192 resultados para Zygnemopsis decussata

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Five holes were drilled at two sites in the Sea of Japan during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 128. Site 798 is located on Oki Ridge at a depth of about 900 m. Sediment age at Site 798 ranges from Pliocene to Holocene. Site 799 is located in the Kita-Yamato Trough at depth of 2000 m and below the present calcite compensation depth (CCD); the sediment ranges from Miocene to Holocene in age. Samples from all holes contain benthic foraminifers. Faunal evidence of downslope displacement is frequent in Holes 799A and 799B. The vertical frequency distribution of some dominant species shows that significant faunal changes occur in Holes 798A-C on Oki Ridge. Based on the faunal change and the thickness of sediments, it appears that the Oki Ridge was uplifted more than 1,000 m during last 4 m.y. Benthic foraminifers also demonstrate that the water depth of Site 799 rapidly changed from upper bathyal to lower bathyal during middle Miocene time. The appearance of benthic foraminifer species common to anaerobic environments suggests that the dysaerobic to anaerobic bottom conditions existed during the evolution of the Sea of Japan. Faunal distributions also suggest that the 'Tertiary-type' species recognized in the Neogene strata of the Japan Sea coastal regions disappeared sequentially from the Sea of Japan during Pliocene to late Pleistocene.


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A biostratigraphically complete (all nannofossil biozones present) Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary was recovered at Site 761 on the Wombat Plateau, northwest Australian margin, during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122. A quantitative study of calcareous nannofossils on closely spaced samples across the boundary reveals a rapid change in assemblages in a similar fashion to other Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sites. Nannofossil species were placed into three categories: Tertiary, Cretaceous, and 'survivors'. The rapid sequential turnover in these assemblages is as follows: Cretaceous species are abruptly replaced at the boundary by opportunistic survivor species, which in turn are abruptly replaced by newly evolved Tertiary taxa. The uppermost Maestrichtian assemblage is distinctly mid-latitudinal with few Micula murus and rare to few Nephrolithus frequens. The nannofossil assemblage immediately above the boundary is dominated by an abundance bloom of Cyclagelosphaera spp. No Thoracosphaera or Braarudosphaera abundance blooms are present as at many other localities. The change from a survivor- to Tertiary-dominated assemblage is coincident with the CPla/CPlb nannofossil subzonal boundary, which is marked by the simultaneous first occurrence of several species including Cruciplacolithus tenuis and C. primus. The latter is found to first occur below C. tenuis in the most complete Cretaceous/Tertiary sections. A hiatus between Subzones CPla and CPlb is interpreted to explain this discrepancy.


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Five of the six sites drilled during Leg 77 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project yielded Cretaceous sediments. Two of these sites, 535 and 540, form a composite section that spans the upper Berriasian through most of the Cenomanian. Olive black marly limestones in this interval yield relatively rich, well-preserved nannofossil assemblages that allow biostratigraphic subdivision of the sequence. This composite section provides important information on the Early Cretaceous history of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as additional information on tropical Lower Cretaceous nannofossil assemblages. The post-Cenomanian nannofossil (and sedimentary) record is limited to a thin, condensed section of Santonian through lower Maestrichtian pelagic sediments at one site (538) and is absent or represented by redeposited material at the other sites. Two new genera, Perchnielsenella and Darwinilithus, are described. Two new taxa, Darwinilithus pentarhethum and Lithraphidites acutum ssp. eccentricum, are described; and two new combinations, Rhagodiscus reightonensis and Perchnielsenella stradneri, are propose.


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Two of five holes drilled at two separate sites during Leg 123 of the Ocean Drilling Program intersected thick and relatively complete sections of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene nannofossiliferous sediments. Although dominated by turbidite deposition in the upper part, Hole 765C contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-Oligocene section, including a particularly thick Aptian interval, with abundant and fairly well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities are confidently interpreted in this section that span much of the Santonian, late Campanian, Maestrichtian, late Eocene, and early Oligocene. Hole 766A contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-lower Eocene section having generally abundant and well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities also have been identified in this section that span much of the Coniacian, early Campanian, Maestrichtian, and late Eocene through early Pliocene. The chronostratigraphic position and length of all these unconformities may have considerable significance for reconstructing the sedimentary history and for interpreting the paleoceanography of this region. A particularly thick section of upper Paleocene-lower Eocene sediments, including a complete record across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, also was cored in Hole 766A that contains abundant and diverse nannofossil assemblages. Although assemblages from this section were correlated successfully using a standard low-latitude zonation, difficulties were encountered that reduced biostratigraphic resolution. Several lines of evidence suggest a mid-latitude position for Site 766 during this time, including (1) high assemblage diversity characteristic of mid-latitude zones of upwelling and (2) absence of certain ecologically controlled markers found only in low latitudes.


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Cores from Sites 1135, 1136, and 1138 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau (KP) provide the most complete Paleocene and Eocene sections yet recovered from the southern Indian Ocean. These nannofossil-foraminifer oozes and chalks provide an opportunity to study southern high-latitude biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic events, which is the primary subject of this paper. In addition, a stable isotope profile was established across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary at Site 1138. An apparently complete K/T boundary was recovered at Site 1138 in terms of assemblage succession, isotopic signature, and reworking of older (Cretaceous) nannofossil taxa. There is a significant color change, a negative carbon isotope shift, and nannofossil turnover. The placement of the boundary based on these criteria, however, is not in agreement with the available shipboard paleomagnetic stratigraphy. We await shore-based paleomagnetic study to confirm or deny those preliminary results. The Paleocene nannofossil assemblage is, in general, characteristic of the high latitudes with abundant Chiasmolithus, Prinsius, and Toweius. Placed in context with other Southern Ocean sites, the biogeography of Hornibrookina indicates the presence of some type of water mass boundary over the KP during the earliest Paleocene. This boundary disappeared by the late Paleocene, however, when there was an influx of warm-water discoasters, sphenoliths, and fasciculiths. This not only indicates that during much of the late Paleocene water temperatures were relatively equable, but preliminary floral and stable isotope analyses also indicate that a relatively complete record of the late Paleocene Thermal Maximum event was recovered at Site 1135. It was only at the beginning of the middle Eocene that water temperatures began to decline and the nannofossil assemblage became dominated by cool-water species while discoaster and sphenolith abundances and diversity were dramatically reduced. One new taxonomic combination is proposed, Heliolithus robustus Arney, Ladner, and Wise.


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Cores from Sites 689 and 690 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113 provide the most continuous Paleocene and Eocene sequence yet recovered by deep sea drilling in the high latitudes of the Southern Ocean. The nannofossil-foraminifer oozes and chalks recovered from Maud Rise at 65°S in the Weddell Sea provide a unique opportunity for biostratigraphic study of extremely high southern latitude carbonate sediments. The presence of warm water index fossils such as the discoasters and species of the Tribrachiatus plexus facilitate the application of commonly used low latitude calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic zonation schemes for the upper Paleocene and lower Eocene intervals. In the more complete section at Site 690, Okada and Bukry Zones CP1 through CP10 can be identified for the most part with the possible exception of Zone CP3. Several hiatuses are present in the sequence at Site 689 with the most notable being at the Cretaceous/Tertiary and Paleocene/Eocene boundaries. Though not extremely diverse, the assemblage of discoasters in the upper Paleocene and lower Eocene calcareous oozes is indicative of warm, relatively equable climates during that interval. A peak in discoaster diversity in uppermost Paleocene sediments (Zone CP8) corresponds to a negative shift in 5180 values. Associated coccolith assemblages are quite characteristic of high latitudes with abundant Chiasmolithus, Prinsius, and Toweius. Climatic cooling is indicated for middle Eocene sediments by assemblages that contain very abundant Reticulofenestra, lack common discoasters and sphenoliths and are much less diverse overall. Two new taxa are described, Biscutum? neocoronum n. sp. and Amithalithina sigmundii n. gen., n. sp.


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Early Miocene to Quaternary benthic foraminifers have been quantitatively studied (>63 ?m size fraction) in a southwest Pacific traverse of DSDP sites at depths from about 1300 to 3200 m down the Lord Howe Rise (Site 590,1299 m; Site 591, 2131 m; Site 206, 3196 m). Benthic foraminiferal species smaller than 150 µm are by far dominant in the samples, averaging from 78 to 89% of the total benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the three sites examined. Although about 150 benthic foraminiferal species or taxonomic groups have been identified, only a few species dominate the assemblages. These dominant species include Epistominella exigua, E. rotunda, and Globocassidulina subglobosa, which prevail in the three sites, and Oridorsalis umbonatus, E. umbonifera, and Cassidulina carinata, which occur usually in frequencies of between 10 and 30%. Faunal changes in Neogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages are not similar in each of the three sites, but faunal successions are most similar between the two shallowest sites. The deepest site differs in composition and distribution of dominant species. There are three intervals during which the most important changes occur in benthic foraminiferal assemblages: the early middle Miocene (14 Ma; the Orbulina suturalis Zone and the Globorotalia fohsi s.l. Zone); the late Miocene (6 Ma; the Globigerina nepenthes Zone) and near the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary at about 2 Ma. A Q-mode factor analysis of the faunal data has assisted in recognizing assemblage changes during the Neogene at each of the sites. Early Miocene assemblages were dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa at Site 590 (1299 m), by G. subglobosa and Oridorsalis umbonatus at Site 591 (2131 m), and by G. subglobosa, E. exigua, and Bolivina pusilla at Site 206 (3196 m). In the early middle Miocene at Sites 590 and 591, a marked increase occurred in the frequencies of E. exigua. Epistominella exigua reached maximum abundance in the early Miocene in the deeper Site 206, and in the middle and early late Miocene in the shallower Sites 590 and 591. In the late Miocene, a spike occurred in the frequencies of E. umbonifera in Site 206, whereas the dominant species changed from E. exigua to E. rotunda at Site 590. Latest Miocene to late Pliocene assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda at Site 590, by E. exigua at Site 591, and by G. subglobosa-E. exigua (early Pliocene) and E. rotunda-E. exigua (late Pliocene) at Site 206. At the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, E. exigua temporarily diminished in importance at Sites 591 and 206. Quaternary assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda and Cassidulina carinata at Site 590, by E. rotunda at Site 591, and by E. exigua at Site 206. These major faunal changes are all associated with known major paleoceanographic events-the middle Miocene development of the Antarctic ice sheet; the latest Miocene global cooling and increased polar glaciation; and the onset of quasiperiodic glaciation of the Northern Hemisphere. These major paleoceanographic events undoubtedly had a profound effect on the intermediate and deep water mass structure of the Tasman Sea as recorded by changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages.


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The 136 m of calcareous oozes recovered in Hole 810C span the interval from upper Maastrichtian to middle Pleistocene. Three major hiatuses interrupt the sequence, with the topmost part of the Maastrichtian through the entire lower Paleocene, most of the lower Eocene, and the entire middle Eocene through most of the middle Miocene missing. Severe reworking and displacement affected the lower part of the succession from the Maastrichtian through the middle Miocene. Reworking and displacement gradually decreased in the upper portion. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy enabled us to calibrate precisely the nearly complete magnetic reversal sequence of the Pliocene to the late Pleistocene. Two minor hiatuses detected by calcareous nannofossils across the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary and in the upper lower Pleistocene, respectively, resulted in shortening of the Olduvai and Jaramillo Events within the Matuyama Chron of the magnetic reversal sequence.


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Continental rise Site 905 yielded upper Miocene and Pliocene uniform hemipelagic mud (a contourite) from approximately 215 to 540 meters below seafloor. The nannofossil biostratigraphy of this interval was reexamined using closely spaced samples from core interiors. Additionally, total nannofossil abundances and dominant species and species group abundances were determined to evaluate the potential of this section for extracting sequence stratigraphic information. The data indicate that the putative hiatuses at the end of the late Pliocene (Zones NN17 and NN18) and in the early Pliocene (Zones NN13 and NN14) probably are condensed intervals, but the base of the late Miocene is almost certainly marked by an unconformity. Judging from carbonate content and sedimentation rate both, nannofossil abundance may be governed by carbonate dissolution or by siliciclastic dilution. Consequently, condensed sections cannot be identified by the abundance of pelagic component in the sediment alone, as is possible in equivalent age Gulf of Mexico sediments. Where nannofossil preservation is adequate in consecutive samples, as in the early Pliocene and latest late Miocene, total nannofossil abundance fluctuates regularly and with a periodicity of less than 105 yr, which suggests that dilution of the pelagic component occurred with a frequency probably related to astronomical forcing.