol yielding fatty acid methyl esters (FAMES). The fixation for total cell counts and CARD-FISH were performed on-board directly after sampling. For both methods, sediments were fixed in formaldehyde solution. After two hours, aliquots for CARD-FISH staining were washed with 1* PBS (10mmol/l sodium phosphate solution, 130mmol/l NaCl, adjusted to a pH of 7.2) and finally stored in a 1:1 PBS:ethanol solution at -20°C until further processing. Samples for total cell counts were stored in formalin at 4°C until analysis. For sandy samples, the total cell count/CARD-FISH protocol was optimized to separate sand particles from the cells. Cells were dislodged from sediment grains and brought into solution with the supernatant by sonicating each sample onice for 2 minutes at 50W. This procedure was repeated four times and supernatants were combined. The sediment samples were brought to a final dilution of 1:2000 to 1:4000 and filtered onto 0.2µm GTTP filters (Millipore, Eschbonn, Germany).