14 resultados para articles of incorporation

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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To investigate the use of benthic foraminifera as a means to document ancient methane release, we determined the stable isotopic composition of tests of live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead specimens of epibenthic Fontbotia wuellerstorfi, preferentially used in paleoceanographic reconstructions, and of endobenthic high-latitude Cassidulina neoteretis and Cassidulina reniforme from a cold methane-venting seep off northern Norway. We collected foraminiferal tests from three push cores and nine multiple cores obtained with a remotely operated vehicle and a video-guided multiple corer, respectively. All sampled sites except one control site are situated at the Håkon Mosby mud volcano (HMMV) on the Barents Sea continental slope in 1250 m water depth. At the HMMV in areas densely populated by pogonophoran tube worms, d13C values of cytoplasm-containing epibenthic F. wuellerstorfi are by up to 4.4 per mil lower than at control site, thus representing the lowest values hitherto reported for this species. Live C. neoteretis and C. reniforme reach d13C values of -7.5 and -5.5 per mil Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB), respectively, whereas d13C values of their empty tests are higher by 4 per mil and 3 per mil. However, d13C values of empty tests are never lower than those of stained specimens, although they are still lower than empty tests from the control site. This indicates that authigenic calcite precipitates at or below the sediment surface are not significantly influencing the stable isotopic composition of foraminiferal shells. The comparatively high d13C results rather from upward convection of pore water and fluid mud during active methane venting phases at these sites. These processes mingle tests just recently calcified with older ones secreted at intermittent times of less or no methane discharge. Since cytoplasm-containing specimens of suspension feeder F. wuellerstorfi are almost exclusively found attached to pogonophores, which protrude up to 3 cm above the sediment, and d13C values of bottom-water-dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) are not significantly depleted, we conclude that low test d13C values of F. wuellerstorfi are the result of incorporation of heavily 13C-depleted methanotrophic biomass that these specimens feed on rather than because of low bottom water d13CDIC. Alternatively, the pogonophores, which are rooted at depth in the upper sediment column, may serve as a conduit for depleted d13CDIC that ultimately influences the calcification process of F. wuellerstorfi attached to the pogonophoran tube well above the sediment/water interface. The lowest d13C of live specimens of the endobenthic C. neoteretis and C. reniforme are within the range of pore water d13CDIC values, which exceed those that could be due to organic matter decomposition, and thus, in fact, document active methane release in the sediment.


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Chemical analyses of manganese nodules from the Central Pacific Basin show that their chemical composition varies regionally, although that of the associated sediments is markedly uniform throughout the basin. Mn content varies from 16 to 32% in average. Its higher value is generally found in nodules from siliceous clay and a few from deep-sea clay. Fe content tends to enrich in nodules from deep-sea clay area. Most manganese nodules, except those from deep-sea clay, are remarkably depleted in Fe compared with ones from the other Pacific regions. Mostly, Cu and Ni contents exceed 1% in nodules from siliceous clay, and decrease towards the northwest of the basin where deep-sea clay is distributed. The inter-element relationship between manganese nodules and associated sediments suggests that the mechanism of incorporation of major and minor elements in nodules is apparently different from that of the associated sediments. This finding seems to provide a new interpretation on the problem why manganese nodules having low accumulation rate are not buried by the associated sediments with greater sedimentation rate and then occur on sediment-seawater interface.


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Chemical analyses of manganese nodules from the Central Pacific Basin show that their chemical composition varies regionally, although that of the associated sediments is markedly uniform throughout the basin. Mn content varies from 16 to 32% in average. Its higher value is generally found in nodules from siliceous clay and a few from deep-sea clay. Fe content tends to enrich in nodules from deep-sea clay area. Most manganese nodules, except those from deep-sea clay, are remarkably depleted in Fe compared with ones from the other Pacific regions. Mostly, Cu and Ni contents exceed 1% in nodules from siliceous clay, and decrease towards the northwest of the basin where deep-sea clay is distributed. The inter-element relationship between manganese nodules and associated sediments suggests that the mechanism of incorporation of major and minor elements in nodules is apparently different from that of the associated sediments. This finding seems to provide a new interpretation on the problem why manganese nodules having low accumulation rate are not buried by the associated sediments with greater sedimentation rate and then occur on sediment-seawater interface.


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This chapter discusses the formation and distribution of some metals in ocean-floor manganese nodules in the light of the observed data in the literature and thermodynamic and kinetic considerations of the oxidation of metal ions in the oceanic environment. There are, in general, two major schools of thought on the mechanism of incorporation of the minor elements such as nickel, copper, and cobalt with the major elements such as manganese and iron. One is the lattice substitution mechanism and the other the adsorption mechanism. If the mechanism is lattice substitution, extraction of the metal ions is not possible unless the lattice of the major elements is first broken and exchanged with other ions from the bulk solution. Consequently, the leaching behavior of minor elements should display a very close relationship with that of major elements.


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Culture experiments with living planktic foraminifers reveal that the ratio of boron to calcium (B/Ca) in Orbulina universa increases from 56 to 92 µmol mol-1 when pH is raised from 7.61 +/- 0.02 to 8.67 +/- 0.03 (total scale). Across this pH range, the abundances of carbonate, bicarbonate, and borate ions also change (+ 530, - 500, and + 170 µmol kg-1, respectively). Thus specific carbonate system control(s) on B/Ca remain unclear, complicating interpretation of paleorecords. B/Ca in cultured O. universa also increases with salinity (55-72 µmol mol-1 from 29.9-35.4 per mil) and seawater boron concentration (62-899 µmol mol-1 from 4-40 ppm B), suggesting that these parameters may need to be taken into account for paleorecords spanning large salinity changes (~ 2 per mil) and for samples grown in seawater whose boron concentration ([B]SW) differs from modern by more than 0.25 ppm. While our results are consistent with the predominant incorporation of the charged borate species B(OH)4 into foraminiferal calcite, the behavior of the partition coefficient KD (defined as [B/Ca]calcite/B(OH)4/HCO3seawater) cannot be explained by borate incorporation alone, and suggests the involvement of other pH-sensitive ions such as CO3 For a given increase in seawater B(OH)4, the corresponding increase in B/Ca is stronger when B(OH)4 is raised by increasing [B]SW than when it is raised by increasing pH. These results suggest that B incorporation controls should be reconsidered. Additional insight is gained from laser-ablation ICP-MS profiles, which reveal variable B/Ca distributions within individual shells.


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Experimental results related to the effects of ocean acidification on planktonic marine microbes are still rather inconsistent and occasionally contradictory. Moreover, laboratory or field experiments that address the effects of changes in CO2 concentrations on heterotrophic microbes are very scarce, despite the major role of these organisms in the marine carbon cycle. We tested the direct effect of an elevated CO2 concentration (1000 ppmv) on the biomass and metabolic rates (leucine incorporation, CO2 fixation and respiration) of 2 isolates belonging to 2 relevant marine bacterial families, Rhodobacteraceae (strain MED165) and Flavobacteriaceae (strain MED217). Our results demonstrate that, contrary to some expectations, high pCO2 did not negatively affect bacterial growth but increased growth efficiency in the case of MED217. The elevated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) caused, in both cases, higher rates of CO2 fixation in the dissolved fraction and, in the case of MED217, lower respiration rates. Both responses would tend to increase the pH of seawater acting as a negative feedback between elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and ocean acidification.


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The distribution of dissolved aluminium in the West Atlantic Ocean shows a mirror image with that of dissolved silicic acid, hinting at intricate interactions between the ocean cycling of Al and Si. The marine biogeochemistry of Al is of interest because of its potential impact on diatom opal remineralisation, hence Si availability. Furthermore, the dissolved Al concentration at the surface ocean has been used as a tracer for dust input, dust being the most important source of the bio-essential trace element iron to the ocean. Previously, the dissolved concentration of Al was simulated reasonably well with only a dust source, and scavenging by adsorption on settling biogenic debris as the only removal process. Here we explore the impacts of (i) a sediment source of Al in the Northern Hemisphere (especially north of ~ 40° N), (ii) the imposed velocity field, and (iii) biological incorporation of Al on the modelled Al distribution in the ocean. The sediment source clearly improves the model results, and using a different velocity field shows the importance of advection on the simulated Al distribution. Biological incorporation appears to be a potentially important removal process. However, conclusive independent data to constrain the Al / Si incorporation ratio by growing diatoms are missing. Therefore, this study does not provide a definitive answer to the question of the relative importance of Al removal by incorporation compared to removal by adsorptive scavenging.


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We investigated the effect of the calcium concentration in seawater and thereby the calcite saturation state (omega) on the magnesium and strontium incorporation into benthic foraminiferal calcite under laboratory conditions. For this purpose individuals of the shallow-water species Heterostegina depressa (precipitating high-Mg calcite, symbiont-bearing) and Ammonia tepida (low-Mg calcite, symbiont-barren) were cultured in media under a range of [Ca2+], but similar Mg/Ca ratios. Trace element/Ca ratios of newly formed calcite were analysed with Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and normalized to the seawater elemental composition using the equation DTE=(TE/Cacalcite)/(TE/Caseawater). The culturing study shows that DMg of A. tepida significantly decreases with increasing omega at a gradient of -4.3x10-5 per omega unit. The DSr value of A. tepida does not change with omega, suggesting that fossil Sr/Ca in this species may be a potential tool to reconstruct past variations in seawater Sr/Ca. Conversely, DMg of H. depressa shows only a minor decrease with increasing omega, while DSr increases considerably with omega at a gradient of 0.009 per omega unit. The different responses to seawater chemistry of the two species may be explained by a difference in the calcification pathway that is, at the same time, responsible for the variation in the total Mg incorporation between the two species. Since the Mg/Ca ratio in H. depressa is 50-100 times higher than that of A. tepida, it is suggested that the latter exhibits a mechanism that decreases the Mg/Ca ratio of the calcification fluid, while the high-Mg calcite forming species may not have this physiological tool. If the dependency of Mg incorporation on seawater [Ca2+] is also valid for deep-sea benthic foraminifera typically used for paleostudies, the higher Ca concentrations in the past may potentially bias temperature reconstructions to a considerable degree. For instance, 25 Myr ago Mg/Ca ratios in A. tepida would have been 0.2 mmol/mol lower than today, due to the 1.5 times higher [Ca2+] of seawater, which in turn would lead to a temperature underestimation of more than 2 °C.