5 resultados para anti-social behaviour • community safety • crime and disorder reduction • Ireland • youth offending

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Marine brachyuran and anomuran crustaceans are completely absent from the extremely cold (-1.8 °C) Antarctic continental shelf, but caridean shrimps are abundant. This has at least partly been attributed to low capacities for magnesium excretion in brachyuran and anomuran lithodid crabs ([Mg2+]HL = 20-50 mmol/L) compared to caridean shrimp species ([Mg2+]HL = 5-12 mmol/L). Magnesium has an anaesthetizing effect and reduces cold tolerance and activity of adult brachyuran crabs. We investigated whether the capacity for magnesium regulation is a factor that influences temperature-dependent activity of early ontogenetic stages of the Sub-Antarctic lithodid crab Paralomis granulosa. Ion composition (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, [SO4]2-) was measured in haemolymph withdrawn from larval stages, the first and second juvenile instars (crabs I and II) and adult males and females. Magnesium excretion improved during ontogeny, but haemolymph sulphate concentration was lowest in the zoeal stages. Neither haemolymph magnesium concentrations nor Ca2+:Mg2+ ratios paralleled activity levels of the life stages. Long-term (3 week) cold exposure of crab I to 1 °C caused a significant rise of haemolymph sulphate concentration and a decrease in magnesium and calcium concentrations compared to control temperature (9 °C). Spontaneous swimming activity of the zoeal stages was determined at 1, 4 and 9 °C in natural sea water (NSW, [Mg2+] = 51 mmol/L) and in sea water enriched with magnesium (NSW + Mg2+, [Mg2+] = 97 mmol/L). It declined significantly with temperature but only insignificantly with increased magnesium concentration. Spontaneous velocities were low, reflecting the demersal life style of the zoeae. Heart rate, scaphognathite beat rate and forced swimming activity (maxilliped beat rate, zoea I) or antennule beat rate (crab I) were investigated in response to acute temperature change (9, 6, 3, 1, -1 °C) in NSW or NSW + Mg2+. High magnesium concentration reduced heart rates in both stages. The temperature-frequency curve of the maxilliped beat (maximum: 9.6 beats/s at 6.6 °C in NSW) of zoea I was depressed and shifted towards warmer temperatures by 2 °C in NSW + Mg2+, but antennule beat rate of crab I was not affected. Magnesium may therefore influence cold tolerance of highly active larvae, but it remains questionable whether the slow-moving lithodid crabs with demersal larvae would benefit from an enhanced magnesium excretion in nature.


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A low capacity for regulation of extracellular Mg2+ has been proposed to exclude reptant marine decapod crustaceans from temperatures below 0°C and thus to exclude them from the high Antarctic. To test this hypothesis and to elaborate the underlying mechanisms in the most cold-tolerant reptant decapod family of the sub-Antarctic, the Lithodidae, thermal tolerance was determined in the crab Paralomis granulosa (Decapoda, Anomura, Lithodidae) using an acute stepwise temperature protocol (-1°, 1°, 4°, 7°, 10°, and 13°C). Arterial and venous oxygen partial pressures (Po2) in hemolymph, heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies, and hemolymph cation composition were measured at rest and after a forced activity (righting) trial. Scopes for heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies and intermittent heartbeat and scaphognathite beat rates at rest were evaluated. Hemolymph [Mg2+] was experimentally reduced from 30 mmol/L to a level naturally observed in Antarctic caridean shrimps (12 mmol/L) to investigate whether the animals remain more active and tolerant to cold (-1°, 1°, and 4°C). In natural seawater, righting speed was significantly slower at -1° and 13°C, compared with acclimation temperature (4°C). Arterial and venous hemolymph Po2 increased in response to cooling even though heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies as well as scopes decreased. At rest, ionic composition of the hemolymph was not affected by temperature. Activity induced a significant increase in hemolymph [K+] at -1° and 1°C. Reduction of hemolymph [Mg2+] did not result in an increase in activity, an increase in heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies, or a shift in thermal tolerance to lower temperatures. In conclusion, oxygen delivery in this cold-water crustacean was not acutely limiting cold tolerance, and animals may have been constrained more by their functional capacity and motility. In contrast to earlier findings in temperate and subpolar brachyuran crabs, these constraints remained insensitive to changing Mg2+ levels.


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Gullfaks is one of the four major Norwegian oil and gas fields, located in the northeastern edge of the North Sea Plateau. Tommeliten lies in the greater Ekofisk area in the central North Sea. During the cruises HE 208 and AL 267 several seep locations of the North Sea were visited. At the Heincke seep at Gullfaks, sediments were sampled in May 2004 (HE 208) using a video-guided multiple corer system (MUC; Octopus, Kiel). The samples were recovered from an area densely covered with bacterial mats where gas ebullition was observed. The coarse sands limited MUC penetration depth to maximal 30 centimeters and the highly permeable sands did not allow for a high-resolution, vertical subsampling because of pore water loss. The gas flare mapping and videographic observation at Tommeliten indicated an area of gas emission with a few small patches of bacterial mats with diameters <50 cm from most of which a single stream of gas bubbles emerged. The patches were spaced apart by 10-100 m. Sampling of sediments covered by bacterial mats was only possible with 3 small push cores (3.8 cm diameter) mounted to ROV Cherokee. These cores were sampled in 3 cm intervals. Lipid biomarker extraction from 10 -17 g wet sediment was carried out as described in detail elsewhere (Elvert et al., 2003; doi:10.1080/01490450303894). Briefly, defined concentrations of cholestane, nonadecanol and nonadecanolic acid with known delta 13C-values were added to the sediments prior to extraction as internal standards for the hydrocarbon, alcohol and fatty acid fraction, respectively. Total lipid extracts were obtained from the sediment by ultrasonification with organic solvents of decreasing polarity. Esterified fatty acids (FAs) were cleaved from the glycerol head group by saponification with methanolic KOH solution. From this mixture, the neutral fraction was extracted with hexane. After subsequent acidification, FAs were extracted with hexane. For analysis, FAs were methylated using BF3 in methanol yielding fatty acid methyl esters (FAMES). The fixation for total cell counts and CARD-FISH were performed on-board directly after sampling. For both methods, sediments were fixed in formaldehyde solution. After two hours, aliquots for CARD-FISH staining were washed with 1* PBS (10mmol/l sodium phosphate solution, 130mmol/l NaCl, adjusted to a pH of 7.2) and finally stored in a 1:1 PBS:ethanol solution at -20°C until further processing. Samples for total cell counts were stored in formalin at 4°C until analysis. For sandy samples, the total cell count/CARD-FISH protocol was optimized to separate sand particles from the cells. Cells were dislodged from sediment grains and brought into solution with the supernatant by sonicating each sample onice for 2 minutes at 50W. This procedure was repeated four times and supernatants were combined. The sediment samples were brought to a final dilution of 1:2000 to 1:4000 and filtered onto 0.2µm GTTP filters (Millipore, Eschbonn, Germany).


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Ocean acidification and greenhouse warming will interactively influence competitive success of key phytoplankton groups such as diatoms, but how long-term responses to global change will affect community structure is unknown. We incubated a mixed natural diatom community from coastal New Zealand waters in a short-term (two-week) incubation experiment using a factorial matrix of warming and/or elevated pCO2 and measured effects on community structure. We then isolated the dominant diatoms in clonal cultures and conditioned them for 1 year under the same temperature and pCO2 conditions from which they were isolated, in order to allow for extended selection or acclimation by these abiotic environmental change factors in the absence of interspecific interactions. These conditioned isolates were then recombined into 'artificial' communities modelled after the original natural assemblage and allowed to compete under conditions identical to those in the short-term natural community experiment. In general, the resulting structure of both the unconditioned natural community and conditioned 'artificial' community experiments was similar, despite differences such as the loss of two species in the latter. pCO2 and temperature had both individual and interactive effects on community structure, but temperature was more influential, as warming significantly reduced species richness. In this case, our short-term manipulative experiment with a mixed natural assemblage spanning weeks served as a reasonable proxy to predict the effects of global change forcing on diatom community structure after the component species were conditioned in isolation over an extended timescale. Future studies will be required to assess whether or not this is also the case for other types of algal communities from other marine regimes.