74 resultados para bloom associated bacteria

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We determined the numbers of free-living and associated (aggregated or bonded with particles) bacteria in the coastal water of King George Island at an offshore (St. 1) and a nearshore station (St. 2) as a function of physico-chemical parameters. Water sampIes were collected between March and October at St. 1 and between April and October at St. 2. Direct counts of total bacteria varied from 0.53*10**8 to 5.02*10**8 cells/l. Associated microorganisms accounted for 5 to 20 % of the total number of bacteria. Strong Spearman and Pearson correlations were observed (R = 0.82; P = 0.001) between the numbers of free-living and associated bacteria at St. 1. These two groups of bacteria were nearly evenly distributed in the horizontal transects from inshore to offshore waters at depths of 1-10 m in Ardley Cove. There were no substantial differences in the numbers of either free-living or associated bacteria in vertical transects too. Their number at St. 1, but not at St. 2, correlated significantly with all tested environmental parameters (salinity, temperature, solar radiation, nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll a concentrations), except nitrite concentrations in water. The most probable reason for these correlations is that a common seasonal trend is characteristic of most tested parameters during the March to October period.


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Aggregation of algae, mainly diatoms, is an important process in marine systems leading to the settling of particulate organic carbon predominantly in the form of marine snow. Exudation products of phytoplankton form transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), which acts as the glue for particle aggregation. Heterotrophic bacteria interacting with phytoplankton may influence TEP formation and phytoplankton aggregation. This bacterial impact has not been explored in detail. We hypothesized that bacteria attaching to Thalassiosira weissflogii might interact in a yet-to-be determined manner, which could impact TEP formation and aggregate abundance. The role of individual T. weissflogii-attaching and free-living new bacterial isolates for TEP production and diatom aggregation was investigated in vitro. T. weissflogii did not aggregate in axenic culture, and striking differences in aggregation dynamics and TEP abundance were observed when diatom cultures were inoculated with either diatom-attaching or free-living bacteria. The data indicated that free-living bacteria might not influence aggregation whereas bacteria attaching to diatom cells may increase aggregate formation. Interestingly, photosynthetically inactivated T. weissflogii cells did not aggregate regardless of the presence of bacteria. Comparison of aggregate formation, TEP production, aggregate sinking velocity and solid hydrated density revealed remarkable differences. Both, photosynthetically active T. weissflogii and specific diatom-attaching bacteria were required for aggregation. It was concluded that interactions between heterotrophic bacteria and diatoms increased aggregate formation and particle sinking and thus may enhance the efficiency of the biological pump.


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This study focused on the bacterial diversity associated with microbial mats of deep-sea cold seeps at the Norwegian continental margin. Study sites included the Storegga and Nyegga areas as well as the Håkon Mosby mud volcano, where the mats occurred at temperatures permanently close to the freezing point of seawater. Two visually different mat types, i.e. small gray mats and extensive white mats, were studied with the aim to determine the identity of the mat-forming sulfide oxidizers, and to investigate which environmental factors (e.g. sulfate reduction and methane oxidation rates) shown here could explain the observed diversity. Sequence data have been submitted to the EMBL database under accession No. FR847864-FR847887 (giant sulfur bacteria), No. FR827864 (Menez Gwen filament; see Supplementary Material) and No. FR875365-FR877509 (except FR875905; remaining partial sequences).


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Anaerobic methane-oxidizing microbial communities in sediments at cold methane seeps are important factors in controlling methane emission to the ocean and atmosphere. Here, we investigated the distribution and carbon isotopic signature of specific biomarkers derived from anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME groups) and sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) responsible for the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) at different cold seep provinces of Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin. The special focus was on their relation to in situ cell abundances and methane turnover. In general, maxima in biomarker abundances and minima in carbon isotope signatures correlated with maxima in AOM and sulphate reduction as well as with consortium biomass. We found ANME-2a/DSS aggregates associated with high abundances of sn-2,3-di-O-isoprenoidal glycerol ethers (archaeol, sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol) and specific bacterial fatty acids (C16:1omega5c, cyC17:0omega5,6) as well as with high methane fluxes (Beggiatoa site). The low to medium flux site (Calyptogena field) was dominated by ANME-2c/DSS aggregates and contained less of both compound classes but more of AOM-related glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs). ANME-1 archaea dominated deeper sediment horizons at the Calyptogena field where sn-1,2-di-O-alkyl glycerol ethers (DAGEs), archaeol, methyl-branched fatty acids (ai-C15:0, i-C16:0, ai-C17:0), and diagnostic GDGTs were prevailing. AOM-specific bacterial and archaeal biomarkers in these sediment strata generally revealed very similar d13C-values of around -100 per mill. In ANME-2-dominated sediment sections, archaeal biomarkers were even more 13C-depleted (down to -120 per mill), whereas bacterial biomarkers were found to be likewise 13C-depleted as in ANME-1-dominated sediment layers (d13C: -100 per mill). The zero flux site (Acharax field), containing only a few numbers of ANME-2/DSS aggregates, however, provided no specific biomarker pattern. Deeper sediment sections (below 20 cm sediment depth) from Beggiatoa covered areas which included solid layers of methane gas hydrates contained ANME-2/DSS typical biomarkers showing subsurface peaks combined with negative shifts in carbon isotopic compositions. The maxima were detected just above the hydrate layers, indicating that methane stored in the hydrates may be available for the microbial community. The observed variations in biomarker abundances and 13C-depletions are indicative of multiple environmental and physiological factors selecting for different AOM consortia (ANME-2a/DSS, ANME-2c/DSS, ANME-1) along horizontal and vertical gradients of cold seep settings.


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The marine laboratories in Plymouth have sampled at two principle sites in the Western English Channel for over a century in open-shelf (station E1; 50° 02'N, 4° 22'W) and coastal (station L4; 50° 15'N, 4° 13'W) waters. These stations are seasonally stratified from late-April until September, and the variable biological response is regulated by subtle variations in temperature, light, nutrients and meteorology. Station L4 is characterized by summer nutrient depletion, although intense summer precipitation, increasing riverine input to the system, results in pulses of increased nitrate concentration and surface freshening. The winter nutrient concentrations at E1 are consistent with an open-shelf site. Both stations have a spring and autumn phytoplankton bloom; at station E1, the autumn bloom tends to dominate in terms of chlorophyll concentration. The last two decades have seen a warming of around 0.6°C per decade, and this is superimposed on several periods of warming and cooling over the past century. In general, over the Western English Channel domain, the end of the 20th century was around 0.5°C warmer than the first half of the century. The warming magnitude and trend is consistent with other stations across the north-west European Shelf and occurred during a period of reduced wind stress and increased levels of insolation (+20%); these are both correlated with the larger scale climatic forcing of the North Atlantic Oscillation.


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The variability in microbial communities (abundance and biomass), bacterial production and ectoaminopeptidase activity, particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC), and particulate and dissolved lipids was examined in spring 1995 in the northwestern Mediterranean, where a transition from the end of a bloom to pre-oligotrophic conditions was observed. Four time series of 36 h each and 4 h sampling intervals were performed at 5 m and at the chlorophyll maximum (30 m) between 11 and 31 May. Simultaneous measurements of pigments, abundance of hetero- and autotrophic flagellates, bacteria and POC enabled the estimation of living POC (defined as autotrophic-C plus heterotrophic-C biomass), and thus the detrital organic carbon. During the first 2 time series (11 to 15 May), the bacterial-C biomass was higher than the autotrophic-C biomass at 5 m (ratio 1.4 and 1.7), whereas the opposite trend was observed in the chlorophyll peak (ratio 0.7 for the first cycle). However, at the end of May, autotrophic-C biomass was equivalent to bacterial-C biomass at both depths studied. The detrital pool remained a more or less constant fraction of the POC (52, 53 and 47% on 11-12 May, 14-15 May and 30-31 May) at the chlorophyll peak, whereas it decreased significantly with time (62 to 53%) at 5 m. Relationships between bacterial activities and evolution of available resources were not systematically evidenced from our 36 h diel cycle data. Nevertheless, at the monthly scale, comparison of bacterial carbon demand (BCD) to potential carbon resources (detrital POC and DOC) showed that bacteria fed differently on the various pools. From ectoaminopeptidase turnover rates and detrital POC, the potential hydrolysis rate of detritus was calculated. Depending on the choice of conversion factors for bacterial production and estimates of hydrolysis turnover rates, it was shown that bacterial hydrolysis of detritus could be one of the DOC accumulation sources. We observed that the percentage of BCD supplied by detrital POC hydrolysis increased in the surface and decreased in the chlorophyll peak. An index of lipid degradation in POC, the lipolysis index, increased during the month at 5 m, also indicating a higher hydrolysis of POC. The opposite trend was observed in the chlorophyll maximum layer. The selective decrease in dissolved lipids in DOC in the chlorophyll maximum layer, particularly free fatty acids, also suggests that bacteria utilized increased fractions of carbon sources from the DOC. We concluded that partitioning between DOC and detritus as resources for bacteria can change during the rapid transition period from mesotrophy to oligotrophy in the northwestern Mediterranean.