2 resultados para amplification-invariant

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Hydrology, source region, and timing of precipitation are important controls on the climate of the Great Plains of North America and the composition of terrestrial ecosystems. Moisture delivered to the Great Plains varies seasonally and predominately derives from the Gulf of Mexico/Atlantic Ocean with minor contributions from the Pacific Ocean and Arctic region. For this work, we evaluate long-term relationships for the past ~ 35 million years between North American hydrology, climate, and floral change, using isotopic records and average carbon chain lengths of higher plant n-alkanes from Gulf of Mexico sediments (DSDP Site 94). We find that carbon isotope values (d13C) of n-alkanes, corrected for variations in the d13C value of atmospheric CO2, provide minor evidence for contributions of C4 plants prior to the Middle Miocene. A sharp spike in C4 input is identified during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum, and the influence of C4 plants steadily increased during the Late Miocene into the Pleistocene - consistent with other North American records. Chain-length distributions of n-alkanes, indicative of the composition of higher plant communities, remained remarkably constant from 33 to 4 Ma. However, a trend toward longer chain lengths occurred during the past 4 million years, concurrent with an increase in d13C values, indicating increased C4 plant influence and potentially aridity. The hydrogen isotope values (dD) of n-alkanes are relatively invariant between 33 and 9 Ma, and then become substantially more negative (75 per mil) from 9 to 2 Ma. Changes in the plant community and temperature of precipitation can solely account for the observed variations in dD from 33 to 5 Ma, but cannot account for Plio-Pleistocene dD variations and imply substantial changes in the source region of precipitation and seasonality of moisture delivery. We posit that hydrological changes were linked to tectonic and oceanographic processes including the shoaling and closure of the Panamanian Seaway, amplification of North Atlantic Deep Water Production and an associated increase of meridional winds. The southerly movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone near 4 Ma allowed for the development of a near-modern pressure/storm track system, driving increased aridity and changes in seasonality within the North American interior.


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In this study multibeam angular backscatter data acquired in the eastern slope of the Porcupine Seabight are analysed. Processing of the angular backscatter data using the 'NRGCOR' software was made for 29 locations comprising different geological provinces like: carbonate mounds, buried mounds, seafloor channels, and inter-channel areas. A detailed methodology is developed to produce a map of angle-invariant (normalized) backscatter data by correcting the local angular backscatter values. The present paper involves detailed processing steps and related technical aspects of the normalization approach. The presented angle-invariant backscatter map possesses 12 dB dynamic range in terms of grey scale. A clear distinction is seen between the mound dominated northern area (Belgica province) and the Gollum channel seafloor at the southern end of the site. Qualitative analyses of the calculated mean backscatter values i.e., grey scale levels, utilizing angle-invariant backscatter data generally indicate backscatter values are highest (lighter grey scale) in the mound areas followed by buried mounds. The backscatter values are lowest in the inter-channel areas (lowest grey scale level). Moderate backscatter values (medium grey level) are observed from the Gollum and Kings channel data, and significant variability within the channel seafloor provinces. The segmentation of the channel seafloor provinces are made based on the computed grey scale levels for further analyses based on the angular backscatter strength. Three major parameters are utilized to classify four different seafloor provinces of the Porcupine Seabight by employing a semi-empirical method to analyse multibeam angular backscatter data. The predicted backscatter response which has been computed at 20° is the highest for the mound areas. The coefficient of variation (CV) of the mean backscatter response is also the highest for the mound areas. Interestingly, the slope value of the buried mound areas are found to be the highest. However, the channel seafloor of moderate backscatter response presents the lowest slope and CV values. A critical examination of the inter-channel areas indicates less variability within the estimated three parameters.